Why have trait "trees" ?
Albeit this idea is really good, and makes much more sense than the actual trees…
Some traits would need to be rebalanced then, like some are more powerful traits than others… But I completely support this suggestion.
Even in the current state of game, half of the traits are just useless in pvp/pve and some others don´t even reflect what they actually do.
Albeit this idea is really good, and makes much more sense than the actual trees…
Some traits would need to be rebalanced then, like some are more powerful traits than others… But I completely support this suggestion.Even in the current state of game, half of the traits are just useless in pvp/pve and some others don´t even reflect what they actually do.
Yeah few traits would need to be looked at but I think this would be a great change for the game. But not quite sure if it can be done this far into development.
I too support this idea.
I’ve always been a fan of more “open” systems like the Call of Duty “pick 10” system rather than maintaining artificial restrictions.
We’d have to find a solution for the passive trait bonuses however although I wouldn’t mind them being done away with. It’s not like they add a lot of meaningful choice or anything.
How about have a “stat allocation” system + a trait allocation system
Sound in theory but, i can promise you this would lead to some of the most overpowered specs ever. And would make balance even more difficult than it is now.
Sound in theory but, i can promise you this would lead to some of the most overpowered specs ever. And would make balance even more difficult than it is now.
Maybe but we wouldn’t be seeing cookie cutter builds everywhere.
The game is easier to balance if it has cookie cutter specs and crappy specs.
If you look at your trait trees you will see that certain traits in different lines mesh very well with other traits in different lines. And all professions utility skills have specific skill types that can be buffed by the traits in certain lines of the traits section on hero panel. Your build is only limited by how you design it.
If you look at your trait trees you will see that certain traits in different lines mesh very well with other traits in different lines. And all professions utility skills have specific skill types that can be buffed by the traits in certain lines of the traits section on hero panel. Your build is only limited by how you design it.
And it’s also limited by the predesigned synergy they built in to the trees. You can only think up combos that they put in there for you. Maybe one or two rare exceptions of luck.
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
If you look at your trait trees you will see that certain traits in different lines mesh very well with other traits in different lines. And all professions utility skills have specific skill types that can be buffed by the traits in certain lines of the traits section on hero panel. Your build is only limited by how you design it.
And it’s also limited by the predesigned synergy they built in to the trees. You can only think up combos that they put in there for you. Maybe one or two rare exceptions of luck.
And think of how bad of a night mare balancing is right now? Imagine if traits were put where ever the player wanted. And balancing those builds. It would be even more dreadful. Yeah traits are designed to mesh well with other traits in DIFFERENT trees because if you were able to put all the traits you wanted that had healing buffs as minor traits in your power/prec tree then we would have nothing but “titanium” cannons running around and no one would be able to kill anyone but still do tons of damage lol.
Sound in theory but, i can promise you this would lead to some of the most overpowered specs ever. And would make balance even more difficult than it is now.
Maybe but we wouldn’t be seeing cookie cutter builds everywhere.
Yes we would, cookie cutter builds are a result of evolved meta. They would reappear as soon as people rediscovered the ‘officially considered’ best specs for each class.
I think the current trait system is abit convoluted, and should be…“simplified”? (Not as in losing complexity, but at being easier to play with it). I think playing with traits at the moment is not very fun: can only be done in towns (or pvp), it’s slow, punishes you for making mistakes (ex. adding one extra point than you intended), punishes you for experimenting, etc. I really would love to see it streamlined.
However, completely open systems do not make things better. Usually, the most we see from them is new cookie cutter builds that are harder to balance, and require more unfair nerfs to keep in check.
Regardless, GW1’s system was very open, but it was also VERY fun. You could change skills lightning quick, experiment at your will, let your creativity run wild. Although the same can be done currently, it depends more on getting the right equipment, and all the hassle I mentioned above.
To be honest no matter what you do you’re going to see “cookie cutter” builds because people will always copy what top players are playing.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz
www.twitch.tv/Follidus – Team Absolute Legends
To be honest no matter what you do you’re going to see “cookie cutter” builds because people will always copy what top players are playing.
Not unjustifiably though. The top players put alot of time into there specs, for a more casual player who maybe doesnt understand everything and have the time to figure it out, copying is a good strategy.
Also, some ppl will copy a top player spec, but then make modifications over time to suite there own needs/playstyle.
I think the current trait system is abit convoluted, and should be…“simplified”? (Not as in losing complexity, but at being easier to play with it). I think playing with traits at the moment is not very fun: can only be done in towns (or pvp), it’s slow, punishes you for making mistakes (ex. adding one extra point than you intended), punishes you for experimenting, etc. I really would love to see it streamlined.
However, completely open systems do not make things better. Usually, the most we see from them is new cookie cutter builds that are harder to balance, and require more unfair nerfs to keep in check.
Regardless, GW1’s system was very open, but it was also VERY fun. You could change skills lightning quick, experiment at your will, let your creativity run wild. Although the same can be done currently, it depends more on getting the right equipment, and all the hassle I mentioned above.
you do know you don’t have to press the plus button to allocate trait points? just select a minor/major trait and it will fill the tree for you.
also, cookie cutter specs will always exist as long as trait A is different/better then trait B.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
It may be true that it is harder to “balance” without trait trees but they are doing a horrible job right now anyway so why not?
Some classes have trees where everything makes sense and all the traits compliment each other. Some classes *cough*engineer*cough* have random traits in their trees and a good chunk don’t work and a good chunk would be better off in other trees.
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]
Early in betas, the trait selection was more open—if you had 10 points in a line you could choose any of the traits. It would be kind of cool, and we would definitely see different builds pop up, but I don’t think it would change the “cookie cutter” problem. I think most people would end up just choosing the “best” 7 traits and calling it good.
It’s true, engineer traits are some of the hardest to get a workable build out of. I don’t think we’d be in any better of a place with open traits, though.
It was not cool, it was terribly unbalanced :p
Imagine an elementalist who could be able to take Powerful Auras with 10 points in water, Evasive Arcana with 10 in arcane, stability on earth attunement for just 10 points in earth, etc… (all these traits require 30 points in their lines)
Or a warrior who could take automatic endure pain with just 10 points in defense (which was actually the case back in beta)
So, current system is better XD
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius