Why do you hate Warriors?
Because people aren’t aware of how much skill it takes to do well on a warrior in competitive pvp.
So when they die to a warrior, they think “oh that took no skill to kill me” and it’s more upsetting.
i dont think anyone hates warrs. Theyre just too easy to kill
well, personally people ask me to get in to their team whenever i’m on.
and i don’t do that well either tbh.
maybe you met the wrong people.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
When people message you because you killed them it’s because they were humiliated by the fact that the “worst” pvp profession in the game killed them. It damages their itty bitty confidence knowing that they were worse then the worst.
Merely killing them evokes rage.
Think of it as a compliment to you. Knowing that you have that much power over them.
Also warriors lack alot of skills to help them survive in a fight. So that might be a reason for the fact that they think warriors take up spaces.
I don’t hate warriors.
Well, that’s a lie.
I hate them when they wreck my BM bunker rangers a’z’z even though everyone and their mother told you “can’t be done” – it can be done.
you have to be one of the best warrior players out there to can do what other classes can do with much lower “skill” + more supourt (not useless supourt^^)
thats why noone want the random player playing warrior in there team cause 99,999999% from them are terrible and make the fight an 4v5 cause they always dead or just dont kill anything^^
an newbie random mesmer playing his class 10 minutes and just press all buttons in teamfight will do better than most warriors out there
i dont hate warrior – i just dont trust the random joe and im always happy when warrior is in enemy team^^
God forbid I get a kill in sPvP, suddenly I get whisper telling me how much of a scrub I am for using a Greatsword, or how I wouldn’t have beaten them if it werent for the OP Hammer CC. Then theres the distinct feeling that I seem to get targeted as soon as the enemy realize Im a Warrior, like im some sort of bag full of free Glory points.
Sry to say that, but I have to admit I do the same thing in SPVP when I see a warrior.
It’s not because we hate it, but because the design flaws that makes warrior an easy target to take down when focus fire.
They got no complete invulnerable, no stealth, no teleportation,
less access to condition removal, less access to healing,
less access to evade/block and so on. (shield 5 is too situational)
So yeah, warrior is, in a way free glory points in a team battle unless you’re a very skilled warrior.
And since they’re on a lower tier with lots of disadvantages, when I lose to a warrior, I tend to blame myself for being careless or doesn’t play well than phrasing warrior being good. (Well, when I check my killer warrior, they’re usually rank 40+ really…)
Anyway, that’s that, but I can tell that most of the time, have a much harder time dealing with HGH eng, phantasm mesmer, and BM ranger than dealing with warriors. (I can sometimes 1 v 2 warriors on a node and kill them both in SPVP)
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Kreedz you cheeky kitten Sun here they are getting a buff upcoming patch.
Edit: I think they took the blunt end of the nerf bat early on before people realized how telegraphed their moves are, but no worries balance is on the way slow and steady wins the race until then keep playing your kit engi or switch to hgh its op.
Masters in Geek Mythology
(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)
I dont hate warriors, neither do i focus them in team fights. I focus whoever is easy to hit and/or low health.
Yea, most of the time thats the warior that stands still swinging his greatsword.
As others have said, there are good tpvp warriors around, but the average warrior you find is pretty horrid, especially because pve teaches them “facetank everything, your heavy armor protects you”.
If your team is being mean, just do tourneys with a group of friends, find a guild or something.
Im an “above average” player and i still avoid pugs simply because of the terrible people you meet there.
Romek: “an newbie random mesmer playing his class 10 minutes and just press all buttons in teamfight will do better than most warriors out there”
Thats not true at all. Maybe for hot join it is but not for tournaments.
If i find someone in a teamfight who has no idea how to play and just spams all buttons, i call the targt and a few seconds later theyre downed.
In hot joins a “newbie mesmer” can faceroll other “newbies” because they cant even tell the mesmer apart from the clones, let alone counter a burst.
Unlike some/alot of people think, playing a mesmer requires skill.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
warriors compound a particularly confronting approach along with a wide regard of incompetence to create a sensitive situation
Every time I play my Warrior I end up frustrated and remember why I don’t play it. I try to use anything other than GS/Axe/Shield. I really do not feel like much of a threat running Hammer + Axe/Shield. I’d be much more effective on my Engi or Necro.
I hate warrior due to:
1. Bunker warrior is below average than any bunker class. (Yeah, My class has the biggest HP pool (YIPPEEE) but no damage mitigation (its true in PvE too, my ele can withstand a champion in a long run (not spike), my warrior can only withstand a spike but not damage in long run (both use PVT armor)) and poor condition removal).
2. DPS warrior is also below average than any DPS class (you need to use almost all your utility just to do HB and its die or not gamble).
3. all warrior utility skills are subpar with other classes (physical skills are a joke (anyone use kick ?), some signets are a joke too, the only viable: banner or shout).
4. No viable gap closer (you can be slowed/immobilized.)
Good thing about warrior:
1. I have a lot of cc mechanic.
2. I have big HP pool
3. The most balance class in the game (surprise ?). Buffing and nerfing the most balance class in game is the hardest decision. Buff may lead overbuffed, nerf may lead overnerfed.
Skilled warrior is subpar with other skilled classes. (the only thing warrior can kill you: caught you off guard, you dont have any break stun skill (which means its all your fault)).
Warrior: “Master of weapon but master of nothing.”
(edited by deviller.9135)
@ Kreedz , end of june is a buff for warrior/necromancer and a nerf for others play your engi for now
The only thing that warrior need is:
1. Viable gap closer (cannot be immobilized, slow)
2. Better physical damage mitigation (protection+good source of heal (big regeneration)).
3. 1 more skill for condition removal.
4. Increased attack damage based on HP lost and condition. (Like tryndamere in LoL. Rage consume: heal, hp lost: more crit/damage).
(warrior as the blueprint need to be taken down by condition (not physical)).
(edited by deviller.9135)
Even if my main tournament class is DPS elementalist, warrior still my favourite class, and i can keep up with EVERYONE in 1v1, not to mention how i can kill my target in seconds when i enter a riot.
The problem here: people is stupid, just because a lot of people say that warrior suck, so everybody think that’s true, and they go mad when i kitten them in s/tpvp, btw, that keep me motivated
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!
Even if my main tournament class is DPS elementalist, warrior still my favourite class, and i can keep up with EVERYONE in 1v1, not to mention how i can kill my target in seconds when i enter a riot.
The problem here: people is stupid, just because a lot of people say that warrior suck, so everybody think that’s true, and they go mad when i kitten them in s/tpvp, btw, that keep me motivated
The problem are the people…people is stupid… yeah, cant be a desing fail, thats cant be…are the people who have the problem with the warrior xD xD sure …
Even if my main tournament class is DPS elementalist, warrior still my favourite class, and i can keep up with EVERYONE in 1v1, not to mention how i can kill my target in seconds when i enter a riot.
The problem here: people is stupid, just because a lot of people say that warrior suck, so everybody think that’s true, and they go mad when i kitten them in s/tpvp, btw, that keep me motivated
Please share your amazing builds!!! We stupid people would love to see the knowledge of the enlightened ones!
Beast mode
@ Mijo
if i would Play in tPvP in 74% area of leaderboard i would learly kill you every class without any weaphon in may Hands.
if you know how to Play you can kill every class with warrior in this elo area becuase the most other Players dont know how to Play there mesmer or ele.
but please reach the top 1000 elo like me and say again that the warrior can kill everyone.
or wait are you talking from this amaizing pro Servers where you Play 8v8 or 10v10 then im sorry yea thats skilled
Even if my main tournament class is DPS elementalist, warrior still my favourite class, and i can keep up with EVERYONE in 1v1, not to mention how i can kill my target in seconds when i enter a riot.
The problem here: people is stupid, just because a lot of people say that warrior suck, so everybody think that’s true, and they go mad when i kitten them in s/tpvp, btw, that keep me motivatedPlease share your amazing builds!!! We stupid people would love to see the knowledge of the enlightened ones!
He already did it. Check here:
p.s. keep in mind that he is rank 15, main elementalist & co-main mesmer. For some strange reason, he is also a master Warrior.
People hate to lose, and there’s no lack of idiots in this game to insult their own teammates.
It doesn’t have to do with you being a warrior,and while it is true warriors are in a bad place RIGHT NOW, Anet has promised many times to vastly improve the warrior class over time and make this game universally balanced.
You should really look forward to the next patch
At the core the problem is not the Warrior class itself, the problem is melee. Warriors can use bows and guns and be effective, but most people who choose warrior want to be melee.
The devs underestimate how difficult it is to get on a target and stay on a target, considering: swiftness, evade, cripple, chilled, knockback, and hard CCs. And for the few moments you are in melee there is timed: invulnerability, damage reduction, block, retaliation, protection. Furthermore, when you want to get on a target and stay on it you will have to stand on ground targetted AoEs, something which ranged characters don’t have to deal with.
This is why you have cheese macros like bull’s rush, frenzy, hundred blades as the only effective melee strat.
The reason why condition specs have become the go-to specs for DPS is: 1) there is no mitigation factor unlike straight melee damage which has to deal with toughness/armor 2) they cannot be avoided/mitigated through block/invulnerability/protection/blindness and cannot proc retaliation.
I have seen burning ticks of 600+ damage per tick. Big deal right? But consider that I sometimes do around that much damage x2 from critical hit cyclone axe. Now consider the stipulations required to hit with cyclone axe: have to be in melee (indirectly, I am not crippled/frozen/immobilized and enemy doesn’t have swiftness), enemy cannot be blocking/invulnerable. Now consider how difficult it is to cause burning on a target, especially on a melee target who most likely will step on my ground AoE to keep up pressure.
As you can see, there is a disconnect.
(edited by Geff.1930)
To the OP: if it makes you feel any better, I ran with a group of 4 warriors (a few lb specs, a hammer and gs)and a guardian. We wrecked shop.
Biggest issue this game faces and should of realized when they did class balance before launch was/is Condition damage.
Let me explain, your 1-5 key is a very small % of overall damage unless ur built to burst ie some thieves/warriors.
Warriors ONLY issue is being viable @ removing/reducing Condition damage with given traits. They are the only class to lack in this department.
Most classes have these mechanics or abilities instilled. Again, warriors do not. Because they don’t, these warrior would rather choose the most optimal DPS output/mobilty. /fact
Warriors have plenty of immunity and escape mechanism and when played right can get in and out of a hot situations. Conditions in this game is over the top. Each time you die, look at the damage you sustained before you die. Yes usually is Fire/bleeds as the top 2. Welcome to GW2.
Now that we’ve narrowed the problem. It’s an easy fix. At least it is in my eyes.
Platinnum – Zerker Guardian
I disagree, it’s not an easy fix. It is a complicated fix. At least in my eyes.
I disagree, it’s not an easy fix. It is a complicated fix. At least in my eyes.
Then you know little about this games true PvP mechanics. Even the Devs said themselves it can be as easy as tweaking 1 or 2 things, but they won’t. Each class deserves more attention therefor will be given a good “overall” of sorts.
Platinnum – Zerker Guardian
(edited by Legacy.7360)
I still disagree, you say “It’s an easy fix” but I don’t see you proposing any solution. If you are tacitly proposing a global condition damage reduction, I’ll say that that is not the correct way to go about it.
Here is my proposal:
Remove the Warrior passive that automatically casts “Shake it Off!”. Replace it with the following passive:
Every time you cast “Shake it Off!” you cannot be afflicted by new conditions for 3 seconds. (Note that the conditions that were not cleansed by the skill will still remain)
This would somewhat fix the problem of Warriors needing to stay in ground AoEs to keep up pressure. Currently any cleanse they use in such a scenario is marginalized because the conditions are immediately reapplied.
Seriously OP, why do you even care what others say about your profession choice? If you like playing war, play the war. I have about 800 sPvP matches, exactly 50% of them on War. When I get flamed about it I simply dismiss it as the least important thing, probably end up blocking the immature, intellectually deprived person and play on.
And it doesn’t really matter what you play, those sort of people will flame you anyway. Play mes, they’ll tell you you have 0 skills, owning everyone with phantasms is easy.
Play HGH engi, they will tell you the same.
On the other hand if you go into a tPvP match… playing the right build won’t give anyone wins, but playing that kitten right just might give you wins. So the sooner people are aware of that, the better.
It’s also kinda funny that people, that solo que care so much about what classes their team consists of… It would make someone think they’re almost like… perfectionists. On the other hand, perfectionists would never really join a solo que right? So to conclude, if people want a perfect team with what they believe to be the perfect class set-up, they might want to consider playing with a pre-made, huh? Just a thought
I main a warrior, and although my w/l ratio is almost 2:1, I run my thief in tPvP more often due to the constant hate that we warriors get. Personally, I hate most warriors and get why others do, and it’s as simple as the fact that 98% of all warriors run the same full zerker greatsword/x setup and rely on some sort of stun and 100b to take people down, then make some smug remark when they do as if they think that they’re better than everyone else when 4/5 fifths of the match you’ve taken them down without a problem.
I run a longbow/axe+axe DPS/condition hybrid on my warrior and still get those hate messages almost every time I kill someone in tPvP, or get told to play a class that requires skill. When warriors start playing smart and quit acting elitist simply because they can own anything in PvE, I’ll respect them. Even for me, someone who’s mained a warrior since the 3-day head start, I’ve only found respect for 4 warriors I’ve ever met, only one of which uses a greatsword at all. It’s not warriors that suck, only those who use a widely overused cookie-cutter min-max build that fails every time if its rotation is interrupted in any way.
I hope my point is clear enough. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. It takes a lot of skill to effectively play a warrior in any type of PvP. Most warriors don’t have about face, sheath weapons, or even look-behind key bound; all of which key bindings aren’t even warrior-specific, but things that any skilled player will have and use regularly.
Play smart, don’t use the same one-trick kill rotation every time, because 3 out of 4 times it won’t bring you anything but your own death. — my message to warriors.
When warriors get the sustained they were promised you will see thieves disappear completely for the single fact that warriors do undeniably the highest damage by far of any class in this game.
They already can do thief spike levels, but they can do it aoe to boot. Backstab doesn’t cleave — 100b and whirlwind does. And in the meantime those spike skills are down, the warrior sustained damage far outperforms the thief’s sustained damage from autoattack.
And warriors bring more CC than thieves anyways. Just you wait till they give warriors more uptime and condition removal while they get to keep their absurdly better damage output. If people were complaining about thieves and mesmers gibbing them, just you wait now.
When warriors get the sustained they were promised you will see thieves disappear completely for the single fact that warriors do undeniably the highest damage by far of any class in this game.
They already can do thief spike levels, but they can do it aoe to boot. Backstab doesn’t cleave — 100b and whirlwind does. And in the meantime those spike skills are down, the warrior sustained damage far outperforms the thief’s sustained damage from autoattack.
And warriors bring more CC than thieves anyways. Just you wait till they give warriors more uptime and condition removal while they get to keep their absurdly better damage output. If people were complaining about thieves and mesmers gibbing them, just you wait now.
Nice anti warrior fear mongering.
Beast mode
When warriors get the sustained they were promised you will see thieves disappear completely for the single fact that warriors do undeniably the highest damage by far of any class in this game.
They already can do thief spike levels, but they can do it aoe to boot. Backstab doesn’t cleave — 100b and whirlwind does. And in the meantime those spike skills are down, the warrior sustained damage far outperforms the thief’s sustained damage from autoattack.
And warriors bring more CC than thieves anyways. Just you wait till they give warriors more uptime and condition removal while they get to keep their absurdly better damage output. If people were complaining about thieves and mesmers gibbing them, just you wait now.
Nice anti warrior fear mongering.
Really don’t care what you think. It’s not like you can’t jump ships in a game format with no gear grind.
When warriors get the sustained they were promised you will see thieves disappear completely for the single fact that warriors do undeniably the highest damage by far of any class in this game.
They already can do thief spike levels, but they can do it aoe to boot. Backstab doesn’t cleave — 100b and whirlwind does. And in the meantime those spike skills are down, the warrior sustained damage far outperforms the thief’s sustained damage from autoattack.
And warriors bring more CC than thieves anyways. Just you wait till they give warriors more uptime and condition removal while they get to keep their absurdly better damage output. If people were complaining about thieves and mesmers gibbing them, just you wait now.
So you’re saying leave the absolute worst pvp class in the game as it is because it would make your class —- less effective (read: not ineffective)
Despite still having the niche of completely destroying boon-based builds and very high mobility
When warriors get the sustained they were promised you will see thieves disappear completely for the single fact that warriors do undeniably the highest damage by far of any class in this game.
They already can do thief spike levels, but they can do it aoe to boot. Backstab doesn’t cleave — 100b and whirlwind does. And in the meantime those spike skills are down, the warrior sustained damage far outperforms the thief’s sustained damage from autoattack.
And warriors bring more CC than thieves anyways. Just you wait till they give warriors more uptime and condition removal while they get to keep their absurdly better damage output. If people were complaining about thieves and mesmers gibbing them, just you wait now.
So you’re saying leave the absolute worst pvp class in the game as it is because it would make your class —- less effective (read: not ineffective)
Despite still having the niche of completely destroying boon-based builds and very high mobility
Thief is not my class. If you think I hate warriors, you haven’t seen my thoughts on thieves
The point is, warrior is crap design at the moment because either they have high up time like in beta and murder everything
Or they have low uptime to balance the damage, so that when they do connect things die (and things die if your team happens to sit someone in place for your 100b/eviscerate).
So they’ll have to address the warrior’s damage, so when they fix sustain (which needs fixing, as does warrior uptime), things don’t fall apart.
The warrior should have never been based around burst skills like eviscerate. Sword and hammer burst skills and numbers with lots off CC and sustained (which they don’t currently have) would have been a much less troublesome design for warriors.
Besides engineers they have some of the best potential cc, but this is not being capitalized on because they can’t stay alive long enough to harass people. And so their only working build is berserker burst.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Thief is not my class. If you think I hate warriors, you haven’t seen my thoughts on thieves
The point is, warrior is crap design at the moment because either they have high up time like in beta and murder everything
Or they have low uptime to balance the damage, so that when they do connect things die (and things die if your team happens to sit someone in place for your 100b/eviscerate).
So they’ll have to address the warrior’s damage, so when they fix sustain (which needs fixing, as does warrior uptime), things don’t fall apart.
The warrior should have never been based around burst skills like eviscerate. Sword and hammer burst skills and numbers with lots off CC and sustained (which they don’t currently have) would have been a much less troublesome design for warriors.
Besides engineers they have some of the best potential cc, but this is not being capitalized on because they can’t stay alive long enough to harass people.
Well, in that case I agree with you that Warrior burst damage really needs to take a hit for their sustainability to increase in any significant way.
I want to point out that Warrior’s supposed viability in the betas were more due to how everyone was terrible at the game than any design changes and people need to stop mentioning beta. Especially you Jon Sharp.
engineers… can’t stay alive long enough to harass people.
engineers… can’t stay alive long enough to harass people.
He said “besides engineers, [Warriors] have the best cc”. Read the whole thing.
U cannot be serious thinking that we will have placed sustain in dps trees with sustain of guardian and damage of thief. If anything i see coming a buff to defensive/tactic trees for that – its does mean lower dps.
I disagree, we don’t need bunker Warriors. Instead they need some way to be condition immune for 2-3 secs after using a condition removal. Look at my suggestion above.
(edited by Geff.1930)
Challenge them to a duel and beat them. Maybe it doesn’t prove you are a good “team player”, but it will certainly hurt their ego/make them suddenly go quiet.
Be comfortable with what you have and become a Master. I do laugh at noob geared great sword warriors, but I’ve met some strong Warriors played well (I like GS/LB spec for tPvP).
Only the mentally challenged forms pugs then complains about class choice. The whole contradiction of these actions makes a part of the moon collaspse.
Well, in that case I agree with you that Warrior burst damage really needs to take a hit for their sustainability to increase in any significant way.
I want to point out that Warrior’s supposed viability in the betas were more due to how everyone was terrible at the game than any design changes and people need to stop mentioning beta. Especially you Jon Sharp.
I also have to point out they nerf brawn during the beta. Warrior axe f1 use to hit much harder.
John Sharp actually have the right to keep mention beta events
you should know it because you made the thread
(edited by loseridoit.2756)
Eviscerate was OP in beta. Don’t even try to bring it back to its beta state.
What they should do is change the stat and instead of increasing the damage of burst skills, the new stat should just be a cost decrease to burst skills, or an adrenaline build up % bonus.
Don’t put bunker and warrior in the same sentence.
Why shouldn’t there be bunker warriors? I think Titan’s spec would be a nice direction to go for developing build diversity. The same could be said for mesmer and thief bunkering.
Why shouldn’t there be bunker warriors? I think Titan’s spec would be a nice direction to go for developing build diversity. The same could be said for mesmer and thief bunkering.
Because they’re simply isn’t a way to bunker without Condition Removal + Protection + lots of healing traits.
Geff.1930 got closest to the mark in my opinion with his three point analysis of the problem.
Why shouldn’t there be bunker warriors? I think Titan’s spec would be a nice direction to go for developing build diversity. The same could be said for mesmer and thief bunkering.
Because they’re simply isn’t a way to bunker without Condition Removal + Protection + lots of healing traits.
And they’re giving you condi removal and sustain next patch, so what are you complaining about?
It’s also not the fault of people that some warriors don’t wanna run a signet for condi removal or the condi removal heal instead of their adrenaline heal because all they want to do is turret damage.
Signet Removal is not removal. Its burst removal. Which is worthless in the current Meta.
If it was changed to “Cures a Condition every second for 12 seconds.” it would be viable, however since it does not do thakittens not. Constant reapplying conditions are what destroys warrior.
When classes are able to wham conditions on you as quickly as they do now, there is not much you can do.
Signet Removal is not removal. Its burst removal. Which is worthless in the current Meta.
If it was changed to “Cures a Condition every second for 12 seconds.” it would be viable, however since it does not do thakittens not. Constant reapplying conditions are what destroys warrior.
When classes are able to wham conditions on you as quickly as they do now, there is not much you can do.
When engineers do it.
You want condition removal to cope with engineers, and when classes like ele have enough condi removal to cope with engineer application, then all other condi classes are screwed because they don’t apply nearly as many types of conditions.
Stun breakers are also burst removal — at the rate you can stun with either your shield or bull’s charge many classes cannot break all your stuns and avoid the eviscerate that takes out half their health.
But we’re always talking about giving counters against OP classes with either great escape, cc, or condi application — so those that are not as good get damaged by the new wave of condi removal or cc break to keep up with the top specs.
The answer isn’t to give everyone the nuclear options — the answers are to nerf thief escape/chase, to nerf ele condio removal, to nerf engi condi application rate, to nerf boon uptime on ele.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
I think people are just mad you killed them with a warrior because warriors are widely known as the worst class in pvp.