Why don't you play Stronghold?
It may be a breath of fresh air. Last time I checked people had some different builds compared to conquest and they worked out fine. Personally I didnt play much cause of queue time and I didnt know proper tactics.
The problem with Stronghold for me isn’t the mode itself, it’s that whenever it comes up, it usually comes down to both teams rushing the enemy doors and not defending.
At the start of a game I’ll usually say that I’m going to defend and ask if someone wants to help. Sometimes I’ll get someone that agrees, other times no one responds and they all just run for the supply, get the door breakers, rush the door etc.
It was Anets attempt at doing the whole Moba thing, but SMITE does it so much better. The SMITE devs have tutorials on the different modes too, explaining the whole 3 lane concept and the different roles that the characters have, which ones work best as roamers/junglers etc.
Anet needs to better explain their modes. As it currently is, new PvP players start off clueless, not through their own fault, but because it’s just not explained to them well enough.
I mostly avoid queing to avoid the standard composition that tends to end up in that mode.
Two tempests. One Condi Reaper. and 2 of any other class.
The condi reaper can deny any other class the ability to cap and then immediately cap. (Talking about channeled mists) as well as providing powerful tools to deal with attacking players, doorbreakers.
Two tempests produce enough sustain to prevent any doorbreakers from dieing. Or they provide enough healing,cc and projectile deflection/destruction to deny most if not all lord kills. And if the lord goes down. They have the ability to invuln res. But typically the match isn’t going to last long enough for them to have to worry about that. As they are more than capable of keeping the original heavy doorbreaker team long enough to breach the enemy lord room.
I ran into this often enough that I jsut stopped wanting to que for stronghold. It wasn’t fun to play. I actually REALLY like the game mode. But with the games combat the way it is right now. I just can’t enjoy it. The “Meta” for stronghold isn’t fun to fight against. ESPECIALLY on an unorganized pug group that probably doesn’t have the focus fire necessary to deal with two tempests or two druids healing eachother as well as their allies.
Infact. My memories fighting those teams are bad enough that I would rather simply avoid the 4 good games I could have in that game mode just to keep myself out of that fifth incredibly awful one that sucks the fun out of an entire afternoon away from me.
Both teams rushed the door, full team zerging and not defending is a team issue, and stronghold is designed for team coordination in mind. Generally we have so little teamQ population to make stronghold interesting, not to mention when the whole population in stronghold is much smaller. When you yoloQ into a more or less mute team that doesn’t respond, then its a one sided match even before the match starts.
Heck I’ll be happy to give new players logistics of stronghold during a match and win that if we can form a team that talks, which is a common thing when my guild is doing missions.
Because that is the worst gamemode i have ever played in any game ever.
i Enjoyed it more then conquest. Sitting on a point with bunkers, cc and condies flying like old dogs in a rain… In SH i have an open space feeling, i can roam like in wvw but the ppl cannot run away :-) (ok u have gates and so but its less then the tower huggers in wvw)
In SH the meta build does not work as well as in conquest so yes, finally no boring fights. More difference in builds
and ofc, when your teammates have no clue what to do, it sucks… but imo when u play ranked u should play with teammates of your level… you should…
anyways, like mentioned before, Smite is way more fun like said before.
It’s basically DoTa/ LOL and Heroes of the Storm which I loathe that form of pvp so nope I’m not into Stronghold!
Probably because Ele’s break it.
Personally, because nobody queues for it.
Add to that during off season, all game modes are wall to walls scrubs and newbs. Matches are universally awful in unranked.
reapers and eles too stronk. No good way to defend. Treb in wrong place too easy to kill.
Because of tempest and reapers, nothing to add.
I play Stronghold, not interested in Conquest any more. Tempests need a nerf though. The way they can heal guards and door breakers. Door breakers are usually a couple of hits with the Trebuchet. I once had a match where the tempest just kept healing, They survived like five hits and got our door down.
I actually enjoy Stronghold nowadays. When you take the time to learn the match type in the same way you’ve learned conquest, it’s actually pretty fun. During S3 I had Stronghold turned on along with Conquest and I was getting Stronghold matches about halfway through ruby but afterwards I didn’t have a single que pop as Stronghold on the way to legend. I think that most older players are simply biased to Stronghold because it requires a completely different meta to learn and they are unmotivated to do this. The newer breed of players seem to like Stronghold though.
