Why PVP needs priority

Why PVP needs priority

in PvP

Posted by: miniL.7361


As I have been doing it for quite some time now I have been wondering why its so completely random and bad in my oppinion and I have come up with a lot of things which are really killing the PVP in GW2 which go from ballance towards simple things as the chat and other mechanics.

First of all I want to do ballance because this is a difficult aspect in every game and is discussed 2 much anyway so I will keep it short.

Rangers down state vs other downstates: OP, simple pet healing and heal yourself or damage enemy and no one can beat you when they are also down.

Thiefs trait to stealth below certain HP creates problems with revealed when you accidentally C&D at pretty much the same time as traits kicks in. Also other ppl cloaking you gets the revealed problem. The fix is rather bad as the chain cloaking also still works if you are concentrating on it.

Certain modus, necro & ele for example, take 2 long and give them invulnerability. Same can be said for my warrior & ranger (allthough rangers are having a tough time except for their down state) who can become invulnerable. I think those moves should be removed or changed completely because everyone loves god mode, but not when playing eachother.

More important though are things like the chat, people start ranting and raging about the professions or about the play and stop actually playing or they make other people angry and leave. Make sure in PVP you can only use team chat (or guild/party chat) not map chat or /say. Keeps the game paced and a lot more teamwork.

I also think that there should be consequences for leaving a tournament game. People leave often leaving other players outnumbered and I dont think the volunteer option is coming even close to fixing such problems in time for a game not to get ruined. This is not just in tournaments. Even losing should therefor be more beneficial than joining a new game.

I often see outrageous onesided scores. However in PVE arenanet keeps telling everyone they want to make things a CHALLENGE, that comes to mind for dungeons & bosses. However wether im 400 points behind in the end, I dont see that as a challenge, I see that as an obstacle I cannot overcome even when im trying to guide my team in the right direction (I use teamchat often, even its just 2 encourage capturing in general and doesnt give much strategy though). Worse are the moments I volunteer and get on the other team and start to win with 100 vs 500 points because thats no challenge in my book either. Sure I won, hooray, but by volunteering I got myself the win bonus already (great system if you ask me, who doesnt want free points?). I got no fun from actually playing and just R*A*P*I*N*G the enemy. There seems to be no proper ladder to get you teamed up with a server full of people with somewhat of the same skill level. This often makes for very 1 sided games, even if players are switched around every map.

In short, spent more time at the PVP system. Oppinions might differ but I also would say the Capricorn map is rather bad because water battles lack diversity in weapons making it very unballanced imo and very boring and annoying.

Is PVP going to get more attention or are people happy the way it is, because I see lots of topics but I dont really see a general topic for PVP improvements?

Why PVP needs priority

in PvP

Posted by: Krakah.3582


Anet resource priority of PvP fixes/improvements, SAB.


Why PVP needs priority

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


Your post boils down to one statement:
“Pvp needs priority because there are things wrong with it.”
You may note that this logic is also prone to being circular. “Pvp needs priority because there are problems because it doesn’t have priority so it needs priority because ther eare problems because….”

Sure. There are problems that need fixing. Good on you for spotting that. You’ve made a thread that loosely copied the subjects of a bunch of threads and aggregated them with the premise of showing the benefits of fixing them – which you did not do.

There was a thread on here recently about the benefits that anet receives from fixing pvp with (somewhat contrived) numerical data to try and support the idea. By comparison, saying “fix it because it’s broken” isn’t good enough.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Why PVP needs priority

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

I feel every part of the game could get an overhaul. PvP is not the only part. But it is easy to fix due to us only needing necessary features implemented. Probably rewards rehauled after it. Balance is really the least issue right now. And balance can be worked around.
What worries me more is how long it will take.

Why PVP needs priority

in PvP

Posted by: Taym.8326


… means something was removed from quotes due to 5001 body length restriction

Rangers down state vs other downstates: OP, simple pet healing and heal yourself or damage enemy and no one can beat you when they are also down.

Rangers will always lose to a warrior in a downed fight and CAN lose to Necro as well with well timed fear and the poison. Ranger’s downed state can be countered by blind and Stability. There are downed states in the game that can bypass stability and blind with stealth/teleport/mistform which are uncounterable. In a one vs one fight I agree that if you draw out the fight vs a ranger and you are not a warrior, you have already lost the fight, however this is one situation out of many.

Thiefs trait to stealth below certain HP creates problems with revealed when you accidentally C&D at pretty much the same time as traits kicks in. Also other ppl cloaking you gets the revealed problem. The fix is rather bad as the chain cloaking also still works if you are concentrating on it.

Perhaps overly not overdoing the amount of stealth you bring as a stealth would be a better fix. This sounds more like an L2P thing, or are you advocating this as a “It will not trigger with the revealed buff up” kind of thing?

Certain modus, necro & ele for example, take 2 long and give them invulnerability … I think those moves should be removed or changed completely because everyone loves god mode, but not when playing eachother.

Necro is meant to be an attrition style character they do not really have any invulnerabilities only deathshround and plague form. Ele’s are just difficult because they have strong healing and a 60% protection coverage from a t1 trait and that is before taking into account other sources of protection and defensive abilities, they also have access to weakness so you could technically be doing 33% less damage or 50% less dmg due to weakness then auras etc. It it quite a bunch to deal with! Warrior and Ranger have blocks and evade skills respectively, They do not have any true damage immunity only endure pain style ability (which lets all condition damage through), Ranger’s can’t even really take it as both styles require the use of either a bear pet(nerf your damage) or 30 trait points in order to actually work.

More important though are things like the chat, people start ranting and raging about the professions … Keeps the game paced and a lot more teamwork.

I actually see “good game” more than ranting and raging, I would like to keep it.

I also think that there should be consequences for leaving a tournament game …This is not just in tournaments. Even losing should therefor be more beneficial than joining a new game.

I think if a player leaves a PvP tournament early. They should be forced to complete a PvE quest that takes about 15-20 minutes and requires no skill, is not entertaining in the least. Something like a maze with no minimap that leads to a jumping puzzle and at the end you unlock the ability to queue again. I think just locking someone out to afk 15-20 mins or “I went afk for the night and left the queue on” should be punished so that the break themselves of the bad habbit.

I often see outrageous onesided scores … This often makes for very 1 sided games, even if players are switched around every map.

It is hotjoin, it is not exactly designed to be a competetive area. Tournaments have a rating system to place you against similarly ranked opponents. Although its not working that well as people keep playing hotjoins, IMO they should just get rid of hotjoin and throw in a solo Q match on the tournament person that does not allow pre-mades, this would be of waaaay more benefit to the community than anything else.

In short, spent more time at the PVP system. Oppinions might differ but I also would say the Capricorn map is rather bad because water battles lack diversity in weapons making it very unballanced imo and very boring and annoying.

Is PVP going to get more attention or are people happy the way it is, because I see lots of topics but I dont really see a general topic for PVP improvements?

Capricorn IS an imbalanced map, I believe when it was released they said they had no intention of making it a tournament map. This was mostly due to underwater combat which is still not fixed to this day.

No matter how much attention PvP will get, we will always want more. There is no possible way to answer this question without any kind of bias.

Why PVP needs priority

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


k anet lied when they said quality pvp. it was false advertising. youre thinking about how to fix this and they … arent, and dont care. they has your monies.