Where is the celestial amulet nerf?
option 3: Nerf the OP sigils that carry celestial specs
Math of battle sigil: with +might runes gives 9-12 stacks of might. That is the equivalent of 315-420 power AND condition damage, or 630-840 stats total. This is FAR stronger than any other sigil in this setup.
Doom gives celestial specs a strong advantage in any sustain v. sustain matchup, and b/c of frequent weapon-swaps, engi and ele use them to max. effectiveness.
Nope, it will ruin build diversity which will definitely ruin conquest in small and large scale fights (when the times has come).
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
Op you started you post under the premise that celestial is over powered, when its just been a matter of some people opinions. Lots of people think that zerker specs do to much damage. In the EU meta zerker thief+mesmer is still very popular. IMO celestial is fine and in team setting they are not over performing by much at all.
Also celestial specs without might are trash. Only around 10+ stacks of might do they start to do ok damage and its around 20 stack when the damage gets good. Might is a boon that is not exclusive to celestial specs.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Two options:
Option 1: Nerf celestial amulet
Option 2: Nerf engi and eleI vote for option 1.
Option 3, nerf zerker amulet. Celestial is fine.
Option 4: nerf might stacks from Blast finishers from 3 to 2 stacks.
Ele is strong not because of celestial, but because it has too many ways to blast and stack mights. Blast mights is too easy to come by for them. Try to play an Ele without mights blasts, and you will realize how wet noodles they are.
Nerfing Celestial is the wrong solution. What makes Ele OP right now is the might blasts. It should take the work of a team to blast and get the whole team to 25 stacks might. 3 stacks is too much for just a blast.
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
Option 4: nerf might stacks from Blast finishers from 3 to 2 stacks.
Ele is strong not because of celestial, but because it has too many ways to blast and stack mights. Blast mights is too easy to come by for them. Try to play an Ele without mights blasts, and you will realize how wet noodles they are.
Nerfing Celestial is the wrong solution. What makes Ele OP right now is the might blasts. It should take the work of a team to blast and get the whole team to 25 stacks might. 3 stacks is too much for just a blast.
not to mention the fury upkeep turning that 25-30% crit chance into 50% making much better use of the crit damage celestial also has, take away fury and might and it’s a real wet noodle.
I really think anet should take a look at how might stacking works and turn it more into an individual thing that has to be trained for like an engineers hgh build as it can reliably solo stack 25 might and a lot of other boons but has to give up some of its best skills for elixirs like healing turret and some of the kits, as of now a build like hgh is rendered useless in a proper team because a team can easily aoe stack 25 might and an engineer can just take its most beneficial skills that bring the most utility/damage, I’d like to remind people of the old hgh rabid engineer that was popular in spvp a long time ago, it was one of the best roaming specs because it could take nearly anything 1v1 (arguably still can) but now with anti boon builds becoming more of a thing bringing might back inccheck could make the game a whole lot more balanced and team structure/tactics a more thought about part of the rather then current way it’s been going.
celestial amulet is fine.
learn to play please.
celestial amulet is fine.
learn to play please.
Agree too, but actually i believe you lose too easily in solo queue to tanky setups, because of condition damage. It’s common having no bunker in your party against 1 guard 2 engis 2 eles, and you get rolled most of the time, assuming both teams are at same level.
Don’t expect any nerfs that affect every single team while there is a major tournament going on.
Two options:
Option 1: Nerf celestial amulet
Option 2: Nerf engi and eleI vote for option 1.
Man, if you think celestial is that good, use it in your build. It’s available to all classes.
Two options:
Option 1: Nerf celestial amulet
Option 2: Nerf engi and eleI vote for option 1.
Man, if you think celestial is that good, use it in your build. It’s available to all classes.
runes of nightmare are also available for all. But on necro it is more useful as on guardian.
Two options:
Option 1: Nerf celestial amulet
Option 2: Nerf engi and eleI vote for option 1.
Man, if you think celestial is that good, use it in your build. It’s available to all classes.
The moment all classes can use Celestial effectively is the moment teamwork is dead…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
The main thing is: if it is so powerful, instead of complaining, put it in your build. But it isn’t that powerful. Celestial has its drawbacks too. You won’t do spike damage with it, neither will be a bunker. It’s far from being an OP amulet, where you’ll kill everyone and won’t dye.
The main thing is: if it is so powerful, instead of complaining, put it in your build. But it isn’t that powerful. Celestial has its drawbacks too. You won’t do spike damage with it, neither will be a bunker. It’s far from being an OP amulet, where you’ll kill everyone and won’t dye.
