Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wojohowitz.2581


I just listened to that you tube video of the pvp game designer for GW2. Sounds like 1 vs 1 arena might be put on the backburner. Why is everyone so afraid to implement that? I swear hardly any mmorpg does this. I don’t know about anyone else but I want the chance to 1 on 1 and get ranked, points, etc……..Why does this always get put on the backburner? Look I think PVP in GW2 is awesome but you guys should be about giving us more and more options and 1 vs 1 gives us another option!

Please make 1 vs 1 arena available!!!!!!!

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


I just listened to that you tube video of the pvp game designer for GW2. Sounds like 1 vs 1 arena might be put on the backburner. Why is everyone so afraid to implement that? I swear hardly any mmorpg does this. I don’t know about anyone else but I want the chance to 1 on 1 and get ranked, points, etc……..Why does this always get put on the backburner? Look I think PVP in GW2 is awesome but you guys should be about giving us more and more options and 1 vs 1 gives us another option!

Please make 1 vs 1 arena available!!!!!!!

Because there are things the pvp community needs way more desperately than a arena mode. Arena mode is the last thing we need at the moment.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wojohowitz.2581


Such as? Why is giving players another option a problem? It will not interfere with fixing what you think needs to be fixed. I think Arena is exactly what this game needs, more competition!!!!!

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Arena is needed 3v3 and up.

1v1 /duel command in the mist done.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Arena is needed 3v3 and up.

1v1 /duel command in the mist done.

no rankings and ladders are needed. and the whole 8v8 tournament thing needs to be completely reworked.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Anet has stated they’re focusing on getting their current system up to speed first before they start adding new modes. As it stands, I doubt 1v1 arenas would be balanced in the slightest anyways. Team balanced does not equate to duel balanced.

As to why they released the game this way, they stated, they had working playable content, and didn’t see a point in making everyone wait for them to have their entire PvP suite complete before letting us play. So now we play the game as they build onto the suite around us.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wojohowitz.2581


There needs to be a Legit 1 vs 1 Arena! I swear I think they are afraid to make it happen. Why can’t we compete 1 vs 1, like they do in 2v2, 3v3, 5v5? What the heck is everyone so afraid of? Are you afraid that if you start that, everyone is going to be playing that and neglecting other parts of PVP? It is not enough to just duel!!! I want a chance to compete for Titles, rewards, points whatever!!!!! Not everyone wants 2v2 and up and I know there are some who could care less about 1v1 arena. My point is, that there should always be that option for those who do want it. I swear the day a mmo gets guts enough to make a legit 1v1 arena I will die of shock!

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Anet has stated they’re focusing on getting their current system up to speed first before they start adding new modes. As it stands, I doubt 1v1 arenas would be balanced in the slightest anyways. Team balanced does not equate to duel balanced.

As to why they released the game this way, they stated, they had working playable content, and didn’t see a point in making everyone wait for them to have their entire PvP suite complete before letting us play. So now we play the game as they build onto the suite around us.

duel mode would be a complete gong show with this current balance, currently some classes counter other WAY too hard.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wojohowitz.2581


Whatever time it takes is fine, I just want them to make it an option that’s all!

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Adding duel “right now!!!” would unfortunately hurt the playerbase at this point. While the profession balance is pretty decent for competitive 5v5 (albeit with a couple of near-mandatory classes), it is not ready for competitive dueling. Maybe just-for-fun dueling in the mists.

For example, your standard bunker guardian build would do pretty well 1v1 against all other builds except those specifically designed to counter it, but bunker vs bunker would literally never end.

I do believe the game’s in pretty decent shape for small-team deathmatch, though. With testing, perhaps we could find a good number for competitive matches: 3v3, probably. The mechanics lend themselves to intense small-scale fights well. The same mechanics discourage strategy in large-scale fights.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wojohowitz.2581


Granted, you guys are more in the loop regarding some of this. But I must honestly say I don’t think there is pvp designer among the top mmos out there that have the stones to implement 1 on 1 Arena.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wojohowitz.2581


Or let me put it this way, The Chicago Cubs are more likely to win the World Series than 1v1 Arena being implemented.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wojohowitz.2581


It may be an issue of balance but how long is that going to be the excuse? At least let us have a crack at a legit Arena experience. Maybe it’s early but give us the option!

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


dueling is in ever good MMO I have played,

1 v 1 arena however is a stupid idea, /duel fight it out in the MIST while waiting for tourny ques to pop. Great way to pass time for PvPers

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Ziddy.2583


I don’t get people who want a 1v1 system.

So what are you going to do when someone makes a bunker guardian or Ele? You will never kill them 1v1 with most specs. It’s rather pointless.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


They avoid arena in general, because :

1 – It requires much finer balance than objective based larger group PvP and in case you haven’t noticed MMORPGs struggle to even balance the latter.

2 – It requires a different type of balance, you can have several objective based modes and for the most part their balancing needs (in class terms) are not that different or can at least fairly easily be accommodated, trying to then fit a game mode that requires a different sort of / finer balance, is just not worth the effort.

3 – It isn’t that popular.

4 – The level of QQing about class imbalances is significantly increased.

edit – A duelling system jsut for fun is however fine.

(edited by Sylosi.6503)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


It may be an issue of balance but how long is that going to be the excuse? At least let us have a crack at a legit Arena experience. Maybe it’s early but give us the option!

Go find an empty 5v5 room, there is plenty.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


I don’t get people who want a 1v1 system.

So what are you going to do when someone makes a bunker guardian or Ele? You will never kill them 1v1 with most specs. It’s rather pointless.

this exactly, this game is not and will most likely never be balanced for 1v1. There are just some builds that CANNOT die 1v1.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


There are builds and classes that can not be killed 1 v 1 in WoW also. No one cares people just avoid dueling those people and test their skills against classes that fill the same role as thiers.

It sharpens skills helps you learn other classes quickly it builds a pvp community in a zone that is currently silent MIST.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Kavia.8249


With custom arenas you could easily set up all the duels you wanted. I am sure the player limit will be adjustable so you could make a 1v1 server.

Also, not that difficult to find an empty server now to do some 1v1 on. Someone comes to bother you, just move to a different server or ask them politely to leave – no big deal

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


Because then they’d have to balance 1v1, wich is silly.
However I agree that it would be a good addition, great way to hone your skills in a relatively fair fight.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


There are builds and classes that can not be killed 1 v 1 in WoW also.

And WoW is just a super great game that the GW2 community doesn’t have an extreme dislike for, right?

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: denyitbattle.2609


As most people have said, I think 1v1 arena is a terrible idea. That is not how I want the game to be balanced nor even how I would want to play the game, for me it is all about the team sport aspect of it.

That being said, a “/duel” to pass time and kitten around with friends would be a good deal of fun and would certainly make the mists more active, populated, and lively (I’m sure a good deal of PvErs would come in just to settle a friendly squabble).

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: madatom.5218


its got alot to do with how alot of classes lack independence in pvp

pvp based on class roles is lazy design, its no different from the trinity system arenanet constantly said they would do away with

the current way domination works is also very poorly done, nodes should be replaced with targetable points that you capture

there should not even be roamers/support/bunkers, the focus of the game should be based around reading your opponents skills and using your skills and utility appropriately

i would like to present the monkey analogy
we need to avoid a situation like this, its horrifyingly already begun

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Wabafet.9541


I hope that 1v1 isn’t a priority for the developers. A /duel function would be fine for a quick way to test out a build with a friend but to develop a structured 1v1 system should be a long off idea if anything. The game is called Guild Wars – as in combat between teams. The professions are made to work together and do it well.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


1 on 1 doesn’t build Community. Thats what the A is for in Anet. A for community.
Which is why it hasn’t been implemented yet. But I bet that they will add it.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

its got alot to do with how alot of classes lack independence in pvp

pvp based on class roles is lazy design, its no different from the trinity system arenanet constantly said they would do away with

the current way domination works is also very poorly done, nodes should be replaced with targetable points that you capture

there should not even be roamers/support/bunkers, the focus of the game should be based around reading your opponents skills and using your skills and utility appropriately

i would like to present the monkey analogy
we need to avoid a situation like this, its horrifyingly already begun

Agreed. Let’s see…Anet uses LoL as an example. However, how many viable builds are used in spvp? 20-30? Most using the same weapon sets; therefore, seeing the same skill combos every day. Does GW2 plan on adding new weapons, skills, armors, new trait trees, and professions to keep the meta from going stale and continually allowing it to evolve? Or do they want to live in the stone age and play with the same bunker/burst specs in there niche tpvp community? LoL and other MOBAs add new champions/gods to their growing list of skills and player options. Some are great and other can totally fail, but the fact that they are updating the game with useful pvp content and new abilities might be a factor in their success strategy. But, two months after hyped release GW2 is sloowing tweaking a beta and talking about how amazing GW2 will be further down the road.

I’ll use Red Orchestra 2 as an example. The first game was extremely immersive and it was unlike any other WWII fps because it still uses gun physics and historical accuracy. You can hold your gun against walls and cover to decrease kick and blind fire. I bought RO1 a year back, stopped playing BF2 and 3 and all COD because it was so much fun. RO1 is also very old, but the gameplay is phenomenal. Then, Red Orchestra 2 comes along with updated graphics, new features, 64 player servers and really hyping the kitten out of the game. It’s truly a beautiful game and the amount of time and energy an inde company put in to building Stalingrad to scale is kittening kick kitten However, the game started with a relatively good pop. of 10,000 and a month later the game was down to about 900 hardcore fans and devs. Why? They made the game for hardcore players, and totally screwed the entire new player base. Nobody wants to install a new 9 gig update every day. On top of the constant updates to their early release was a plethora of performance bugs that were never fixed (similar to loading screen bug) and new bugs came with every update. They tried their best to look and system reports and crashes, but couldn’t keep up. A month after release, they gave everyone another build of the game called RO2 beta because the game was so broken and that build failed, too. I feel like it’s RO2 all over again. New mmo players, vet mmo players, and every day joes are leaving because of the terribad tourney system and poor pvp rewards. Hey, Gw2. We don’t want to get 25 wolf finishers after farming glory for 3 hours in hotjoin. Screw the Mystic Forge, too. The spvp gear and unlocks are just like a COD shooter. You need to be a certain level for this, and you can paint your toon/weapon with this kitten. Where’s the mysticism and glory in spvp? We can’t even enjoy our dyes in game because we have to play like it’s Red vs. Blue kittening bringing back memories of Rooster Teeth.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


There are builds and classes that can not be killed 1 v 1 in WoW also.

And WoW is just a super great game that the GW2 community doesn’t have an extreme dislike for, right?

GW2 pvp community is what a few hundred people, WoWs pvp community is 10s of thousands. Also DAoC if you like always had dueling UO had dueling etc etc etc.

GW1 in its prime of pvp was in a market before LoL Dota GW1 pvp died early WoW arenas is still going strong. Adapt or die, dueling is a must arena is a must like it or not the majority of pvpers expect it and you handful of GW1 rabid fanboys are going to kill this games pvp if you pretend it does not matter.

Real PvP is not pug stomping and endless farming if there are not rated games rated arenas matchmaking thats not tied to stupid farming this games PvP will amount to nothing but casual side game with a small community farming each other thinking they are good at pvp.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: stratosphere.9401


The question is….would you be satisfied if dueling/1v1 is introduced without any sort of balancing towards it? Because it would require a complete rework of every single class, not to mention that it will pigeonhole builds even more.
And why not other objective based game modes? Pvp is not solely about killing your opponents.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

The question is….would you be satisfied if dueling/1v1 is introduced without any sort of balancing towards it? Because it would require a complete rework of every single class, not to mention that it will pigeonhole builds even more.
And why not other objective based game modes? Pvp is not solely about killing your opponents.

Yup! Forget balancing. More game modes. Nobody will ever be 100% satisfied. Might as well just add 1v1 for kitten and gigs. Just give it a label like, “Enter at your own risk” instead of “1v1 tournament”. Oh man, just the idea of having spectator mode and 1v1 is awesome. I always enjoy watching other peoplefight 1v1 in every game. Especially in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. The dueling is just amazing, and it’s not just about killing people. It’s more about fighting someone 1v1 without outside interferences. Maybe people will find the best 1v1 build one week and every uses it. Then, some other guy rolls along with something else that just blows it out of the water.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


The question is….would you be satisfied if dueling/1v1 is introduced without any sort of balancing towards it? Because it would require a complete rework of every single class, not to mention that it will pigeonhole builds even more.
And why not other objective based game modes? Pvp is not solely about killing your opponents.

