(edited by Hawk.7628)
Where's the Balance?
hambow warrior still kitten op – nothing changed
still opheal + op HP + op cc + op dmg even with autoattack
The devs don’t want interesting, skilled gameplay. They want the game to be as passive as possible with a very low skill cap. Instead of attracting players by making the pvp good, they are trying to attract players by making it mind-numbingly simple so anyone can pvp at a near equal level regardless of skill. Obviously it’s the wrong way to go about it, but the game’s been out over a year and just about everything these guys have done is wrong.
There isn’t any.
Every single member of the ANet balance team should be fire with cause and black listed from the industry.
It’s not balance.
The game is decently balanced.
You can pick up any class and there is a top tier spec somewhere in there, that is better than most MMOs.
The issue is kittenty gameplay.
All that balance is balanced around god-aweful passive, cc-lock, rotation spam cheese.
And the final nail in the coffin was conquest.
Other games could get away with spammy cheese since it was more group v group fighting so there was allot of lee-way for bad specs and required skill in cheese specs through positioning and well done teamwork, in GW2 that doesn’t exist, the vast majority of the game is 1v1 or 2v2 with little if any in combat teamwork short of having your mouse clicked on the same target.
That killed that game.
Nothing can survive that.
GW2 would have had to have had better than MOBA setup skills, classes better than LoL which took years and years to perfect with a downright awesome dev team….
No chance in hell they could manage that.
(I completely agree with that second half)
What Anet always fails to do is to listen to their community. They want everyone to be able to do PvP from day 1 in this game – they don’t want a high skill ceiling and yet they want this game to be an e-sport… If that’s ever going to happen they have to start listening to their community. They have to actively play all professions and all game types. As it looks now they don’t have any thief players and they’re definitely not playing the same game as we do….