Why is Everyone quitting ?
I was just thinking about this. The amount of people quitting and amount of “goodbye” post has been pretty high these past few weeks. Sadly its just playing for 2 years and not seeing any changes, same big event(non pvp aside) like halloween and christmas( which were big in gw1) being rre skinned basically. Pvp still only has one mode, which, people play whatever the strongest meta is to win. WvW is still a numbers deal, the more people you have you win. GW has started to become a unskilled meta numbers winning game. I liked both pvp and pve, but the new living story has nothing like the first LS(i.e. gas mask rare skins). and all pvp content in the game is the same. Having just bringing a new “raid” dev this past week i believe? I’ll still keep playing every other day. I really hope very very early 2015 brings in a new expansion. It’s about time for a MMo of 2years to add something new and stop copying and pasting previous events.
sorry about the rant. Just a player thats getting really bored and would like to see something new besides “balance” updates.
Well, some players who quit have tried many times to give their inputs on the game, only to see nothing happen… Knowledge and time is wasted, especially consindering we have:
- Stale metas (they take too long to “evolve”)
- Limited Build variety
- Unbeatable comps (take this with a grain of salt)
- Passives being intergral parts of builds
- A single gamemode (thus limiting build variety even more)
- A toxic community (huge egos everywhere)
- 4v5’s on a regular basis with no tell when this will end
- Skyhammer
- No incentives for “lower tiered” teams to play once you got most rewards
- Following from that, lower tiered teams get “no chance” of getting anything from the current tournaments
- Spirit Watch
- Confusing for new players
- Confusing to watch
- And probably some more stuff I left out…
If you got the titles you wanted, and some Heroes Armour if it pleases you, then there is no reason to really stay. Unless you convinced yourself and your buddies to become really good in a short time-span, without any of them getting burnt out, this gamemode has little to offer… Whether this is going to chance soon™, no one can tell, so why not move on?
I log in, do my daily in SPvP or WvWvW and head straight back to GW1 to help people fill their HoM (or myself if it pleases me) – and frankly, this is what the game aims for anyway…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
I feel it all comes down to one thing. The game isn’t new anymore. The new car smell is wearing off.
New expansion would fix that. Just saying Anet, just saying.
I feel it all comes down to one thing. The game isn’t new anymore. The new car smell is wearing off.
New expansion would fix that. Just saying Anet, just saying.
The new car smell has been gone for over a year. Remember before PAX? “Oh yeah we’ll fix it all AFTER PAX because we don’t want to change the meta and screw the pro teams over.”
Bullkitten it was. Nothing changed, it never has and never will. It always comes down to one thing-
PVE has gem store sales. PVP has no monetary value. GG ESPORTS.
I feel it all comes down to one thing. The game isn’t new anymore. The new car smell is wearing off.
New expansion would fix that. Just saying Anet, just saying.
The new car smell has been gone for over a year. Remember before PAX? “Oh yeah we’ll fix it all AFTER PAX because we don’t want to change the meta and screw the pro teams over.”
Bullkitten it was. Nothing changed, it never has and never will. It always comes down to one thing-
PVE has gem store sales. PVP has no monetary value. GG ESPORTS.
pvp could have monetary value but any suggestion how to make it happen got deleted by mods because we are not allowed to talk about company politics and what not
also this http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/ArenaNet-Reviews-E255820.htm
[Teef] guild :>
öhm…. easy
bring back " gw1 " GvG with 8-10 man;
bring back Guild Halls for more " home feelings"
bring back new " glory " and new " ranks " ( Champ title ?) for very good players, not for all!
bring back golden, silver capes for Top 50 players
make NEW Ladder/ Reset ladder every month
bring back classic " tombs / HA " ( 8 vs 8 + ghostly hero ) or 8 vs 8 vs 8..
bring back who won a battle @ hall of heroes
bring new features to the User interface! let us customize the interface…
bring a bank @ hotm
make better balance ( often / more patches ) make hotfixes..
bring (back) same health for every class… 15000 HP for all!
remove this kitten " amulet" system → bring 2 rings, 1 amulet, 2 accessories for more playable builds.
make better rewards.. ( zaishen keys for pvp players ? )
make good pvp players richer than 24/7 pve player.. like gw1
make more esport..
bring back /resign .. dont wasting time if we lose..
bring back /roll
remove 3 point holding maps.. 90% dont like that..
*remove 4 vs 5.. -_-
*remove the " live " observer in hotjoin.. make 20 -30 sec delay
*remove " changing " team in hotjoin → only auto join
*dont lose your team in solo Arena → make it more like old Random Arena in gw1 ..
remove skyhammer!!!!1111111111111
remove spirit watch ( or change it )
For Kitten sake arena net , I’m begging you!
