Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


Why did guardian get buffed, rev get nerfed etc..

and literally no changes for necromancer, war and ranger?

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Legiion.7385


Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op……
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mine

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op……
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mine

I dont see any talk about DH in OP’s topic..
Do you even read what he is saying? try defending less, no point anyways :-)

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op……
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mine

Yeah i said nothing about DH getting buffs. Core guard got them and rev got nerfed. True?

The point is why no changes for other classes whether they be nerfs or buffs. Why no changes at all?

Why hasn’t Anet even said anything about it?

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


why no changes for other classes whether they be nerfs or buffs. Why no changes at all?

Why hasn’t Anet even said anything about it?

Nobody knows..

You can see Anet is trying to bring some other stuff back into the meta (like burn guardian) but its all taking so long..

Its like 2 builds/weapons getting some love per Balance patch. with this speed it could take years before some really underused stuff get some love.

I also think Anet is way to scared these days to do some big balancing because the meta is somewhat balanced now (balanced in the way that every class has atleast 1 viable build now)

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


They nerfed revenant to make people run mallyx

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


It means those classes are where they want them to be. 3/9 balance achieved kappa.

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Anet shows that they priorized a balaced meta with on build per class over build diversity. Last patch showed they slowly adress to bring back more builds.
The problem is the speed. With something like two builds more made viable per patch most of us won´t be here when GW reaches good diversity. Diversity is one of the core features for long term exitement. They need to bring back 3-5 viable builds per class fast and fast means at maximum half a year. More “Diversity” patches all 2-3 weeks would be apropriate.
Shure if you overhaul 50 traits/skills at once you might overshoot somewhere but this will be recognized fast and can be corrected and 50 over 9 classes is not much.

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Ajax of Telamona.6974

Ajax of Telamona.6974

Believe it or not Old style Bunker Guard is buffed too. I play Bunker Guard since the game started it and never changed to DH cause simply didn’t like the idea . Last seasons was very difficult for me but i manage to get legendary div as Bunker guard.
In this one on solo q if the team is normal things are better for me on mid.
The main problem now is the skill disable spam from the opponents. If i have the luck be with a decent bunker ele of Druid we can hold mid 2v4 till the game finish. Only from our mistake loose point and not from the skill of the others.
The disable skills ( the amount and their lasting time ) is the game cancer. Cause not allow u to play . This need to be fixed.
DH Guard is still op by buffing core skills they got something too. They need to find a way to separate this so we can be viable as Ele or Druid.
P.S : the last days i see more than usual Bunkers Guards not DH but core bunkers !
That make me happy!

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Legiion.7385


Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op……
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mine

I dont see any talk about DH in OP’s topic..
Do you even read what he is saying? try defending less, no point anyways :-)

Lol i didnt say that he said DH got buffed.
I only wanted to say that the core buffs are not making DH better.
And for this change the meta build got nerfed.
So i dont know why u sayguard got buffed because Burn is a one Trick Pony and u wont see them in ranked.
BUT hey meta build got a huge nerf but u screaming about the useless skills that got buffed(use less for metabuild)

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op……
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mine

I dont see any talk about DH in OP’s topic..
Do you even read what he is saying? try defending less, no point anyways :-)

So i dont know why u sayguard got buffed because Burn is a one Trick Pony and u wont see them in ranked.

BUT hey meta build got a huge nerf but u screaming about the useless skills that got buffed(use less for metabuild)

> i didnt say that (also guardian did get buffed, burn guard is still guardian)

> i dont scream at all. (neither did the OP)

Do you even read?

Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Lol, a simple mention of Guardian and Legiion is in here foaming at the mouth in defense mode.

The post was worded fine, he listed a couple of professions that were included in the patch followed by “etc”, insinuating he didn’t want to list them all, and then listed three professions that received no attention at all and is apparently curious as to why this is.

Anything extra you pull from that simple post is all on you.

To answer your question though OP, Anet never really gave a reason. Apparently this was just some stuff they had the time to work on and wanted to go ahead and push out, which actually wouldn’t be a bad thing if we got little patches like this more frequently.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
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Why did only certain classes get PvP changes?

in PvP

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Why did guardian get buffed, rev get nerfed etc..

and literally no changes for necromancer, war and ranger?

I imagine that the PvP team needed more time than they thought to get permission to do PvP specific balancing off the “official” balance schedule, or they weren’t aware they would even be given this ability until pretty close to the patch, which is why we didn’t see more changes.

Either that or they think all classes are pretty balanced. And truthfully outside of a few builds that are too easy to play, they are fairly balanced-ish.