What with those Condi Mesmer?

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


There is this new trend of condition mesmer I am seeing these last days. Anyone else saw some of those?

I heard they can 100-0 scrappers.

Alerie Despins

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Regon Phoenix.8215

Regon Phoenix.8215

I heard they can 100-0 scrappers.


When you fall, i will be right behind you and whisper: “Who will protect you now?”

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I can tell you exactly “what is up” with Condition build Mesmers like me. ANET has made most of the other builds and Chronomancer into very poor choices.

While it’s true that PU condimancer tends to attract a lot of QQ on forums, there really aren’t many good alternatives. You can expect to see a lot more of this style play.

Mesmerising Girl

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


If they can do that, then the scrappers will finally have someone that counter them

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I can’t 100-0. I can get a scrapper though, given time.

Mesmerising Girl

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Condi Mesmer is unplayable if there is an necromancer/reaper on the opponent team with condi transfer.

He is then basically playing for the opponent team and helping them kill his teammates with his own conditions.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


Scrapper is honestly the hardest kill for a condi Mesmer. They have a trait that reduces condition damage by 20% for literally no reason. Only reason reapers even have a chance is because of extremely heavy boon corrupt.

… I still want tengu.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Maxodon.5243


Today some warrior main told me that warrior is stronger than Revenant, I wouldn’t believe everything someone tells you.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


I can tell you exactly “what is up” with Condition build Mesmers like me. ANET has made most of the other builds and Chronomancer into very poor choices.

While it’s true that PU condimancer tends to attract a lot of QQ on forums, there really aren’t many good alternatives. You can expect to see a lot more of this style play.

It’s not PU condi Mesmer. It’s Dueling, Illusions, Chronomancer. You can run s/p and staff, s/t scepter/shield, or s/p scepter shield. If you run pistol you take Duelists Discipline.

It’s a pretty strong build.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


its pretty simple, full damage mesmer is very strong whether its power or condi

simply mesmer class is still plagued with bunkermancer sheeple who got used to the easy mode so its common to hear that mesmer is weak because they cant facetank 5 people anymore while playing with one hand

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

(edited by Lexander.4579)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


its pretty simple, full damage mesmer is very strong whether its power or condi

simply mesmer class is still plagued with bunkermancer sheeple who got used to the easy mode so its common to hear that mesmer is weak because they cant facetank 5 people anymore while playing with one hand

kitten logic. Except your initial statement is wrong.

Full damage mesmer can be killed by a breath of wind. The only reason mesmer MIGHT be played in pro leauge, is, that class stacking is not allowed. Otherwise nobody would play mesmer right now.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

NERF mesmers to death..(Chrono included)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vokajlaw.7089


its pretty simple, full damage mesmer is very strong whether its power or condi

Shatter mesmer is nowhere enar “very strong”. That’s simply not true for multiple reasons (Which have been posted in several threads by now..).
But having seen your idea of rotations is and reading all the nonsense you tend to say in team chat I do not expect you to understand.
If one currently plays shatter mesmer, it does not really have much impact on a match at all. In fact it barely matters if one plays exceptionally well or rather bad, it’s simply a matter of how well your teammates do. You basically have to disengage from literally every single 1v1 and there are tons of classes that fullfil the 1v1 role a lot better (thief, rev..). Moa which actually did allow shatter mesmers to do some ehavy lifting pre patch due to bunker meta is simply not necessary anymore cause people go down quickly now anyways if focused well (That being said, moa still can be strong vs necros.. but simply not encessary). So why would one even bring a shatter mesmer? Portal? With all the revs and theifs around even the mobility advantage of that is limited. Hence a shatter mesmer technically has no role which other classes cannot fulfil better – so where exactly is a shatter mesmer, no matter how good its played “very strong”?
Condi mesmer I have yet to try/meet, but I personally have never enyojed playing a condition emsmer build. It might be able to go for 1v1s, but I sense troubles vs necros (unless you moa condiburst them or something) who happen to be a pretty comon class right now. Also without being able to kill scrappers (which again I have no clue if they can or not but people said they could not really beta them in here) that once again leaves them in a rather limited role? We’ll see I guess.