I think you missed the point of my comment…
Using Celestial efficiently is only reserved to some classes (Elementalist/Engineer/Warrior/Ranger), whereas the other classes cannot benefit at all with this amulet since they will either lack the same survivability or damage done over time (hello mightstacks)
Not just that, but most of the classes that can use Celestial are not as dependant on other classes for their survivability as the ones that cannot use them… Celestial enables a class to peform well enough on their own, be it in survival, or damage – and while it is true that the innitial spike damage is not noteworthy (I would argue with the bunker capabilities), the survivability is high enough to make up for the lack of innitial spikes without the help of a teammate, or simply enough to wait for a teammate to show up and “help”…
Celestial specs are on their own not overpowered, but within Conquest they are Overpeforming , as they can, with certain class synergy, effectively take two roles at once (Sustained dmg roamer) – which is what I meant with using the amulet effectively, because again if all classes can do that, then teamwork is dead…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
The main thing is: if it is so powerful, instead of complaining, put it in your build. But it isn’t that powerful. Celestial has its drawbacks too. You won’t do spike damage with it, neither will be a bunker. It’s far from being an OP amulet, where you’ll kill everyone and won’t dye.
You can have differing versions of OP.
Two celestial classes 2v2 is OP IMO because they carry each other so hard. Two eles, or an ele an engi for instance will be almost unkillable 2v2 on a point because they’ll just keep healing each other.
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celestial amulet is fine.
learn to play please.
There is no “learn to play” here. Cele ele is god tier at 1v1, you cant outskill them because theyre freaking OP AF. Cele engi is almost fine but they need a longer CD on the block. As it is, engi can delay forever by blocking while waiting for heal.
I’m not coming back, not that you care.
celestial amulet is fine.
learn to play please.
There is no “learn to play” here. Cele ele is god tier at 1v1, you cant outskill them because theyre freaking OP AF. Cele engi is almost fine but they need a longer CD on the block. As it is, engi can delay forever by blocking while waiting for heal.
I’m really unsure how to nerf that tks block aye on one hand it stacks way to well with p/s blinds and general kiting ability of an engi but the tk block in its self is no better then other blocks which creats the problem of if it’s nerfed it takes away from potential other builds that could use a buff all in the name of nerfing the meta build, although with the shield getting a buff it probly could use a nerf on the cd.
Only 5 more months till the balancing update! Are you that excited like me? x)
(edited by Zapion.2967)
Option 2 and 3.
Celestial is fine. Use it on other professions and builds and you’ll see is not that powerful. So it must be something else causing elementalists and engineers to be powerful when using this amulet.
And what is that? Sigil of Battle primarily, but also sigil of doom and class mechanics which are too strong. If you can’t stack might so quickly and for so long, the sustained damage drops dramatically. Sigil of Battle’s duration should be 12 to 15 seconds base, not 20 seconds. Sigil of Doom gives d/d ele access to poison which they normally don’t have, and that allows them to out-sustain in 1v1 and have cover conditions for burning. Engineer’s incendiary powder needs a nerf; it’s a huge contributor to their damage in both celestial and condition builds. For d/d ele, the duration of some of the burning is too long for taking so many defensive traits.
celestial amulet is fine.
learn to play please.
There is no “learn to play” here. Cele ele is god tier at 1v1, you cant outskill them because theyre freaking OP AF. Cele engi is almost fine but they need a longer CD on the block. As it is, engi can delay forever by blocking while waiting for heal.
Yeah… No.
They aren’t god tier at 1v1’s. But I suppose from your perspective (playing thief) they are pretty much impossible to kill.
It also depends if we’re talking straight up duels in the Courtyard or encounters on a nodepoint. I gotta admit that Cele Eles are pretty much impossible to kill in an open-duel, which also goes for Engineer. On point however, I find it much less of a problem. Engineers, Rangers and Warriors are incredibly strong on point, since they have so much condi-spam, and they can all best an Elementalist if they play decently.
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian
I guess this depends on the point of view. I play as engineer, and I am having a hard time against LB rangers and necromancers. But I don’t think this is a problem with those classes, I think I need to improve my game play and learn how to counter them. Even though may be impossible to do it. In the other hand, other classes may not find those encounters a problem.
The main thing about MMO RPGs is that you won’t be capable of killing all classes, if you are in the same skill level. It’s just impossible to balance that, obviously some classes will be stronger than other in 1v1 duels.
If you read all forums from MMO games, you’ll always see someone complaining from OP classes.
in most cases the classes that use celestial (war, ele engi etc) can’t run zerker spec as effective as other classes thief, mes, guard. Over the balance in the game is the best its ever been.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir