Why aren't guardian traps fixed?
Indeed, they should nerf True Shot by another 20% and shave All traps DPS by 7 more percent. Also you didn’t read it I guess but uh, there’s a number of times it’ll trigger knock down before disappearing, which is 10, cause wvw things.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Troll threads are out of control.
Troll threads are out of control.
I dunno, not everyone runs something that can tank traps or has invul’s.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Troll threads are out of control.
I dunno, not everyone runs something that can tank traps or has invul’s.
Everyone have a dodge.
Your signature shows you play thief, if traps catch you often, it’s faulty gameplay tbh.
You can dogde all of them and calling dh op is hopefully ment to be funny.
Only thing where they are good is at really low tiers where they put the traps on a point and players are not inteliggent enough to just leave the point for 2 secs.
(edited by Tux der Pinguin.3049)
Just because i said tha some people can not face tank em or have invul it dosnt mean that I have issues with them, although I am not going to deny that thief always had it rough vs medi guards let alone dh trapper.
The good thing about traps is that they trigger then the dmg happens apox 1/2 or 3/4 seconds later so you can still dodge them and the daze is also a pre earning to dodge as well.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Ok right, i agree there. Thief is a not in a good place against dh in a 1v1 (if the dh is decend). The main problem imo is the huge amount of blocks that prevent interrupts. That has been a problem pre HoT too. But i still prefer a good thief over a good dh in an organised team.
I really dont see an issue if ppl cant facetank a damage dealer. A bit of movement and skill should be aquired for bunkers too, not just looking at teammates healthbars and conditions.