Nekrokolov – Worst Necromancer EU (With a passion though!)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


its pretty simple, full damage mesmer is very strong whether its power or condi

Shatter mesmer is nowhere enar “very strong”. That’s simply not true for multiple reasons (Which have been posted in several threads by now..).
But having seen your idea of rotations is and reading all the nonsense you tend to say in team chat I do not expect you to understand.
If one currently plays shatter mesmer, it does not really have much impact on a match at all. In fact it barely matters if one plays exceptionally well or rather bad, it’s simply a matter of how well your teammates do. You basically have to disengage from literally every single 1v1 and there are tons of classes that fullfil the 1v1 role a lot better (thief, rev..). Moa which actually did allow shatter mesmers to do some ehavy lifting pre patch due to bunker meta is simply not necessary anymore cause people go down quickly now anyways if focused well (That being said, moa still can be strong vs necros.. but simply not encessary). So why would one even bring a shatter mesmer? Portal? With all the revs and theifs around even the mobility advantage of that is limited. Hence a shatter mesmer technically has no role which other classes cannot fulfil better – so where exactly is a shatter mesmer, no matter how good its played “very strong”?
Condi mesmer I have yet to try/meet, but I personally have never enyojed playing a condition emsmer build. It might be able to go for 1v1s, but I sense troubles vs necros (unless you moa condiburst them or something) who happen to be a pretty comon class right now. Also without being able to kill scrappers (which again I have no clue if they can or not but people said they could not really beta them in here) that once again leaves them in a rather limited role? We’ll see I guess.

i see my fame goes ahead of me

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


snt everyone a top player in this silly casual game? lol

Everyone SHOULD be able to reach top in this casual game, since it is not hard, but there still seem to be a lot of players who have problems with the basics like killing shatter mesmer.

here’s a free tip from one of thousands of top players in this game: put a portal utility skill on your skill bar and enjoy making free pressure on 2 points at once

The fact is, that there are so many players who only think they are top, but are actually on the bottom of the food chain. I don’t need a tip from one of those, I only listen to the players who are actually on the top and making really esports money with this “casual” game.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vokajlaw.7089


i see my fame goes ahead of me

Fame? I happened to see you in game recently and do remember your name – however not for reasons you would like to hear.
But that’s not even the point, why do you keep loading your nonsense in this thread? I udnerstand it’s ahrd for you when people keep saying thief was so strong yet you have issues vs shatter mesmers. Would be hard for me to believe that they were weak as well in your spot, but trust me, the issue is on your side, not the mesmers.

isnt everyone a top player in this silly casual game? lol

here’s a free tip from one of thousands of top players in this game: put a portal utility skill on your skill bar and enjoy making free pressure on 2 points at once

You are far far away from being anywhere above average. Also with thief and rev mobility, it is surprisingly hard putting pressure on 2 nodes – even more so since you have to disengage as soon as one of said classes (equally skilled, palyerwise that is) appear nearby in a 1v1 situation. I’m not saying portal was weak – it’s just not in an as strong spot as you might think.

Nekrokolov – Worst Necromancer EU (With a passion though!)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


snt everyone a top player in this silly casual game? lol

Everyone SHOULD be able to reach top in this casual game, since it is not hard, but there still seem to be a lot of players who have problems with the basics like killing shatter mesmer.

here’s a free tip from one of thousands of top players in this game: put a portal utility skill on your skill bar and enjoy making free pressure on 2 points at once

The fact is, that there are so many players who only think they are top, but are actually on the bottom of the food chain. I don’t need a tip from one of those, I only listen to the players who are actually on the top and making really esports money with this “casual” game.

i hope the sick bucks they make taking the 1st place in that casual game is enough to keep them at least half-fed till they can win some more money

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


i see my fame goes ahead of me

Fame? I happened to see you in game recently and do remember your name – however not for reasons you would like to hear.
But that’s not even the point, why do you keep loading your nonsense in this thread? I udnerstand it’s ahrd for you when people keep saying thief was so strong yet you have issues vs shatter mesmers. Would be hard for me to believe that they were weak as well in your spot, but trust me, the issue is on your side, not the mesmers.

isnt everyone a top player in this silly casual game? lol

here’s a free tip from one of thousands of top players in this game: put a portal utility skill on your skill bar and enjoy making free pressure on 2 points at once

You are far far away from being anywhere above average. Also with thief and rev mobility, it is surprisingly hard putting pressure on 2 nodes – even more so since you have to disengage as soon as one of said classes (equally skilled, palyerwise that is) appear nearby in a 1v1 situation. I’m not saying portal was weak – it’s just not in an as strong spot as you might think.

thief and rev have to spend their resources and cooldowns to move at an increased speed

mesmer just presses one button for instant movement and requires only 1 utility skill for that

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


i hope the sick bucks they make taking the 1st place in that casual game is enough to keep them at least half-fed till they can win some more money

Your hateful comment does not work at all.

Since gw2 is a casual game, you don’t have to train 24/7 to reach the top and get some money. It is more like: getting paid for what you love to do in your leisure time.

Like if you would get some bucks posting here useless stuff on the forum – well, at least, I hope you like doing that, otherwise, your time here was pretty much a waste.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vokajlaw.7089


thief and rev have to spend their resources and cooldowns to move at an increased speed

mesmer just presses one button for instant movement and requires only 1 utility skill for that

Rev will be compeltely fine to fight a mesmer on arival, so would a thief be (even more so since a thief can 100-0 a mesmer). True strength of portal is not even using it for himself but to enhance the whole teams rotation which is a near impossible task in solo q. And as I said, portal is not weak. It just does not yield as many advantages as you seem to think right now, nor does it make shatter mesmer really strong.

Nekrokolov – Worst Necromancer EU (With a passion though!)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


i hope the sick bucks they make taking the 1st place in that casual game is enough to keep them at least half-fed till they can win some more money

Your hateful comment does not work at all.

Since gw2 is a casual game, you don’t have to train 24/7 to reach the top and get some money. It is more like: getting paid for what you love to do in your leisure time.

Like if you would get some bucks posting here useless stuff on the forum – well, at least, I hope you like doing that, otherwise, your time here was pretty much a waste.

having played far more serious games than this one and going as far as being top 0.1% player at them i can assure you son that the fun coming from tryharding in a game doesnt last long

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


thief and rev have to spend their resources and cooldowns to move at an increased speed

mesmer just presses one button for instant movement and requires only 1 utility skill for that

Rev will be compeltely fine to fight a mesmer on arival, so would a thief be (even more so since a thief can 100-0 a mesmer). True strength of portal is not even using it for himself but to enhance the whole teams rotation which is a near impossible task in solo q. And as I said, portal is not weak. It just does not yield as many advantages as you seem to think right now, nor does it make shatter mesmer really strong.

strange, playing zerk amulet thief i’ve never been 100-0’d by other thieves

somehow mesmer who has about 50% more base hp than thief and a bunch of automatic defensive traits can be 100-0’d, curious

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


somehow mesmer who has about 50% more base hp than thief and a bunch of automatic defensive traits can be 100-0’d, curious

Please amuse me. Which automatic defensive traits 100-0’d you?

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


somehow mesmer who has about 50% more base hp than thief and a bunch of automatic defensive traits can be 100-0’d, curious

Please amuse me. Which automatic defensive traits 100-0’d you?

I’m fairly certain he meant that automatic defensive traits prevent mesmers from being 100-0’ed.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vokajlaw.7089


I’m fairly certain he meant that automatic defensive traits prevent mesmers from being 100-0’ed.

Well, the usual chrono shatter has no such passives so that’s another sad try to make an argument. That one guy obviously has very few clue. Maybe 100-0 was a bit too harsh, but we all know there are no doubts a thief will kill a shatter mesmer in no time. Hell al it takes is to land steal followed by a backstab and maybe 2 autos. to kill a marauder shatter mes on full health.

Nekrokolov – Worst Necromancer EU (With a passion though!)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: RedDeadFred.1256


Guys, why are you feeding the troll?

Anyway, condi mesmer is a great noob stomper, but that’s just the case with condi in general. Mesmer just has the added bonuses against bad players with clones and some invisibility.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


somehow mesmer who has about 50% more base hp than thief and a bunch of automatic defensive traits can be 100-0’d, curious

Please amuse me. Which automatic defensive traits 100-0’d you?

I’m fairly certain he meant that automatic defensive traits prevent mesmers from being 100-0’ed.

spot on mate

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


I’m fairly certain he meant that automatic defensive traits prevent mesmers from being 100-0’ed.

Well, the usual chrono shatter has no such passives so that’s another sad try to make an argument. That one guy obviously has very few clue. Maybe 100-0 was a bit too harsh, but we all know there are no doubts a thief will kill a shatter mesmer in no time. Hell al it takes is to land steal followed by a backstab and maybe 2 autos. to kill a marauder shatter mes on full health.

strange, never played against a mesmer who didnt have desperate decoy or didnt use continuum split, but perhaps thats probably just because of my noob trash MMR, true pro players never use those

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vokajlaw.7089


strange, never played against a mesmer who didnt have desperate decoy or didnt use continuum split, but perhaps thats probably just because of my noob trash MMR, true pro players never use those

Funny. Continuum split is no automatic defensive trait. And the usual chrono shatter is played without desperate decoy.
So yes, you either really have no clue or need to blame your mmr.

Nekrokolov – Worst Necromancer EU (With a passion though!)

(edited by Vokajlaw.7089)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I’d say a condi Mes coming up against a meta Scrapper build is going to have a bad time. Condi Mes in general is one of the easiest condi builds to ignore because everything comes in a 2-3 condi burst package in a predictable fashion that a seasoned Scrapper will know exactly how to deal with. However, the meta Scrapper build is very popular for obvious reasons, so there’s lots of players using it and they will inevitably have their kittens handed to them until they improve with the build and really get to grips with it.


What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Condi Mesmer is unplayable if there is an necromancer/reaper on the opponent team with condi transfer.

He is then basically playing for the opponent team and helping them kill his teammates with his own conditions.

Its pretty simple. Dont attack the necro.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


strange, never played against a mesmer who didnt have desperate decoy or didnt use continuum split, but perhaps thats probably just because of my noob trash MMR, true pro players never use those

Funny. Continuum split is no automatic defensive trait. And the usual chrono shatter is played without desperate decoy.
So yes, you either really have no clue or need to blame your mmr.

good to have a pro player enlighten me on such deep subjects, im looking forward to get good enough to play with pros like you one day, oh wait according to you i already do

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Vokajlaw.7089


good to have a pro player enlighten me on such deep subjects, im looking forward to get good enough to play with pros like you one day, oh wait according to you i already do

Never said I was a pro. Anyways, I’m getting bored. Either bring arguments that are actually making sense to make your point or, well, just give up. You are proving my point of you having no clue over and over again.

Nekrokolov – Worst Necromancer EU (With a passion though!)

(edited by Vokajlaw.7089)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


good to have a pro player enlighten me on such deep subjects, im looking forward to get good enough to play with pros like you one day, oh wait according to you i already do

Never said I was a pro. Anyways, I’m getting bored. Either bring arguments that are actually making sense to make your point or, well, just give up. You are proving my point of you having no clue over and over again.

aint you the one who is arguing about mesmers being weak while they are not? sounds like its you who should bring up the arguments

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


Condi Mesmer is unplayable if there is an necromancer/reaper on the opponent team with condi transfer.

He is then basically playing for the opponent team and helping them kill his teammates with his own conditions.

Don’t burst the nec in team fights as condi mesmer. in 1v1 wait until nec switchs off staff or uses staff 4 and burst him +use block/f4/s2 afterwards, daze heal if nec runs consume conditions – it is a pretty easy win.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Mesmer is extremely weak at the moment. As to scrappers; Noobs die because they continue to attack with 10 stacks of confusion. Yes. under those conditions you’ll die fast.

The elixir s really kittens me off. It has the same basic traits as well of precog used to. It also allows mobility and can be used more often.

Scrapper is actually pretty kittened tanky. A scapper can hold a point for minutes at a time until I can down him by attrition.

Mesmerising Girl

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Chapell.1346


Full damage mesmer can be killed by a breath of wind.

Another misconception.

Otherwise nobody would play mesmer right now.

Haha, oh my. Mesmer need to stop hiding their true prowess and share the world how they become masterpiece interms of whining.

Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: WuGzaGenius.5684


Lol, you’ll never guess whats going on.

This is the funniest kitten ever… hahaha PU, dueling? hahaha

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Today some warrior main told me that warrior is stronger than Revenant, I wouldn’t believe everything someone tells you.

