Why do people still talk about rank?

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


Is it human psyche? I hear people saying I am in the top xxx of soloq/teamq.

^ Is that supposed to mean you are “good?”

Why are you guys still trying to act like any of this actually means something when both suffer from systemic problems and inadequacies?

Just curious, it is quite laughable.

R40 Mesmer

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Rank doesn’t mean anything, I’ve seen rank 40 people play better than rank 60. It’s just something to brag about and have the feeling you’re better then other people while in reality it doesn’t have anything to do with how truly skillfull you are.

Although I can’t deny that I’d rather have a rank 30 in my team then a rank 10, simply because they are more likely to understand the game mechanics then people with lower rank. However, if there does happen to be a low rank on my team I won’t say anything to that would offend his gameplay. Everyone started somewhere.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

People are always arguing about skill in a PvP game. After all that’s what it’s all about.

People resort to any benchmark available to them to make their point and rank is just one of many.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: dDuff.3860


Rank doesn’t mean anything, I’ve seen rank 40 people play better than rank 60. It’s just something to brag about and have the feeling you’re better then other people while in reality it doesn’t have anything to do with how truly skillfull you are.

Although I can’t deny that I’d rather have a rank 30 in my team then a rank 10, simply because they are more likely to understand the game mechanics then people with lower rank. However, if there does happen to be a low rank on my team I won’t say anything to that would offend his gameplay. Everyone started somewhere.

I think that questions was about leaderboard position.
And as for me, that means a lot.
Like when you enter top100 and hold there for at least 10 games, you can basically say, that in general, you’re better than those guys, hanging around ~500. And when I say better, I mean you can outplay them, you know mechanics better and feel your charachter better than they.
Being a thief myself, I can easily name all good thieves from my skill bracket, and each of them require certain counterplay, while any other thief can be dealt with ease.
That is the same for any other class, every player can name few of each class, that gave him the most trouble compared to others and I’ve found that most of these hard players are placed in top100 soloQ/teamQ.
So yes, rank means a lot, when you are trying to estimate whether you are possible to stay in fight with 10% hp or not, or when you are trying to calculate chances for win.
And if difference between you and your opponent is more than ~250 positions it also means much.


Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Rank doesn’t mean anything, I’ve seen rank 40 people play better than rank 60. It’s just something to brag about and have the feeling you’re better then other people while in reality it doesn’t have anything to do with how truly skillfull you are.

Although I can’t deny that I’d rather have a rank 30 in my team then a rank 10, simply because they are more likely to understand the game mechanics then people with lower rank. However, if there does happen to be a low rank on my team I won’t say anything to that would offend his gameplay. Everyone started somewhere.

I think that questions was about leaderboard position.
And as for me, that means a lot.
Like when you enter top100 and hold there for at least 10 games, you can basically say, that in general, you’re better than those guys, hanging around ~500. And when I say better, I mean you can outplay them, you know mechanics better and feel your charachter better than they.
Being a thief myself, I can easily name all good thieves from my skill bracket, and each of them require certain counterplay, while any other thief can be dealt with ease.
That is the same for any other class, every player can name few of each class, that gave him the most trouble compared to others and I’ve found that most of these hard players are placed in top100 soloQ/teamQ.
So yes, rank means a lot, when you are trying to estimate whether you are possible to stay in fight with 10% hp or not, or when you are trying to calculate chances for win.
And if difference between you and your opponent is more than ~250 positions it also means much.

Rank or leadboards, my answer still remains the same. They both mean nothing to me.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Really..so you just make a thread to let people know how laughable you find people talking about their rank…whats the point of that ? Its an accomplishment that took hundreds or thousands of games,besides it shows youre possibly quite experienced in spvp aswell.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Stealthasaur.2198


Lb position means a lot. Top 100 matches are much more competitve and fun. Being rank 300-1000 is like being in hell #carrysohard #hashtagyolo #yolosblack

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: dDuff.3860


Rank or leadboards, my answer still remains the same. They both mean nothing to me.

So, you don’t feel excited when you face ppl from top100, who play competetive tournaments and have tons of experience?
Well, regarding you are an ele, i guess you play this game because of pure fun, so let it be. I trust you


Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


Is it human psyche? I hear people saying I am in the top xxx of soloq/teamq.

^ Is that supposed to mean you are “good?”

