What's up with the Leaderboard?

What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: zach.1847


I just checked in to see at what percentage i am currently and was somewhat suprised to see me rankend at 112.
Ofcourse it would be nice to brag about this but to be honest my skill is probably average at best. Last time i checked i was at 90% and felt good about it.
Also i played about 20ish matches – so i am rather confused why i was placed that high and noticed some other peeps around my rank to also have less than 50 games but still are placed higher than players like Nemesis (~1800 games).

So is it true that everyone left to Teamarena for better random-groups, got struck by leaderboard decay and there are only like 100 active SoloQ’ers left or is the math behind the leaderboards bugged?



What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: Noc.2459


Seeing people from my old server Drakkar Lake ranking up in no time makes me proud!

Good luck to you!

Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc Noc

What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


The leaderboards are still very volatile atm. Also games played doesn’t have anything to do with it. It’s the quality of the wins, not the quantity. So if you’re beating people of higher rating, you’ll go up faster. Then playing a huge number of games, but beating people of less rating.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: zach.1847


Alright – thanks for your replies. I guess we’ll see and i hope not to drag future teams down. =/

What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: Flash.6912


The leader board doesn’t matter anymore. Lot of high rankers drop down because of influx pvers come for achievements and ruin their rating. The only matter now is win the esport tournaments $, that is what good players at now.

R.I.P Kumu <3

What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


The leader board doesn’t matter anymore. Lot of high rankers drop down because of influx pvers come for achievements and ruin their rating. The only matter now is win the esport tournaments $, that is what good players at now.

this is totally true

R40 Mesmer

What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Well, then Soloqueue might be a good occasion of facing high level opponents in a match-like environment.

This is important, because the difference between high-lewel players and low level players seems enormous.

For example: before reset I was at 94% rating in team queue, by joining solo. After reset I tried SoloQ again, and don’t know why ended at rank 400 (I was in 60% before, and stopped playing for a while), with rank 40 and 50 guys.

I used to tear bunker to shreds with my warrior build, but after the reset I had much more problems taking them down.

Then I fought with my guildie, which is a pvp veteran using bunker guardian, and could barely dent his healthbar.

By one side, experience makes a huge difference. On the other side, if you can never face higher level opponents, you’ll never learn.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

What's up with the Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


The leader board doesn’t matter anymore. Lot of high rankers drop down because of influx pvers come for achievements and ruin their rating. The only matter now is win the esport tournaments $, that is what good players at now.

There are still a lot of decent players playing Solo Q. I don’t blame anything on the influx of new people, this is a good thing actually. The good players will always rise to the top. I’m not going to lie I started off terrible after the mmr reset. Countless 4v5 and losses, and I dropped to around 30%. However I gave it awhile and let things settle down. Now I’m back in the top 50, and having better matches then before.

If anything new players are a good thing, getting more people interested in pvp. I’d like pvp to grow, not diminish.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage