What's with the massive DCs
DDOSS !!! Everyone DC ’d !!!
Lol I luckily finished 5s before the crash. Everyone else got dishonor and a loss.
Hey anet if theres no one left in a match whats there to dishonor? Everyone online at the moment in pvp should have 1 loss removed from their record.
Dont worry – we all have dishnour now..
I just hit ‘accept’ on a QUE – and guess what I got removed from the QUE .. GG ANET even more Dishnour and I’ve not done anything wrong.
Fix it pls !
If a party DC’s in a forest and there’s no one there to hear it does the whole team still push and die on far?
^ I didn’t get dishonored this round but I did accept once and get locked out like I hadn’t.
I also noticed that the wins that is showing in the tab : Games played / games won and from the friends and guild tab is not the same. Mine says that i won the game from that dc because i gained a win but from the friends tab it shows that i got a loss. I need symmetry!!!
DC this morning, 75 minute wait. Ok cool I’ll go to PvE and play the events. Sweet times up, lemme go join a game. LOL Anet trolls me and DCs me. Ok cool, 2 hour wait now….Both time I’m able to rejoin immediately but I guess still counts as DC.
Love this game…