Not true but any more nerfs to rev especially damage it might be true.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Quadox.7834


thief and rev have to spend their resources and cooldowns to move at an increased speed

mesmer just presses one button for instant movement and requires only 1 utility skill for that

Rev will be compeltely fine to fight a mesmer on arival, so would a thief be (even more so since a thief can 100-0 a mesmer). True strength of portal is not even using it for himself but to enhance the whole teams rotation which is a near impossible task in solo q. And as I said, portal is not weak. It just does not yield as many advantages as you seem to think right now, nor does it make shatter mesmer really strong.

strange, playing zerk amulet thief i’ve never been 100-0’d by other thieves

somehow mesmer who has about 50% more base hp than thief and a bunch of automatic defensive traits can be 100-0’d, curious

Okay, you got me, i got a good laugh out of that.

Yaniam [Mesmer]

^ Usually only characer that i play on

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


… I’m not even going in on this one with a large post, check my history if you want any concept of what a Mesmer has to do to deal damage.

condi shatter is no different outside of a little more sustain and less burst. Learn to roll forward and stop complaining, no top player has had a problem with shatter since release and for YEARS the crappy state was the most viable build mes had.

Thieves don’t get to complain about shatter until Mesmers can either set up against stealth, can full instant burst without line of sight, or have enough defensive cool downs to outlast the initiative of perma stealth along with having enough cool downs to retaliate when finally revealed.

Ignore the trolls in this thread and just report them for going against the ToS.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Condi mesmer kills noobs; condi mesmer fails against any half decent players.

But that applies pretty much to all of mesmer in general.

Condition stacks from shatters are so low that you have to blow full shatters back to back (taking advantage of IR, Cp or maybe DE if you take Duelling – although I believe Inspiration is currently superior) to land any decent damage – which is then easy to cleanse or counter.

They’re still easy to dodge/block/otherwise avoid in the first place – only Mirror Images surprise burst, or Cp/IR follow up burst (not the initial shatter, but second shatter) with respawned illusions is harder to judge when to avoid.

The only weapon with decent condi output is Scepter – but it’s weak defensively in anything more than a 1v1, not to mention being mostly single target (how often do you hit more than one player for a full channel of Confusing Images anyway…).

If anything, condi mesmer still needs a buff in base areas.

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


in 1v1 wait until nec switchs off staff or uses staff 4 and burst him +use block/f4/s2 afterwards, daze heal if nec runs consume conditions – it is a pretty easy win.

OMG so many things are wrong in that post. Have you ever fought a good necromancer/reaper?

1.) Putrid Mark is not the only condi transfer they have. The current meta build includes Plague Signet and the trait Plague Sending.

2.) With the Soul Reaping Trait Soul Marks all marks are unblockable. Therefore, Block does not help you there.

3.) Before your condis kill the necro while you are immune to the transfer with Distortion, he can just transfer the condis to your clones.

4.) PU-Condi Mesmer does not run a single condi remove. He necro will not just stand around and let him hit you -.-

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Erzian.5218


I told you how to play around all of the transfers but you apparently cannot comprehend it. Instead you ignore everything I told you and give me information that is correct but only tells us how to not play the match up. Ok, technically number 3 is incorrect because if you shatter twice there is no clone to transfer conditions to except if you cast a phantasm or random dodge while invulnerable for nec to transfer conditions to.
If you think the match up is unwinnable, sucks for you but I wont waste further energy on trying to help you.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

What with those Condi Mesmer?

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


thief and rev have to spend their resources and cooldowns to move at an increased speed

mesmer just presses one button for instant movement and requires only 1 utility skill for that

Rev will be compeltely fine to fight a mesmer on arival, so would a thief be (even more so since a thief can 100-0 a mesmer). True strength of portal is not even using it for himself but to enhance the whole teams rotation which is a near impossible task in solo q. And as I said, portal is not weak. It just does not yield as many advantages as you seem to think right now, nor does it make shatter mesmer really strong.

strange, playing zerk amulet thief i’ve never been 100-0’d by other thieves

somehow mesmer who has about 50% more base hp than thief and a bunch of automatic defensive traits can be 100-0’d, curious

Okay, you got me, i got a good laugh out of that.

would be good to spread some awareness and teach mesmers that they actually have bullkitten amount of base hp and one of the strongest heal skills in game so they’d stop whining about being squishy n stuff

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide