What's the best way to get started with sPvP?

What's the best way to get started with sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Topic, I guess.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

What's the best way to get started with sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


You will do best if you can understand the playstyle you enjoy most, and choose a profession that fits.

Then, read the forums for that profession and find a tested, proven build for sPvP for that class.

Think about and understand WHY that build works best. Learn how to use it.

Join hotjoin to practice with that build until the finger presses are fairly automatic. That way you can think about the overall battle, rather them looking for the keys with tunnel vision.

Learn to think about the strategy of each map, and how you can best contribute to pulling off that strategy.

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

What's the best way to get started with sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Thanks, I should have been more clear. I WvW a fair amount so i have a class, but maybe not a build. I know from the nerfs that happens in WvW is different from sPvP.

I figured that after months of pretending the mists was a tunnel to Lion’s Arch I may give it a try. I wandered around but couldn’t really figure out what to do. I’ll try to find where I “hot join”, thanks again.

And yes, I am the rabbit everyone complains about.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

What's the best way to get started with sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: TooBz.3065


one more stupid question. Is SoloQ the same as hotjoin?

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

What's the best way to get started with sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


one more stupid question. Is SoloQ the same as hotjoin?

SoloQ isn’t the same. It’s a 1man queue for rated 5v5 matches. So you will be paired up with 4 random people. Hotjoins are unrated and can be 8v8s or 5v5s. Honestly until the next balance patch, pick up a necro or spirit ranger and you’ll do fine.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

What's the best way to get started with sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642