Why are mesmers still going around unchecked?
Mesmer aren’t that strong at high level tpvp but the blind through everything should be fixed just like they did for the ranger taunt.
A simple fix to the annoyance level of the class would be to make any phantasm apply reveal to the mesmer if they hit anything meaning the mesmer would have to shatter before stealthingmesmers carry in “high level tpvp”. meaning that a benchwarmer like backpack can learn it a week and carry the Abjured. only at Arenanet. ESPORTS!
Along with elementalist they do have some of the most OP traits and it’s a low risk high reward class but it seems to me that a well played thief will often win the burst spot in a team over mesmer because of the venom sharing and better decap potential.
Nope. Here’s what you need to know, benchwarmer Backpack has never touch mesmer in his years of playing gw2. He got to touch it for a week and the match get one sided with his appearance on a mesmer. His 1200 range burst took opponent ele down to 30% health from 100%. And this is not even a full burst, just a random burst from 1200 range. Put that with a well placed time warp and a spammable daze that stun and deal damage at the same time.
That just show how powerful mesmer is atm. Remember shoutbow war? That is how mesmer is now, you only need to be a little good at it and you’ll be way over effective to your team and carry the match/team fights by your own. How the kitten can you guys defend this kitten, when it is already being displayed how powerful it is by some of the best team in NA.
Mesmer greatsword is an all damage little utility weapon. People need to couple it with something else(CC, immob etc) to land the burst.
Confounding suggestion+daze mantra really make the burst setup way too easy. Basically all those FOTM mesmer players are running this. Imagine either confounding suggestion or daze matra is taken out of the game. All these players will not be able to do anything. Sure they can still take PU but all they can do is just stealth running around and contribute nothing.
Yup. Confounding suggestions + mirrorblade shatter is what makes the burst so stupidly high. It makes landing a burst a joke compared to prepatch. I mean even without PU, you can run chaotic interruption and have immob on top of a stun, so they REALLY can’t do anything unless they can invuln/shadowstep away. Sword/pistol and such aren’t broken with shatter damage, it’s greatsword + confounding suggestions that makes setting up a 20k spike on a glass target faceroll easy. Mirror blade can crit up to 4k on a glass target per bounce quite often.
Mesmer aren’t that strong at high level tpvp but the blind through everything should be fixed just like they did for the ranger taunt.
A simple fix to the annoyance level of the class would be to make any phantasm apply reveal to the mesmer if they hit anything meaning the mesmer would have to shatter before stealthingmesmers carry in “high level tpvp”. meaning that a benchwarmer like backpack can learn it a week and carry the Abjured. only at Arenanet. ESPORTS!
Along with elementalist they do have some of the most OP traits and it’s a low risk high reward class but it seems to me that a well played thief will often win the burst spot in a team over mesmer because of the venom sharing and better decap potential.
Nope. Here’s what you need to know, benchwarmer Backpack has never touch mesmer in his years of playing gw2. He got to touch it for a week and the match get one sided with his appearance on a mesmer. His 1200 range burst took opponent ele down to 30% health from 100%. And this is not even a full burst, just a random burst from 1200 range. Put that with a well placed time warp and a spammable daze that stun and deal damage at the same time.
That just show how powerful mesmer is atm. Remember shoutbow war? That is how mesmer is now, you only need to be a little good at it and you’ll be way over effective to your team and carry the match/team fights by your own. How the kitten can you guys defend this kitten, when it is already being displayed how powerful it is by some of the best team in NA.
Exactly, greatsword mesmer is way too easy to play now for the risk involved. I wouldn’t say it’s as easy as shoutbow, since mesmers can indeed die quite easily in the hands of an inexperienced player, but it’s definitely faceroll tier. I just hope anet realizes that it’s greatsword + confounding suggestions that is broken, and does not nerf shatter mesmer as a whole.
Mesmer aren’t that strong at high level tpvp but the blind through everything should be fixed just like they did for the ranger taunt.
A simple fix to the annoyance level of the class would be to make any phantasm apply reveal to the mesmer if they hit anything meaning the mesmer would have to shatter before stealthingmesmers carry in “high level tpvp”. meaning that a benchwarmer like backpack can learn it a week and carry the Abjured. only at Arenanet. ESPORTS!
Along with elementalist they do have some of the most OP traits and it’s a low risk high reward class but it seems to me that a well played thief will often win the burst spot in a team over mesmer because of the venom sharing and better decap potential.
Nope. Here’s what you need to know, benchwarmer Backpack has never touch mesmer in his years of playing gw2. He got to touch it for a week and the match get one sided with his appearance on a mesmer. His 1200 range burst took opponent ele down to 30% health from 100%. And this is not even a full burst, just a random burst from 1200 range. Put that with a well placed time warp and a spammable daze that stun and deal damage at the same time.
That just show how powerful mesmer is atm. Remember shoutbow war? That is how mesmer is now, you only need to be a little good at it and you’ll be way over effective to your team and carry the match/team fights by your own. How the kitten can you guys defend this kitten, when it is already being displayed how powerful it is by some of the best team in NA.
Backpack is a terrible example. He is running with Abjured which gonna carry him to victory easily. All I see him doing is basically dying two times with in first 5 minutes while Abjured still got the lead.
Basically Abjured can take anyone half decent and win the tournament with ease. I remember in last weekly ESL. They got pushed a bit by the double warrior composition in game 1 but in game 2 and 3 they easily handled that.
Then you go watch EU final between TCG and Orng. TCG has one of the best mesmers in the game. He is also running PU. Did that make him facerolling others or winning all the 1v1s? Hell No! Also Orng didn’t even take a mesmer in their team and they still won game 1 and was so close in winning game 2. Tell me how mesmer is over effective to the team or even a mandatory to have like shoutbow before patch.
(edited by Exciton.8942)
Prepared to be flamed by countless Mesmers who will defend their class even in the face of both objective and subjective reality….incoming!!!!!
I play a Mesmer.
He’s right, it’s almost too easy to condi-bomb whole groups to death.
At first it was interesting when I stumbled across the build but the novelty wore off fast and it just leaves me feeling a bit guilty.
So yeah, other Mesmers might not want to admit it, but it’s on e-z mode for us right now.
It’s funny because I’ve been watching players in game start adapting and bringing builds/strategy to either take Mesmers down, or shut them out.
Guess you guys need to L2P
That, or keep honing your forum warriors kills
It’s funny that usually the bad players who needed mesmers to be this overbuffed now tell everyone to l2p.
People who are actually good at their class realize where the issues are and what needs to be toned down.
Yeah… the small number of changes from the good players have been made clear, even if they’ve been lost within the din of hundreds of QQ threads, and thousands of QQ replies. All the rest of it, all that noise? Learn to play issues.
Prepared to be flamed by countless Mesmers who will defend their class even in the face of both objective and subjective reality….incoming!!!!!
I play a Mesmer.
He’s right, it’s almost too easy to condi-bomb whole groups to death.At first it was interesting when I stumbled across the build but the novelty wore off fast and it just leaves me feeling a bit guilty.
So yeah, other Mesmers might not want to admit it, but it’s on e-z mode for us right now.
Sad part is, the ones who are familiar with the class but are being quiet about it leave the class balancing up to those who don’t play mesmer regularly, and prone us into unnecessary nerfs to things that aren’t a problem. It was fun at first, but playing shatter mesmer is indeed pretty stale at the moment.
It’s funny because I’ve been watching players in game start adapting and bringing builds/strategy to either take Mesmers down, or shut them out.
Guess you guys need to L2P
That, or keep honing your forum warriors kills
It’s funny that usually the bad players who needed mesmers to be this overbuffed now tell everyone to l2p.
People who are actually good at their class realize where the issues are and what needs to be toned down.
Yeah… the small number of changes from the good players have been made clear, even if they’ve been lost within the din of hundreds of QQ threads, and thousands of QQ replies. All the rest of it, all that noise? Learn to play issues.
Unfortunately, Anet is most likely to listen to the “learn to play” issues. Oh well, maybe they’ll surprise us and do proper balancing this time around.
Counters to blinding dissapiations and general mesmer bursts
Warrior: Resistance, endure pain, berserker stance. shield skill 5(traits that reflect projectiles)
Guardians: classical medi heals, tons of blocks either through aegis or focus skill number 5.
just a few examples. Mesmers aren’t unchecked. Maby u ought to actually counter thier abilities instead. Maby more lockdowns? More CC? Maby disengage from time to time? Maby ask your members to take the mesmer down?
blinding dissipation is completely broken, to remedy it either of these things need to happen:
- give it a sizable ICD to prevent it from simply being spammable
or (and probably the better solution)
- move it to grandmaster. since thief’s cloaked in shadows clearly warrants that placement, there is absolutely zero reason for two traits that are doing the exact same thing being differently tiered.
Anet made it pretty clear that GM traits are supposed to be build defining. Blind on shatter is already limited by the fact that its tied to mesmer’s burst and its probably the reason why Cry of Frustration has such a long cd for what it does compared to Mind Wrack. If it did have an ICD, it should be shorter than 10 seconds. This enables it to be up for each Mind Wrack should the mesmer need it, but prevents it from being triggered after a burst or repeatedly with MR+CoF+Diversion in a short period of time. Or give the mesmer more control over it and increase the ICD slightly. A blind that triggers whether you want it or not when you burst is not so great compared to one that can be used independently whenever you want, albeit on an ICD. This embodies the high skill ceiling and battle manipulation that mesmers were built for.
Cross class comparisons are also not a strong argument for changes. Could apply literally the exact same argument to say that Cloaked in Shadows should be Master tier since it has an added effect and all other classes have their fall damage trait at Adept. Or that it should be there because it is a combination of a master tier trait and an adept trait. Its flawed logic.
you lost all validity when you suggested that an on-fall trait is actually worth anything to anyone in pvp. that is an incredibly desperate hail mary attempt at justifying things as they are.
blinding dissipation needs either an 8-10 second ICD or get moved to GM tier. there is no arguing it.
not to mention mindwrack needs lower damage, confounding suggestions/mantra of distraction needs a nerf, PU needs a severe nerf, and GS auto needs to be changed so that it doesnt have ridiculous air/fire proc potential + can be exploited for higher dps. (imo it should be one hit at the end of a substantially reduced cast time for slightly less damage)
When did I suggest that…? I said the cross class comparison logic doesn’t apply here because I can say the exact opposite using the same reasoning. It was an example of how cross class comparisons don’t really provide concrete evidence of anything.
Prepared to be flamed by countless Mesmers who will defend their class even in the face of both objective and subjective reality….incoming!!!!!
I play a Mesmer.
He’s right, it’s almost too easy to condi-bomb whole groups to death.At first it was interesting when I stumbled across the build but the novelty wore off fast and it just leaves me feeling a bit guilty.
So yeah, other Mesmers might not want to admit it, but it’s on e-z mode for us right now.
That condi build have counters the best counter is cele dd ele with diamond skin.
Most necro builds can counter it too power or condi.
Running away from a necro is not a victory in conquest.
Its easymode against certain specs like bunkers or warriors.
you can also kill thieves with it but its not as easy as it look.
a nerf to blind could render them defenseless.
Power shatter is another ballgame they can kill necros most of the time.
I agree that it is definitely easier with Mesmer now than pre patch. I personally always loved lock down, however, pre patch I very often went shatter, because lock down felt lackluster.
Thing is, people are still very… well ignorant to how things work. I mean, why is it that I in full zerker gear survive most Thief and Mesmer burst when I am focused but when I focus Thief or Mesmer both die in seconds?
But the actual issue is, imo, that as lockdown with the right setup you can be very survivable AND super offensive. The weakness application from Power Block is super strong, even if you get jumped by a Thief. Actually Mesmer can be offensive and defensive with several builds atm. It is a different kind of survivability that is actually weaker than warrior stances or blocks from warriors or guardians. But the fact, that it allows for easy repositioning on a ranged class or offers stealth, which many players can’t deal with (here lies a big l2p part), makes defensive abilities of Mesmers seem so strong. There are still classes with similar burst and better survivability around (looking at you warrior). But people have become so used it that it became not an issue, even if this issue still persists.
I believe in high tier Mesmer is more or less even. I mean, if a top team wins with 2 warriors, no1 says anything. But if there are 2 Mesmers, than clearly Mesmers must be OP. In top tier many issues are actually l2p and I believe people are learning to adept a bit already. In mid and lower tier however Mesmers have an even bigger advantage than ever before (in mid and low tier Mesmer were always viable before). And most of the players complaining are very likely from those tiers.
What people are demanding is but not that simple. If my assessment is correct and Mesmer is more or less even in high tier, than nerfing anything Mesmer has might lead to make Mesmer weaker in high tier. I have seen sensible suggestions and I have seen idiotic overnerf suggestions. Personally I am waiting and hoping ANet takes their time in rebalancing things instead of over eager overnerfing.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Blinds on shatters and daze = stun traits are a bit over the top when combined with the Inspiration tree. Although, pop Rampage and we can do absolutly nothing. At all. (When playing the mantra build)
stop acting fake, rampage is quite useless and maybe just not versus you… the score will still be like this: mesmer overal OP vs everything except you when paired vs rampage…I fought tons of rampage players…and rampage sucks!!
Blinds on shatters and daze = stun traits are a bit over the top when combined with the Inspiration tree. Although, pop Rampage and we can do absolutly nothing. At all. (When playing the mantra build)
stop acting fake, rampage is quite useless and maybe just not versus you… the score will still be like this: mesmer overal OP vs everything except you when paired vs rampage…I fought tons of rampage players…and rampage sucks!!
The Rampage players sucked, not Rampage…
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was. tbh the only class atm that seems a little bit..and I do mean just a tiny little bit over the top is the mesmer…. rest is awesome now, no I don’t want to go back to a 6k 100b when well timed at a stunned enemy. No I don’t want endless fights vs mesmer (so we can kiss each other you know what and say wow that was a hard pro battle was it not? no it was not it was slow and boring) and then end up losing or barely winning I want it to be fast so I can move on to do other things in game like cap or decap…I’m honestly suspecting most people here on the forums are actually mediocore players tops…not gonna go into a discussion about this tho. want to proof me otherwise pm/mail me in game.
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was
Don’t worry, damage will be toned down. It once was as high and too many people has left GW2 PvP to never comeback, they won’t repeat this mistake.
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was
Don’t worry, damage will be toned down. It once was as high and too many people has left GW2 PvP to never comeback, they won’t repeat this mistake.
realy, eleborate. cause youre talking like you know something but you don’t….if it was the mistake it is like you say…then how come their marketing team has voted to bring it back just before release? they know people want this and they realise most people on the forums are clueless and are in fact the minority hands down…man you guys claim to represent the intellect and hardcore pro base of pvp players….yet you want the game to become slowpaced “tactical” game….being slow isn’t more tactical in fact having to be realy fast requires one to be tactical with so many options and elements involved…baddies exposed I’m out good day…have the desire to prove me you’re not a baddie…don’t wait here for replies send mail
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was
Don’t worry, damage will be toned down. It once was as high and too many people has left GW2 PvP to never comeback, they won’t repeat this mistake.
realy, eleborate. cause youre talking like you know something but you don’t….if it was the mistake it is like you say…then how come their marketing team has voted to bring it back just before release? they know people want this and they realise most people on the forums are clueless and are in fact the minority hands down…man you guys claim to represent the intellect and hardcore pro base of pvp players….yet you want the game to become slowpaced “tactical” game….being slow isn’t more tactical in fact having to be realy fast requires one to be tactical with so many options and elements involved…baddies exposed I’m out good day…have the desire to prove me you’re not a baddie…don’t wait here for replies send mail
One kittened troll less, good ;-)
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was
Don’t worry, damage will be toned down. It once was as high and too many people has left GW2 PvP to never comeback, they won’t repeat this mistake.
realy, eleborate. cause youre talking like you know something but you don’t….if it was the mistake it is like you say…then how come their marketing team has voted to bring it back just before release? they know people want this and they realise most people on the forums are clueless and are in fact the minority hands down…man you guys claim to represent the intellect and hardcore pro base of pvp players….yet you want the game to become slowpaced “tactical” game….being slow isn’t more tactical in fact having to be realy fast requires one to be tactical with so many options and elements involved…baddies exposed I’m out good day…have the desire to prove me you’re not a baddie…don’t wait here for replies send mail
One kittened troll less, good ;-)
did or didn’t their marketing team decided to revert the so called mistake as you call it right before the inc release of HoT….do you think that is a coincedince or a well planned strategy?? what do you think….ik the answer, it is well planned….gw2 has been ruined by players like you prepatch and they fixxed this cause gw2 was dying out and getting extremely boring cause of players and nerfs you ask for…that aside…you obviously don’t like me and that’s ok….just ask yourself and answer this….did or did they not revert the damage before inc HoT release and if so why would they do this…. disagreeing with me is basically you saying that you are more intelligent and aware of things then Anet’s marketing team….think about this.
set aside what you think of me just sink this in….why would Anet do this???? why….again don’t take the disliking me into this question/statement just ask yourself this….why, why would they if it was considered a mistake like you say it is…why good day kid. you are the minority and hardcore
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was
Don’t worry, damage will be toned down. It once was as high and too many people has left GW2 PvP to never comeback, they won’t repeat this mistake.
realy, eleborate. cause youre talking like you know something but you don’t….if it was the mistake it is like you say…then how come their marketing team has voted to bring it back just before release? they know people want this and they realise most people on the forums are clueless and are in fact the minority hands down…man you guys claim to represent the intellect and hardcore pro base of pvp players….yet you want the game to become slowpaced “tactical” game….being slow isn’t more tactical in fact having to be realy fast requires one to be tactical with so many options and elements involved…baddies exposed I’m out good day…have the desire to prove me you’re not a baddie…don’t wait here for replies send mail
One kittened troll less, good ;-)
did or didn’t their marketing team decided to revert the so called mistake as you call it right before the inc release of HoT….do you think that is a coincedince or a well planned strategy?? what do you think….ik the answer, it is well planned….gw2 has been ruined by players like you prepatch and they fixxed this cause gw2 was dying out and getting extremely boring cause of players and nerfs you ask for…that aside…you obviously don’t like me and that’s ok….just ask yourself and answer this….did or did they not revert the damage before inc HoT release and if so why would they do this…. disagreeing with me is basically you saying that you are more intelligent and aware of things then Anet’s marketing team….think about this.
set aside what you think of me just sink this in….why would Anet do this???? why….again don’t take the disliking me into this question/statement just ask yourself this….why, why would they if it was considered a mistake like you say it is…why
good day kid
Why they ‘buffed’ damage?
Probably for same reason as e.g.:
-> You can stack 20k Burning damage in seconds, while other conditions are underpowred as hell compared to Burning or Power damage.
-> Over 9000 bugs associated with new trait system.
Such examples could be a clue, if we want guess why they ‘buffed’ damage so much at same time when they implemented new trait system and changed stats on amulets. It’s probably effect of lack of any serious testing on their part, as usual.
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was
Don’t worry, damage will be toned down. It once was as high and too many people has left GW2 PvP to never comeback, they won’t repeat this mistake.
realy, eleborate. cause youre talking like you know something but you don’t….if it was the mistake it is like you say…then how come their marketing team has voted to bring it back just before release? they know people want this and they realise most people on the forums are clueless and are in fact the minority hands down…man you guys claim to represent the intellect and hardcore pro base of pvp players….yet you want the game to become slowpaced “tactical” game….being slow isn’t more tactical in fact having to be realy fast requires one to be tactical with so many options and elements involved…baddies exposed I’m out good day…have the desire to prove me you’re not a baddie…don’t wait here for replies send mail
One kittened troll less, good ;-)
did or didn’t their marketing team decided to revert the so called mistake as you call it right before the inc release of HoT….do you think that is a coincedince or a well planned strategy?? what do you think….ik the answer, it is well planned….gw2 has been ruined by players like you prepatch and they fixxed this cause gw2 was dying out and getting extremely boring cause of players and nerfs you ask for…that aside…you obviously don’t like me and that’s ok….just ask yourself and answer this….did or did they not revert the damage before inc HoT release and if so why would they do this…. disagreeing with me is basically you saying that you are more intelligent and aware of things then Anet’s marketing team….think about this.
set aside what you think of me just sink this in….why would Anet do this???? why….again don’t take the disliking me into this question/statement just ask yourself this….why, why would they if it was considered a mistake like you say it is…why
good day kid
Why they ‘buffed’ damage?
Probably for same reason as e.g.:
-> You can stack 20k Burning damage in seconds, while other conditions are underpowred as hell compared to Burning or Power damage.
-> Over 9000 bugs associated with new trait system.
Such examples could be a clue, if we want guess why they ‘buffed’ damage so much at same time when they implemented new trait system and changed stats on amulets. It’s probably effect of lack of any serious testing on their part, as usual.
the bugs are not related to higher damage…the higher damage was as intended, I already said some of the burn damage should be looked at I agree…not valid to use against me for I am for this…bugs have always been an issue and are fixxed over time still not related to the higher damage atm….power damage should be higher then condi damage (wich it truly isn’t…fought any good condi players recently?) for power builds do require more active play then condi and goes paired with low armor whereas at condi specs one can have armor over 3k easily….this is a no go on effective powerbuilds
obviously you guys are…they didn’t implement this gameplay the way it is now just for me now have they? if they did that be great but no.
realitycheck…tho you guys write here…and most people don’t. you are still hands down the minority not us.
the game is in a better shape then it ever was before and you guys are gonna have to get better instead of cry or go farmville for real….besides only bad players will promote slowpoked gameplay. good players will embrace this cause high risk high reward now…what is it exactly that you can’t handle now or dislike….the game is more exciting then it ever was
Don’t worry, damage will be toned down. It once was as high and too many people has left GW2 PvP to never comeback, they won’t repeat this mistake.
realy, eleborate. cause youre talking like you know something but you don’t….if it was the mistake it is like you say…then how come their marketing team has voted to bring it back just before release? they know people want this and they realise most people on the forums are clueless and are in fact the minority hands down…man you guys claim to represent the intellect and hardcore pro base of pvp players….yet you want the game to become slowpaced “tactical” game….being slow isn’t more tactical in fact having to be realy fast requires one to be tactical with so many options and elements involved…baddies exposed I’m out good day…have the desire to prove me you’re not a baddie…don’t wait here for replies send mail
One kittened troll less, good ;-)
did or didn’t their marketing team decided to revert the so called mistake as you call it right before the inc release of HoT….do you think that is a coincedince or a well planned strategy?? what do you think….ik the answer, it is well planned….gw2 has been ruined by players like you prepatch and they fixxed this cause gw2 was dying out and getting extremely boring cause of players and nerfs you ask for…that aside…you obviously don’t like me and that’s ok….just ask yourself and answer this….did or did they not revert the damage before inc HoT release and if so why would they do this…. disagreeing with me is basically you saying that you are more intelligent and aware of things then Anet’s marketing team….think about this.
set aside what you think of me just sink this in….why would Anet do this???? why….again don’t take the disliking me into this question/statement just ask yourself this….why, why would they if it was considered a mistake like you say it is…why
good day kid
Why they ‘buffed’ damage?
Probably for same reason as e.g.:
-> You can stack 20k Burning damage in seconds, while other conditions are underpowred as hell compared to Burning or Power damage.
-> Over 9000 bugs associated with new trait system.
Such examples could be a clue, if we want guess why they ‘buffed’ damage so much at same time when they implemented new trait system and changed stats on amulets. It’s probably effect of lack of any serious testing on their part, as usual.the bugs are not related to higher damage…the higher damage was as intended, I already said some of the burn damage should be looked at I agree…not valid to use against me for I am for this…bugs have always been an issue and are fixxed over time still not related to the higher damage atm….power damage should be higher then condi damage (wich it truly isn’t…fought any good condi players recently?) for power builds do require more active play then condi and goes paired with low armor whereas at condi specs one can have armor over 3k easily….this is a no go on effective powerbuilds
If you want discuss power vs condi damage:
Guys, condition damage should be higher than power, because:
-> Skills that apply condition damage can be blinded, evaded, dodged etc. same way as power;
-> They deal damage over time, so it’s are already inferior in terms of spiking/bursting focused target (= already worse in group fights);
-> They deal damage over time, so it’s easier to outsustain it (= already worse in group fights);
-> They deal damage over time AND can be cleansed, which means entire damage or part of it can be negated especially due AoE cleanses (= already worse in group fights).
Just out of curiosity, are there any classes that aren’t just food for Mesmers at the moment?
Personally, I just seem to melt when they hit me. I basically am allowed to use my stun-breaks, dodges, and to swing blindly at them for those few moments when they are actually not stealthed. When I DO hit them (which is rare), they just block the hits. Most of my fights end up being very one sided and I usually just die to them while simply trying to get even a couple of hits in. I have resorted to trying to run away from them, but there is simply no outrunning that laser-beam they have on Greatsword 1. Hell that thing even tracks you THROUGH walls. Plus, my class is not the best at running away.
So, I have begun to watch some videos and matches to see if there were any classes that could actually hold their own against the new and improved Raid Boss Mesmer.
Elementalists appear to be able to hold their own. But since they are the other Raid Boss in the game that makes sense to me.
I have also seen one Thief and one Necromancer be able to take them down but just once and all the other matches they also just melted away.
Warriors and Engineers appear to do OK provided they have Rampage activated.
Does that about cover it?
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”
Just out of curiosity, are there any classes that aren’t just food for Mesmers at the moment?
Personally, I just seem to melt when they hit me. I basically am allowed to use my stun-breaks, dodges, and to swing blindly at them for those few moments when they are actually not stealthed. When I DO hit them (which is rare), they just block the hits. Most of my fights end up being very one sided and I usually just die to them while simply trying to get even a couple of hits in. I have resorted to trying to run away from them, but there is simply no outrunning that laser-beam they have on Greatsword 1. Hell that thing even tracks you THROUGH walls. Plus, my class is not the best at running away.
So, I have begun to watch some videos and matches to see if there were any classes that could actually hold their own against the new and improved Raid Boss Mesmer.
Elementalists appear to be able to hold their own. But since they are the other Raid Boss in the game that makes sense to me.
I have also seen one Thief and one Necromancer be able to take them down but just once and all the other matches they also just melted away.
Warriors and Engineers appear to do OK provided they have Rampage activated.
Does that about cover it?
I heard ranger counters mesmer.
The Dhuumfire thread
I would sas that mesmers do not remotely have a counter right now. Rangers are certainly not one, given the insane amount of reflect you can now have on a mesmer with very little trait investment.
Several of the traits that mesmers have now as adept, minors or masters are incredibly strong and would have been more than grandmaster worthy prior to the changes. Blinding dissipation, the manipulations trait, the perma fury minor, confounding suggestions. Add to this the fact that so many things are now baseline: IP, mantra stuff, phantasm damage and so on.
Basically, if you compare to other professions, mesmers are the only one who received very strong buffs (in many cases too strong) ACROSS THE BOARD, whereas for other professions only some specific things got buffed.
I’d like to see Blind shaved throughout the game.
Not taking it away. But reduce the duration.
A lot of Blinds are about 3 seconds now. I think changing those to 1.5-2 seconds would be better.
That still allows the use of Blind to stop attacks, kind of as a more spammable Interrupt Lite, but it doesn’t just hang there and hang there and hang there. You have to capitalize on it quicker.
I think the main impact will be to reduce the power of Blind during CC bursts. Often it’s pretty horrible when players get stunned/immobilized and blinded and the CC wears off but they’re still blind for a good 1.5 seconds. Reducing the duration might reduce some of the cheese-factor while still giving thieves, mediguards, and mesmers room to do cool stuff with skillful play.
Also make the blind-on-shatter evadable, of course.