When will guardians be fixed?
You again. Stop posting troll threads. After other classes get some shave nerfs, guardians will be meta without any buffs needed.
You’ve done like 6 of these posts now.
Please completely rework Guardian’s bad traits
I make PvP & WvW videos
A bunker build that is basicly invulnerable?……
DH medi trapper only works on awfull palyers or power creep burst situations. where players putted themselves in that situation….when they go melee knowing DH have traps there… on squishy builds…
Saddly bunker guard does not exist, they are a free kill….
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
This is troll thread, right?
Guys he’s trolling. Don’t take him seriously. Go look at his history and you will see that he made a couple of these posts, one for each class (Why is it ok for eles to be unkillable, why is it ok for guardians to be unkillable, why is it ok for X to be unkillable…)