When is SoloQ coming back?

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


Ranked Arena (Solo vs. Premade Arena) clearly has been a failure.

When is SoloQ coming back?

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


When blood magic is OP

http://strawpoll.me/3648686/r Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


Lol. You deem it a failure when it has only been here for 10 days? It is a TEST season. They are working out the problems and it will improve. Would you go to the gym for 10 days and then quit because “you will never get bigger” (see no positive results yet). Have some patients and stop QQ’ing.

Better yet, why don’t you create a thread that is actually helpful to Anet to try to fix the problems that are there. Times, Map names is a perfect answer. If you think a match was unfair, post the above 2 things and they can look at it. They can then figure out what went wrong or didn’t (could be you).

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


Lol. You deem it a failure when it has only been here for 10 days? It is a TEST season. They are working out the problems and it will improve. Would you go to the gym for 10 days and then quit because “you will never get bigger” (see no positive results yet). Have some patients and stop QQ’ing.

Better yet, why don’t you create a thread that is actually helpful to Anet to try to fix the problems that are there. Times, Map names is a perfect answer. If you think a match was unfair, post the above 2 things and they can look at it. They can then figure out what went wrong or didn’t (could be you).

Matchmaking is the problem. It can’t work no matter what they change with Ranked Arena because of population of GW2 sPvP.

Nothing can be done.

I will not waste my time

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


Lol. You deem it a failure when it has only been here for 10 days? It is a TEST season. They are working out the problems and it will improve. Would you go to the gym for 10 days and then quit because “you will never get bigger” (see no positive results yet). Have some patients and stop QQ’ing.

Better yet, why don’t you create a thread that is actually helpful to Anet to try to fix the problems that are there. Times, Map names is a perfect answer. If you think a match was unfair, post the above 2 things and they can look at it. They can then figure out what went wrong or didn’t (could be you).

Matchmaking is the problem. It can’t work no matter what they change with Ranked Arena because of population of GW2 sPvP.

Nothing can be done.

I will not waste my time

So it is a population issue? So your idea is to chop what already is small, into smaller pieces? Solo Q’ing into Team arena worked fine before. Obviously with new methods it isn’t working out perfect. They will fix it and it will be fine again.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


Lol. You deem it a failure when it has only been here for 10 days? It is a TEST season. They are working out the problems and it will improve. Would you go to the gym for 10 days and then quit because “you will never get bigger” (see no positive results yet). Have some patients and stop QQ’ing.

Better yet, why don’t you create a thread that is actually helpful to Anet to try to fix the problems that are there. Times, Map names is a perfect answer. If you think a match was unfair, post the above 2 things and they can look at it. They can then figure out what went wrong or didn’t (could be you).

Matchmaking is the problem. It can’t work no matter what they change with Ranked Arena because of population of GW2 sPvP.

Nothing can be done.

I will not waste my time

So it is a population issue? So your idea is to chop what already is small, into smaller pieces? Solo Q’ing into Team arena worked fine before Obviously with new methods it isn’t working out perfect. They will fix it and it will be fine again.

Get rid of Unranked Arena. MOST POINTLESS ARENA EVER.

“They will fix it and it will be fine again.” – You do not know ArenaNet.

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Covis.6037


hope soon… my crystal ball tells its in 6-12months as per usual though…

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: dday.9532


Solo q in unranked.

if you soloq in ranked you should b getting stomped by teams.
thats why they made unranked, for casual play like soloq or duo/trio q.

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


I want to know the reason why SoloQ was removed? I don’t think they ever told us.

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I want to know the reason why SoloQ was removed? I don’t think they ever told us.

I believe they wanted to spilt the community as little as possible (player base is already small). So they just combined it into one playlist. In theory this is a great idea, however it didn’t turn out that way because a majority of the time soloqers are going up against premades. I don’t mind going up against premades once in awhile, however when it becomes a common occurrence, that’s when I lose faith in the system. It’s also why I refuse to soloq now.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


Game 1
Instant Pop
1+1+1+1+1 vs. 5

Game 2
Instant Pop
1+1+1+2? vs. 5

I can’t wait to see this improve! It will…right?


(edited by Obsidia.5127)

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: glock.6590


Game 1
Instant Pop
1+1+1+1+1 vs. 5

Game 2
Instant Pop
1+1+1+2? vs. 5

I can’t wait to see this improve! It will…right?


It wont, arenanet only caters to those 10-20 people farming real $$ or gems each week. They dont care about solo Q and the proof is skyhammer.

6’4’’ Master Race. I am Above You.

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Game 1
Instant Pop
1+1+1+1+1 vs. 5

Game 2
Instant Pop
1+1+1+2? vs. 5

I can’t wait to see this improve! It will…right?


It wont, arenanet only caters to those 10-20 people farming real $$ or gems each week. They dont care about solo Q and the proof is skyhammer.

Yep, pretty much.

Regardless collero, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but solo queue is never coming back. It took 3 years for anet to agree with the community regarding new game modes. Guys in early alpha argued for new game modes but anet listened to about 10-20 esports fans in alpha too at the expense of the majority of players. This was repeated during closed beta, open beta, early release, etc.

Only recently did they start to work on new game modes and accept the feedback that it was needed. I dont think this means they will do a 360 on solo queue.

Neither should they. I mean if they think the game is better without solo queue then they should go for it. They are game designers and should trust their vision as well as feedback I guess.

I was kind of bored of solo queue after a while. But I think this was when I became not good enough to carry super hard. When solo queue first came out and I was able to dominate it I found solo queue more fun. For the last 6+ months of solo queue (probably longer) I was just average and couldnt carry so it was more frustrating.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Elitist.8701


Arenanet isnt going to do anything. They really dont have to, they dont even care. Esports LOL. Keep giving the same people thousands of dollars. GG Anet. SoloQers vs premades doesnt make more teams, it just makes people quit the game.

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Aereniel.7356


Arenanet isnt going to do anything. They really dont have to, they dont even care. Esports LOL. Keep giving the same people thousands of dollars. GG Anet. SoloQers vs premades doesnt make more teams, it just makes people quit the game.

This right here is what throws me. Anet must be aware that soloQ is by far the most popular game mode in other quote-unquote team games, such as LoL for example. It’s the mode that feeds the team aspect and ensures a healthy player base for a sustainable competitive scene. If Anet know this (and they must) then why are they trying to reinvent the wheel with GW2? Unless of course they assume that the current queue arrangement provides the same player experience as a genuine soloQ, which, I’m sad to say, is not even remotely correct.

Been here since launch
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: glock.6590


The problem is that solo Q in gw2 is worse than any other game. Because 1 player dosent make much difference. Unless you push far with a tanky build to hold 2 people while your team wins other points.

Also you dont get any satisfaction from losing, You basically play just to win , stand on the node until the match is over.

If you’re playing an FPS game, get 50 kills 5 deaths and lose the game. Even if you lost, you still had alot of fun which is not the case for gw2.

So most players are frustrated with solo Q thats maybe why they deleted this game mode even if it was popular.

There needs to be a middle ground between solo Q and team Q.

6’4’’ Master Race. I am Above You.

(edited by glock.6590)

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Lol honestly I don’t understand the issue with solo vs team. Have any of you ever played a pick up game? Sometimes the people there form teams but you still play even if you don’t know everyone on your team. You get time before a match to make a plan.

Necromancer Main

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Irikami.6270


In any decent PvP game that call itself of “e-sport” you can play Solo OR Team and have balance, like if you play for 4 months you’ll not fight who plays for 1 year. This is not a decent one for now, maybe after all the updates, just move to PvE or WvW if you really like the game and let this crap away.

Everytime now is a pug v team, at this moment not only me but more 2 friends are keeping distance from there, maybe a break from the game is a good idea too, it’s not like PvP in GW2 is good and the system still don’t help. That’s why the MOBA market always see us as a joke, hurts but it’s the true.

Artien Ni, Engineer
Naraku no Kitsune, Necromancer
Fort Aspenwood (GODS)

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


In any decent PvP game that call itself of “e-sport” you can play Solo OR Team and have balance, like if you play for 4 months you’ll not fight who plays for 1 year. This is not a decent one for now, maybe after all the updates, just move to PvE or WvW if you really like the game and let this crap away.

Everytime now is a pug v team, at this moment not only me but more 2 friends are keeping distance from there, maybe a break from the game is a good idea too, it’s not like PvP in GW2 is good and the system still don’t help. That’s why the MOBA market always see us as a joke, hurts but it’s the true.

How does the matchmaking in Counter Strike work?

Necromancer Main

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Covis.6037


Lol honestly I don’t understand the issue with solo vs team. Have any of you ever played a pick up game? Sometimes the people there form teams but you still play even if you don’t know everyone on your team. You get time before a match to make a plan.

and you havent played pvp for very long or you are not very good at it.

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Lol honestly I don’t understand the issue with solo vs team. Have any of you ever played a pick up game? Sometimes the people there form teams but you still play even if you don’t know everyone on your team. You get time before a match to make a plan.

and you havent played pvp for very long or you are not very good at it.


Necromancer Main

When is SoloQ coming back?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


In any decent PvP game that call itself of “e-sport” you can play Solo OR Team and have balance, like if you play for 4 months you’ll not fight who plays for 1 year. This is not a decent one for now, maybe after all the updates, just move to PvE or WvW if you really like the game and let this crap away.

Everytime now is a pug v team, at this moment not only me but more 2 friends are keeping distance from there, maybe a break from the game is a good idea too, it’s not like PvP in GW2 is good and the system still don’t help. That’s why the MOBA market always see us as a joke, hurts but it’s the true.

How does the matchmaking in Counter Strike work?

CS only matches you against people in your skill level. Generally, silver plays silver, nova plays nova, and etc. Also CS has built in voice chat, so it’s really not that big of a deal if you do go up against groups.

One of the most important aspects in competitive gaming (or anything in life really) is communication. So a premade in TS has a huge advantage in this game, since there’s no built in voice chat.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)