The #1 complaint I hear spoken aloud in /m chat during Stronghold is how Tempests are too good at defending their NPCs. I do have to say, it can be broken at times. It’s probably a good idea if arena-net cuts the amount of healing that NPCs can receive by at least 25%.
Because that is the worst gamemode i have ever played in any game ever.
Because if i want to PVE there is a whole world out there in Tyria and HoT Maps.
It’s very heavily skewed towards TeamQ not soloQ and since i mostly Solo or Duo it interests me about as much as a Root Canal.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I mostly avoid queing to avoid the standard composition that tends to end up in that mode.
Two tempests. One Condi Reaper. and 2 of any other class.
The condi reaper can deny any other class the ability to cap and then immediately cap. (Talking about channeled mists) as well as providing powerful tools to deal with attacking players, doorbreakers.
Two tempests produce enough sustain to prevent any doorbreakers from dieing. Or they provide enough healing,cc and projectile deflection/destruction to deny most if not all lord kills. And if the lord goes down. They have the ability to invuln res. But typically the match isn’t going to last long enough for them to have to worry about that. As they are more than capable of keeping the original heavy doorbreaker team long enough to breach the enemy lord room.
I ran into this often enough that I jsut stopped wanting to que for stronghold. It wasn’t fun to play. I actually REALLY like the game mode. But with the games combat the way it is right now. I just can’t enjoy it. The “Meta” for stronghold isn’t fun to fight against. ESPECIALLY on an unorganized pug group that probably doesn’t have the focus fire necessary to deal with two tempests or two druids healing eachother as well as their allies.
Infact. My memories fighting those teams are bad enough that I would rather simply avoid the 4 good games I could have in that game mode just to keep myself out of that fifth incredibly awful one that sucks the fun out of an entire afternoon away from me.
Easy solution to your encounters. Moa the Reaper (so use an engie or mesmer). Employ trapper Rangers and Dragonhunters to destroy door breakers. They would die faster than the Tempests can heal. Treb helps too.
The game mode has no winning strategy. It’s all about team play more so than anything else. And since you can’t get good teamplay in soloque, it becomes a hard sell to solo players. Especially when those players keep going up against teams (which was happening in season 1 of pvp).
Because it sucks even worse than conquest.
For me it is becouse eles ruins the fun by being able to keep themselves alive plus the doorbreakers until they are through the inner gates.
I still think that healing done to NPC’so in pvp should be -50% atleast. Archers don’t attack players and guards almost takes no damage from players.
Remove archers, guards and doorbreakers from the game and make so that gates can be damaged by players.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
The game mode is very cool imo but far too easy CHEESEable. Whenever you run into a premade you can expect to see at least 1 full heal ele camping the doorbreakers (sometimes even another ele to heal the defense npcs) which is not fun at all. Although I’ve gotta say all premades i’ve encountered in stronghold were PVE guilds wanting fast pips (which obviously didnt work). I think I have not lost any stronghold match this season (deactivated it from diamond on tho..).
Also a big problem with stronghold is that many people still dont have any clue what to do, which can be very frustrating. But as I said are the easy ways to cheese this gamemmode with 3 eles and 2 druids. Its not fun to see the same kitten everytime. So in conclusion its less of an issue of the mode itself, its an issue of how people play it!
Just call me Marc :3
Gatekeepers Of Desolation [GoD]
Mostly because of this.
Tempest heal or heal overall is too strong on the door breakers.
Because distortion/heal/stealth cheese is annoying as hell?
Because it is a MOBA styled mode in which neither the creeps or player power progression are a thing.
They could easily fix stronghold by putting the guards on towers, with arrows, and requiring players to spawn archers to kill the guards.
The current setup, where you can just spam doorbreakers and kill the guards yourself promotes simply racing to rush the enemy lane and removes the “jungle” (supply running) and lane defense rolls from the equation.
I think Stronghold can get away with being a 2 lane MOBA without level progression, but it can’t survive if it doesn’t actively require the teams to split in to offense, defense, and resourcing roles. Currently it does not.
Also the map is too small.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest