Why do players hate Courtyard?

Why do players hate Courtyard?

in PvP

Posted by: phokus.8934


It’s not bad but the lack of quickly changing a build makes me not care much for it.

Honestly, I’d rather have CTF than TDM.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Why do players hate Courtyard?

in PvP

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Dm isn’t casual or solo play friendly since a single person can change the match into a 3vs5 just by playing a fast smart flank using those smaller paths to outsmart the opposing Snowball of in-experienced players.

1. watch flanks
2. don’t ball up keep within 500-600 yards , or 300-500 if you are Melee+heavy class.
3.don’t be Afraid to back away to higher ground it leads the opposing team to not being able to place good ground targeting (looking at you Stairs / wood walk way on courtyard)
4. being at Spawn is one of the worst places to be , its a deathbox you jump down unprepaired or back into that box Aoes will quickly choke your team and lead to your own Downfall , think> regroup smart play don’t ball up while in a difficult situation.

5. those corners are great work to prevent large ranged attacks , e.g zerk ele with staff casting metor shower , see that first metor drop > port to stairs KD into side passage on woodne walk way (this takes the ele out of the fight due to close Quarter Range leaving only other Melee users or Medium range necros with fear which is easly pushed through with stability > creating a window .

only again able to do this by not being a sheep or balling up into a corner because of too much frontal pressure.

TDM is a great game mode , though it is not first time friendly as it requires skill beyond your build+ the amount of conquest Pvp experience you have.

Tactics, Tactics , Tactics and thats why I love it

Why do players hate Courtyard?

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


The map is simply too small to have with respawns, there needs to be room to flank and move without being in direct engage range 90% of the time if you are respawning.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Why do players hate Courtyard?

in PvP

Posted by: Keyce.8137


While I don’t like having to play the Courtyard map (unranked is where I spend most of my time these days), I still try to enjoy my experience on said map. But there are a few problems with not only the map but also how the game mode itself is set up.

I’ll start with the game mode because that list is shorter:

1.) Spawn points – I don’t really care if I have three doors or avenues of attack when I come out of my spawn point, the core problem of this game type is that there are -only- three places I can make an appearance, and chances are good that one of those three spots is going to be near instant death for me if my team isn’t doing so good at that time. We need more places on the map to spawn. Give each side two or three spawn locations on the map and make players alternate on which ones they appear at, or let them choose where they want to come back from.

2.) Mini-Objectives – What I mean by this is that there is currently nothing for us to do on our only DM map besides kill the other team. Give us secondary objectives that can provide us with a boost or help turn the game around! Like the Ferocity buff from Temple of the Silent Storm.

1.) High Walls – this map suffers greatly because of this. Everywhere we go we’re surrounded by walls that extend far higher than our cameras can zoom out, forcing us to have a narrow view of the battlefield, or a sudden zoom-in if we have to turn quickly. This can get disorienting and force us players to spend more time getting our bearings with the new view inside our character’s heads (with the eyeballs showing, no less!) than actually fighting. This leads me to my next point:
2.) Line of Sight – also a great weakness for this map. There is literally no where to hide from ranged fire except the side passages, which suffer from the above problem. The only place we can go to avoid sudden camera jerkiness is the centre of the map, but that is essentially the same a waving a giant “KILL ME!” sign around because there’s absolutely nothing to hide behind.
3.) Spacing – I’ve also noticed that most group fights tend to happen only in front of each team’s spawning location, and the one part of the outer curve where the rock formation that looks like stairs rises to meet it. While that’s only my experience, I still think that this map (and future death match maps) need to give us a reason to move around a bit. Give us an arrow cart or a cannon or a ballista somewhere. – But do it like Raid on the Capricorn, where we have to fetch ammo to use it. That will force players to engage one another in different places and help get them to see more of the map than just one or two channels to the enemy base.