You have created an amazing first platform for pvp, all you need to do now is update it and start putting some time and money into developing it.
For example, New maps and modes is the MAIN THING! that hasn’t changed since release date. I mean come on, that is pathetic and frankly insulting to the PVP guild 2 wars community.
There is a lot of potential and I have to say Guild wars 2 pvp gameplay is the most intense and tactical gameplay I have ever played in an MMO, By FAR!
All we want is to show that you care and that your not tossing aside the hopes and dreams of all those little azure women and children.
This is not a rant on how bad Arena net are , they have done some incredible stuff and will continue to do so I hope, this is just a reminder that we need to see progress!!!!!!
Ok so jon chap goes , and lots of vets , still nothing from anet wtf.. ?
J probably realized than all is vain
So many people complain and complain and complain and keep playing everyday.
Funny mentality.
It’s been over two years and nothing really has changed. I also have the feeling nothing will change either. The game is just very stale with a huge list of problems that still haven’t been addressed. There are a ton of games already out and coming out this fall I’d rather spend my time with.
Heavens Rage
face it people. if there were any games with comparable or better combat system out there, we’d all have quit about a year ago, when it became obvious, that anet management is apparently stupid or only in it for the money (or got replaced by a korean borg).
it is heartbreaking, but at this rate i would say, that this game won’t live to see it’s third birthday. completely wrong focus and calls by management. wrong people forced to leave or probably fired for speaking their mind. face it korean capitalistic borg, we’re looking straight through your schemes and i can tell you one thing:
we’re mad as hell and we’re not gonna take this anymore!
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
öhm…. easy
bring back " gw1 " GvG with 8-10 man;
bring back Guild Halls for more " home feelings"
bring back new " glory " and new " ranks " ( Champ title ?) for very good players, not for all!
bring back golden, silver capes for Top 50 players
make NEW Ladder/ Reset ladder every month
bring back classic " tombs / HA " ( 8 vs 8 + ghostly hero) or 8 vs 8 vs 8..
bring back who won a battle @ hall of heroesbring new features to the User interface! let us customize the interface…
bring a bank @ hotm
make better balance ( often / more patches ) make hotfixes..
bring (back) same health for every class… 15000 HP for all!
remove this kitten " amulet" system -> bring 2 rings, 1 amulet, 2 accessories for more playable builds.öhm..
make better rewards.. ( zaishen keys for pvp players ? )
make good pvp players richer than 24/7 pve player.. like gw1
make more esport..
bring back /resign .. dont wasting time if we lose..
bring back /roll
remove 3 point holding maps.. 90% dont like that..
*remove 4 vs 5.. -_-
*remove the " live " observer in hotjoin.. make 20 -30 sec delay
*remove " changing " team in hotjoin -> only auto join
*dont lose your team in solo Arena -> make it more like old Random Arena in gw1 ..
remove skyhammer!!!!1111111111111
remove spirit watch ( or change it )
how not to +10000 this?
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ
how not to +10000 this?
because in this forum, you only voice your opinion for yourself, so speaking for 10k people is not possible
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]
öhm…. easy
bring back " gw1 " GvG with 8-10 man;
bring back Guild Halls for more " home feelings"
bring back new " glory " and new " ranks " ( Champ title ?) for very good players, not for all!
bring back golden, silver capes for Top 50 players
make NEW Ladder/ Reset ladder every month
bring back classic " tombs / HA " ( 8 vs 8 + ghostly hero) or 8 vs 8 vs 8..
bring back who won a battle @ hall of heroesbring new features to the User interface! let us customize the interface…
bring a bank @ hotm
make better balance ( often / more patches ) make hotfixes..
bring (back) same health for every class… 15000 HP for all!
remove this kitten " amulet" system -> bring 2 rings, 1 amulet, 2 accessories for more playable builds.öhm..
make better rewards.. ( zaishen keys for pvp players ? )
make good pvp players richer than 24/7 pve player.. like gw1
make more esport..
bring back /resign .. dont wasting time if we lose..
bring back /roll
remove 3 point holding maps.. 90% dont like that..
*remove 4 vs 5.. -_-
*remove the " live " observer in hotjoin.. make 20 -30 sec delay
*remove " changing " team in hotjoin -> only auto join
*dont lose your team in solo Arena -> make it more like old Random Arena in gw1 ..
remove skyhammer!!!!1111111111111
remove spirit watch ( or change it )
Can’t even find 1 thing on your post that I don’t agree with.
Just started playing smite recently and it made me remember how a fun pvp should be done. The game has the same fast paced combat that gw 2 has but way better balance and just better updates. The matchmaking also while has its flaws, isn’t as awful as gw2 one.
There are better pvp games out there and gw 2 just falls flat. I think anet is smart tho to update pve as the pvp is beyond hopeless to fix without costing them a fortune.
Would you play ANY game where a RANKED contest could begin uneven?
Would you even play a game CASUALLY where rage quitters and team swappers corrupt the match and have no repercussions?
Would you play a game where you could get 1 shot (sometimes from stealth) on a certain map?
Would you play a game that REMOVES something that adds variety and fun instead of fixing it (i.e. underwater combat)?…Especially after having it in the game and people learning it for over a year!
Would you play a game that “fixes” a profession by putting Torment on an auto-attack, gives ‘hundred blades dmg’ at 1500 range, and allows bunker specs to stack might for high damage too?
Would you play ANY game that had the above problems PLUS gave miniscule rewards?
Just asking
Would you play ANY game where a RANKED contest could begin uneven?
Would you even play a game CASUALLY where rage quitters and team swappers corrupt the match and have no repercussions?
Would you play a game where you could get 1 shot (sometimes from stealth) on a certain map?
Would you play a game that REMOVES something that adds variety and fun instead of fixing it (i.e. underwater combat)?…Especially after having it in the game and people learning it for over a year!
Would you play a game that “fixes” a profession by putting Torment on an auto-attack, gives ‘hundred blades dmg’ at 1500 range, and allows bunker specs to stack might for high damage too?
Would you play ANY game that had the above problems PLUS gave miniscule rewards?
Just asking
Yes, apparently. People do it all the time. Maybe it’s still fun to some level.
Would you play ANY game where a RANKED contest could begin uneven?
Would you even play a game CASUALLY where rage quitters and team swappers corrupt the match and have no repercussions?
Would you play a game where you could get 1 shot (sometimes from stealth) on a certain map?
Would you play a game that REMOVES something that adds variety and fun instead of fixing it (i.e. underwater combat)?…Especially after having it in the game and people learning it for over a year!
Would you play a game that “fixes” a profession by putting Torment on an auto-attack, gives ‘hundred blades dmg’ at 1500 range, and allows bunker specs to stack might for high damage too?
Would you play ANY game that had the above problems PLUS gave miniscule rewards?
Just asking
Most everything you listed is a common occurance in nearly every FPS and MOBA in existence. The thing those games have going for them is balance isn’t a pipedream.
Not only is change/balance far too slow in this game, but a lot of the changes we see are so extreme they give the impression the developers are trying anything to see what sticks.
‘You know, we haven’t seen Mesmers or Rangers in the meta for awhile. Lets go batkitten insane on them and see what happens’.
New expansion won’t fix anything. We’d be right back where we are now within a matter of months.
Ok so jon chap goes , and lots of vets , still nothing from anet wtf.. ?
anet cant’ improve vet’s game experience because it is busy ruining new player’s game experience with npe pack xD
Well its not that hard to figure out, ArenaNet underpays employees and there are lack of opportunities. You can see that on their glass door reviews.
Would you play ANY game where a RANKED contest could begin uneven?
Would you even play a game CASUALLY where rage quitters and team swappers corrupt the match and have no repercussions?
Would you play a game where you could get 1 shot (sometimes from stealth) on a certain map?
Would you play a game that REMOVES something that adds variety and fun instead of fixing it (i.e. underwater combat)?…Especially after having it in the game and people learning it for over a year!
Would you play ANY game that had the above problems PLUS gave miniscule rewards?
Forgot IMO the biggest two:
- Would you play a game where winning is decided by a crappy 4-skill minigame instead of the actual combat?
- would you play a game where most of the build choices aren’t remotely competitive after 2 full years?
Would you play ANY game where a RANKED contest could begin uneven?
Would you even play a game CASUALLY where rage quitters and team swappers corrupt the match and have no repercussions?
Would you play a game where you could get 1 shot (somketimes from stealth) on a certain map?
Would you play a game that REMOVES something that adds variety and fun instead of fixing it (i.e. underwater combat)?…Especially after having it in the game and people learning it for over a year!
Would you play a game that “fixes” a profession by putting Torment on an auto-attack, gives ‘hundred blades dmg’ at 1500 range, and allows bunker specs to stack might for high damage too?
Would you play ANY game that had the above problems PLUS gave miniscule rewards?
Just asking
Despite the sarcasm, I felt that this summed up the issues with pvp.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Ppl are crying @ soloq or hotjoin as usual , but i think you have to realize that this games mode cant be compétitive and exists to make you wait while your full team roster is online and you can go team Q.Lot of ppl are whining about soloQ not being balanced , maps n stuff , but wake up guys , a soloQ in a game that needs roations and good communciation is a big issue and it wont ever be the same than in team q
Tbh , i dont know how you could play 2 years in spvp without having or trying to play with 4 others guys and construct smthing .After practicing your team play and your own gameplay , you can try to reach the top and enjoy good games vs top teams ( becuz loosing or winning 500-50 is not fun) .
I think most ppl that left the game due to no pvp improovements had lot of things to work on and were far away to master the game , but if they dont have fun anymore in the game , why would you force them to play ?
Maybe ask the question:
Why is everyone still playing?
But to be serious, If a strategy game designed 9 years ago keeps interest more, has the player more involved and has better gameplay then guildwars2.. something is wrong.
iow. Total war is on sale. ^^
Lots of staff have been leaving GW2 in the last 6 months or so. Either:-
1) Bringing in new blood to reinvigorate GW2. Hope its this!
2) Reducing the staff levels to just enough to maintain the game, produce new gem shop updates and very infrequent updates. A lot points to this…sadly…
Because pvp is bad, and anet should feel bad…
It is too late for sPvP to be saved. Nothing would help it now, even if what we have been asking for all happened. It won’t lure people back and it wouldn’t really bring in new players.
It’s over.
It is too late for sPvP to be saved. Nothing would help it now, even if what we have been asking for all happened. It won’t lure people back and it wouldn’t really bring in new players.
It’s over.
Pls remind me to never get cancer and be around you.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
It is too late for sPvP to be saved. Nothing would help it now, even if what we have been asking for all happened. It won’t lure people back and it wouldn’t really bring in new players.
It’s over.
Pls remind me to never get cancer and be around you.
Why do you have to be so salty, what he said isn’t far from the truth. There are too many terrible design choices in pvp to the point where it really cannot be saved. All other game does the pvp better, and the devs actually care about the user experience in pvp, veteran or newbie alike, unlike this game.
Anet probably already realize this, hence the updates for pve mostly. Considering most people play this game for its pve.
Lots of staff have been leaving GW2 in the last 6 months or so. Either:-
1) Bringing in new blood to reinvigorate GW2. Hope its this!
2) Reducing the staff levels to just enough to maintain the game, produce new gem shop updates and very infrequent updates. A lot points to this…sadly…
You mean 4 staff, two community managers, 1 UI designer and Sharp? is that what you mean a lot?
As for sharp, anybody that knows a thing or two about the job market knows that the only real way to get a promotion is to change jobs. Personally, I am impressed he was able to stay in the same company for 8 years, you rarely see that in the tech industry, especially in gaming where you are underpaid versus other industries.
UI Designer probably left because she is cute and the guild wars 2 show made her popular enough to move her beyond UI design.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Lots of staff have been leaving GW2 in the last 6 months or so. Either:-
1) Bringing in new blood to reinvigorate GW2. Hope its this!
2) Reducing the staff levels to just enough to maintain the game, produce new gem shop updates and very infrequent updates. A lot points to this…sadly…
You mean 4 staff, two community managers, 1 UI designer and Sharp? is that what you mean a lot?
As for sharp, anybody that knows a thing or two about the job market knows that the only real way to get a promotion is to change jobs. Personally, I am impressed he was able to stay in the same company for 8 years, you rarely see that in the tech industry, especially in gaming where you are underpaid versus other industries.
UI Designer probably left because she is cute and the guild wars 2 show made her popular enough to move her beyond UI design.
Loads more staff members have left than that, just not been highlighted on this forum or Reddit or other forums. But a few new faces have arrived too.
Its clear just from the updates we have had in the last 6 months, that a lot less work on GW2 is being done.
Really everyone is in the dark about what’s happening. If they have reduced staff numbers by a considerable amount they will not advertise the fact for sure…
Games are meant to be fun to play, wen you get frustrated instead, you simply stop playing that game and go play one that is fun and entertaining.
I still follow this forum every week cuz I still have hope for this game, it’s sad to see it sink like this…
My whole guild (over 100 players) moved to a different mmo and tbh I’m having so much fun that I don’t even realize the time passing and end up going to work in the morning without having slepet
This game desperately needs a new meta. It is obvious. We are bored and we need variation.
Come on over to Kegbrawl. Real esport exists there.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
I have 164 “never played” Games on my Steam Account and i found out i have much more FUN playing them now than i have in gw2 – simple^^
and they are not so frustrating and they dont make me raging – only gw2 can do this