When did video games become so "serious"?

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I mean im not so old but still theres something wrong.Im posting this here cause im talking about the competitive part of the games and particular GW2..Ive been watching a stream in twitch with a “pro” guy playing some pvp matches.He was playing a Ranger and i asked him if he can link hes build.Hes exact answer:“I wont cause i dont want and this is how this game is”.Ok i know that some ppl are rude by default but i came here to ask if its something with the “pros” and this all esports thing.This guy has like 13 viewers and he was all like “Im so good at everything that everything seems boring and my face is like i just woke up cause im cool”.
In addition why everyone picks Asura to pvp?I know that they are small and hard to click but dont you have a kind of RP in your head..?My Sylvani Ranger is an outcast that does tournaments to feed hes 4 children that he have never saw after the accident.
I know that all this may sound silly but i remember that we used to have more fun with videogames..I used to spent hours with friends talking about the game and funny incidents and i knew back then that THIS IS JUST A GAME..
Anyway i dont want to make this any longer i just think that at early 90s there was more fun with videogames,this esports thing destroyed everything..

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


People pick asura because their model is tiny, and while all hitboxes are the same size, the fact that they are tiny makes their animations extremely hard to identify. It grants a kitten advantage in pvp that’s hard to make a case against because people will start crying about “wanting to play their character” and other nonsense like that.

(edited by Jzaku.9765)

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Ominous.8702


People pick asura because their model is tiny, and while all hitboxes are the same size, the fact that they are tiny makes their animations extremely hard to indentify. It grants a kitten advantage in pvp that’s hard to make a case against because people will start crying about “wanting to play their character” and other nonsense like that.

The moment I figured this out, I re-rolled an Asura for that very purpose. Asura are THE argument for why there should be visible cast-bars in this game.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


I know right! These days in online games everyone is acting so rude and entitled, like they own the world or something.
I wouldn’t say it’s a sympton of competition though, you can have perfectly healthy friendly competition. Sadly a competitive environment does bring out the kittens. Often when a poor sport can’t compete they’ll try to compensate my inflating their ego. :p

Min sized asura are picked for competitive play because they have a significant advantage. Doesn’t really have anything to do with rp, it’s just to have that extra edge.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


The funny thing about all this e sports fuss, is that 90% of the people who cry cry cry for esports wont have their gaming time changed if the game is and esport. Just play the game, who cares if its an esport or not, only a minority benefits from that.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Again picking an Asura for that extra edge seems more stupid to me that making an RP in your character..If picking a barbie doll give you 50% better perfomance would you choose her?I wont,how can i make an RP with a barbie doll?“One day Sindy went shopping,then she decided that she must go to a frozen battleground to slay some Charrs cause she didnt find a match for her shoes”

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


Sure I won’t argue that it would be better if the choice were purely out of rp considerations, but as it stands right now it isn’t. I personally don’t play min size asura but I’m not extremely competitive.

One nitpick about your rp background; while sylvari can have intercourse they cannot actually procreate, so your character can’t really have any children, only siblings born from the mother tree.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Sure I won’t argue that it would be better if the choice were purely out of rp considerations, but as it stands right now it isn’t. I personally don’t play min size asura but I’m not extremely competitive.

One nitpick about your rp background; while sylvari can have intercourse they cannot actually procreate, so your character can’t really have any children, only siblings born from the mother tree.

Actually im aware of that..Ive met Dardanam in frosty mountains,in an old tavern that i used to go and relax after a good hunting.It was love at first sight..But this relationship was doomed from its start..She was a proud Norn and i was a Sylvani…I decided to stand against the rules and mary her.We lived in a small hut in Wychmire Swamp where we can hide from the world..But they found us,i managed to escape but my pregrant wife was captured..Ive never saw my children,but every day my rage grow deeper in my bones.Soon, i will be strong enough to return,and when i return noone will stand in my way

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: kito.1827


Again picking an Asura for that extra edge seems more stupid to me that making an RP in your character..If picking a barbie doll give you 50% better perfomance would you choose her?I wont,how can i make an RP with a barbie doll?“One day Sindy went shopping,then she decided that she must go to a frozen battleground to slay some Charrs cause she didnt find a match for her shoes”

made my day! thx

on topic i totally agree with you. nowadays there are so many self called pro’s, which wouldn’t be the problem, but how they act is a problem in particular.
but there are still nice gamers out there, sadly those acting rude stay in mind.

just keep your attitude, black sheeps will be crossing paths every now and then

Karl Otik
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Taym.8326


Again picking an Asura for that extra edge seems more stupid to me that making an RP in your character..If picking a barbie doll give you 50% better perfomance would you choose her? I wont,how can i make an RP with a barbie doll?“One day Sindy went shopping,then she decided that she must go to a frozen battleground to slay some Charrs cause she didnt find a match for her shoes”

I would pick the Barbie doll everytime, not because I can adjust to RP’n with her, but simply because I wont RP regardless of whatever character I make. What you think is a stupid reason to pick a race is the only thing that matters to an sPvP player, the benefit. Your reason for your character is not the same as everyone elses, and a large portion of the population would take a bonus to whatever aspect they play instead of a section they do not care about, which I am sure is something you can relate to.

Sidenote: If your wife is pregnant I think she is cheating on you. Sylvari are UNABLE (as in sterile) to produce offspring.

(edited by Taym.8326)

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Again picking an Asura for that extra edge seems more stupid to me that making an RP in your character..If picking a barbie doll give you 50% better perfomance would you choose her? I wont,how can i make an RP with a barbie doll?“One day Sindy went shopping,then she decided that she must go to a frozen battleground to slay some Charrs cause she didnt find a match for her shoes”

Sidenote: If your wife is pregnant I think she is cheating on you. Sylvari are UNABLE (as in sterile) to produce offspring.

Ta ta tatatan(great reveal music)..How can this be true?Oh Lord..Is my love strong enough to forgive her?Curse you Taym..

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I think its the opposite of something wrong. Video games started becoming competitive around quake 1. With serious guilds and teams forming then. its only gone on since then.

YOu have people in this world making a living from playing video games. Look basketball is still played for fun, and very casually. But there are different levels of competitiveness as well. UP to and including a level you can make a living from. And theres a handful of video games. (league, starcraft). that if your good enough at them, you can live of playing em.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


the ones who refuse to share their build are sad players who are worried about someone else could play better their spec.
btw when gaming become agonysm, there will be always someone “serious” about it.
so no worries, change stream or look for forums about that build and u will find it out.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


the ones who refuse to share their build are sad players who are worried about someone else could play better their spec.
btw when gaming become agonysm, there will be always someone “serious” about it.
so no worries, change stream or look for forums about that build and u will find it out.

It wasnt the build..Its just “dude relax”

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Hanzo.9624


I blame the internet for ruining video games, honestly. Back in the day when you actually had to have friends come over to play multiplayer games, there was no raging because you’d be a total freak loser if you started screaming at your friends over a video game.

Having multiplayer function over the internet allows anonymity for all of those weird, hyper-serious geeks who want to rage over every little thing that doesn’t go their way, because there’s no fear of retaliation from anyone. It gives them the voice they wish they had in real life.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: hamsteak.1368


i have an asura necromancer…not because it’s hard to see but because i love asura, my thief is a charr

Auger Claw (PvE/Spvp) – Thief
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: HARRELSONNN.4872


I see what you mean. I dont mind people taking it very seriously, as I tend to take it seriously to in some aspects. However I hate hearing “U hav n0 competitive play presence, n00b.” As if all decent players have to have QP or whatnot.

Self honesty leads to wisdom.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: joukuoj.2075


Again picking an Asura for that extra edge seems more stupid to me that making an RP in your character..If picking a barbie doll give you 50% better perfomance would you choose her? I wont,how can i make an RP with a barbie doll?“One day Sindy went shopping,then she decided that she must go to a frozen battleground to slay some Charrs cause she didnt find a match for her shoes”

Sidenote: If your wife is pregnant I think she is cheating on you. Sylvari are UNABLE (as in sterile) to produce offspring.

Ta ta tatatan(great reveal music)..How can this be true?Oh Lord..Is my love strong enough to forgive her?Curse you Taym..

cheating scrathing head kids are born from love, my dad and mom told me, for Asura and Norn you need a lot love but it will work XD

i like PVP in most games i gave ppl basic builds or full builds but when not giving all info give me better chances to win i dont gave them, because im human and i want win, when i heard here you have normalized PVP gear i was happy, after i tryed all classes(like this part too, take few mins get to PVP) in few hours it was clear ofc talking about balance. In a lot games you dont see class imbalance at first sight because gear difference. i think only solution for actual competive sPVP where skills are what count they must split PVP and PVE. You can say they doing it, but i mean complete split so everything can be balance. So for now you have 1 or 2 builds which are played in PVP

if they split PVE/WvW and PVP changes(if something is OP or UP) needed for PVP can be done in few days(no need to think how it affect PVE/WvW) and then actually builds for classes will be important and ppl have reason to not tell you

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: SuperHaze.4210


I see what you mean. I dont mind people taking it very seriously, as I tend to take it seriously to in some aspects. However I hate hearing “U hav n0 competitive play presence, n00b.” As if all decent players have to have QP or whatnot.

The whining from the elitist pvp community is what is ruining this game. They want Anet to cater to the “pros” who will somehow bring back all of the players that left, but fail to realize that the pvp part of the game is dying because the casuals don’t have a fun way to pass the time in HotM. I play tPvP only (because I hate how hotjoins are), but I definitely want a casual game mode where the “pros” aren’t complaining if a pvp “noob” isn’t following the “rules” of the game.

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Zodian.6597


In addition why everyone picks Asura to pvp?I know that they are small and hard to click but dont you have a kind of RP in your head..?My Sylvani Ranger is an outcast that does tournaments to feed hes 4 children that he have never saw after the accident.


To answer your question though, esports has taken off pretty recently (in past 5 years or so), what was once perceived as a novelty pastime for children has become a powerhouse entertainment industry with a viewer base larger than most pro sports leagues and even most popular television shows.

The whole “esports” ideology is just something that’s been tacked on to pretty much every pvp game launched after the S2 LoL championships (which generated around 8.3 mil unique viewers). The only thing that has really changed though is the watchability of the games (spectator mode improvements, everything is in HD now, overlays/animations are much more common). I mean I still have a great time LANing it up with my friends and playing LoL or Halo for funzies, we even talk about games the same way we did back before esports really took off. Esports hasn’t destroyed the possibility of having fun in games with friends for me, maybe you just need to find cooler friends haha. ;p


When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


In addition why everyone picks Asura to pvp?I know that they are small and hard to click but dont you have a kind of RP in your head..?My Sylvani Ranger is an outcast that does tournaments to feed hes 4 children that he have never saw after the accident.


To answer your question though, esports has taken off pretty recently (in past 5 years or so), what was once perceived as a novelty pastime for children has become a powerhouse entertainment industry with a viewer base larger than most pro sports leagues and even most popular television shows.

The whole “esports” ideology is just something that’s been tacked on to pretty much every pvp game launched after the S2 LoL championships (which generated around 8.3 mil unique viewers). The only thing that has really changed though is the watchability of the games (spectator mode improvements, everything is in HD now, overlays/animations are much more common). I mean I still have a great time LANing it up with my friends and playing LoL or Halo for funzies, we even talk about games the same way we did back before esports really took off. Esports hasn’t destroyed the possibility of having fun in games with friends for me, maybe you just need to find cooler friends haha. ;p

Maybe im just growing older..But still theres a feeling that this little guy that used to play NBA Live 97 in his Mega Drive at his parent bedroom(there was the big TV screen) was more pure than today guy watching streams and “pros”..

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: waka.9826


RPing is just as hilarious and “esports”

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Kenshin.6154


Well the downside of “advantage” of being small as asura is that they are all butt-ugly.

Kenshin [Foo] ~ Piken Square

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


Every build worth having is on the internet somewhere. I would never ask someone for there build too many people are jerks.