Why are Thiefs so toxic for a PvP team?
Thief has been easily the best class in the game for the majority of the games lifespan
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
They support in the form of +1s and decaps, which no other class can perform better in at the moment. Good thieves (1 in a team) can carry our mediocre ass through a winnable game.
Thieves are very polarized to their role and can’t hold a point due to having a naked HP bar (low defense uptime, thus low effective HP), and if you have more than 1 in a team, they have to spend so much time off point recovering there’s nothing to +1 to.
Having a Thief means that the share of attacks/CDs meant for him will be distributed to their 4 other teammates instead until his +1 comes, meaning it’s generally better to have more sustainy classes or players that can kite to stall for him. If you successfully hold out though, a good thief will make sure the enemy is always 4v5 because he nails the +1.
This is why having 2+ Thieves won’t work, because if you are getting 3v5’d all the time and dying, there’s nothing for those Thieves to +1 to, and if they get focused they have to bail and waste time doing nothing.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
The only reason teef is useful is speed. It’s not the best pvp class or the worst. It’s just the best at dealing with dancing in circles on conq maps. Just like most noobies play DH because it has 1,00 blocks and requires little skill same thing with teef. You can run cap a point and go +1 but that’s about it. Even as a necro i eat most teefs.
|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||
5 DH or 5 Necros is a autolose. There are 0 classes where stacking is advantageous.
5 DH or 5 Necros is a autolose. There are 0 classes where stacking is advantageous.
Revenant…. the boon stacking would become atrocious
They support in the form of +1s and decaps, which no other class can perform better in at the moment. Good thieves (1 in a team) can carry our mediocre ass through a winnable game.
Thieves are very polarized to their role and can’t hold a point due to having a naked HP bar (low defense uptime, thus low effective HP), and if you have more than 1 in a team, they have to spend so much time off point recovering there’s nothing to +1 to.
Having a Thief means that the share of attacks/CDs meant for him will be distributed to their 4 other teammates instead until his +1 comes, meaning it’s generally better to have more sustainy classes or players that can kite to stall for him. If you successfully hold out though, a good thief will make sure the enemy is always 4v5 because he nails the +1.
This is why having 2+ Thieves won’t work, because if you are getting 3v5’d all the time and dying, there’s nothing for those Thieves to +1 to, and if they get focused they have to bail and waste time doing nothing.
As someone who co mains a thief….I can tell you nothing he said is wrong
The only thieves who do hold their own like mine which is non meta, aren’t meant for capping objectives, even then I still have to be picky about what I do because even though I might have more health, I’m still squishy asf
I don’t understand this. Why are Thiefs so bad for a competitive PvP team?
If you have 5 Dragonhunters, you will win. If you have 5 Necromancers, you will win. But if you have 2 or more thiefs, you will lose in 95% of the cases.
But why? Shouldn’t it be alarming to A-Net, that Thiefs provide such a bad team play support? Especially since they also have/want to play WvW in a zerg and PvP in a team?
thief is the unique class that have a role defined till the launch of game, decap /+1, thief is perfect for this role, but this role have only one spot per team bringing two to team makes team squishier and unles other team does big mistakes(like having a idiotic duo of far campers making the others having to strugle in a continuos(and losed) 3v3 +1 or 3v3 +1 +1 to try to hold other point, that hapens to me last night) match is close to be a lost
I don’t understand this. Why are Thiefs so bad for a competitive PvP team?
If you have 5 Dragonhunters, you will win. If you have 5 Necromancers, you will win. But if you have 2 or more thiefs, you will lose in 95% of the cases.
But why? Shouldn’t it be alarming to A-Net, that Thiefs provide such a bad team play support? Especially since they also have/want to play WvW in a zerg and PvP in a team?
To be honest two thieves shouldn’t be a death sentence to your team. You have a lot of mobility and aloooot of single target burst. I play theif and even tho I swap or have the other theif swap when I see a second on the team there are times where I choose not to and just communicate a game plan to the other theif. Two thieves working together can be super dangerous, by not allowing caps to be held long with their ability to baccap and just blowing people up by focusing them down together and really offsetting the balance in a team fight in your favor. My reccomendation to you would be if you have two thrive communicate to them to work together and you should win.
two thfs could work in theory but they are very rarely coordinated enough to work. what makes thf hard to stack is the lack of sustain in a team fight, so you a few wrong moves and multiple team members go down simultaneously, which is the worst possible thing that can happen.
two thfs could work in theory but they are very rarely coordinated enough to work.
I’ve seen double thief win at platinum level.
This is purely an outlier case, but so far the best game I’ve ever had was 2 thieves and a mesmer – I was the mesmer. Somehow, all three of us were keen on communicating movements and targets. It wasn’t a perfectly clean sweep, but we won with a strong lead.
All other things being equal, 2x thief might be a death sentence, but playing better at the grand strategy level will still beat other teams. (Just… you need good thieves for that.)
I think if anything, if it is true that stacking DHs and Necros etc are a guaranteed win, then that is the issue, not thief being worse when stacked. Professions should be covering each other’s weaknesses(or countering the enemy’s strengths), not stacking their own strengths.
If the thieves are competent enough to actually play the objective instead of chasing, and tunnel visioning on targets, they can do ALOt of work outside of a teamfight, and if they time their engage right, can help a teamfight swing in a few seconds as well (they just can’t, or shouldn’t stay in a teamfight)
If a thief can decap a point, thats great…if they leave that decapped point to chase someone around the map though while the enemy team properly rotates in the 4v4, its bad, and gives up the advantage the thief just gained.
Most thieves are too caught up in the “if its red, its dead” mentality and don’t play to their strengths of super-powering a 2v1, making priority targets waste time trying to kill them, or forcing enemy movements around points for long enough periods of time that the decap/point discrepancy becomes noticeable.
I have had excellent thieves on my team that feel like they are on all 3 points at once, at all times. Then there are others that you can see fighting in no-mans-land trying to 1v1 a DH for no reason….
This class has a high skill cap and not everyone can play it. Problem is everyone thinks they can..
If the thieves are competent enough to actually play the objective instead of chasing, and tunnel visioning on targets, they can do ALOt of work outside of a teamfight, and if they time their engage right, can help a teamfight swing in a few seconds as well (they just can’t, or shouldn’t stay in a teamfight)
If a thief can decap a point, thats great…if they leave that decapped point to chase someone around the map though while the enemy team properly rotates in the 4v4, its bad, and gives up the advantage the thief just gained.
Most thieves are too caught up in the “if its red, its dead” mentality and don’t play to their strengths of super-powering a 2v1, making priority targets waste time trying to kill them, or forcing enemy movements around points for long enough periods of time that the decap/point discrepancy becomes noticeable.
I have had excellent thieves on my team that feel like they are on all 3 points at once, at all times. Then there are others that you can see fighting in no-mans-land trying to 1v1 a DH for no reason….
Very very true, I don’t do so in unranked, but if I decided to play a ranked 1 I change my build just for that purpose, decapping
If its unranked however ill just say screw it and mess around, ive went 1v1 with DH’s and Heralds just for kittens and giggles (or to annoy tf out of them lol) so if you see a thief repeatedly doing that with points not cap……theyre only other option…is that their learning
Hell you can make a build that’s not meant for killing at all and craft yourself what I call the ninja build “you aint catching him and good luck seeing him”
two thfs could work in theory but they are very rarely coordinated enough to work.
I’ve seen double thief win at platinum level.
Also, to answer OP’s question. Thieves weren’t like this at launch, in fact my job as a thief used to be to go far, kill whatever is there solo and join teammates. Not anymore. On one sunny day Anet decided that thief should not be able to 1v1 most classes (yeah yeah you can 1v1 some nowadays, but let’s be honest it takes looong time, you will lose point anyway and your enemy is most likely very bad) and also not have team support, all due to their mobility.
They continued to nerf (anyone remember BP or sb nerfs lol?) and “tweak” the class until it became decap/+1 pet and whole balance since then was done around that idea which led to one issue: thief is balanced around having teammates holding points as they are themselves not allowed to do so or support teammates by dev’s design (it also probably didn’t help that they effectively deleted thief class at HoT launch to make space for revs for the sake of sales). Meaning you don’t want more than 1 thief per team. Issue is, MM does not make sure that you have only 1 thief per team.
Issue is not just with thieves, the biggest flaw in class balance is that they balance classes around non-class stacking but MM allows class stacking which results to wonky balance in the match. Look at DHs: one DH is not much of an issues, stacked DHs can become one due to absurd synergy with conquest and team support (aoe heals, aoe knockbacks, fast rez, aoe blocks, aoe buffs etc.)
This class has a high skill cap and not everyone can play it. Problem is everyone thinks they can..
…and yet every forum warrior that doesn’t play thief claims it is most faceroll class in game. It also rises another question, why does it take little skill (in comparison) for another XY class to be as effective if not more as a thief?
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
I don’t understand this. Why are Thiefs so bad for a competitive PvP team?
If you have 5 Dragonhunters, you will win. If you have 5 Necromancers, you will win. But if you have 2 or more thiefs, you will lose in 95% of the cases.
But why? Shouldn’t it be alarming to A-Net, that Thiefs provide such a bad team play support? Especially since they also have/want to play WvW in a zerg and PvP in a team?
Good thief or 2 average thieves will carry all your team. To lose vs team of DHs or Necros…well, you should be absolute *. Problem is, there are not many good thieves. Many players play thief just because it’s strong, in particular condi build etc and it doesn’t require any skill, however when they face more experienced player they die like flies. If you see player playing condi thief, or worse p/p…or even worse, without SB…he’s just a player behind a class he has no idea how to play. This is a reason.
It’s better to have 2 good thieves than make one reroll to a profession he’s not good with.
And it’s better to have 0 thieves instead having one that only take colisseum’s shield, fight off point or only goes mid.
Perma Dodge Thief would like to have a word with you:D
Thief is the best 1vs1 class in the game (perma dodge, d/d condition one only), but people usually play d/p builds and that’s why they loose. You need to be really skilled to be good with d/p Thief.
If you are average at this game move away from Thieves or play only d/d + p/d condi builds or p/p power builds (not that strong).
two thfs could work in theory but they are very rarely coordinated enough to work.
I’ve seen double thief win at platinum level.
Also, to answer OP’s question. Thieves weren’t like this at launch, in fact my job as a thief used to be to go far, kill whatever is there solo and join teammates. Not anymore. On one sunny day Anet decided that thief should not be able to 1v1 most classes (yeah yeah you can 1v1 some nowadays, but let’s be honest it takes looong time, you will lose point anyway and your enemy is most likely very bad) and also not have team support, all due to their mobility.
They continued to nerf (anyone remember BP or sb nerfs lol?) and “tweak” the class until it became decap/+1 pet and whole balance since then was done around that idea which led to one issue: thief is balanced around having teammates holding points as they are themselves not allowed to do so or support teammates by dev’s design (it also probably didn’t help that they effectively deleted thief class at HoT launch to make space for revs for the sake of sales). Meaning you don’t want more than 1 thief per team. Issue is, MM does not make sure that you have only 1 thief per team.Issue is not just with thieves, the biggest flaw in class balance is that they balance classes around non-class stacking but MM allows class stacking which results to wonky balance in the match. Look at DHs: one DH is not much of an issues, stacked DHs can become one due to absurd synergy with conquest and team support (aoe heals, aoe knockbacks, fast rez, aoe blocks, aoe buffs etc.)
This class has a high skill cap and not everyone can play it. Problem is everyone thinks they can..
…and yet every forum warrior that doesn’t play thief claims it is most faceroll class in game. It also rises another question, why does it take little skill (in comparison) for another XY class to be as effective if not more as a thief?
exactly, actually being an effective thief that decaps and fights even 1v1 or 1v2 is actually hard asf especially when it comes to experienced classes
Those same warriors have never faced off against a guardian, engi, or ele
kittens not fun nor easy and face rollings gonna get you mopped with lol
if 2 thiefs are battle/map aware, is more painful fight a team with them, than fight a heavy tank team. once time in a team with in a team with 2 thiefs and 1 mes, we also managed to win against “your worst nightmare” team: 2 necro, 1 guard, 1 him, 1 warr. ….. i was playing as necro as role of “fireman”, i was going where the fight was hard.
(edited by ugrakarma.9416)
Shortbow 1200 auto attack range didnt get nerfed to 900 because of Revs .
That weapons offered trementously escape capabilities with Infiltrator’s Arrow and the auto attack bounce between multiple nearby foes .
And now it has the buffed Choking Gas .(and i am the one getting the infractions? , rly ?)
i think you don’t know what i am talking about (probably because you didn’t play back then)
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
They support in the form of +1s and decaps, which no other class can perform better in at the moment. Good thieves (1 in a team) can carry our mediocre ass through a winnable game.
Thieves are very polarized to their role and can’t hold a point due to having a naked HP bar (low defense uptime, thus low effective HP), and if you have more than 1 in a team, they have to spend so much time off point recovering there’s nothing to +1 to.
Having a Thief means that the share of attacks/CDs meant for him will be distributed to their 4 other teammates instead until his +1 comes, meaning it’s generally better to have more sustainy classes or players that can kite to stall for him. If you successfully hold out though, a good thief will make sure the enemy is always 4v5 because he nails the +1.
This is why having 2+ Thieves won’t work, because if you are getting 3v5’d all the time and dying, there’s nothing for those Thieves to +1 to, and if they get focused they have to bail and waste time doing nothing.
As someone who co mains a thief….I can tell you nothing he said is wrong
The only thieves who do hold their own like mine which is non meta, aren’t meant for capping objectives, even then I still have to be picky about what I do because even though I might have more health, I’m still squishy asf
I also have to agree with both of these people’s statements. I dont use meta and tend to fight on points (if I get really outnumbered, I try to kite as many as I can for as long as I can…more on me is less on the field)
2 thieves can work, however if their builds are similar, then it’s a waste of a player (2 thieves, diff builds will bring diff things…I dont run SB so I dont actively decap the whole game, I mainly +1 fights and those bouncing from point to point, whereas someone running a diff build may be more effective decapping points).
Still…its not the ideal set up having 2+, however same builds will usually equal disaster.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
I love my pve thief, but I don’t bring her to pvp. ( d/p venom share is awesome for dungeons and general futzing ) Thief is almost entirely active defense and you need to be good at it. ( Things I don’t see pvp thieves doing; Staying behind your opponent and using blinds and stealths intelligently as defense) There’s some interesting commentary about that in the hardcover game book.
For a long time I (as Mesmer) was practically a free kill to a thief. I think the nerfs stem from stealth. People don’t understand and can’t play against stealth. (I run PU Mesmer in pvp right now )
Bottom line: ANET is consistently heavy handed in adjusting classes. Thief will be top of the food chain again next time ANET decides to boost them a little.
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
Don’t worry some day they will buff PU like before
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Anet and all their wisdom created a circle dancing non competitive style of pvp that requires just zerging mid and having 1 bow teef run around.
Anet failed when they made a 3 circle dancing routine with a super speedster class available. Teefs have no purpose other then to decap and back cap in gw2 pvp. Its the easiest class but the one that does the most hurt to the other team. So you can have a ftp pug come in on teef and just sb 5 all around the map and win matches. When pvp is that easy for 1 class its non competitive. Hell gw2 start i was one of those first main teefs who rolled thru circle dancing. then it got boing quick because it’s so bland.
-SB 5 around to a point decap
-Maybe cap it if team needs mid help just de cap
-If you need the cap you hold and cap
-If someone gets near you then run like a lil coward like you are to the opposite side of the map.
“Repeat above sequence”
If after a year or so of playing Teef if someone still mains it in pvp then that just means they lack pvp skill other then to dance between little circles every game. Teef got boring after a few months, got all classes now adays.
|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||
(edited by Ziggityzog.7389)
Anet and all their wisdom created a circle dancing non competitive style of pvp that requires just zerging mid and having 1 bow teef run around.
Anet failed when they made a 3 circle dancing routine with a super speedster class available. Teefs have no purpose other then to decap and back cap in gw2 pvp. Its the easiest class but the one that does the most hurt to the other team. So you can have a ftp pug come in on teef and just sb 5 all around the map and win matches. When pvp is that easy for 1 class its non competitive. Hell gw2 start i was one of those first main teefs who rolled thru circle dancing. then it got boing quick because it’s so bland.
-SB 5 around to a point decap
-Maybe cap it if team needs mid help just de cap
-If you need the cap you hold and cap
-If someone gets near you then run like a lil coward like you are to the opposite side of the map.
“Repeat above sequence”
If after a year or so of playing Teef if someone still mains it in pvp then that just means they lack pvp skill other then to dance between little circles every game. Teef got boring after a few months, got all classes now adays.
100% disagreement. It takes real skills to play thief well.
Anet and all their wisdom created a circle dancing non competitive style of pvp that requires just zerging mid and having 1 bow teef run around.
Anet failed when they made a 3 circle dancing routine with a super speedster class available. Teefs have no purpose other then to decap and back cap in gw2 pvp. Its the easiest class but the one that does the most hurt to the other team. So you can have a ftp pug come in on teef and just sb 5 all around the map and win matches. When pvp is that easy for 1 class its non competitive. Hell gw2 start i was one of those first main teefs who rolled thru circle dancing. then it got boing quick because it’s so bland.
-SB 5 around to a point decap
-Maybe cap it if team needs mid help just de cap
-If you need the cap you hold and cap
-If someone gets near you then run like a lil coward like you are to the opposite side of the map.
“Repeat above sequence”
If after a year or so of playing Teef if someone still mains it in pvp then that just means they lack pvp skill other then to dance between little circles every game. Teef got boring after a few months, got all classes now adays.
comes from necro xD
[Teef] guild :>
Anet and all their wisdom created a circle dancing non competitive style of pvp that requires just zerging mid and having 1 bow teef run around.
Anet failed when they made a 3 circle dancing routine with a super speedster class available. Teefs have no purpose other then to decap and back cap in gw2 pvp. Its the easiest class but the one that does the most hurt to the other team. So you can have a ftp pug come in on teef and just sb 5 all around the map and win matches. When pvp is that easy for 1 class its non competitive. Hell gw2 start i was one of those first main teefs who rolled thru circle dancing. then it got boing quick because it’s so bland.
-SB 5 around to a point decap
-Maybe cap it if team needs mid help just de cap
-If you need the cap you hold and cap
-If someone gets near you then run like a lil coward like you are to the opposite side of the map.
“Repeat above sequence”
If after a year or so of playing Teef if someone still mains it in pvp then that just means they lack pvp skill other then to dance between little circles every game. Teef got boring after a few months, got all classes now adays.
I do Multi-class beyond the realms of your imagination and Thief is single handedly the hardest one to play and master. What you say is such a **** that it’s laughable and sad at the same time. I met lots of people like you, who acted and claimed the same, but after a bit of conversation it was obvious they claim all that because they tryed Thief and got shreded to pieces and were never able to master it. I bet you are no difference.
I had great matches with double thief. But as said they must both be good at map awareness and work as a team. If this is not the chase in solo Q then double thief weakens the team. this is more often the case and people fear loosing with two uncoordinated thiefs which happens often … Also the other three in the team have to work with those two thiefs and so it´s not only the thiefs to be blamed if it fails.
I’m a guardian main and i definitely agree that thf is by far the hardest class to play (if you play d/p). Only other thing that comes close is mesmer with portal and moa management.
Most thieves are just extremely bad. It’s an easy thing to say, but seriously just play thief and challenge ones you see in ranked to a 1v1 and watch what happens. That’s discounting the obvious stuff like them fullcapping 90% of the time
Most thieves are just extremely bad. It’s an easy thing to say, but seriously just play thief and challenge ones you see in ranked to a 1v1 and watch what happens. That’s discounting the obvious stuff like them fullcapping 90% of the time
If you are NA, I would love to 1v1 people on my teef. Only way to sharpen my skill.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
Most thieves are just extremely bad. It’s an easy thing to say, but seriously just play thief and challenge ones you see in ranked to a 1v1 and watch what happens. That’s discounting the obvious stuff like them fullcapping 90% of the time
If you mean thieves aren’t supposed to fullcap 90% of the time, I just want to stress:
If we don’t fullcap, people start angrily pinging the map and “asking” why we aren’t fullcapping. Even if there’s 2+ enemies on the point. In fact there could literally be a pure trap guardian sitting on the point with traps loaded and people will demand we somehow 1v1 a direct hard counter and cap it since nobody else knows how to exit mid/kill a revenant/disengage/whatever excuse is being used for needing the thief to carry harder.
I’m not saying all bad thieves are caused by the community, but if I’m playing wrong, then it’s directly a symptom of the greater community’s idiocy for misleading me and I’m sure I’m not the only thief dealing with this.
Thieves are always wrong, after all.
(As an aside, I’ve watched top tier videos, but top tier strategies really do not seem apply in solo ranked queue, especially not in low gold, where I am…)
Most thieves are just extremely bad. It’s an easy thing to say, but seriously just play thief and challenge ones you see in ranked to a 1v1 and watch what happens. That’s discounting the obvious stuff like them fullcapping 90% of the time
If you mean thieves aren’t supposed to fullcap 90% of the time, I just want to stress:
If we don’t fullcap, people start angrily pinging the map and “asking” why we aren’t fullcapping. Even if there’s 2+ enemies on the point. In fact there could literally be a pure trap guardian sitting on the point with traps loaded and people will demand we somehow 1v1 a direct hard counter and cap it since nobody else knows how to exit mid/kill a revenant/disengage/whatever excuse is being used for needing the thief to carry harder.I’m not saying all bad thieves are caused by the community, but if I’m playing wrong, then it’s directly a symptom of the greater community’s idiocy for misleading me and I’m sure I’m not the only thief dealing with this.
Thieves are always wrong, after all.
(As an aside, I’ve watched top tier videos, but top tier strategies really do not seem apply in solo ranked queue, especially not in low gold, where I am…)
^^lol this.
You run decaps, people yell at you for not +1.
You +1, they all leave you facing 2 enemies on your point and yell at you for not decapping.
EVEN IF YOU DECAP ALL match people will still flame you for not decapping which proves my point that majority never look at map. Like ever.
I had teams flaming and yelling at me for not decapping point that was camped by trap guard or a druid all match. They actually expected me to get decap vs a DH. LOOK AT MAP, people!!!!
Things like this make me want to record my games just to show what kind of crap you have to put up with as a thief for simply existing.
[Teef] guild :>
^^lol this.
You run decaps, people yell at you for not +1.
You +1, they all leave you facing 2 enemies on your point and yell at you for not decapping.
EVEN IF YOU DECAP ALL match people will still flame you for not decapping which proves my point that majority never look at map. Like ever.
I had teams flaming and yelling at me for not decapping point that was camped by trap guard or a druid all match. They actually expected me to get decap vs a DH. LOOK AT MAP, people!!!!Things like this make me want to record my games just to show what kind of crap you have to put up with as a thief for simply existing.
So true. So freaking true. Yesterday I got flamed by two guys at the end of the match for not decaping, which was not true at all, and for not 1v1 Engi at Far….. When the match ended I had every single available Top Stat, every, single, one and noone else in the team had any. But yeah I guess I am still a noob for not decaping a point with Engi on it.
One of the guys flaming me whispered to me one game later, asking me for duo, because he got in enemy team right after our match and you can imagine what happened that he wanted to duo after
Most thieves are just extremely bad. It’s an easy thing to say, but seriously just play thief and challenge ones you see in ranked to a 1v1 and watch what happens. That’s discounting the obvious stuff like them fullcapping 90% of the time
If you mean thieves aren’t supposed to fullcap 90% of the time, I just want to stress:
If we don’t fullcap, people start angrily pinging the map and “asking” why we aren’t fullcapping. Even if there’s 2+ enemies on the point. In fact there could literally be a pure trap guardian sitting on the point with traps loaded and people will demand we somehow 1v1 a direct hard counter and cap it since nobody else knows how to exit mid/kill a revenant/disengage/whatever excuse is being used for needing the thief to carry harder.I’m not saying all bad thieves are caused by the community, but if I’m playing wrong, then it’s directly a symptom of the greater community’s idiocy for misleading me and I’m sure I’m not the only thief dealing with this.
Thieves are always wrong, after all.
(As an aside, I’ve watched top tier videos, but top tier strategies really do not seem apply in solo ranked queue, especially not in low gold, where I am…)
^^lol this.
You run decaps, people yell at you for not +1.
You +1, they all leave you facing 2 enemies on your point and yell at you for not decapping.
EVEN IF YOU DECAP ALL match people will still flame you for not decapping which proves my point that majority never look at map. Like ever.
I had teams flaming and yelling at me for not decapping point that was camped by trap guard or a druid all match. They actually expected me to get decap vs a DH. LOOK AT MAP, people!!!!Things like this make me want to record my games just to show what kind of crap you have to put up with as a thief for simply existing.
Lets not mention how you cant pvp as a thief without someone getting on you about decapping or capping
I play my thief sometimes just enjoy fighting for a little bit, I hate it whenever I just want to have fun with my build and I get the “teef tf are you doing fing decap you worthless….”
Like dude this build isn’t even made for decapping, hell you have swiftness 24/7 and move faster why don’t you do it?
Ive ran into a similar situation before
It was on Beta and they had a trap dh that was over watching their home, I got yelled at for not wanting to go on a kamikaze mission, and then when I did go try to decap it (obviously the dh won the fight)
I’ll just write what was said
“thief go kittening decap kitten ”
Me: You want me….a thief…..to go 1v1 a trap dh……are you kittened?
Me:……… (in my head I’m like alright fine if it shuts you up cool)
“Really…..really thief……”
Me: Wtf do you want now
“wtf are you doing come to mid”
(as I’m struggling to stay alive while downed)
Me: You just kittened at me for not wanting to 1v1 a dh chilling at far
-Now youre kittening at me for leaving the fight….yeah idgaf anymore
Most thieves are just extremely bad. It’s an easy thing to say, but seriously just play thief and challenge ones you see in ranked to a 1v1 and watch what happens. That’s discounting the obvious stuff like them fullcapping 90% of the time
If you mean thieves aren’t supposed to fullcap 90% of the time, I just want to stress:
If we don’t fullcap, people start angrily pinging the map and “asking” why we aren’t fullcapping. Even if there’s 2+ enemies on the point. In fact there could literally be a pure trap guardian sitting on the point with traps loaded and people will demand we somehow 1v1 a direct hard counter and cap it since nobody else knows how to exit mid/kill a revenant/disengage/whatever excuse is being used for needing the thief to carry harder.I’m not saying all bad thieves are caused by the community, but if I’m playing wrong, then it’s directly a symptom of the greater community’s idiocy for misleading me and I’m sure I’m not the only thief dealing with this.
Thieves are always wrong, after all.
(As an aside, I’ve watched top tier videos, but top tier strategies really do not seem apply in solo ranked queue, especially not in low gold, where I am…)
^^lol this.
You run decaps, people yell at you for not +1.
You +1, they all leave you facing 2 enemies on your point and yell at you for not decapping.
EVEN IF YOU DECAP ALL match people will still flame you for not decapping which proves my point that majority never look at map. Like ever.
I had teams flaming and yelling at me for not decapping point that was camped by trap guard or a druid all match. They actually expected me to get decap vs a DH. LOOK AT MAP, people!!!!Things like this make me want to record my games just to show what kind of crap you have to put up with as a thief for simply existing.
Lets not mention how you cant pvp as a thief without someone getting on you about decapping or capping
I play my thief sometimes just enjoy fighting for a little bit, I hate it whenever I just want to have fun with my build and I get the “teef tf are you doing fing decap you worthless….”
Like dude this build isn’t even made for decapping, hell you have swiftness 24/7 and move faster why don’t you do it?
Ive ran into a similar situation before
It was on Beta and they had a trap dh that was over watching their home, I got yelled at for not wanting to go on a kamikaze mission, and then when I did go try to decap it (obviously the dh won the fight)
I’ll just write what was said
“thief go kittening decap kitten ”
Me: You want me….a thief…..to go 1v1 a trap dh……are you kittened?
Me:……… (in my head I’m like alright fine if it shuts you up cool)
“Really…..really thief……”
Me: Wtf do you want now
“wtf are you doing come to mid”
(as I’m struggling to stay alive while downed)
Me: You just kittened at me for not wanting to 1v1 a dh chilling at far
-Now youre kittening at me for leaving the fight….yeah idgaf anymore
Those are players who don’t have played a single match as a thief. Decapping it’s fine, 1vs1 counter class isn’t.
If your team can’t figure how to play properly with non-meta players (or with classes they don’t play).. its a bit sad.
Lets not mention how you cant pvp as a thief without someone getting on you about decapping or capping
Can they shut their trap and play Thief seriously, playing to win, for 300 games then talk? You don’t have to like the class but at least appreciate what it does and how it goes about doing it.
Being ignorant and demanding the impossible, and antagonizing your teammate/play-maker isn’t going to help you win…
It’s the best feeling when you watch the map, see your Thief get a sneaky decap, come back for +1 and we finish off someone. That’s basically a guaranteed 50-100 point lead if we don’t go dumb suddenly and do stupid things.
*gold tier 2 cents.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
(edited by Ralkuth.1456)
Ive seen 4 thiefs and a rev dominate in a match before, mind you there were esports thiefs and other top thiefs.
This class has a high skill cap and not everyone can play it. Problem is everyone thinks they can..
100% disagreement. It takes real skills to play thief well.
thief is one of the easyest classes, but only if you got the right mentality: he is not about duelling, a thief want to bring cotroll at the map and is one of the best punisher for bad maprotation. At that moment a thief needs to duell, he just try to carrie the own bad team rotation or he play the wrong class ^^. Means he has the easyest rolle ingame, cause he react more about maprotation then on fightrotation (where you need a good cd-management and reactiontime!).
And to be onest, if you fight as thief it´s all about stealthburst and run to next point, other options are only to carrie the own team or cause there is no trust at the teammates.
Ofc he is not only about +1 or decap, but it´s his main rolle and if he tries something else we got 8 other classes that fitt the other rolles and can do it far bether. Means he can´t carrie as good as other classes, he can only hope to force wrong maprotations, if this doesn´t work he has the smallest option to bring controll in a game.
And now to the “toxic” point: ofc thiefes are the most frustrating class, they have to play near perfect on duels and has the lowest carrie option and at the top we got a toxic comunity that need someone to flame the own misstakes away. btw. this counts for all classes cause the players will flame not the class.
We can only help out at the mentality of our community, means:
- bring compliments at good works at both sides
- if you flame be brave enouth to apologize
- talk to mad players and help them out of his frustration (i give cookies and try to make clear what you need as a player to carrie)
- carrie your teammates, if you have the resource to do it (like use one of your ccs for helping your mate or hide them if he is fokused and can´t attack)
- It´s an teamgame remember yourself on it, if your team loose your part of it!
- Ofc work on yourself mentaly and mechanicly
if you got more points just tell them
Oh and i think the game is balanced well enouth, cause it rates your mentality and your mechanics => means if you play for yourself or if you have problems with some matchups (like you don´t now how to help guardians or have bad matchups against some classes), you will stuck. At the moment you learned how to do it, even if you just learn how to help out one of 9 classes you will be rewarded! and only late in the rating it´s about who does it bether => and later means maybe at the top 5 (don´t really know if we have players below that allready understand the theorie behind the 5v5 gamemode)
(edited by xp eke xp.6724)
But man does it feel good to carry a kittenty team as a thf. you notice the enemy can’t hold their caps and one of them explodes every time you show up at mid.
a thf that’s doing their job is usually the reason why a match will take longer than it should as the enemy is being deprived of points from caps and has to rely on actually winning their team fights to counter the thf ghosting the map. I just wish there was a counter to a good thf beyond having a better thf or just winning your team fights quickly.