Why Can't People Communicate?
I just finished an article on my blog about it. Still not finished but almost.
Basically GW2 promotes in a way this social alienation. There is this intrinsic apathy in either soloquing or when forming a random group with everything. It is all about sending the invite and starting the game.
I, as a gamer but more importantly a veteran, am still amazed with how things are runned with GW2. When it comes to random groups and how they are made or formed GW2 is by far the worst game that I have ever experienced with in too many levels to be bothered to count or even type about.
Some percentage of it belongs to Arena for not making a proper MMR system to encourage ranks of people from 0-10, 10-20,30-40, ect to form their own groups and being matched at that rank but I would like to think that most blame goes the community and strictly to that for having barriers.
I remember that I used to see in map chat only 40+ groups until this patter was starting to break to 35s and 30s and sometimes you see 20+ trying to make groups (which they have all my respect for it).
Been playing smite lately.
Then theres also planetside2s built in voice which helps on some level even if you yourself don’t have the mike.
It can be kinda hard to communicate in GW2 man.
I don’t mind saying whats going on around me, but doing so during combat? Pfft not happening unless the person is just really poor, or build wars plays its head and they can’t do anything regardless.
However I also realized even if you say crap doesn’t mean anyone is listening…srs.
Typing is actually a really bad way to communicate in these types of games. You essentially have to disable yourself to do it, which is usually a bad idea because a fraction of a second could mean losing a point and getting killed or killing someone. So we just don’t do it and have to rely on third party programs or everyone just knowing what to do.
It’s also hard to memorize the names of every single point to communicate where there is a problem, especially since they change names on different maps. Not only is it risky to try to type something out but there’s no guarantee that your communication is going to make sense to anyone without them going to the map and trying to figure out what point you are talking about.
All these little things compound into very little communication. Usually the only time you have to communicate is when you are dead.
This is a great topic that has bothered me for some time.
On the rare occasion that Im solo queing, Im blown away by the number of times Im on a team with all rank 40+ and no one even says “hi” in team chat before a game. We’re all experienced players! Why cant we at least communicate a general strat before running into that premade team over yonder?!?!
Ive tried to mitigate this problem by a) Announcing in team chat that I will be tanking close unless someone objects. b) Communicating CONSTANTLY whenever I can all game from close pt all the key information I can. Whose down, where I see the other team headed, which bosses/buffs are up, how many inc to close pt etc. I can do this while in a 1v1 but anything more (1v2+) and I have to stop and focus on bunkering….
I get that it’s not easy to type during a match. But what about the one and a half minutes before the match even starts?
I doubt if there’s any excuse here.
Typing 1mid, 2 close, 3 far is not hard.
Exactly! At least tell people where youre headed on start! Typing something like “Hey, Im going far pt, mid pt, close pt, treb, orb, etc.” would at least help me make an informed decision on where I should go….
Exactly! At least tell people where youre headed on start! Typing something like “Hey, Im going far pt, mid pt, close pt, treb, orb, etc.” would at least help me make an informed decision on where I should go….
Yeah, this doesn’t require superpowers. I’d like to be able to rate others on their performance in a match. Not on skills but teamwork.
I used to formulate strat with team. Then found those that don’t, now I don’t even bother starting the convo. If someone else starts up a strat convo I’m all there unless getting a drink or afk for bathroom
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
in tPvP, communication is critical!
I’m honestly suspicious when I see people say this. It has been my experience that this quote is closely followed by a flurry of useless information through voip.
Strategy in this game honestly isn’t that hard since it’s just applied arithmetic.
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]
putting up targets is a more important form of communication than text. i am much happier with teammates who put up targets than those who tell me where they are going.
usually by looking at your team’s profession breakdown you can figure out where players are going to go off the start. all contested nodes & teammate locations can be seen at a glance once the match has begun.
certainly, team communication elevates the level of play. but i don’t think that queuing up solo with an expectation that all teammates will be excellent communicators is a realistic view.
i use the auto-run keybind.
i don’t need to stop to type on the chat, also wile capping (stationary) its is also a good opportunity to communicate with team mates. Also when you are down and waiting for the respawn button to light up (i don’t die much though xD )
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
Also, no one usually calls the tacticz because you should know yourself what role to asume, and where to go, based on your build and class. If you ask where to go, or give other players directions where to go, it might very likely make a bad first impression on the more experienced part of your team. Moreover, the nablets usually won’t do what they’re advised to to start with (as experienced first-hand), so it is, more often than not, a wasted effort with mostly negative effects, or really small positive effects.
As far as communication midmatch is concerned, you are normally able to tell your team where opponents are headed while waiting for a respawn, or if possible, you can type the name/location of the shrine about to get mobbed (avoid mid/close pt/far pt), or in the need of assistance (help mid/close pt/far pt). Coupled with good field observance and intuition, that alone is by far enough vs normal random teams.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
I barely played any PvE in Rift but one of the things that really impressed me was the dungeon finder / party creator tool.
Basically the system knew that you needed the 4 basic roles to be filled, based on your class and spec it would allow you to list yourself for a certain role or two.
The system would then create a group of Tank – Healer – DPS – Support and usually 1 more DPS, but I believe the 5th slot was fairly open.
As a basic tool this meant you got grouped together and formed what should be a fairly balanced group setup, at least on paper.
I’d love to see something like this in GW2, perhaps a party leader could create a ‘group forming’ specific which roles they want to join, and the system then adds a group together based on adding the different roles into a group, like bunker, roamer, support, dps.
This should all form within the mists too so that you have a chance to chatter and stuff before you then submit yourselves as a party.
A good system like this would breed much better tournament play for solo queuing players, it sets itself up to do a good job, whereas the current system is setup to be an antisocial failure.
Currently you enter a map with about 1 person and then the others join at 1 second to go, you’ve got utterly random classes and build styles, no plan, no chance.
A thorough party invitation system is needed in GW2, in fact not just for PvP but the whole game. The LFG tool is absolutely diabolical really.
EQ1 had a better LFG tool 10 years ago…
I purposely type into team chat what the strategy is to get people to talk and you know what the most common response is?
“Win!” or “Kick kitten ” Something along those lines.
I then become irritated at the gap in the scoreboard while my team loses. I won one out of the 5 or 6 matches yesterday and it was just mind boggling at how bad some of these people were. When I see titles like Golden, Dungeon Master, or other PvE titles, in my group, I cringe. There have also been times where I have called out positions for people, and they still don’t listen. I call out targets, and they still decide to auto attack a guardian.
There are people who have “friends” or teams to play with. There are people who could care less about improving or even winning or losing, they are just there for a daily and a monthly achievement. Then there are the people in between. The poor folk who are pretty decent and don’t have time to look for people to play with, they just want to jump into a match without having to worry about zergs from hot joins or team mates with bad builds and no experience. Well guess what, now solo queue and even duo, is just as bad and as pointless as hot join.
If they want to keep chugging PvE players into SPvP then they need to input a better internal communication system. All of your team mates should appear in your party list, ALL players should appear on the mini map, even classes should be displayed. Those are just a few improvements that NEED to happen, not should.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
False. It’s being polite and building a sense of being on a team. A team needs to communicate to be effective. It’s basic dynamics.
Otherwise it’s just a bunch of random people put together on a map.
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
False. It’s being polite and building a sense of being on a team. A team needs to communicate to be effective. It’s basic dynamics.
Otherwise it’s just a bunch of random people put together on a map.
I’m sorry bhagwad, but that’s the mentality of PvP players. It’s a psycological fact and saying it’s false is just denying the truth. Mabye it’s impolite or unfriendly, but that’s another story.
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
False. It’s being polite and building a sense of being on a team. A team needs to communicate to be effective. It’s basic dynamics.
Otherwise it’s just a bunch of random people put together on a map.
I’m sorry bhagwad, but that’s the mentality of PvP players. It’s a psycological fact and saying it’s false is just denying the truth. Mabye it’s impolite or unfriendly, but that’s another story.
It’s false because not just me, but other good players also communicate. In fact, the newer you are to PvP, the less you tend to communicate. I don’t know why.
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
False. It’s being polite and building a sense of being on a team. A team needs to communicate to be effective. It’s basic dynamics.
Otherwise it’s just a bunch of random people put together on a map.
I’m sorry bhagwad, but that’s the mentality of PvP players. It’s a psycological fact and saying it’s false is just denying the truth. Mabye it’s impolite or unfriendly, but that’s another story.
It’s false because not just me, but other good players also communicate. In fact, the newer you are to PvP, the less you tend to communicate. I don’t know why.
Okay my son, you’re absolutely right as always. Your opinion is the only one. Every other person that says something other has to be false. Seriously now, wake up and get back into the real world.
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
False. It’s being polite and building a sense of being on a team. A team needs to communicate to be effective. It’s basic dynamics.
Otherwise it’s just a bunch of random people put together on a map.
I’m sorry bhagwad, but that’s the mentality of PvP players. It’s a psycological fact and saying it’s false is just denying the truth. Mabye it’s impolite or unfriendly, but that’s another story.
It’s false because not just me, but other good players also communicate. In fact, the newer you are to PvP, the less you tend to communicate. I don’t know why.
Okay my son, you’re absolutely right as always. Your opinion is the only one. Every other person that says something other has to be false. Seriously now, wake up and get back into the real world.
Just read the comments of others on this thread and you’ll see what is true and what is false for yourself. Good players want to communicate and strategize. Those who’re new may be hoping to simply muddle through and ride the coat tails of the others. They don’t know that unless everyone contributes and communicates they will lose against a good team.
That’s the difference between tPvP and hotjoin after all.
I purposely type into team chat what the strategy is to get people to talk and you know what the most common response is?
“Win!” or "Kick kitten " Something along those lines.
When that kitten happens to me I just log out for 10 minutes. I cant be kitten to play with a team like that, it’s as bad as walking in with 4 staff ele’s all in starter gear,
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
This is the most anti-social crap I think I’ve read on these forums.
“If they greet me, they’re new”
Lol wot.
This game isn’t very social, that’s no secret. I remember my astonishment in BWE #1 when nobody was talking. Well, that was because there was no /say command! Still, nobody was talking in /map chat either. This persisted through a lot of the beta weekends.
Now PvE /map chat is actually pretty active, even on emptier servers. sPvP /map and /team chat however is different, if people are talking it’s usually bickering between each other.
If you want useful communication in sPvP you should probably form a premade.
Greeting your team upon entering an arena (=/=greeting upon being invited into a party) usually implies the player is new to the place (tpvp), or worse, new to pvp. No regular player does that…ever.
This is the most anti-social crap I think I’ve read on these forums.
“If they greet me, they’re new”
Lol wot.
Player 1: Hey everyone. Sup?
Player 2: Noob
I purposely type into team chat what the strategy is to get people to talk and you know what the most common response is?
“Win!” or "Kick kitten " Something along those lines.
When that kitten happens to me I just log out for 10 minutes. I cant be kitten to play with a team like that, it’s as bad as walking in with 4 staff ele’s all in starter gear,
I love pvp even though I’m not that great, and I always took it like a champ in a winning or losing team. Yeah so what, my team is losing. I am still going to give it my all.
I have never been so frustrated while playing a game, than I have since this past patch. Why should I play a game that makes me mad? I hate finding myself typing in bad remarks to players because I’m so frustrated. That just isn’t fun for anyone. So, if I become that infuriated, yes I tend to log out and wait it out as well, why should I keep playing?
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I think the answer to this question is somewhat simple. People don’t communicate because communication tools to do so don’t exist. Take counter-strike for example. A game that has been around for 10+years. When you join a scrim team or a 40 man pub… you instantly have access to call out strats using the in-game voice com. It is not just beneficial…in games like gw2 tpvp…it SHOULD BE REQUIRED.
Now..since that does not exist…those that communicate are making a conscious effort to log into a 3rd party chat program and work together. You are only going to do this with ppl that you enjoy gaming with. For the average player logging into the game…having four others online to voice up with is a huge barrier to entry.
Lastly, since you do not have four ppl online, if you go and join a pug premade group and voice up.. you had better plan to stay awhile. but hey, these guys are pugs..what if they suck? you don’t know their ratings..maybe you are r40 with experience and they are r20 terribles. No one wants to be an kitten and just bail on a bad pug. So instead, just take the lotto approach of solo que and accept that 1/2 the time you’ll get bads and 1/2 the time you wont.
that is the problem. – put a voice com in the game and problem is gone.
if a 10+ year old game can do it… it can’t be that hard. it just can’t be.
I think the answer to this question is somewhat simple. People don’t communicate because communication tools to do so don’t exist. Take counter-strike for example. A game that has been around for 10+years. When you join a scrim team or a 40 man pub… you instantly have access to call out strats using the in-game voice com. It is not just beneficial…in games like gw2 tpvp…it SHOULD BE REQUIRED.
Now..since that does not exist…those that communicate are making a conscious effort to log into a 3rd party chat program and work together. You are only going to do this with ppl that you enjoy gaming with. For the average player logging into the game…having four others online to voice up with is a huge barrier to entry.
Lastly, since you do not have four ppl online, if you go and join a pug premade group and voice up.. you had better plan to stay awhile. but hey, these guys are pugs..what if they suck? you don’t know their ratings..maybe you are r40 with experience and they are r20 terribles. No one wants to be an kitten and just bail on a bad pug. So instead, just take the lotto approach of solo que and accept that 1/2 the time you’ll get bads and 1/2 the time you wont.
that is the problem. – put a voice com in the game and problem is gone.
if a 10+ year old game can do it… it can’t be that hard. it just can’t be.
Still doesn’t explain why we can’t type out a simple strategy before the match starts in the one and a half minutes they already have instead of sitting on their butts…
the strategy you type out lasts for about the first 30 seconds of the game. Due to how trivial it actually is on the entire outcome of the match..why even bother. To discuss strat and options is to discuss the entire match..because anything other than completely fluid and ongoing discussion is called a guide or walkthrough..and you’re doing PVe at that point. This is a pvp forum…so guides/walkthroughs don’t apply.
oh and this just in – apparently voice com is actually in the game. It is just invisible.
the strategy you type out lasts for about the first 30 seconds of the game. Due to how trivial it actually is on the entire outcome of the match..why even bother. To discuss strat and options is to discuss the entire match..because anything other than completely fluid and ongoing discussion is called a guide or walkthrough..and you’re doing PVe at that point. This is a pvp forum…so guides/walkthroughs don’t apply.
oh and this just in – apparently voice com is actually in the game. It is just invisible.
That depends on the strategy. If you lay out roles and responsibilities, the effect can last the entire game. And let’s not underestimate even the first 1 minute of the match. It often sets the tone for the entire game to follow.
when i go pug with mesmer all i write in team chat is:
<close.portal.mid tw
already said what i’m going to do for pretty much the whole match (Just calling incoming writing something like “2close” it’s more than enough), if my mates are good they can arrange their tactic based on this without asking…if i see someone else coming to cap close with me (Unless they’re crossing) or if someone asks to explain what i just wrote…well no need to write something more anyway…just got bad luck..
(edited by Archaon.6245)
when i go pug with mesmer all i write in team chat is:
<close.portal.mid tw
already said what i’m going to do for pretty much the whole match (Just calling incoming writing something like “2close” it’s more than enough), if my mates are good they can arrange their tactic based on this without asking…if i see someone else coming to cap close with me (Unless they’re crossing) or if someone asks to explain what i just wrote…well no need to write something more anyway…just got bad luck..
You can be a bit more elaborate. Even I didn’t understand what you’re saying and I main a mesmer and have used portal heavily before!
You have one and a half minutes before the match starts. It’s not tough to properly explain what you intend to do and give others a chance to either agree or present their own strategy.
We all want to win after all right?
The game needs voice chat.
when i go pug with mesmer all i write in team chat is:
<close.portal.mid tw
already said what i’m going to do for pretty much the whole match (Just calling incoming writing something like “2close” it’s more than enough), if my mates are good they can arrange their tactic based on this without asking…if i see someone else coming to cap close with me (Unless they’re crossing) or if someone asks to explain what i just wrote…well no need to write something more anyway…just got bad luck..
You can be a bit more elaborate. Even I didn’t understand what you’re saying and I main a mesmer and have used portal heavily before!
You have one and a half minutes before the match starts. It’s not tough to properly explain what you intend to do and give others a chance to either agree or present their own strategy.
We all want to win after all right?
Capping close, leaving portal, going mid and time warp the kitten out of them if needed…so i’m basically asking for a 4-1 or 1-3-1…simple, it’s up to them to decide how to do the homework with their specs..already told them everything they need to know..
(edited by Archaon.6245)
to be honest, i just joined the sPvP/tPvP scene and by god is it fun. why didn’t i start earlier? XDD that being said, i did greet people and was lucky enough to find peolpe nice enough to help me out. i let them know i was new to PvP and asked for tips, and most were willing to give tips and we stayed as a well-formed team for a few more matches and were able to win most and i gained a LOT.
had i not said anythnig, just to be in-line with so-called hardcore PvPers, i wouldn’t have learnt anything and probably not have as much. is it that hard to break out of the mould? seems some don’t like nubs. weren’t we all once? how are they supposed to learn? if you’re unwilling to help them with that attitude that anyone who speaks is new, then you’ll keep getting these newcomers who’ll never learn. why not help everyoen get ebtter? so you’ll get better teams yourselves. or get better enemies to play against. all more to the fun factor. no? i might be missing something if not so…
so mark my words. i will keep ranking up. i will keep getting better. and i’ll be kitten but i will always say “HI HOW IS EVERYONE DOING” everytime i join a team / map. right.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Your typical ‘nub’ (scrub) will ignore whatever he was advised/requested to do and instead do their own thing (i.e. die a lot, cap little and engage into 1v1s vs bunkers on the enemy close pt which he normally stands no chance of defeating).
Sure, there are exceptions, but they’re usually outnumbered by the former type.
I have barely come across anyone asking for tips so far, but I always give a few, when asked.
P.S. Judging from your wording (’we stayed as a well-formed team), I suppose you joined a premade team, because the usual random tourny experience is not always fun, especially not for beginners.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Ive been playing for a while now, and honestly I dont think there is a need to talk. Everyone should know atleast the basic strat for each map, if they dont they can ask, and I can explain real quick. What I usually do, specially in foefire, is as soon as I know someone is going close, I know i have to go through the front door to mid, if after I go through the front door more than one person is going far, im going far, and if i see someone, other than a guard, going alone to their certain death alone in mid I will ping them so they atleast know theyre going alone to mid. Its a simple way to set up the strategy without talking, and of course im assuming the other people know what theyre doing even if only superficially; if they dont i dont see the difference talking over a strat would do. As you play more these guidelines you follow become more complex and apply to most situations, therefore there is no need to talk, hence the “talking is for noobs” comment. If someone explicitly asks for a strat before the match a simple “4-1, 1-3-1” and so one should suffice.
Ive been playing for a while now, and honestly I dont think there is a need to talk. Everyone should know atleast the basic strat for each map, if they dont they can ask, and I can explain real quick. What I usually do, specially in foefire, is as soon as I know someone is going close, I know i have to go through the front door to mid, if after I go through the front door more than one person is going far, im going far, and if i see someone, other than a guard, going alone to their certain death alone in mid I will ping them so they atleast know theyre going alone to mid. Its a simple way to set up the strategy without talking, and of course im assuming the other people know what theyre doing even if only superficially; if they dont i dont see the difference talking over a strat would do. As you play more these guidelines you follow become more complex and apply to most situations, therefore there is no need to talk, hence the “talking is for noobs” comment. If someone explicitly asks for a strat before the match a simple “4-1, 1-3-1” and so one should suffice.
And if it’s 1-3-1 who decides who goes where? It’s not psychic power. How do you know that guardian in your team isn’t GC? You can’t assume anything. You need to talk and discuss who fulfills what role.
Ive been playing for a while now, and honestly I dont think there is a need to talk. Everyone should know atleast the basic strat for each map, if they dont they can ask, and I can explain real quick. What I usually do, specially in foefire, is as soon as I know someone is going close, I know i have to go through the front door to mid, if after I go through the front door more than one person is going far, im going far, and if i see someone, other than a guard, going alone to their certain death alone in mid I will ping them so they atleast know theyre going alone to mid. Its a simple way to set up the strategy without talking, and of course im assuming the other people know what theyre doing even if only superficially; if they dont i dont see the difference talking over a strat would do. As you play more these guidelines you follow become more complex and apply to most situations, therefore there is no need to talk, hence the “talking is for noobs” comment. If someone explicitly asks for a strat before the match a simple “4-1, 1-3-1” and so one should suffice.
And if it’s 1-3-1 who decides who goes where? It’s not psychic power. How do you know that guardian in your team isn’t GC? You can’t assume anything. You need to talk and discuss who fulfills what role.
If you want to do that form a premade.
Ive been playing for a while now, and honestly I dont think there is a need to talk. Everyone should know atleast the basic strat for each map, if they dont they can ask, and I can explain real quick. What I usually do, specially in foefire, is as soon as I know someone is going close, I know i have to go through the front door to mid, if after I go through the front door more than one person is going far, im going far, and if i see someone, other than a guard, going alone to their certain death alone in mid I will ping them so they atleast know theyre going alone to mid. Its a simple way to set up the strategy without talking, and of course im assuming the other people know what theyre doing even if only superficially; if they dont i dont see the difference talking over a strat would do. As you play more these guidelines you follow become more complex and apply to most situations, therefore there is no need to talk, hence the “talking is for noobs” comment. If someone explicitly asks for a strat before the match a simple “4-1, 1-3-1” and so one should suffice.
And if it’s 1-3-1 who decides who goes where? It’s not psychic power. How do you know that guardian in your team isn’t GC? You can’t assume anything. You need to talk and discuss who fulfills what role.
If you want to do that form a premade.
You’re talking as if you simply can’t do this with a PUG. But you can and I have done so many times. I don’t get this reluctance to talk on chat before the match starts, decide roles and form a strategy.
This is tPvP, not hotjoin you know!
Well, I could try to explain a r10 player what to do. In reality these players just run around and capping the nodes together. They don’t get it. And all ppl that are on a higher ranks like r30+ know allrdy what to do. Due to that I stopped soloqueing because the mmr is horrible and to get matched together with pve players is rather frustrating.
Well, I could try to explain a r10 player what to do. In reality these players just run around and capping the nodes together. They don’t get it. And all ppl that are on a higher ranks like r30+ know allrdy what to do. Due to that I stopped soloqueing because the mmr is horrible and to get matched together with pve players is rather frustrating.
Like I said even if you have only r30+ players, how do you know there are not two GC guardians? Unless you ask them you’ll think they’ll bunker down and then everything gets shot to hell when the match starts. Or if you have a mesmer who doesn’t run portal? Or a hammer warrior who specializes in bunkering?
Merely knowing the class is a horrible way of deciding allocation of roles. Each person traits themselves according to what they like and you need to be aware of those traits to make maximum use of their potential.
If you’re in niflhel and you have two thieves, which one goes to try and steal the creature? Or maybe your sole thief is caltrops instead of burst.
There are too many variables here to just assume that “everyone knows what to do”. Because you can’t know. It’s just not possible.
But we already have one and a half minutes before the match starts. I don’t see how standing around not doing anything is in any way helping you to prepare of victory. Talk! Communicate! Strategize!
Hammerwarriors or mesmers without portal are in the category of r10+ players. They don’t know yet the full potential of their class when it comes to pvp.
For e.g. when I see a signet-warrior, I promise it’s a beginner, who has no understanding what to do on the map.
A good player runs viable builds, what you listed above are not viable builds (guardian excluded).
Hammerwarriors or mesmers without portal are in the category of r10+ players. They don’t know yet the full potential of their class when it comes to pvp.
For e.g. when I see a signet-warrior, I promise it’s a beginner, who has no understanding what to do on the map.
A good player runs viable builds, what you listed above are not viable builds (guardian excluded).
I know hammer warriors who are r35+. You’re assuming that every class has a strict PvP build and they can’t use anything else. That’s not true. I’m a r35 mesmer and I don’t use portal as I prefer to play as a bunker. I play it well and unless you talk to me in chat you would never know that.
As soon as you say “viable builds” (plural), then by definition you need to communicate to know which of the viable builds are being used. Like I said, no one is psychic.
I’d like to know the downsides of communication as you seem to be very much against it.
Hammerwarriors or mesmers without portal are in the category of r10+ players. They don’t know yet the full potential of their class when it comes to pvp.
For e.g. when I see a signet-warrior, I promise it’s a beginner, who has no understanding what to do on the map.
A good player runs viable builds, what you listed above are not viable builds (guardian excluded).
I’m probably misunderstanding, but are you saying all warriors should be taking shouts/banners over signets for tournaments?
On the original topic, I find that solo join tpvp is basically exactly the same as hot join with people running around disorganized trying to kill stuff without focusing on the map objectives. Even if you form a random group and then queue, if you don’t have voice comms, it is very hard to be effective because typing during the match is just not feasible.
Hammerwarriors or mesmers without portal are in the category of r10+ players. They don’t know yet the full potential of their class when it comes to pvp.
For e.g. when I see a signet-warrior, I promise it’s a beginner, who has no understanding what to do on the map.
A good player runs viable builds, what you listed above are not viable builds (guardian excluded).I’m probably misunderstanding, but are you saying all warriors should be taking shouts/banners over signets for tournaments?
On the original topic, I find that solo join tpvp is basically exactly the same as hot join with people running around disorganized trying to kill stuff without focusing on the map objectives. Even if you form a random group and then queue, if you don’t have voice comms, it is very hard to be effective because typing during the match is just not feasible.
I’ve often found that a quick rundown of the strategy before the match starts helps immeasurably throughout the game. So many times I’ve told an ele or a guardian “stay at this point and bunker” and they reply with “I’m GC”. So I choose someone else, they say “ok” and actually do their job throughout the entire match leading to victory and a sweet little match win box
True, talking during a fight is infeasible for the most part. But before and while on a point? It’s easy with no downsides!
Hammerwarriors or mesmers without portal are in the category of r10+ players. They don’t know yet the full potential of their class when it comes to pvp.
For e.g. when I see a signet-warrior, I promise it’s a beginner, who has no understanding what to do on the map.
A good player runs viable builds, what you listed above are not viable builds (guardian excluded).I’m probably misunderstanding, but are you saying all warriors should be taking shouts/banners over signets for tournaments?
On the original topic, I find that solo join tpvp is basically exactly the same as hot join with people running around disorganized trying to kill stuff without focusing on the map objectives. Even if you form a random group and then queue, if you don’t have voice comms, it is very hard to be effective because typing during the match is just not feasible.
I’ve often found that a quick rundown of the strategy before the match starts helps immeasurably throughout the game. So many times I’ve told an ele or a guardian “stay at this point and bunker” and they reply with “I’m GC”. So I choose someone else, they say “ok” and actually do their job throughout the entire match leading to victory and a sweet little match win box
True, talking during a fight is infeasible for the most part. But before and while on a point? It’s easy with no downsides!
I agree, but my point is that that is no different than hot join – you could do that there as well and probably get similar results. I guess people who play tournaments are a bit more goal-oriented and are less likely to quit mid game and maybe a bit more likely to listen to strategy… but from my experience, solo queueing is not that much different than hot join unfortunately.
Hammerwarriors or mesmers without portal are in the category of r10+ players. They don’t know yet the full potential of their class when it comes to pvp.
For e.g. when I see a signet-warrior, I promise it’s a beginner, who has no understanding what to do on the map.
A good player runs viable builds, what you listed above are not viable builds (guardian excluded).I’m probably misunderstanding, but are you saying all warriors should be taking shouts/banners over signets for tournaments?
On the original topic, I find that solo join tpvp is basically exactly the same as hot join with people running around disorganized trying to kill stuff without focusing on the map objectives. Even if you form a random group and then queue, if you don’t have voice comms, it is very hard to be effective because typing during the match is just not feasible.
I’ve often found that a quick rundown of the strategy before the match starts helps immeasurably throughout the game. So many times I’ve told an ele or a guardian “stay at this point and bunker” and they reply with “I’m GC”. So I choose someone else, they say “ok” and actually do their job throughout the entire match leading to victory and a sweet little match win box
True, talking during a fight is infeasible for the most part. But before and while on a point? It’s easy with no downsides!
I agree, but my point is that that is no different than hot join – you could do that there as well and probably get similar results. I guess people who play tournaments are a bit more goal-oriented and are less likely to quit mid game and maybe a bit more likely to listen to strategy… but from my experience, solo queueing is not that much different than hot join unfortunately.
That’s about it. In hotjoin the goal is to maximize glory. Hence you’ll see everyone crowding a point to get the cap. I’ve never seen that (except once or twice) in tPvP because the benefit of winning (200 glory + chest) outweighs what you would get individually so everyone wants to win and hence strategy automatically comes into play. It’s not “every person for themselves” like in hotjoin.
I can understand that people dont really care about winning, honestly what is the point in winning, there is NOTHING or NO ONE to compare you with, it proves to me how casual this MMO is in PvP.
The PvP in this game needs a lot more and the way this is going its getting worse each patch with false promises…..
Im playing other PvP games now like bloodline champions, archeblade, that last one is in open beta and has more features then GW2 after 8 months, it makes you think…..