What would you do

What would you do

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


In soloq conquest Im often playing as cele aurashare tempest, and often when we win opener mid i stay there solo, while enemy team focuses sidenodes, forcing outnumbered matches by at least +1 on a point. In general what would u do, considering the randomness of being amongst pugs.
I tend to aid the node that may need the most help/being most vital considering enemy could retake mid after clearing my teammates, at the same time i use map to make sure i can count 5 enemies onpts to prevent mid steal. At the same time this leaves mid open, and tempest is slow. Nor do i know if an enemy is close at dying either, being able to make his way for mid decap vs how useful ill be during those seconds on sidept.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

What would you do

in PvP

Posted by: Saulius.8430


no aiding

i’d stay mid, and ask others, to group up and focus only one side

because from my experience: i would d be either too late, or some mobile enemy would notice me leaving mid and outrun me to decap

some soloqs just don’t work out due not so experienced greedy teammates wanting all 3 points for no reason

kill all ze thingz