What's up with the matchmaking system?

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: signakin.7325


It seems like the matchmaking system has been especially bad since the patch. That’s not terribly surprising, since we have a whole new set of game mechanics, but I thought it would have settled down (at least a little bit) by now. Instead, I’m still seeing a LOT of blowouts (wins or losses by more than 250 points). And there are frequently 1-2 people who are scoring less than 25 personal points.

Is anyone out there seeing the same things? Does it look like it’s getting better? Where are the good matchups hiding?

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: signakin.7325


I forgot to ask this in my original post:

Are there times when you find really good, or really bad matchups?

I used to think that Friday and Saturday nights were great. Lots of people online gave us a nice-big pool for the matchup system. Sunday mornings on the other hand, felt totally random. It doesn’t feel like that any more. Now it’s always Sunday morning.

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: Quiznos.4296


I’ve definitely noticed time of play having a HUGE influence on whether it will be a blowout or not.

I see no correlation between personal points and team success. In the past I focused on points denial, not scoring myself. Had ~60% wins. A defensive, but sound strategy.

Or at least it used to be. Specializations patch messed up my bunk guardian really badly though… Now… Now I am trash with wins ~30%

I think if you give it time, let people like me drop down in match ratings, or “get good again” it’ll balance out a bit more.

In another week I think matches will be better matched, but only as good as they were pre specializations patch.

I don’t expect very many games to have a <150 point differential ever. If they do, it’ll be a rarity.

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: signakin.7325


If we can get back to a pre-specializations level of matchmaking, I think I’ll be happy. I’m just not sure if we’re making any progress at all.

I wonder if it’s like the WvW system: the longer you sit at a specific level, the longer it takes to rise (or drop) to a new one. A few matches, or a few weeks of matches, just don’t move the needle. If that’s the case, the matchmaking could be out of balance for months.

I don’t see a big correlation between personal points and team success either. That may be because we both play bunkers, and holding a point doesn’t earn a lot of personal points. But when I see someone with less than 25 points (or, when things go really badly, less than 10 points), I usually assume that they were struggling. At least that’s what it means when my score is that low.

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


They probably lowered the criteria for this beta weekend.

Had 2 fast q pops for stronghold in unranked (<1 minute pops). Two times full team against full soloq.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: signakin.7325


They probably lowered the criteria for this beta weekend.

Had 2 fast q pops for stronghold in unranked (<1 minute pops). Two times full team against full soloq.

I noticed that too, but I assumed it was a Sunday morning thing. I bet you’re right.

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: Uridian.8394


Don’t forget they did away with the Hotjoin Button. This has allowed a MishMash of different players into the mix. Until the matchmaking system has a chance to balance some of there players skill levels out (a couple weeks) it will make for some crazy matchmaking. Don’t forget a lot of PVEers are trying out stronghold.

What's up with the matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


For the record, not sure if it was implied or not.

Practice, formally known as Hot Join has not been removed but had it’s button removed. Players can still participate in Practice by going to the Browser in the Heart of the Mists. He has crossed swords over his head and has been there for a very long time.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood