Why did you stop playing pvp?
Even though I am still pretty lacking in this game mode, there are somehow worse people out there. And I get paired with them…
Even though I am still pretty lacking in this game mode, there are somehow worse people out there. And I get paired with them…
Mainly the general toxicity/attitude of a lot of players. Got tired of blocking about 25% of the player base and dealing with afk’ers lol. The balance issues, to me, was only a minor reason and was adaptable.
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
I admit in PvP I am not that great but I hold my own and help the team but the toxic nature of PvP with the AFK coupled with those who just DC make it pointless to even try any more. So I stopped. Not even dailies any more.
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
I only play pvp in GW2, but I think I will quit this game. It’s impossible to play with decent players, I get always the worst teams, I always get team mates that don’t care about getting points, they only care about duelling. And the toxicity is too much, maybe it’s because mainly they are kids in school holydays?? The restriction of only 2 players in party to play raked is so unfair. You get 3 team mates that messes the games, and It’s not fun anymore. I have no idea why they changed this. Goodbye GW2
Bad attitudes and people getting away with the worst behavior drove me to cut my PvP time way down. There’s no point if every game is rigged with afkers, ragequitters, and cheaters.
I stopped when balance has barely been touched … no build diversity… every decision since June 2015 update which through the balance of this game to oblivion… tried to continue up until League Season five when it got worse an worse with team matching… Everything combined to what we got now. Sad as i love this game but the lack of care for the pvp scene (no making a huge update that wasnt needed doesnt mean caring) Balance and player experience is the true passion of what spvp should consist of and it has been neglected for far too long. Just did a game today for dailies (only reason i log in now mostly) and its full of toxic builds and just completely terrible playing experience (oh and ive been around since beta and i expected everthing great of gw2 from 2012 to 2015). The game isnt attracted to new players i tried to get people to come play but they arent into the over the top damage being done with zero change to do anything else. Damage needs to be toned down terribly… everyone doesn’t have top notch computers to keep up wiht all the flash and barely noticeable tells unless you got supervision.
Key Points:
-At least month by month balance updates… instead of 3 months of waiting for barely anything changed when players giving actually information.
-Build diversity is needed.
-Consider reverting changes from June 2015 build which wrecked balance of the game completely. This includes traits, condition dmg, and essentially everything done that build with gear stats. It is not beyond them to completely overhaul traits they did it three times or so before this final one which is so bland and too many over tuned traits. Shouldn’t fix what wasn’t broken.
(edited by LinhZeri.6412)
Balance is a problem and takes to long. Rewards are ok but for the most part they don’t offer anything I care about. E-sports is dead since no one wants to watch the game type, and a-net doesn’t push towards things that will actually get people interested (like good frequent balance on an interesting game-type) and thinks the community is just going to do it for conquest.
But none of that is a reason to really stop, at least for me. I stopped:
Because I want to kill players not sumo on points, when my main isn’t even supposed to sumo on points, and the build or weapons I actually want to use aren’t viable so I’m forced to run something I find significantly less fun.
and I’m not going to stronghold either because not only is it bad by GW2 standards, there are much better games I can push lanes in, and they actually let me 1v1 joust in mid and devs care about the balance of those typical 1v1 matchups.
Smash and Dark Souls fulfill my 1v1s.
Overwatch and LoL satisfy my team vs team itch.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
(edited by Daishi.6027)
I got kittened when they retroactively nerfed the rewards 2 seasons ago so I sat out last season.
Been playing this one but I suspect at some point, someone will whine that pvp awards are too high. They will then nerf the grandmaster mark chests so you need to create a grandmaster key to open them which requires 98% of the materials to craft the mark. Of course they will give a 5 day notice again so at least 15% of the community can take action before.
I’m willing to bet gw2 kittens on your new games pvp, especially with the sentence saying gw2 pve exists. You gonna take me up?
most times I’ve stopped for a while is because I get frustrated with the class balance.
Salty players, awful matchmaking, poor balance, no variety (specs and good game modes). It wasn’t even worth continuing to finish The Ascension because that’s how horrible it became.
I didn’t stop. Best mmorpg pvp is still the best mmorpg pvp.
HoT power creep and terrible build diversity. If I want to play my favorite class competitively, I’m stuck playing what is essentially the same boring build that’s been around since HoT launched. Everything else is just leagues behind it still.
i stopped playing because the rewards are peanuts.
well, besides that i find mobile legends bang bang much more fun.
plus the queue time for that is like 20 seconds instead of 2 minutes + 2 minutes
HoT power creep and terrible build diversity. If I want to play my favorite class competitively, I’m stuck playing what is essentially the same boring build that’s been around since HoT launched. Everything else is just leagues behind it still.
Where did the “pre-hot had anything resembling balance” come from?
Fist off we need real pvp and not circle dancing. Anet made a “attempt” to go tdm with a new 2v2 map and updated courtyard for comp play but yeah they will die in hotjoin and pvp will continue to fail. Balance is a issue but gw1 was balance and that had way more things going on skill wise.
I play pvp but i haven’t hardcore rank played or really hardcore played in general since season 5 began.
|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||
I don’t pvp because the match balancing system is terrible. I understand it is hard to balance teams but try to come up with something that would make matches fair. I don’t like getting upset during matches and I feel bad when I do but sometimes it is just ridiculous. I shouldn’t have to suffer loss after loss before I actually get a win with a decent team.
I don’t think they class “mechanics” are equal across the board. Why can a thief, ranger, etc. spam one skill, stealth, spam the same skill, stealth, stun, same skill; where other classes cannot? It seems like the skill recharge is different for each class. I don’t consider spamming a real show of pvp “skill” I do agree with Ziggityzog, it needs to be real pvp not hit, dodge, circle, circle, run, whatever.
Also they need to do something about these AFKs I understand disconnects happen, so why not replace that player with a new one? or not let the game count as bad to your overall rank score? I mean create an update where if a player dc it automatically brings another from the que and pushes out the “ready” time. Again there are many complaints about pvp, I found it fun about a year or so ago now its just I want the finish the final Reward in this year’s PvP.
When anet changed the ascended armor purchase in PvP to require a lot more money without giving enough of a warning, leaving a lot of people feeling ripped off… me included.
After everything over the years since release, this was the last straw and I uninstalled the game that day.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]
No separate solo and team que.
Same maps, same game-mode.
Boring rewards and low gold.
Unbalanced matchmaking especially considering an often/sometimes suprisingly quick que pop (i.e; support on enemy team for continuous games in a row, class stacking, some major mmr differences, duo advantage).
Poor build variety; heavy nerfing classes out of meta, patches far few and between and rarely revised.
Poorly educated toxic players making games one sided, refusing to swap classes (could be considered match making issue aswell as no encouragement from the game to swap classes i.e rank requirements across classes).
However, I continue to enjoy playing gw2’s pvp and complete my 120 games on season because regardless of it’s problems it is the most exiting mechanical, visual and unique pvp gameplay I have yet to experience in any game. I just wish I had the heart to put myself through the above more often.
However, I continue to enjoy playing gw2’s pvp and complete my 120 games on season because regardless of it’s problems it is the most exiting mechanical, visual and unique pvp gameplay I have yet to experience in any game. I just wish I had the heart to put myself through the above more often.
I agree with this alot, the gameplay mechanics are so unique and good, but not being able to 5v5 really takes away from maximising a teams comp unlesss everyone diverse and knows multiple other classes.
However, I continue to enjoy playing gw2’s pvp and complete my 120 games on season because regardless of it’s problems it is the most exiting mechanical, visual and unique pvp gameplay I have yet to experience in any game. I just wish I had the heart to put myself through the above more often.
I agree with this alot, the gameplay mechanics are so unique and good, but not being able to 5v5 really takes away from maximising a teams comp unlesss everyone diverse and knows multiple other classes.
Yep exactly. To expand on one thing I mentioned I believe duo q is a problem not only for solo q’ers that get stomped, but also for duo q’ers that stomp on teams (and highly skilled duo q’ers that have to sit on the edge of their seats with veins popping out of their skulls trying to carry silver players or worse).
I’ve heard both sides complaining about stomping and being stomped, it’s unbalanced, far from competitive and can be kitten stressful.
IMHO for duo to work in ranked it should be a separate solo que, a separate 4v4 or 6v6 que obviously consisting of only duo teams and/or a separate full team que. IMO duo que just doesn’t work in a 5v5 game.
I still play but like 1 match per day or so. Went from 300+ matches per season to required 120 because
- completely imbalanced matches for the sake of short queue times resulting in extremely frustrating experience (you either watch your team getting spawn camped or spawn camp the enemy, either way it is boring and frustrating; good fights are rare).
- rank gain/loss system that punishes you harshly for queuing/doing matches at all (gain less the more you play) and losing the MM lottery (see point above). I am not good enough to carry gold players vs top 10, i simply can’t, i get those matches however and i lose points worth of multiple wins (so according to the system i am trash). You just play in negative – why bother at all?
- HoT specs are still mandatory. HoT specs introduced such insane powercreep and homogenization that fights simply because unfun overall (everyone can do everything, overloaded spells, aoe spam, cc spam, crapload of passives, low risk/high rewards, whoever has better latency and facerolls faster wins generally or at least gets carried by passives). I miss resource management, i miss timing of the skills, i miss necessity being aware of your position etc. (even thief being probably most risky class in game is still stupidly faceroll/forgiving if you compare DD to core).
- more of a personal issue, i soloq 100%. Gets boring after a while so i just play other games.
On the bright side, playing less gives me more time for RL stuff like going to gym or meeting with colleagues/friends
[Teef] guild :>
Playing with the identical meta for like a year. It just gets old.
Games have been increasingly toxic.
no build diversity, same class needed for the same role its just boring
GW2 pvp is the worst pvp i ever played while gw1 was one of the best if not the best pvp experience i had.
…overall very very inferior to GW1 pvp.
Class design is bad, classes are designed for pve aoe/cleave spam.
Damage output was increased with HoT to make the game easy towards more players.
Every one will look and feel better player with more damage….. its a placebo while players are being carried….
Stat system is a disgrace, so it is the Elite specializations….due how ANet managed to bork the gameplay.
Class balance is bad, due above reason, and ANet keeps enforcing easy damage for every one look good….w/o understanding the meaning of action gameplay, trade-offs, some classes ended with doing to much while others are easilly underwhelmed.
Poor tactics gameplay, its a burst DPS race, not much teamwork is needed….
ANET trying to blind players with the rewards system…..
And at last the gamemode, capture it gets old, while game doest allow anything else to be added cause it will look bad or easilly will end with ugly figths everywhere…
ANET FX your dammmn nuubage pve gimmicks so pvp gets decent….
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I still play when i have time.
Low (and stable) build diversity takes away some exitement.
Realy bad is if you team is not motivated to fight it out hard…. due to whatever reason…
I play GW2 for “Fun” and right now i find WvW more fun than PvP. I havent played a ranked match since start of Season 6. I do the occasional unranked now and then.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
- lack of diversity in builds
- lack of Team Queue
- lack of Solo Queue (as in, 100% Solo only)
- lack of balance patches
- lack of events (Seasons are not really events to me)
- lack of Build-Templates per character (up to 3 or 4 slots per character would be nice)
-my always working PC crash as soon as i enter in pvp
-conquest as the only ‘’playable in ranked’’ make me feel like its not real PvP
-I got exposed to too much unstable losing energy atomic nucleus emitting radiations which the players call ’’toxicity’’.
1. Power creep from HoT ( = really bad expansion in so many ways, also for fights in WvWvW)
2. Incredibly badly balanced matches, which end up something like 50-450 in favor of another (maybe this got fixed, I stopped spvp a long time ago as huge blowouts or wins
seemed to be the norm)
3. Deletion of too many amulets (which isa big reason for lack of diversity in builds)
4. Lack of diversity in builds
5. Lack of real 100 % solo queue
6. Lack of templates, ability to easily save and load builds
7. Some spvp maps are just irritating, like Skyhammer, Temple of the Silent Storm, Spirit Watch
i stopped playing 1 year ago
1- HoT
2- Balance we wait for months for good balance patch and they just reduce & increase CD & increase dmg for some useless skills
I stopped playing pvp because the balance is very bad and the updates take a long time to arrive.
Also because I found a better game.
And you, why did you stop playing pvp?
lack of time
Pve is more fun
Lack of diversity.
Everything is power and burst DPS focused. Not enough viable tactical delay and attrition options.
Bad que system, too many PUG vs pre-made, though this has improved since I quit, its just too little too late and is still there. As others above have stated, lack of a real 100% solo que.
Bad rewards for time invested vs PVE.
Bad rewards for individual player performance, AFKers and very bad players get too good rewards vs players who put in most effort.
(edited by Tongku.5326)
- The meta right now isn’t fun.
- I’ve already gotten all of the exclusive rewards I care about.
- I’m bored of conquest.
- I miss defensive amulets.
Conquest is stale boring, Stronghold was poorly executed, in my opinion.
There’s too much spam damage, not enough thought to make the game interesting, too much sustain, too much damage flying absolutely everywhere. It’s just dull, you can pretty much predict every match.
Basically I’m bored of this game mode in Gw2. No variety in maps (90% of the time on selection it’s either Forest or Foefire, Thrilling), no variety in objectives (Capture the Flag, Time Trial Warfare, Courtyards new mechanic is ok, now add that as a 3v3 and develop on it.), build variety is a little better, but still not great.
Lack of build diversity is the main one
Removing so many amulets pigeonholed many classes into only one or two viable amulets, thus rendering some builds useless in PvP
Also conquest is really boring. I want a good old fashioned 5v5 deathmatch. One for full teams to que on, the other for solo players
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]
I play once in a while but will probably play less if there is an expansion because I don’t want to buy it. The game was only different to other MMORPG in that it had action combat and the options to -Invent- the next best build. Sadly, this game was given a new direction. Builds are now handed to players instead of created by them. Even worse, there are not many to choose from. You might as well be playing WoW with all the skills activated because there is so little build strategy involved.
-Why should our bar be limited if we can only run certain skills anyway?
That’s why I play other esports for ranked.
I used to think about trying harder, and I would have become a snobbier and rage-ier version of myself with more cardiac problems (because of salt content), if not for a constant 250-280 ping.
I was enjoying a constant 50-70 ping in the UK (EU servers), but not where I am now (while on NA servers).
With that, I have no way of dodging 0.5 second skills. The clutch things I miss out on are so apparent that I just get disillusioned. Now I just do my dailies. People seem to be horrified someone can play with 100+ ping, but I’m so used to it now…
I don’t think GW2 PvP is bad though – love the feel of it, though the skill design could definitely use some changes.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
(edited by Ralkuth.1456)
After HoT, my friend list who were Roamers/PvPers using pure power builds left along with most of my duel list (people who used high risk high reward builds and not those so called ‘’power builds’’ that you see today where they are not so risky yet still give the same rewards if you compare them to the old builds)…
-Seen any Bullrush warrior recently? Ohhh how I miss 2014…
-Seen any engineer without hammer? Not since HoTs…
-Seen any pew pew ranger recently? Nah… its all about druid sustain.
-Seen any meditation guardian with Greatsword burst recently? Nope. All about DH and their upgraded sustain from F’s skills and Longbow to stay out of ennemies range
-Seen any shatter mesmer running full DPS instead of chrono? Only in my wildest dream do I see them.
-Elementalist are in a sad state…. support, more support and more support.
-Revenant… they were the DPS to go during HoT launch since they were built with high sustain from their basic rotation and they still dealt good damage.
-Daredevil is simply a thief with higher sustain (dodge/mobility). Case closed.
Necros… I have to admit I enjoyed fighting Power reapers using GS and I did love fighting power burst necro back in 2014 when they used Axe+focus and staff or something like that. Sadly you mostly see condition necros nowadays and a rare unicorn power necro once in a while.
So basically, it all boils down to…. Is the game fun? For me it is not in this current state. I keep GW2 installed because I have a fun guild in WvW and the runs we do are still enjoyable.
But PvP wise? The game is pretty boring. Fights were much more intense back in 2014.
Current pvp builds are just boring, I went for 4-6 hours to 1-2 hours per day and sometimes I skip pvp for WvW.
Also real life issues require my attention.