Yup! Forget balancing. More game modes. Nobody will ever be 100% satisfied. Might as well just add 1v1 for kitten and gigs. Just give it a label like, “Enter at your own risk” instead of “1v1 tournament”. Oh man, just the idea of having spectator mode and 1v1 is awesome. I always enjoy watching other peoplefight 1v1 in every game. Especially in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. The dueling is just amazing, and it’s not just about killing people. It’s more about fighting someone 1v1 without outside interferences. Maybe people will find the best 1v1 build one week and every uses it. Then, some other guy rolls along with something else that just blows it out of the water.

Adding 1v1 would bring about more crying and whining about balance then there already is now.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

Adding 1v1 would bring about more crying and whining about balance then there already is now.

Ay, fo getta bout it. That’s what we tell ‘em. But, they’ll label 1v1 “Enter At Your Own Risk” or “1v1 beta” or “1v1 .001”. I want to see the best Thief in the game fight the best Mesmer in the game. If it got popular, you could have a queue with 1v1 Open Division or 1v1 Class Restricted. Maps could be walled in sections of every spvp map making it up close and personal or an open field from wv3 all with random weather cycles.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


Adding 1v1 would bring about more crying and whining about balance then there already is now.

Ay, fo getta bout it. That’s what we tell ‘em. But, they’ll label 1v1 “Enter At Your Own Risk” or “1v1 beta” or “1v1 .001”. I want to see the best Thief in the game fight the best Mesmer in the game. If it got popular, you could have a queue with 1v1 Open Division or 1v1 Class Restricted. Maps could be walled in sections of every spvp map making it up close and personal or an open field from wv3 all with random weather cycles.

I can’t wait to hear all the people who get Moa’d in a duel go on the forums and ask for a huge mesmer nerf.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

I can’t wait to hear all the people who get Moa’d in a duel go on the forums and ask for a huge mesmer nerf.

I like getting Moa’d now, actually. Just turn around a press 5. Thank you Anet for making Moa not so bad. It’s also such a great dodge, too. In fights, I don’t normally have that much mobility but kitten can you fly with that Moa. Sorta reminds me of Chocobo racing!

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

(edited by Panther Chameleon.8465)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


I can’t wait to hear all the people who get Moa’d in a duel go on the forums and ask for a huge mesmer nerf.

I like getting Moa’d now, actually. Just turn around a press 5. Thank you Anet for making Moa not so bad. It’s also such a great dodge, too. In fights, I don’t normally have that much mobility but kitten can you fly with that Moa. Sorta reminds me of Chocobo racing!

It’s a tad different in a 1v1 setting sorry. The mesmer will catch up to you and will most likely kill you as 10 seconds is a huge amount of time in a fight.

(im a girl btw)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: stratosphere.9401


The question is….would you be satisfied if dueling/1v1 is introduced without any sort of balancing towards it? Because it would require a complete rework of every single class, not to mention that it will pigeonhole builds even more.
And why not other objective based game modes? Pvp is not solely about killing your opponents.

Yup! Forget balancing. More game modes. Nobody will ever be 100% satisfied. Might as well just add 1v1 for kitten and gigs. Just give it a label like, “Enter at your own risk” instead of “1v1 tournament”. Oh man, just the idea of having spectator mode and 1v1 is awesome. I always enjoy watching other peoplefight 1v1 in every game. Especially in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. The dueling is just amazing, and it’s not just about killing people. It’s more about fighting someone 1v1 without outside interferences. Maybe people will find the best 1v1 build one week and every uses it. Then, some other guy rolls along with something else that just blows it out of the water.

I was talking about other game modes that work around the current “balance” in this game.
Anyway you just illustrated my sentiments, that 1v1 should be entirely just for fun. I agree that there should be a1v1 function/mode in the mists, but just not the scenario that everyone goes that 1v1 class just to farm glory/rank up points, and neither should 1v1 go competitive.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Vayra.3290


As others have mentioned, 1v1 requires a totally different balancing act than 5v5 or 8v8. And games have to be balanced around the primary game modes, ie team fights. Perfect 1v1 balance does not translate into a good 5v5 or 8v8 balance and vise versa. There are things that have minimal impact in 1v1 that can completely dominate in 5v5 or larger scale fights like AoE or the mesmer portal. It’s such a nightmare to balance that it’s a much better option to just say kitten it and focus solely on balancing team fights.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

It’s a tad different in a 1v1 setting sorry. The mesmer will catch up to you and will most likely kill you as 10 seconds is a huge amount of time in a fight.

It’d probably take a Mesmer ten seconds to even reach someone if they used a good escape path even if he did use a gap closer. Most classes have invulnerability utility, so they could just pop that and heal after. Regardless, if Moa was popular in 1v1 good for it! It’s hardly used in spvp because of how much the patch changed it.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


They said they don’t have enough time yet to do, still getting the more important PvP stuff done like matchmaking, ranking, and custom arena; those are their more higher priorities (I personally agree with them on those things being more important… but dw, 1v1 will get implemented down the road as a lot of features they’ve promised).

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I would like to have a 1v1 arena. No you don’t have to balance around it and it doesn’t have to be serious.

It’d be fun, and good practice for 1v1’ing classes your class/build is weak against, for when you DO have to actually 1v1 in a regular game.

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


I just listened to that you tube video of the pvp game designer for GW2. Sounds like 1 vs 1 arena might be put on the backburner. Why is everyone so afraid to implement that? I swear hardly any mmorpg does this. I don’t know about anyone else but I want the chance to 1 on 1 and get ranked, points, etc……..Why does this always get put on the backburner? Look I think PVP in GW2 is awesome but you guys should be about giving us more and more options and 1 vs 1 gives us another option!

Please make 1 vs 1 arena available!!!!!!!

All game designers at any company, they are not scared to implement 1vs1 arena. If you really did watch that video, (the whole thing) you would know that he pretty much said that it will NOT help the game become an eSport, and it won’t. Dueling is NOT a necessity. Matchmaking and rankings, that is a necessity.

Something else I wanted to add, they are balancing the game towards 5vs5 conquest play, not 1vs1 deathmatch.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Chriswck.6490


I just listened to that you tube video of the pvp game designer for GW2. Sounds like 1 vs 1 arena might be put on the backburner. Why is everyone so afraid to implement that? I swear hardly any mmorpg does this. I don’t know about anyone else but I want the chance to 1 on 1 and get ranked, points, etc……..Why does this always get put on the backburner? Look I think PVP in GW2 is awesome but you guys should be about giving us more and more options and 1 vs 1 gives us another option!

Please make 1 vs 1 arena available!!!!!!!

From Anet’s perspective, they would like GW2 PvP to get into the esports scene. That is their priority. Nor do I see 1v1 arenas coming into being officially, except through custom arenas. Having 1v1 arenas will impede with thatesport process for a few reasons.

Making 1v1 arenas official and developing ranks and ladders for such will raise concerns of skill balance. Unfortunately, certain classes will always be better at dealing with other specific classes. If balance changes were made according to such, balance in official 5v5 games will be distorted.

Anet would probably like to concentrate on developing their player base for 5v5s so that there will be more people to support the top core teams. Having 1v1s officially could quite possibly segment the PvP community, reducing the number of possible players for 5v5s, especially when 1v1 and 5v5 are distinctly different games. This segmentation is quite real, and evident after having seen the introduction of 5v5 hotjoins and their subsequent drastic decline – people like to stick with what they are comfortable with.

As a side note, that GW2 is sold as an MMORPG with its sPvP component attached creates certain expectations in players, and in this specific case – of smaller format PvP matches, when they come to the game. Anet developers understand this. And seeing how strong the whole PvP can be competitively from GW1, I still believe that it is of the game’s PvP segment’s benefit to spin itself off as a distinct IP and a sole online competitive title. People will come to the game with expectations that are more aligned.

(edited by Chriswck.6490)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

Something else I wanted to add, they are balancing the game towards 5vs5 conquest play, not 1vs1 deathmatch.

I think OP and myself have both stated we don’t give a flying flamingo about balance when it comes to 1v1. Stop acting like we are going to destroy the tpvp meta because two people would have the option to fight each other without interference. I don’t give a flamingo if it’s the last thing on their list, but it would be a kitten good idea to add a few basic option for casual spvp goers. Get people from pve who want to duel and let them both join a server and have fun. Isn’t that what’s about? Flamingo, I don’t want to hear anything about 1v1 balance. They haven’t balanced tpvp perfectly, and JS did say they will be slowly tweaking the game based off what the pros want because apparently they are the only ones that know anything about the meta for one single game mode.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


id like to see team deathmatch (like WoW’s arenas) over 1v1 arenas. team DM should have been the mode of choice, and they should have introduced control points after.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

id like to see team deathmatch (like WoW’s arenas) over 1v1 arenas. team DM should have been the mode of choice, and they should have introduced control points after.

Hotjoin is tdm with “capture points” that you don’t really need to capture to get top score and glory. 1v1 is a unique experience regardless of what class is best for dueling. Some people take pride in at least getting FOTM builds close to downed with irregular theorycrafting.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


This game is not balanced for 1v1, however a 5v5 arena would be awesome.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
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Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Something else I wanted to add, they are balancing the game towards 5vs5 conquest play, not 1vs1 deathmatch.

I think OP and myself have both stated we don’t give a flying flamingo about balance when it comes to 1v1. Stop acting like we are going to destroy the tpvp meta because two people would have the option to fight each other without interference. I don’t give a flamingo if it’s the last thing on their list, but it would be a kitten good idea to add a few basic option for casual spvp goers. Get people from pve who want to duel and let them both join a server and have fun. Isn’t that what’s about? Flamingo, I don’t want to hear anything about 1v1 balance. They haven’t balanced tpvp perfectly, and JS did say they will be slowly tweaking the game based off what the pros want because apparently they are the only ones that know anything about the meta for one single game mode.

Apparently you didn’t watch that State of the game Video either. He clearly said that custom arenas can be used for scrimming or dueling etc. They have actually been saying that for awhile, and still you are complaining.

And I typed that because he acts like 1vs1 is being ignored. Dueling is 1vs1 take it or leave it. Get a custom arena or don’t 1vs1.

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Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

Apparently you didn’t watch that State of the game Video either. He clearly said that custom arenas can be used for scrimming or dueling etc. They have actually been saying that for awhile, and still you are complaining.

And I typed that because he acts like 1vs1 is being ignored. Dueling is 1vs1 take it or leave it. Get a custom arena or don’t 1vs1.

Yeah, I don’t think the dwindling population of casual spvp players will be forking out cash for custom arenas anytime soon. New players are turned off by the burst in this game when they step into spvp and they talked about that in the interview. It’s hard for beginners because of the lack of knowledge and learning materials. If they had a kitten spectator mode and 1v1 people could watch how different classes react when fighting each other. Are you stuck in a 20 minute queue? Here, hop in spectate mode and watch some quick fights.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

(edited by Panther Chameleon.8465)

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

This game is not balanced for 1v1, however a 5v5 arena would be awesome.

Hi, welcome to this thread. Let me help you read it. OP and I both said that 1v1 balance is meaningless. Tpvp isn’t balanced yet, and JS spoke with many professionals about what they think needs to be changed to make their meta more acceptable for an esport. They talked about rezzing vs. aoe, ele downed state, etc. So, let’s make things clear. We aren’t talking about 1v1 balance, so everyone can stop regurgitating the same sentence.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Why are designers so afraid of 1 vs 1 arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I will never understand the mentality that we should not have dueling because classes are not balanced 1 v 1.

Then dont kittening duel if you feel perfect balance is a must before you even try. The /duel command being added would hurt no one that does not like duels yet it would really make alot of people happy. Its a pure win for a dev working on a pvp game.

/duel gives players nothing win or die no glory points no edge over other players spending their time doing Spvp other then dueling sharpens players skills.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET