What shall we play for?

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524



I was talking with jacky and we ended up with one simple question…but yet we couldn’t find an answer.

What shall we play for? What’s the point of playing pvp atm? Considering all accounts i’m playing this game since 919 days ago, many thousands hours and i only pvp since start, way more than 14k pvp matches, i already was r70 with 3.5+kk rank points before 15 april 2014 patch and got r80 like everyone else, i already have any possible pvp reward you can get including 2 worthless lamas, 800+ tomes of knowledge and thousands skill point scrolls after leveling up all chars for no reason (Since i don’t care bout pve level in pvp anyway)…so: why should i continue playing this game?

Gold? You get nothing in pvp

Money? Please…even the most scrub tournaments in LoL/Dota aswell as many other (Real esport) games have better money rewards

Fun? Same boring metas for months, more passive bs each patch for giving pve heroes a chance and pretty much no competition unless you meet those few other good teams…that are pretty much all going yolo unranked anyway

Leaderboard? Not even gonna talk about it

Even if this was the best balanced skill based pvp game around (And it’s NOT), there would still be no point on playing anyway, and i remember talking with denshee some time ago he said the exact same thing…this is the feeling of pretty much all old competitive players.

So Anet, just answer my question:

What shall we play pvp for? As a gaming company you should know what are you doing to make players play your game (And stick to it)…so just answer me. Why should i keep playing your game? Or buy this incoming expansion thing? For what?

Playing games is already a waste of time compared to rl stuff so, at least, give me a reason to spend my free time here instead of moving to something else.

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073



Back on topic

Ark here is in a group that does (did?) some ESL weeklies as well by the way, so he is no stranger to the highest level of PvP… The question he raised was What do we play for , and basically it can be dumbed down to one thing:

  • Having fun

The method of “Having fun” differs per person, as I get a lot of fun meeting people and just trying the best I can to win a match, but this alone cannot, and is not a way to keep people driven in the game. This statement holds true to the people who like PvP, but got no “carrot to chase”

What can be improved
Especially to help with getting the fun back;

  • Leaderboards, the numerous threads about it already signify the fact that these things are not funciton in a way that stimulates competitive play and maintaining your rank, rather, it prefers Quantity over Quality, which is not prosperous for the longlivety of the gamemode
  • Matchmaking, besides complaining a lot about it, you do see that the Devs are working on it… However, as it stands now, the system does not distinguish Experienced and Less Experienced well
  • “Imbalances”, but I take this one with a grain of salt considering that an Expansion is on the rise
  • Carrots, titles, skins, w/e’ers – name it… Something that you can work for and proudly show off… Many times have I seen the suggestion for “Tiered Profession Titles” and why not? It showcases that the person in question has worked hard to get a title that shows dedication
Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Playing games is already a waste of time compared to rl stuff so, at least, give me a reason to spend my free time here instead of moving to something else.

There, everything is said. Go get a life! Loafe on the grass, loose the stop from your throat, enjoy the sweet caress of the sun on your cheeks, paint with all the colors of the wind! We will envy you, us who are forever trapped in this virtual hell of constant frustration. Uninstall the game already, and leave the forums! It’s time to live, my friend.

(Disclaimer: this post was inspired by Whitman’s Leaves of Grass and Disney’s Pocahontas.)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I have the same feeling.

I want to add other 2 important aspects:

1 – Can’t do nothing while queueing. It’s a main issue imho, and they need to fix it. There are different solutions, but we need a change.

2_ HoT. The expansion will change A LOT this game, new specs, new prof, new game mode (and i hope they can separate the queues). So Playing now a game with basically no incentives, knowing in a few months everything will be different, is not really useful.

In general, i think priority should be concentrated on leaderboard rework (with seasons) and unlocking the Mist.

And of course, split the queues with HoT.

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Whangar.4950


919 days of :
>no fun
>no mony
> no rewards

masochism at its finest m8

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


You spent 919 day on a game you are not having fun playing, that is just so sad. There a lot of other games, better yet get a new hobby.

You really are a glutton for punishment aren’t you.

You play a game to have fun and if you are goo, possibly as a way of life, unfortunately guild wars 2 doesn’t offer the latter and you said it yourself you are not having fun. The only thing we can do is mock you and tell you to go do something else, find new hobbies, play new games, quit guild wars 2 and try something else.

Life goes on.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


919 days of :
>no fun
>no mony
> no rewards

masochism at its finest m8

mainly because i was on gw1 since beta too…and i simply couldn’t believe they just ruined everything, kept trying and trying waiting for things getting better…eventually.

But no…they are not getting any better….at all, everytime gw1 comes up everyone is just like “Gw1 was so much better” “Why they didn’t make this like gw1”, many went playing it instead of this..ppl leaving and going back to a 10 years old game over gw2…and sometimes i go back too on double fame weekends

I spent 919 days on this game just because of gw1 and all the fun and good moments i had there…almost no other reason tho

And still waiting for a dev to answer btw, it’s just marketing…why should i keep using your product over something else?

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

People play games for fun.
If you don’t have fun playing this game, then go play something else.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


You shouldn’t word the title with “we”. Most of your post is opinion oriented. I have fun in pvp. Picking up money from tournaments no matter how little it is isn’t something to complain about. I played games before there really were cash tournaments. I think Quake 3 was the first game I even learned there were pro gamers out there.

(edited by SobeSoul.6910)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


People play games for fun.
If you don’t have fun playing this game, then go play something else.

This guy gets it.

At the end of the day the only reason to play GW2 is for fun. That is the only reason to play literally any video game with the very rare exception of maybe League if you are in LCS is to have fun, otherwise its a waste of time.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: pdavis.8031


919 days of :
>no fun
>no mony
> no rewards

masochism at its finest m8

mainly because i was on gw1 since beta too…and i simply couldn’t believe they just ruined everything, kept trying and trying waiting for things getting better…eventually.

But no…they are not getting any better….at all

I spent 919 days on this game just because of gw1 and all the fun and good moments i had there…almost no other reason tho

And still waiting for a dev to answer btw

And what would a dev say? “Sorry about your experience, but we are currently looking into restructuring the rewards in PvP.”?

As others have said, it seems that you are not having fun. I would bet that even if the rewards were much better (I think that they are fine personally) that you still wouldn’t be having fun. It’s almost as if you want to like it, but just can’t. It’s not the games fault. If you don’t like it, and feel that it is unrewarding, why play it at all?

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah but don’t confuse “fun” with main issues of the game. There are critical issues, designed to be strong incentives to play, that simply don’t work.

Leaderboard & rewards for veteran players (linked to the leaderboard) are the main issues.

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


So basically all answers till now are pretty much: If it sux just leave.

I just want to know if someone is planning to make this suck a bit less (And facts not just looking into stuff and then breaking the game even more, like had been since first patch) or it’s gonna be like this, or even worse forever…so i can safely quit

That’s pretty simple

That’s the answer i’m waiting for…words like “when it’s ready” are going nowhere

Dates, confirmed changes and fixes…fact to prove someone really wants to make this pvp worth playing for old players. I kept reading “We’re looking into this, we have this in mind” and so on forever…build templates for example, i remember devs were looking into that ONE freaking YEAR ago…and still nothing….and this is only one thing on the countless list of things someone promised and noone did…they all just got lost into the “When it’s ready” oblivion

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


919 days of :
>no fun
>no mony
> no rewards

masochism at its finest m8

mainly because i was on gw1 since beta too…and i simply couldn’t believe they just ruined everything, kept trying and trying waiting for things getting better…eventually.

But no…they are not getting any better….at all

I spent 919 days on this game just because of gw1 and all the fun and good moments i had there…almost no other reason tho

And still waiting for a dev to answer btw

And what would a dev say? “Sorry about your experience, but we are currently looking into restructuring the rewards in PvP.”?

As others have said, it seems that you are not having fun. I would bet that even if the rewards were much better (I think that they are fine personally) that you still wouldn’t be having fun. It’s almost as if you want to like it, but just can’t. It’s not the games fault. If you don’t like it, and feel that it is unrewarding, why play it at all?

except that pretty much ALL old pvp players (And yes…that’s why it’s a WE) feel like there’s no reason to play too…

just ask any old pvp player, and i don’t mean pve/wvsw heroes just going pvp for pve rewards…just get anyone from top pvp players (And i mean top players not top on the farm based ladder) and ask what’s the point of playing pvp atm

just an example but i can bring as many screens from top players opinions about sotg as you want


Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Aside from getting a daily dose of rage, I met some nice people playing, and that is why I still do it

But I do not think you remember ever teaming up with me – it was a long time ago when you were still wearing pink :P

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


So basically all answers till now are pretty much: If it sux just leave.

I just want to know if someone is planning to make this suck a bit less (And facts not just..looking into stuff and then breaking the game even more, like had been since first patch) or is gonna be like this, or even worse forever…so i can safely quit

That’s pretty simple

That’s the answer i’m waiting for…words like “when it’s ready are going nowhere”

Dates, confirmed changes and fixes…fact to prove someone really wants to make this pvp worth playing for old players. I kept reading “We’re looking into this, we have this in mind” and so on forever…build templates for example, i remember devs were looking into that ONE freaking YEAR ago…and still nothing….and this is only one thing on the countless list of things someone promised and noone did…they all just got lost into the “When it’s ready” oblivion

It seems you are trying to change the game to suit your taste when it is far more likely for you to change by simply not playing the game. Arenanet isn’t going to change their M.O, just to make you happy, so you will either have to accept it or make a thread complaining about it just like the other hundreds of it.

Also build templates for example is not the thing that will keep you here, it wont suddenly make the game more fun. It will simply make the game less cumbersome. It will act like a temporary stopgate and after a while, you will proceed to be complaining about something else.

It is significantly easier to change yourself by quitting a game you are not having fun in, than the game making you happy. I mean if after 900+ days you are not having fun, nothing is going to make you have more fun.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


What do you want to keep playing?

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Aside from getting a daily dose of rage, I met some nice people playing, and that is why I still do it

But I do not think you remember ever teaming up with me – it was a long time ago when you were still wearing pink :P

Me? Pink u.u When?

Wtf xD

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


What do you want to keep playing?

In loving memory of gw1 pretty much

Ark 2nd Account

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Aside from getting a daily dose of rage, I met some nice people playing, and that is why I still do it

But I do not think you remember ever teaming up with me – it was a long time ago when you were still wearing pink :P

Me? Pink u.u When?

Wtf xD

Hmmm… About a year ago I think, I remember fondly getting into a group that featured a Mesmer being more than half decent and teaming up after it :P

Had a bad streak of games on that evening, so the names of the people I played with then were ingraved in my head… Granted, sometimes my mind is playing funky games, but I am 99% sure it happened (and I got someone verifying it as well so yea :P )

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Aside from getting a daily dose of rage, I met some nice people playing, and that is why I still do it

But I do not think you remember ever teaming up with me – it was a long time ago when you were still wearing pink :P

Me? Pink u.u When?

Wtf xD

Hmmm… About a year ago I think, I remember fondly getting into a group that featured a Mesmer being more than half decent and teaming up after it :P

Had a bad streak of games on that evening, so the names of the people I played with then were ingraved in my head… Granted, sometimes my mind is playing funky games, but I am 99% sure it happened (and I got someone verifying it as well so yea :P )

If i was still maining mesmer must had been even more than 1 year ago xD And yeah…i was wearing pink before t3 on shatter mes (Pink asura ofc)… I didn’t even remember bout it at first ^^

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Aside from getting a daily dose of rage, I met some nice people playing, and that is why I still do it

But I do not think you remember ever teaming up with me – it was a long time ago when you were still wearing pink :P

Me? Pink u.u When?

Wtf xD

Hmmm… About a year ago I think, I remember fondly getting into a group that featured a Mesmer being more than half decent and teaming up after it :P

Had a bad streak of games on that evening, so the names of the people I played with then were ingraved in my head… Granted, sometimes my mind is playing funky games, but I am 99% sure it happened (and I got someone verifying it as well so yea :P )

If i was still maining mesmer must had been even more than 1 year ago xD And yeah…i was wearing pink before t3 on shatter mes (Pink asura ofc)… I didn’t even remember bout it at first ^^

Hahaha, well time flies for me then, might not be the person who played the longest, but appparently I remember things forgotten in a long time then :P

So yea – meeting people, sometimes for the good, sometimes not so much… But one thing, if not for the people I met, I would not be playing GW2 (PvP)

(And winning, I am fairly competitive)

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


People play games for fun.
If you don’t have fun playing this game, then go play something else.

Problem is you can’t really play nothing else aside console games ( and most console games suck).

All other MMOs are like kitten when compared to GW2 and it’s a fact.

At least from a gameplay standpoint

Point is there’s literally no infrastructure and no interest/support about PvP (6 months patches ROFL).

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I’m sorry but this sounds like just another whining post of “GW2 should be the way I play it not for anyone else”. People in PvP forum spend 99% of their time blaming someone else for pveing/wvwing/etc yet they never somehow try different content GW2 provides.
You play pvp for a long time, you are good at it, congratulation. Now try another aspects that GW2 offers, and if you don’t think there are any hard contents, well you are definitely wrong. Try different aspects of pve/wvw, join a guild for change of atmosphere, do map completion just for fun or even explore the lore of the game.
And if nothing else remotely interests you, be stuck in pvp section forever while complaining, or find another game and move out. Or take a break til expansion hits, then complain all about it about how PvP is gonna suck and its not gonna be esports all the good stuff people are saying.


What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I’m sorry but this sounds like just another whining post of “GW2 should be the way I play it not for anyone else”. People in PvP forum spend 99% of their time blaming someone else for pveing/wvwing/etc yet they never somehow try different content GW2 provides.
You play pvp for a long time, you are good at it, congratulation. Now try another aspects that GW2 offers, and if you don’t think there are any hard contents, well you are definitely wrong. Try different aspects of pve/wvw, join a guild for change of atmosphere, do map completion just for fun or even explore the lore of the game.
And if nothing else remotely interests you, be stuck in pvp section forever while complaining, or find another game and move out. Or take a break til expansion hits, then complain all about it about how PvP is gonna suck and its not gonna be esports all the good stuff people are saying.

Don’t lecture people we want to play for pvp. It’s not too much to ask for them to have some kind of workable reward and ranking system after two plus years. I only play semi-casually so its not a huge deal to me but really the resources they have spent on pvp are a joke after all the promises they made. And trust me once Camelot Unchained comes out or something surprisingly good before then I will gladly leave this game without looking back.

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I can’t help you have (more) fun on a game, of which, you’re starting to question yourself. I’ll just list reasons as why I still have fun.

My Ambition In Game
I’m a duelists. I’ll proudly say that the majority of my 500 day playing time has been invested in Dueling Arenas. I enjoy the 1 on 1 competition more than most PvP players. I’d roam around finding 1v1 fights in WvW if 90% of my time wasn’t spent on walking the map… that’s so boring.

With the leaderboards broken as it is, i’ve been doing Rank Arenas less and less. I now participate in these tournaments weekly. Its high competitive nature is on a different level than Ranked Arenas. I’m just getting my feet wet in this area, I look forward to competing more. Especially in the 1v1 and 2v2 Tournaments!

What I would like
I would like a ladder season of some sort that actually measured individual play, like 1v1 or 2v2 type TDM. Anet thinks it would split the already low population server… what they don’t realize is that people are dueling on a daily in Custome Arenas. They will do less Custome Arenas and more 1v1, 2v2 Ranked arenas. Anet shouldn’t be afraid if this masks Conquest. If anything, more people would get in PvP.

Just because you add a new slide at the park, doesn’t mean people will ignore the swings.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


You play pvp for a long time, you are good at it, congratulation. Now try another aspects that GW2 offers, and if you don’t think there are any hard contents, well you are definitely wrong.

I frequent Fractals 50, was in a WvWvW Guild for nearly a year and now nearly permanently residing in the mists…

It is not about the game lacking too much hard content, there is plentiful… However, sometimes to do these things you need an incentive and not just some goods (still relevant)

Playing for the challenge is one thing, but that alone cannot be the main thing to keep people hooked… Give them some carrot to chase, something like a stupid title, or at least better matchups and not freaking 3 Daily chasers camping home at the start due to their lack of finer knowledge…

Besides, I don’t see why Ark is not allowed to complain about the mode he is most passionate about… Don’t Dungeon Go’ers do the same?
Voicing opinions, especially ones like these which are a good thing for Anet to look at if they want to keep a certain demographic of people within their game… Help finding a solution rather than pointing at a guy and tell him he is wrong in his opinion

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

If you aren’t having fun at a game, you need to leave.

are you kidding me do you need someone to tell you this

I’d understand if there was no incentive to entice you to dabble in the mists to begin with, but it seems like a stretch to ask for a reason to play when you aren’t even entertained to begin with.

Unless I misread.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


I’m sorry but this sounds like just another whining post of “GW2 should be the way I play it not for anyone else”. People in PvP forum spend 99% of their time blaming someone else for pveing/wvwing/etc yet they never somehow try different content GW2 provides.
You play pvp for a long time, you are good at it, congratulation. Now try another aspects that GW2 offers, and if you don’t think there are any hard contents, well you are definitely wrong. Try different aspects of pve/wvw, join a guild for change of atmosphere, do map completion just for fun or even explore the lore of the game.
And if nothing else remotely interests you, be stuck in pvp section forever while complaining, or find another game and move out. Or take a break til expansion hits, then complain all about it about how PvP is gonna suck and its not gonna be esports all the good stuff people are saying.

Don’t lecture people we want to play for pvp. It’s not too much to ask for them to have some kind of workable reward and ranking system after two plus years. I only play semi-casually so its not a huge deal to me but really the resources they have spent on pvp are a joke after all the promises they made. And trust me once Camelot Unchained comes out or something surprisingly good before then I will gladly leave this game without looking back.

I’m sorry after the wardrobe change, pvpers were literally gifted with skins that cost couple hundreds of gold in pve for free, the most successful ones are now given monetary compensation as well as media hype and even special attention from developers such as trying HoT demos and having unique titles such as master of the arena. Also in some tournaments precursors/legendaries were handed out as well as exclusive llama mini which you can argue its worthless, but very few players have it compare to the entire population. Poor resource management on pvp? Look how much anet is giving the pvpers opportunity to make money with weekly tournaments as well as WTS for a chance a big buck
What do wvwers and pvers get? Wvwers literally play the same 4 maps for 2 and a half years without any change, which was so bad that majority of the wvw population is now at decline and now every server is subjected to same match up over and over. Pvers, or at least dungeon/fractal runners, are forced to run the same contents over and over while getting banned in GW2 forum for speaking out against lack of rewards. Even the balance change favors pvp population which is very very small.

So in short, Pvpers get the media hype, free trips and weekly tournaments for money as well as previous tournaments which handed out legendaries/precursors/exclusive mini. You guys also get free contents for just logging for free that you can play, but you choose not to play, on as well as expensive skins that counts toward collection/achievement points for personal prestige that pvers/wvwers have to work for. Don’t complain just because you don’t always get what you want it. And with recent reward to pvp track now you can literally avoid one of the most RNG based step towards legendary which is mystic clovers. Stop being an entitled brat


What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


You play pvp for a long time, you are good at it, congratulation. Now try another aspects that GW2 offers, and if you don’t think there are any hard contents, well you are definitely wrong.

I frequent Fractals 50, was in a WvWvW Guild for nearly a year and now nearly permanently residing in the mists…

It is not about the game lacking too much hard content, there is plentiful… However, sometimes to do these things you need an incentive and not just some goods (still relevant)

Playing for the challenge is one thing, but that alone cannot be the main thing to keep people hooked… Give them some carrot to chase, something like a stupid title, or at least better matchups and not freaking 3 Daily chasers camping home at the start due to their lack of finer knowledge…

Besides, I don’t see why Ark is not allowed to complain about the mode he is most passionate about… Don’t Dungeon Go’ers do the same?
Voicing opinions, especially ones like these which are a good thing for Anet to look at if they want to keep a certain demographic of people within their game… Help finding a solution rather than pointing at a guy and tell him he is wrong in his opinion

Everytime Pvers/wvwers complain, the usual comments are “pve heros” and “wvw zerging noobs”. Yet when pvers/wvwers try to talk about pvpers being outrageously entitled, suddenly you become really defensive. Even the OP’s post reeks of how much he looks down at pve, but yet no one really points it out. Also when you said you frequent fractal 50, do you mean you run with organized guilds/friends and try to complete it with maximum dps or do you just pug and “play however you want” until people carry you? PvP already has more than enough incentive since it involves real money and chance for being famous on media hype. Hell the most notable pvp players are now mentioned in WTS post made by Gw2 and even developers are playing with those players. Also you do have exclusive titles that pvers/wvws cannot get without playing, and when they do play you look down on them or crush them for not having experience.
Also with wardrobe change, oh guess who gets the most expensive skins for free without having to purchase/craft it with gold? Guess who gets legendaries/precursors for free by playing the game mode that they enjoy? Certaintly not pvers/wvwers because Anet doesn’t give those out to these modes. Guess who’s getting a new pvp mode? Guess who didn’t have to face literally the same match up for months? Guess who’s reward levels were reset, never really given a leaderboard after promise, and force to grind through RNG to get skins that they wanted?
Oh and btw by being extremely toxic to new players or existing players that do try pvp, you are contributing to decline of pvp population in general. Maybe you should actually fix that as pvp community instead of whining how no one plays pvp because anet doesn’t care.


What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Everytime Pvers/wvwers complain, the usual comments are “pve heros” and “wvw zerging noobs”. Yet when pvers/wvwers try to talk about pvpers being outrageously entitled, suddenly you become really defensive. Even the OP’s post reeks of how much he looks down at pve, but yet no one really points it out.

Factually, toxicity exists in every gamemode – I have seen people getting outted for being WvWvW scrubs in Arah over a year ago… Frankly, neither of these people are in the right, but neither is it right to nitpick about it – ignore it, move on, and find a solution rather than throwing dirt back, but that is generally harder than doing so ey?

Also when you said you frequent fractal 50, do you mean you run with organized guilds/friends and try to complete it with maximum dps or do you just pug and “play however you want” until people carry you?

Full guild groups more than often, not completely maximized due to lack of communication with some people, but still running optimized builds for the encounters… Also, I don’t let people carry me, I am skillfull and knowledgable enough to know encounters and how to tackle them (Recently playing my Ele more in it, which has a role, a purpose, and if you fail you kill your team)
I think you only asked this question because you assumed I was like some random guy who runs weird and non-optimized builds or something, but I am a person who plays to win, which means being an asset, which means optimizing builds for any encounter on any area of the game… Something a lot of people fail to grasp, thinking they can overcome some challenges by spamming rotations rather than learning encounters or anticipating movement from players

PvP already has more than enough incentive since it involves real money and chance for being famous on media hype.

A guy like me is decent enough to play in mid-tiers, but will get crushed by the people at the top ( check this to see what I mean )
There is no “incentive” for me to get better and get all the “media hype” and bla bla bla, because it is not relevant for my current level of play, and with no incentive to improve other than being a top player, I got nothing to work for… I play to win and because I like the game, nothing else

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Also with wardrobe change, oh guess who gets the most expensive skins for free without having to purchase/craft it with gold? Guess who gets legendaries/precursors for free by playing the game mode that they enjoy? Certaintly not pvers/wvwers because Anet doesn’t give those out to these modes.

I see, you are sour – Anet birthed three babies, of which non feel like they get what they want…
And is a specific section wrong? Do dungeoners need to kitten because they had their Fractured Update? (hahaha) Does WvWvW not get the most attention because it had like another map? (You know, that champfarm map)

Get your head out of the sand and look dude, all the gamemodes need improvement respectively, but Anet is not playing favouritism – if you think they are, then sorry, this conversation is hereby over and I will go back to ignoring the forums

Guess who’s getting a new pvp mode?

Everyone in the game – it is not made to look like Conquest, so it is there to enjoy for the demographic who likes Stronghold

Guess who didn’t have to face literally the same match up for months? Guess who’s reward levels were reset, never really given a leaderboard after promise, and force to grind through RNG to get skins that they wanted?

I will once more say that you are sour, and are unwilling to see that all gamemodes need to have some improvement (5-man instanced encounters, WvWvW and PvP alike)

Oh and btw by being extremely toxic to new players or existing players that do try pvp, you are contributing to decline of pvp population in general.

What the actual hell? Where did I ever state I am toxic to new players? I welcome them with open arms and will teach them if they are willing to learn – Because I know for a fact that some people are closet PvP-ers with a lot of hidden talent, which will help to grow the community

I said that toxicity exist everywhere… I have seen people leaving after a month because they got called several things for not knowing a dungeon encounter well… But the PvE/WvWvW community is a saint right, and this person was obviously lying then, no?

Maybe you should actually fix that as pvp community instead of whining how no one plays pvp because anet doesn’t care.

And you need to take a breath and stop being biased… I am not biased towards PvP – I am discussing the aspect of PvP being here without incentives because this is the flipping PvP forum, but trust me, if you want me to I can write a book about the 1.5g you get from Fractals 50, while spending the same time in the open world can grant me more by mindlessly spamming #1 on my Guardian

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


So branden, then do tell me why do PvPers receive direct attention such as getting to play HoT while most notable dungeon runners in gw2 community are banned from gw2 forum or not invited at all to major events. Furthermore explain to me why wvwers players don’t get anything, literally anything out of their daily activity yet? Also EOTM was released as an alternative to wvw Queue issue, but turned into pvp. Also I’m asking you why do pvpers need incentives to play the game other than the ones they have right now which clearly offers more incentives than playing any other gamemodes?
Basically PvP in GW2 were gifted with lack of gear grinding/promotion of skill, balance change in favor of PvP aspect out of all 3 gamemodes, unique skins that were made free as of April patch, free arenas even though they are hot join, occasional tournaments that really promotes each individual pvp players and compensates them for playing what they love, and exclusive rewards that can only be found in pvp.

Also I do Fotm 50 frequently and I’m in a pvp team as well as speedrunning dungeon guild. Basically I try to experience all the contents GW2 has to offer at its highest level, and I do it because I have fun. I did world completion twice, made 2 legendaries, became rank 74 in pvp, earned 2 champion titles, soloed Lupi in Arah with 3 professions (4th coming up soon), participated in wvw seasons 2 and 3 because that’s when I bought the game, and also have 1000g+ 2 ascended armors and Acolyte of Dwayna title (which costed me 1200g because I didn’t have any skins from pvp).

And I can tell you that I did all those things by playing the game at my own pace, trying different things out little by little, and then improving by watching hours of videos/streaming trying to improve myself how I should do it.
And I never said anything about how other gamemodes don’t have room to improve. But the fact is PvP gets the most attention by Anet, and has direct involvement from Anet deves themselves unlike other modes.
There aren’t any official gvg tournaments hosted by Anet anymore. There aren’t any dungeon speedclear tournaments even favored by anet. The last tournament players from dungeon community themselves gathered thousands of gold for prize, unlike pvp tournament where actual money are handed to you for winning such.

Just look at the WTS tournament page and read the ingame names of players. Now do you see anything like that for other gamemodes? I thought not. PvP is already getting more attention than any other gamemodes and if you do not like the direction it is going, especially in MMORPG, you should stop playing and move on or rather try new stuff that is out there instead of spending your time in the mists complaining how pvp is neglected


What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Name’s “Brandon” and sorry… we are done…

You are biased dude, and being biased is not a good basis to discuss – it will literally be an endless battle with words of saying “You are wrong” “No, you are wrong!”, and I do not have the time, or the patience to deal with that…

If you truly believe that Anet cares more about one mode than the other (or profession, or weaponskins, or bunny ears etc), then you need to learn a whole deal about delivering products that took years of development and time from a large company, and that they don’t want to have their works to be in vain…

Me staying on topic can be read here, continue from where I left off

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Back on topic

Ark here is in a group that does (did?) some ESL weeklies as well by the way, so he is no stranger to the highest level of PvP… The question he raised was What do we play for , and basically it can be dumbed down to one thing:

  • Having fun

The method of “Having fun” differs per person, as I get a lot of fun meeting people and just trying the best I can to win a match, but this alone cannot, and is not a way to keep people driven in the game. This statement holds true to the people who like PvP, but got no “carrot to chase”

What can be improved
Especially to help with getting the fun back;

  • Leaderboards, the numerous threads about it already signify the fact that these things are not funciton in a way that stimulates competitive play and maintaining your rank, rather, it prefers Quantity over Quality, which is not prosperous for the longlivety of the gamemode
  • Matchmaking, besides complaining a lot about it, you do see that the Devs are working on it… However, as it stands now, the system does not distinguish Experienced and Less Experienced well
  • “Imbalances”, but I take this one with a grain of salt considering that an Expansion is on the rise
  • Carrots, titles, skins, w/e’ers – name it… Something that you can work for and proudly show off… Many times have I seen the suggestion for “Tiered Profession Titles” and why not? It showcases that the person in question has worked hard to get a title that shows dedication

well…about esl, let’s say did atm, since almost everyone just lost the will to put some effort into pvp, everyone just going “for fun” atm but not for sure wasting time training rotations and stuff for basically no rewards

Ark 2nd Account

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


well…about esl, let’s say did atm, since almost everyone just lost the will to put some effort into pvp, everyone just going “for fun” atm but not for sure wasting time training rotations and stuff for basically no rewards

So basically, what I get from you is that you want some kind of “Mid-Tier” reward – something that says “Hey, I am above average, but not yet there”, but will clear progression, something to work for…

Do you think this can be achieved in say the things we have in game such as Titles or Skins? Or is it really more about something like a League System, with fitting rewards for the leagues? (More gold, gems, bunny-ears etc)

Because as I read it, there is just nothing for you and your team to work for, which destroys the enthusiasm to progress to the highest level (Which I can emphasize with, I got the same “problem”)

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


People play games for fun.
If you don’t have fun playing this game, then go play something else.

This guy gets it.

At the end of the day the only reason to play GW2 is for fun. That is the only reason to play literally any video game with the very rare exception of maybe League if you are in LCS is to have fun, otherwise its a waste of time.

Yeh but the game stops being fun when they dont balance for 6 months and then do a 5% nerf to might (changed nothing as obvious) and then the balance team go afk for another 6 months.

Literally the last balance patch was about 7 months ago or something. It doesnt keep things fresh.

And the last pvp patch killed leaderboards completely. So those who have fun via competition got it taken away

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


So Anet, just answer my question:

What shall we play pvp for? As a gaming company you should know what are you doing to make players play your game (And stick to it)…so just answer me. Why should i keep playing your game? Or buy this incoming expansion thing? For what?

Or.. you could sit down a bit more, think that tiny bit harder, and come up with a reason as to why you should be playing, if you want to keep playing that is. If that reason does not currently exist in the game, then help ArenaNet by suggesting it. All I read here was questions, no real suggestions for improvement. It’s easy to question their development and foresight behind what they implement and do to their own game at times. But we should at least give them some feedback, more so than to ask them to tell us why we should play. Nobody can tell you why you should play. People can agree with your suggestions on how to make the game more enjoyable though.

What would make the game better for you? Especially so the PvP side of it. And how does Gold have no place in PvP exactly? I allows you to buy various skins. Either through the TP or by converting them to Gems. That’s an option after all.

I would assume ArenaNet thinks the ability to buy such things with Gold earned, or to convert said Gold to Gems is a perk. As are the ranks and their respective finishers initially. Titles are something to get. Achievements, and their points to unlock further skins exclusive to that. You can earn most PvE skins through the PvP reward tracks, that’s something to play for. There’s a couple unique to PvP too (and they really should add more). You even get various materials needed to craft yourself a Legendary should you so desire. Gold can be spent on buying a precursor (or depending on how Masteries and that stuff works in HoT, you can perhaps craft one then—let’s hope they include PvP as a way of obtaining them too). Fun is another thing. They probably think leaderboards is a perk, even though most of us seem to not think so. At least sPvP has rewards. It’s in a far better state than say WvW with its impossible achievements, horrible rewards and ultimately no reason to play it what so ever, because winning there gets you nothing.

As for what to look forwards to in HoT? One completely new profession, and several skills (and a Trait line) for every profession to try out, make builds with, and probably getting nerfed with from time to time, as well as buffed now and again. Those things and Stronghold maybe. I dunno, the map looks alright. I would expect some new skins to arrive with HoT too, so there’ll likely be reward tracks to aim for again, to build upon your collection. And perhaps there’s other things lurking under the surface. More ranks? More titles? A better Daily that doesn’t ask you to play profession(s) you may have no interest in playing that day, or any other day for that matter? Etc.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by Absconditus.6804)

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Rome.3192


Keep at it and allah will reward you with a thousand virgins.


What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Keep at it and allah will reward you with a thousand virgins.

Hope so u.u till now i only got some goats…lamas…whatever.. xD

Ark 2nd Account

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Keep at it and allah will reward you with a thousand virgins.

Hope so u.u till now i only got some goats…lamas…whatever.. xD

Just remember, no one ever said that those virgins had to be the opposite gender. Chances are it’s a bunch of LARPing, D&D nerds who never left their moms basement.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

What shall we play for?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Keep at it and allah will reward you with a thousand virgins.

Hope so u.u till now i only got some goats…lamas…whatever.. xD

Just remember, no one ever said that those virgins had to be the opposite gender. Chances are it’s a bunch of LARPing, D&D nerds who never left their moms basement.


Ark 2nd Account