Why are there NEVER any close matches

Why are there NEVER any close matches

in PvP

Posted by: Dis Wiz Raps.7240

Dis Wiz Raps.7240

Regardless of my team winning or losing, the vast majority of the matches in Solo Queue seem to have a 200 point or more differential. Usually teams are so completely stacked that the inevitable outcome of the match is obvious within the first minute. I’d say maybe one in twenty matches actually end with fewer than 50 point spread.

Aren’t there systems in place to manage and balance rosters in Solo Q?

Why are there NEVER any close matches

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Supposedly a fix to this December 2nd.

Thing is I go back to school Dec, 2. So I’m forced to play this terrible matchmaking system as well. I feel your pain in not enough close games.

The new system I hear is only 1 tournament solo que team que combined. Otherwise I’d say the developers need to ensure you cant cheat the solo que system by queing up the same time with your ventrillo/ts/mumble team so your on the same team.
Should be a good welcome back because you make friends a lot easier in pvp, due to people wanting to be on a partial or full team to have some kind of advantage. The Pro’s outweight the Con’s if you ask me.