Why are you guys still trying to act like any of this actually means something when both suffer from systemic problems and inadequacies?

Just curious, it is quite laughable.

If you are near the top of either you might not be good. Might of had luck in solo q or be carried by comp/team mates in team queue.

However if you have NEVER been near the top of either then you are bad. Sorry to say that. And that is why people talk about it. If its so easy to get to the top then you should have no problem getting there……

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


you cant be top anymore jsut with luck or with get carried

ppl on top with 100+ games know what they do (just ignore this 10 wins 1 lose ppl – decay will filter this)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


I agree that players who are top 100 generally know what they are doing.

Outside of that the rankings get a bit messy, if you played with 4 good players and got carried to a few wins you can get a high rank. It also seems like your last few matches matter the most, and inactivity drops you off the list quickly.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


but you cant get be carried in soloQ from 4 good players cause syncQ dont work anymore and the only constant player in your matches is you

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


getting top w/e isn’t really representative of any personal skill level.


Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Rank doesn’t matter. Pretty much everyone will agree that your rank really isn’t that good of a measurement of personal skill. It will show something, but its not that great of a measurement of overall skill.

Until you’re in a fight with someone on the forums, and then rank is the sole measurement of your worth. So if you want to debate things in the sPvP forums, you better have a really nice e-pe… I mean rank.

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Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Rank doesn’t matter. Pretty much everyone will agree that your rank really isn’t that good of a measurement of personal skill.

There’s a reason games like LoL force everyone into an unranked que before they played a hundred+ matches….
If you haven’t played a game enough against decent enough players, you probably don’t have a good understand of it.

Rank tends to be a show of experience, albeit SPvP completely kittens on any merit that could have given.
Anyways, no one compares glory based rank.
Only leaderboard ranking.

That shows something.
You typically won’t end up decently high on the leaderboard without a decent understanding of the game.
Most people on the forums don’t have a decent understanding of the game… so it serves it’s purpose.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: sendmark.4731


You still get the occasional tool trying to use Glory rank. I had someone yesterday try to do that when I’m rank 36 and he was in mid 40s. No doubt one of those who farmed Skyhammer and want something to show for that wasted time /smh

(edited by sendmark.4731)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


There’s like two ways to look at this, one is
A)There is no objective way to measure skill, therefore Leaderboards Mean nothing.
I.e “getting top w/e isn’t really representative of any personal skill level.”

Which is probably true for the most part

B) There is only one objective yet flawed method of measuring skill in GW2 and that is the Team Que Leaderboards, if you’ve made it to the top 1-200 you can play gw2 pvp well but there is still no way to truly tell who is the best. If however you are unranked in all leaderboards and are just a hotjoin hero, you can safely say you’re untested and most probably awful.

Still there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence people like to provide like
“No one even plays gw2 you’re good among Kitteners”
“All the Good teams quit already”
“EU has the only good teams” (replace with NA when OP is an amerikitten)
“I was really good at one point and no longer play, and you’re bad even though I haven’t played against you in a year”

OP is unranked on all leaderboards even achievements btw.. so.. I don’t even… know what he does in gw2

PS. It seems almost no one actually read the OP and just the title, and jumped into a discussion about pvp rank which used to be skin unlocks iduno what it is now.

*P.P.S. Soloque is super casual and random. and can never be used for any sort of objective calculations.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

(edited by Darnis.4056)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You still get the occasional tool trying to use Glory rank. I had someone yesterday try to do that when I’m rank 36 and he was in mid 40s. No doubt one of those who farmed Skyhammer and want something to show for that wasted time /smh

Skyhammer farming does not give you rank points; it gives you glory.

Are you serious?

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: clint.5681


You still get the occasional tool trying to use Glory rank. I had someone yesterday try to do that when I’m rank 36 and he was in mid 40s. No doubt one of those who farmed Skyhammer and want something to show for that wasted time /smh

Skyhammer farming does not give you rank points; it gives you glory.

Are you serious?

He can’t be serious

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

If you want to keep riding down this rabbit hole we could go into how there is doubly dual error correcting code discovered within the patterns of reality and that even in a perfect vacuum space is comprised of particles switching on and off or in and out of existence much like pixels on a tv. Just try to imagine a four dimensional rubric cube let alone an eleven dimensional one that collapses on itself.

What does rank mean? What does reality mean? Nothing but zero’s and ones, in’s and out’s of existence. “Nothing exists save empty space and you, and you are but a thought.” – Mark Twain

tldr my rank is over 9,000!

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Because I want shark finisher because you kill people with a shark. Ok?

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

Aboot leaderrbord rank egos. First to dragon needs some sun.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Torp.3659


I agree that players who are top 100 generally know what they are doing.

I can personally tell you position on the LB means nothing, because I sat down for a day and played 11 matches and now I am #1 on solo q leaderboard. I feel like I just got lucky with my team everytime. If you were to 1v1 me, you would have a good chance of beating me. I am not a great player (not saying I am bad), but there are many people better than me and I do not believe I deserve to be #1. I am also rank 67 for team arena and again its because of lucky teams :P

i am also r15 :P

Officer of TERROR [TG]

(edited by Torp.3659)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: TheUltimateBackStabber.4863


These are all opinions, it doesn’t mean that they are right or wrong, you can have a total diffrent perspective on the subject.

My personal opinion is that Solo Queue leaderboard doesn’t mean anything.
I think it’s really RNG to get in the top 1000.
I know many people who are really good but they don’t get in the top 1000 because they lose by either, people leaving, people who run around and not helping your team or low lvl/rank (r19 or less. Many people dislike a player if they see a “1” as first number or below r10) who are new to it.

This is just my opinion, you may disagree or agree, but keep it for yourself, thanks.

Asuran race is the best… +
Fluttershy #1 :)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: ens.9854


title should be
“Can i leave matches to preserve my rating?”

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Amstel Steel.2058

Amstel Steel.2058

title should be

100% this.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

they just want to feel somewhat special than others or better because seriously poeple they play with are not impressed of what they got cause they got it too lol. so they go to the forums and brag about what they got hoping someone will comment how good they are to feel special

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Because some of theses people still believe there is a competitive screen here. Believe or not, some would actually call themselves “pro”. Top 100 rank leader board solo queue #yoloswag.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Lambros Augustus.6594

Lambros Augustus.6594

Its fun being a different animal.

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


There’s like two ways to look at this, one is
A)There is no objective way to measure skill, therefore Leaderboards Mean nothing.
I.e “getting top w/e isn’t really representative of any personal skill level.”

Which is probably true for the most part

B) There is only one objective yet flawed method of measuring skill in GW2 and that is the Team Que Leaderboards, if you’ve made it to the top 1-200 you can play gw2 pvp well but there is still no way to truly tell who is the best. If however you are unranked in all leaderboards and are just a hotjoin hero, you can safely say you’re untested and most probably awful.

Still there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence people like to provide like
“No one even plays gw2 you’re good among Kitteners”
“All the Good teams quit already”
“EU has the only good teams” (replace with NA when OP is an amerikitten)
“I was really good at one point and no longer play, and you’re bad even though I haven’t played against you in a year”

OP is unranked on all leaderboards even achievements btw.. so.. I don’t even… know what he does in gw2

PS. It seems almost no one actually read the OP and just the title, and jumped into a discussion about pvp rank which used to be skin unlocks iduno what it is now.

*P.P.S. Soloque is super casual and random. and can never be used for any sort of objective calculations.

Yes, they didn’t really read what I said tee hee.

R40 Mesmer

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


ego boosting internet bragging… aka kitten, is blocked … so im double posting to clarify, instead of editing my op… cause thats the anet way, add rewards to bad pvp with dying community, dont just edit the origional pvp… like by removing downer state

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Garb Cost.3718

Garb Cost.3718

What I have noticed is that people only quote whatever rank or leaderboard position they are when things are going really badly. Especially when it is them doing badly.

Someone mentioned PvP being about skill – I think that is true to an extent but if you don’t understand how node cap works and the fact that you need to keep 2 nodes from the start to win (generally speaking) you can have all the kitten skill you want and not make the slightest contribution to the team…

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


saying soloQ leaderboard rank top 1-500 means nothing is just trieing to make his own bad rank not looking bad anymore


(edited by Romek.4201)

Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Torp.3659


saying soloQ leaderboard rank top 1-500 means nothing is just trieing to make his own bad rank not looking bad anymore


it dooooes mean nothing though…
I didnt even try and I am rank #1
luck luck luck luck luck

I am still a deer in spvp


Officer of TERROR [TG]