When are you going to fix pets vs stealth?
This is not exclusive to ranger’s pets, but everyone, as mesmers, thieves…Horray for cheap PVE mechanics in PVP \o/
The pet should also be able to use its abilities on the pathing back to the ranger too! its seriously annoying that even if I try and use an ability such a wolf fear to hit everyone out of a shadow refuge the anim starts and is instantly cancelled b/c the wolf places movement priority (without a target) over skill use. Also allow dry firing of abilities by no target casting pet based PBAoE’s taking place immediately in the pets location. the amount of time lost in the unstealthing is nothing compared to this, I will trade countless internet pretend money for it.
This is not exclusive to ranger’s pets, but everyone, as mesmers, thieves…Horray for cheap PVE mechanics in PVP \o/
Stealth is a cheaper mechanic.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
You’re complaining because pets act like they would in real life and go after the prey once they can see it again??
Stealth is supposed to make it so that enemies can’t see or target you whilst it’s active. That’s what it does now. It’s the most powerful ability in the game. It was already fixed, you just preferred the broken version….
I love when people try to use common sense in games, like the guy above.
That’s like saying that necros shouldn’t be able to bleed inquest golems because they’re robots.
broken mechanics are broken, no pet or npc should keep agro on a stealthed target.
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
I love when people try to use common sense in games, like the guy above.
That’s like saying that necros shouldn’t be able to bleed inquest golems because they’re robots.
broken mechanics are broken, no pet or npc should keep agro on a stealthed target.
Yes, common sense is the enemy here. As i said, the larger issue is that it was broken before – for rangers etc to have so much dmg potential for which they have to rely on dumb AIs which can’t compete with classes where players can direct 100% of their dmg potential. It just so happens that what makes sense for balance also makes sense period.
I love when people try to use common sense in games, like the guy above.
That’s like saying that necros shouldn’t be able to bleed inquest golems because they’re robots.
broken mechanics are broken, no pet or npc should keep agro on a stealthed target.
Yes, common sense is the enemy here. As i said, the larger issue is that it was broken before - for rangers etc to have so much dmg potential for which they have to rely on dumb AIs which can’t compete with classes where players can direct 100% of their dmg potential. It just so happens that what makes sense for balance also makes sense period.
So, what you’re saying is it’s broken, as has been since launch. Which, any one here who played a stealth class, or anyone who has tried to escape a situation where they are completely out numbered, would know since launch. Why are you even arguing this then?
I’m not pointing the finger at just Ranger pets, or Mesmer clones/phantoms, I mean all classes, even my thief’s Ambush/Thieves Guild. It’s cheap, it’s lame, and it needs to be fixed.
If downed state is going to be left in sPvP to give you a chance to recover/rally, then we should all have a chance, an equal chance regardless of class (though many discrepancies remain in the downed state department, which we wont get into here). It seems downed state is here to stay, ergo, this needs to be changed so I’m not blasted by a phantasm duelist, or one of rangers many pets, or another thief’s NPC, etc.
This needs to be fixed. It’s been needing the tweak since launch, and probably way before that. (I’m assuming, I only participated in a couple stress test before launch ^^;)
Maybe it is because I am playing (or played) a ranger, but compared to how it was initially, it works pretty well now. Yes, it is unpleasant to thieves and mesmers, but before the fix our pets were the easiest thing to loose – especially for thieves. That is 40% (or more) of rangers damage being totally negated.
Unresponding pets, pet-pathing, and how especially thieves were able to completely negate so much of rangers damage was for long an issue. So look at it from a rangers pov a bit; is it fair, that 40% (or more) of our damage is negated? Another solution could be to give the ranger some more damage and be less pet-reliant in general (and hence not of the entertaining AI).
(edited by Poxxia.1547)
While they’re at it, maybe they could make it so ranger pets don’t follow you across the entire map and keep you in combat forever.
Seriously? This is getting freaking annoying. When someone stealths, the pet should drop targetting, until the owner re-engages and attacks themselves. Pets should not be heatseeking missiles that just lock on to the target after stealth. Fix it, fix it NOW!
AFTER stealth!
Oh poor you, you get attacked after stealth? Lol. You do know thieves can maintain stealth for a pretty long time right?
While they’re at it, maybe they could make it so ranger pets don’t follow you across the entire map and keep you in combat forever.
This is however something I do find to be an issue worth debating.
Seriously? This is getting freaking annoying. When someone stealths, the pet should drop targetting, until the owner re-engages and attacks themselves. Pets should not be heatseeking missiles that just lock on to the target after stealth. Fix it, fix it NOW!
AFTER stealth!
Oh poor you, you get attacked after stealth? Lol. You do know thieves can maintain stealth for a pretty long time right?
Sorry, I dont cheese like the WvW kids. I play sPvP. If I stealth, and it’s 1v1 or 1v2 (myself being the solo party), I’m going for the backstab more than likely, depending on the situation. I dont CnD > Wait for Stealth cooldown > CnD like some kids (Even saw one guy do this in sPvP earlier tonight, poor guy must be sad he’s gonna get revealed either way come next patch). :P
Even if you were to Shadow Refuge and get downed, the heat seeking missile (pets) will still start attacking you as soon as SR/any stealth wears off, and now you’re forced to try and kill it, while their owner caps the point.
(edited by Kneru.8014)
In that situation you just described it wouldn’t matter if the automated pathing was there or not. If you don’t use/abuse stealth to loose the pet, it makes no difference for any ranger not being afk and still having a clear vision.
What DOES matter if you consistently use CnD and hence mess up pets lack of AI causing it to not land a single hit on you. Every thief in the game abused that (and many other as well). Seriously … consider how it was before.
This is why thieves should be glad that culling is being removed from WvW and that stealth is receiving a tiny nerf this patch. Anet literally cannot do anything good for thieves right now without losing thousands of players who still find them to be overpowered/have dumb mechanics. Even after this patch they will have to be careful.
Anet has lost enough playerbase to thieves, maybe too much to recover from as far as WvW and PvP are concerned. They have to be smart about any balance/QoL fixes for thief players.
I love when people try to use common sense in games, like the guy above.
That’s like saying that necros shouldn’t be able to bleed inquest golems because they’re robots.
broken mechanics are broken, no pet or npc should keep agro on a stealthed target.
Yes, common sense is the enemy here. As i said, the larger issue is that it was broken before - for rangers etc to have so much dmg potential for which they have to rely on dumb AIs which can’t compete with classes where players can direct 100% of their dmg potential. It just so happens that what makes sense for balance also makes sense period.
So, what you’re saying is it’s broken
No, what i’m saying is it was broken BEFORE. Now it’s working in a way that makes sense for both balance and logic – i.e. if you come out of stealth and an AI can see you, it will attack you. Please read carefully.
yesterday i was dueling with a mesmer friend, and his clones were shattering in ma face as i shadow refuged, thanks aNet.
Perfectly fine as it is.
Seriously? This is getting freaking annoying. When someone stealths, the pet should drop targetting, until the owner re-engages and attacks themselves. Pets should not be heatseeking missiles that just lock on to the target after stealth. Fix it, fix it NOW!
Stealth is already the most OP mechanic in the game. Thank god summons and pets get the aggro back.
Any monkey is able to engage 1 vs 5 and escape with his thief or mesmer nowadays, don’t ask to make this 1 vs 100, thanks.
Stealth is already the most OP mechanic in the game. Thank god summons and pets get the aggro back.
Any monkey is able to engage 1 vs 5 and escape with his thief or mesmer nowadays, don’t ask to make this 1 vs 100, thanks.
Pets are the most OP mechanic in the game (except for necro minions, these suck). It’s completly fire and forget (plus, it auto target anyone coming out of stealth). At least with a stealth thief, you know what to expect: he’ll either attack you or drop out of stealth after 3 seconds. Pets in the otherhand, it’s a constant 1xN opponents.
You’d expect a trade off: if the pets are strong, their master is weak and vice-versa. But nah…
well thieves should not be able to stealth if they are conditioned what about this
Just another thief that cant believe stealth is not some IWIN/ESCAPE button.
Move along.
Reiven Kloak-Warrior / Pizza Pirate-Engineer
Charr Grilled Fish-Ranger
yes, our damage chases you. other classes simply deal damage.
“Nothing isn’t a double edged sword.” – Louis CK
Is he is saying he has the animal chasing him and hurting him when he is invisible, or just locks onto him after he reappears?
It would only make sense for an animal to be chasing something that somehow disappears to run after it when it is back in his line of sight.
(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)
After I reappear, even if the owner is halfway across the map.
Just another thief that cant believe stealth is not some IWIN/ESCAPE button.
Move along.
Whatever, I get the feeling you dont even play a thief, or any class with stealth do you? -.-
The popular ranger builds are almost undeniably as good or better than anything thieves have for tournaments right now, so we can stop with the OP/UP arguments. My point remains that Anet will be unable to help thief players for quite some time, due to the huge chunk of playerbase that hates thieves.
Example: in the next patch, engineers, eles, and mesmers could receive some slight nerfs. Imagine if at the same time thieves received fixes/buffs. People wouldn’t appreciate it. No, it’s best for Anet to remove culling from WvW, make stealth/revealed easier to understand, and THEN get to work with QoL issues for thieves.
Actually i play all classes (except mesmer which im just starting) so i do play a thief and other classes with stealth.
Seriously? This is getting freaking annoying. When someone stealths, the pet should drop targetting, until the owner re-engages and attacks themselves. Pets should not be heatseeking missiles that just lock on to the target after stealth. Fix it, fix it NOW!
TBH this is a really silly topic. You are saying that pets shouldnt attack you unless the owner engages again? You will find that that isnt actually that hard to do as if a thief is going stealth most players will usually spam their closest target button. It isnt a stretch to press f1 after to make the pet attack. I personally have made it a habit to lock my pet on first in any fight i am as a rule of thumb.
Even if you were to Shadow Refuge and get downed, the heat seeking missile (pets) will still start attacking you as soon as SR/any stealth wears off, and now you’re forced to try and kill it, while their owner caps the point.
Considering there isnt any culling in spvp why shouldnt the pet be able to attack you AFTER stealth ends?
After I reappear, even if the owner is halfway across the map.
I also highly doubt you will reappear halfway across the map. You yourself stated you dont cheese like the WvWvW players and go for backstabs. If you dont cheese like them then you are probably aware that stealth doesnt last nearly long enough for you to get significantly far enough in which case player can just get targetting back and proceed as normal.
Reiven Kloak-Warrior / Pizza Pirate-Engineer
Charr Grilled Fish-Ranger
I love when people try to use common sense in games, like the guy above.
That’s like saying that necros shouldn’t be able to bleed inquest golems because they’re robots.
broken mechanics are broken, no pet or npc should keep agro on a stealthed target.
Common sense is a thief’s worst enemy. Its not like you dont exist anymore when you stealth, we know you are there…somewhere.