Why does Auto balance kick in when the match is about to end?

Why does Auto balance kick in when the match is about to end?

in PvP

Posted by: LaronX.8079



I had this now a couple of times. We are stomping pretty hard and around 200 points for us auto balance kicked in. We still hold the lead and then around 450 points another auto balance. What is the point of balancing the game around that point? It is near over and with randome team mates ( in low level) it is not like you gone change the tide of the game that quickly. Most of the time I only hear the guys that got changed complain. Becaus basicly they lose their win bonus for the sake of balancing a game that is almost over. I am pretty new to sPvP so is there anything that I miss or is is just a big lack on A-nets side?


Why does Auto balance kick in when the match is about to end?

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231



Win bonus is 20 points, focus on getting personal points. Even if you lose, you’ll probably get more glory than the majority of the winners. Neutralize/cap points, zerg around trying to tag every enemy so you get points for the kills, etc. 8v8 isn’t the place to look for competitive PvP, and if you hate autobalance, and want to win, try 5v5.

But, in regards to your actual question: autobalance happens. It only looks at time-left and total points. Once it reaches 80%, I think, it stops autobalancing, but if the game is 200-50 it doesn’t matter, it’ll autobalance.

Why does Auto balance kick in when the match is about to end?

in PvP

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Thanks for the answer I would make it the Answer but the froum does not let me :p
