Which is more OP?
There’s no discussion. Bunker mesmer can’t kill a thing and can’t capture points for long (unless faced by kittens).
Bunker mesmer by far.
Am I good?… I’m good.
I tried both class, while playing mallyx rev in team fight, I got heavily cc by chrono and dragon hunter then die without a breakstun (while shiro/glint stance in cd). And while in shiro/glint, i got con dmg spam which i cannot do anything on it ._. , but the dmg output is fine.
For chrono , people is really hard to kill me even 1 v 2 in a point, but at the same time, there is really little damage I can do to them, while in team fight they just ignore me and kill the rest of my teammate then turn to me.
In fact templest, druid are also got some 1 v 2 bunker build which is really hard to kill and templest got higher dps in my mind while druid got more healing to teammate.
DH, Reaper and scrapper is good at decaping caps while in 1 v 1
The two class i think underpower is thief and warrior._.
Mallyx rev or bunker mes?
^ that’s only the case in SoloQ, not premades – Tournament play.
- You wont beat a Rev 1v1 unless you go off meta and spec to a build that counters Rev but under performs everywhere else in PvP. Likea burn burst guard or something.
- Their dmg to sustain ratio on Viper amulet, a burst amy, is second to none.
- They pretty much out-perform other classes in skirmish fights with the right comp. Revs offer great single target damages, can be “bunky” on a burst amulet, is mobile, and has moderate cc.
- Best of all… his skills and rotations are incredibly hard to read and counter effectively.
Bunk Mesmer
Basically a beefed up prepatch Bunker Guardian back when Bunker Guard was able to self-sustain a 1v2 point, only better. I’d hardly call a punching bag OP but.. they’re the best bunker class atm so they technically are op in that realm.
Rev wins the comparison, imo.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
Whichever one my teammates cant kill
Rev bunker (settler).. Nobody uses it, but it’s fun…..
I would say Rev, since they can actually kill something. But Mes if you are just trying to hold points. I want to see a 3 Mes, 2 Rev team comp, where the mes just bunker and the Rev’s roam between points. a single mes can basically bunker forever against 3 average people, or 2 pro’s.
You can tell the difference between a good and bad mallyx rev. Bunker mes is forgiving, but it’s harder to pick out which are bad. Based on ease to pick up/difficulty: a bad bunker mes can probably still carry, a bad mallyx rev won’t. I should note that an excellent player in either class definitely stands out, so they are almost equal to me.
^ that’s only the case in SoloQ, not premades – Tournament play.
- You wont beat a Rev 1v1 unless you go off meta and spec to a build that counters Rev but under performs everywhere else in PvP. Likea burn burst guard or something.
- Their dmg to sustain ratio on Viper amulet, a burst amy, is second to none.
- They pretty much out-perform other classes in skirmish fights with the right comp. Revs offer great single target damages, can be “bunky” on a burst amulet, is mobile, and has moderate cc.
- Best of all… his skills and rotations are incredibly hard to read and counter effectively.
Bunk Mesmer
Basically a beefed up prepatch Bunker Guardian back when Bunker Guard was able to self-sustain a 1v2 point, only better. I’d hardly call a punching bag OP but.. they’re the best bunker class atm so they technically are op in that realm.Rev wins the comparison, imo.
i disagree because noscoc on necro, magic toker on thief and rom on druid have all 1 vs 1 vs this OP rev but absolutely no one has killed a mesmer 1 vs 1. Chaith was able to win the fight by decapping and eventually capping but he never killed the mesmer.
Because of the ESL leagues people in game copy catting in game. Im seeing premade guild teams when i solo que with 2 rev 2 bunk mesmers and a scrapper/ele.
Bunker mesmer is more op to me for these reasons.
a single mes can basically bunker forever against 3 average people, or 2 pro’s.
Not really, ‘2 pros’ will destroy a bunker mesmer if one of those is a mallyx revenant. You can even beat bad bunker mesmers 1v1 on mallyx rev.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
Bunker Mes is worse. It has no counter other than throwing your entire team at it.
Condi rev can be countered by a single condi rev… it’s pretty broke that it is its own counter but at least they can be dealt with by a single player.
Tarnished Coast
From my main, a scrapper for this season, perspective, Bunker Chrono.
I can do 1v1 against condi Rev and win. I can do 1v1 against power Rev, requires a bit more on my part since the attacks hurts a lot but still killable.
I can do 1v1 against bunker Chrono and will kill the bad ones but the good ones? No way, sir. They won’t die the whole match unless can do somehow a 3v1 before their teammates adds to the fight.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Rev bunker (settler)..
Nobody uses it, but it’s fun…..
Wow I thought I was the only one who used this build…
But back to OP, I vote mesmer (biased)
People claim bunker mes is more OP because they can’t 1v1 them… That’s stupid. It’s a bunker, it’s not meant to be 1v1. Of course it will stall the game forever. It’s designed for that.
It is clear that condi rev is the most OP thing which has ever been on gw2. Even in tournament, a condi rev sometimes hold 1v2 for quite a while. May I remind you that the viper amulet is as glassy as it can get? Rev is currently the only class in the game which we see running full glass (zerk or viper, while everybody else in on marauder or carrion).
Condi necro and DH would kill a bunker mes “fairly easily” if well played. But those 2 are getting destroyed so bad by condi rev that we don’t see them anymore.
Condi rev has pushed every single class out of the meta, and the only thing left is the build they didn’t destroy: chronobunker.
So yes, chronobunker is too strong, and should not be able to be near-unkillable for 15s regardless of the number of enemies. But if rev were nerfed, you would immediately see reapers, druids, DH and scrappers back, maybe even thieves. And with reaper and DH back, bunker mes would not be that unkillable.
^ this
if you would delete revenent, you would see much more druids, reapers ,DHs and probably even thiefs.
(edited by dominik.9721)
People claim bunker mes is more OP because they can’t 1v1 them… That’s stupid. It’s a bunker, it’s not meant to be 1v1. Of course it will stall the game forever. It’s designed for that.
That’s the thing tho, the majority of the chrono aren’t even using a bunker amulet and runes…
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
(edited by azyume.6321)
Mallyx rev or bunker mes?
Revs risk to reward rate is a bit too much towards reward. That’s bad but didn’t hurt the match too much.
Chrono-Bunkers are nearly immortal and slow down the pace of a match so that it is boring for everyone playing and a pain to watch. This is not only hurting the match, it is hurting PvP.
=>So by far Chrono-Bunker
Lol, please NERF all baddies that can’t out-rotate a bunker properly. (oups… already done… sorry, PLEASE BUFF all the BADDIEs that can’t out-rotate a bunker properly)
CONDI REV is a counter to all classes. Meaning, that many viable build (marauder, berzeker) are DEAD in the meta because of REVENANT.
Mesmer Bunker, is a bad bunker (can’t hold point like Bunker Guard or Staff bunker ele) that can’t kill anyone, even in 2v1 (ie. 2 celes vs high sustain).
Mesmer bunker had been played by all notorious mesmer in the last 3 years and nobodies cries for that. Learn to use your unblockable skill on shield 4, CC and condi burst at the right time.
Main bunker since 2012. Give me back my Bunker Guard, my Shoutbow Warrior, Decap Engi (last quarter 2013) or my Staff Ele Aurashare (2012 build).
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
Mesmer bunker is OP. I’s almost unkillable, has the mobility it should not have as bunker, which allows him to disengage on demand. And that uninterruptable 2 second res…