Gilded Guardian – ;333
Why is "Ready Up" so under utilized?...
Gilded Guardian – ;333
Most people don’t bother since there’s always someone alt tabbed during this time so we’re probably gonna wait anyway.
See, that’s just it, why is that the case?
It’s not like you can really AFK into a match
Why don’t folks just get themselves situated prior?
Gilded Guardian – ;333
No idea why. I always hit the button out of habit – it costs me nothing!
why wouldn’t you take that free 1 minute of prep time and use it to tweak your build or swap characters ?
I think that’s the real question here.
Swap toons if you must; but why in the kittycat would you wait ‘til the last min to tweak your build?… (If it’s to the particular situation it should only take seconds)
Gilded Guardian – ;333
I like the one minute prep period.
…………What exactly is there to prep other than a quick toon swap, quick build tweak, and/or mere “Home” “Mid” “Far” calls? (All of which should only take seconds)
Edit: Any major “preps” should be done before ever entering a match
Gilded Guardian – ;333
(edited by Palomid.9256)
…………What exactly is there to prep other than a quick toon swap, quick build tweak, and/or mere “Home” “Mid” “Far” calls? (All of which should only take seconds)
Edit: Any major “preps” should be done before ever entering a match
That’s great that your are faster than a teenager on prom night, not everyone is you.
Some people actually put some time and thought into the opportunity cost of each trait swap or amulet they use between matches as you’re not likely to see the same set of players every time.
The thought should be put in before hand, unimpeded by time; and if you’re building something from the ground up in 1min it’ll probably end up failing so hard it won’t even be funny as you really have no idea what they’re actually running…
…“Ok, mostly Necs n’ Mes; I’ll trait more for dmg mitigation, OH GOOD GOD THEY’RE CONDI FML FML FML FML FML”
Yeah, try putting the thought in before hand so you don’t have to scramble when there’s a clock plopped directly on toppa ya…
How is this not making sense to anyone?? (I see that there are a few who get it, but very few, this saddens my brain) I’ve got my base build that gets minor tweaks if anything as ANYTHING MORE WOULD BE A COMPLETE REBUILD AND WOULD BE DONE WITH THOUGHT, UNIMPEDED, BEFORE EVEN ENTERING A MATCH
My apologies for all caps folks; it’s just that sometimes I honestly wonder how some people have made it this far in life without being struck by a bus for not looking both ways BEFORE they cross the street…
Gilded Guardian – ;333
(edited by Palomid.9256)
After I accept the Q is when I afk to grab a drink / take a kitten / whatever.
I can’t do it before, because I’ve got to sit there staring at my screen doing nothing for 10+ minutes while I wait for the pop. If I miss that, my team will kittening hate me.
So yeah, that’s basically why. It’s the only time it’s “safe” to afk, and you know exactly how much time you have.
:: |SPvP | Rev | Engi | ::
Best reason so far, good for you Sunny; your logic is sound
However…These things could still be done in about 30s or so before entering Q ya silly goose you, you know that ;333
Gilded Guardian – ;333
No, they can’t. I’m Qing as a group and my team wants to get into Q asap because of our INSANELY LONG wait times.
:: |SPvP | Rev | Engi | ::
Yush, they can. Unless of course you live in a mansion and must run a proper marathon before being able to cross the fiery bridge of death; then and ONLY THEN will you be able to relieve yourself of liquids before reattaining more thus reinstating the vicious cycle of which had initially brought you to this wretched moment to begin with…Dun dun dunnn
Gilded Guardian – ;333
(edited by Palomid.9256)
The thought should be put in before hand, unimpeded by time.
Obviously you can’t build around a particular team comp if you haven’t seen it yet.
Who in the kittenbunnyrabbit attempts to build around an entire team comp, in 1 minute, without fully knowing what in the rabbitbunnykitten they’re actually running?… (Feel free to use the example stated a few posts up)
Edit: Wait wait wait, lemme guess, you politely ask them to divulge their builds before hand so you can have any sort of a chance at actually countering it properly; fer sure…
…Also, please, pit me against these 1min wonders so I can tear their faces off with the same build I’ll then use to do the same to the next team with; it’s this magical word I like to call “versatility”, it’s amaaaaaaaazing stuff folks, really is!
Huge PS: Anything one can create in 1min will be complete and utter rabbit turds compared to something thought out, tried n’ true, tested to and through the blue…
Gilded Guardian – ;333
(edited by Palomid.9256)
Huge PS: Anything one can create in 1min will be complete and utter rabbit turds compared to something thought out, tried n’ true, tested to and through the blue…
And where and how exactly are they going to test things out. Last i checked the NPC’s in the mist are trash.
So unless its in a live match it’s never going to be tested. I guess you just like using cookie cutter stuff and aren’t as versatile as you claim to be.
Oh, now you’ve done it…
…Actually, nothing of mine is cookie cutter (as cookie cutter builds are far too easy to counter considering they’re mostly run on incredibly PREDICTABLE patterns; yes, quick/minor tweaks are not only rather acceptable but encouraged if, of course, those tweaks don’t in turn undermine the rest of the build’s well thought out synergy) [Condi, DPS, CC, etc…], at all; you must’ve missed the “thought out, tried n’ true, tested to and through the blue” part (gotta love wordplay)
But yeah, you obviously don’t know me or my builds, at all (good luck tweaking for me or my toons if ever we meet there sucka); THEY ARE ALL PERSONALLY THOUGHT OUT, TESTED, TWEAKED, RE-TESTED AND TESTED AGAIN… (just for good measure)
I don’t do these tweaks based on who I’m facing; I do them based on what I’d noticed in the prior match…People like you really should just be struck by a bus, it’d clean up the gene pool so much faster; kitten this world and it being made for morons
Ok now dumb dumb, I’ll try to explain this one last time before I give up on that logic reflecting dome of yours entirely:
1) Build the build
3) Tweak build based on it’s strengths/weaknesses; leave the strengths, tweak the weaknesses…
So simple. So very very simple.
Gilded Guardian – ;333
(edited by Palomid.9256)
I agree “Ready Up” should be used more often but… most people don’t realize the function of that +1min of time before the actual match starts?
It’s a time of communication, setting a strategy, changing builds. Most people don’t press it because they are afk. But most ideally, teams would say “hey I’m running X, should I switch?” or “We do a 1-3-1 split, we have 2 eles”. But it doesn’t happen.
And it’s okey to say nothing, there’s nothing wrong. It’s wrong when then, in the middle of the match, that same person starts “OH WTF WHY IS NO ONE CLOSE” or “GG 4 Thieves, kitten matchmaking”. In my opinion, if you are playing tryhard to win (instead for fun) you have to communicate. Talk to your team before the match starts. It’s not hard. I improves the quality fo the match.
Oh, now you’ve done it…
…Actually, nothing of mine is cookie cutter (as cookie cutter builds are far too easy to counter considering they mostly run on incredibly PREDICTABLE patterns; yes, quick/minor tweaks are not only rather acceptable but encouraged if, of course, those tweaks don’t in turn undermine the rest of the build’s well thought out synergy) [Condi, DPS, CC, etc…], at all; you must’ve missed the “thought out, tried n’ true, tested to and through the blue” part (gotta love wordplay)
But yeah, you obviously don’t know me or my builds, at all (good luck tweaking for me or my toons if ever we meet there sucka); THEY ARE ALL PERSONALLY THOUGHT OUT, TESTED, TWEAKED, RE-TESTED AND TESTED AGAIN… (just for good measure)
I don’t do these tweaks based on who I’m facing; I do them based on what I’d noticed in the prior match…People like you really should just be struck by a bus, it’d clean up the gene pool so much faster; kitten this world and it being made for morons
Ok now dumb dumb, I’ll try to explain this one last time before I give up on that logic reflecting dome of yours entirely:
1) Build the build
3) Tweak build based on it’s strengths/weaknesses; leave the strengths, tweak the weaknesses…So simple. So very very simple.
You are a shining case of why people love PvP.
Would you care to wait a bit more for better play, more organization, teammates who actually look at the enemy rosters and adjust ? No…go hot join, seems like your kinda mode anyway.
Since you really are pretty much hitting the rage post full on, i have nothing more to say since your opinion is yours and you are not willing to listen to any forms of reason. Continue being right all mighty keyboard slayer, you win this round. Now wait for an new challenger like the ready up button.
Who in the kittenbunnyrabbit attempts to build around an entire team comp, in 1 minute, without fully knowing what in the rabbitbunnykitten they’re actually running?…
It’s not rocket science. The enemy team is running duo Necro? I am gonna be alting off my Engi to something with more condi clear. The enemy team has two Engi? I am gonna be swapping to Warrior. They have a thief and we don’t? Time for mobility, boys!!
I don’t need to know their exact builds. I can do some basic reasoning and adjust based on my understanding of general play / counterplay…
:: |SPvP | Rev | Engi | ::
It’s so that I can switch to well necro when I get courtyard.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
Huge PS: Anything one can create in 1min will be complete and utter rabbit turds compared to something thought out, tried n’ true, tested to and through the blue…
You don’t create an entirely new build in 1 minute. You already know the 2 / 3 variants of your build that work, and how they are stronger against what (in general). For instance, if you’re in a Q with a group less than 5, and you end up with a bunker guardian random, you might be able to quickly swap your traits on Ele from Stone Heart to the Fire line meta for a bit more DPS.
:: |SPvP | Rev | Engi | ::
See, that’s just it; only about 1 to 2/5ths of the team actually collaborates in such a way that would in turn benefit the team, much less so able to properly execute said plan…
…If more people actually did/could do so during that time it might honestly be worth it; but if everyone’s gonna merely stand ‘round with digits up their rears well then ready up mother fluffers it’s go time
PS: I’ve come to the point of “I’d better be good enough to carry if need be”
PPS: If I can’t carry, something needs a tweak or two…
Gilded Guardian – ;333
(edited by Palomid.9256)
Who in the kittenbunnyrabbit attempts to build around an entire team comp, in 1 minute, without fully knowing what in the rabbitbunnykitten they’re actually running?… (Feel free to use the example stated a few posts up)
Edit: Wait wait wait, lemme guess, you politely ask them to divulge their builds before hand so you can have any sort of a chance at actually countering it properly; fer sure…
…Also, please, pit me against these 1min wonders so I can tear their faces off with the same build I’ll then use to do the same to the next team with; it’s this magical word I like to call “versatility”, it’s amaaaaaaaazing stuff folks, really is!
Huge PS: Anything one can create in 1min will be complete and utter rabbit turds compared to something thought out, tried n’ true, tested to and through the blue…
I think you’re really overthinking this.
I can switch from power rifle to FT/TK condi on my engineer in about 20-30 seconds, and will regularly swap between both builds depending on the opposing team comp. I will always make a point to look at what our team also has in comparison to theirs. If we have another engineer on our team, I’ll usually swap off mine to another class. These are things good players do; communication is key.
I always use this minute to counter the enemy team’s composition: If I see 2x+ Elementalist/Guardian on the enemy team, I swap to Celestial Signet Necromancer; if I see 2x+ Necromancer/Warrior, I swap to Mantra Shatter Mesmer; if I see no Necromancer/Elementalist/Guardian, I swap to Celestial Dagger/Dagger Elementalist.
Between playing the above three builds, I have answers to everything.
I’d much rather over think than under think; smart-sassafras > dumb-sassafras ;333
I do, however, agree that communication is key; the only issue is that most folks don’t communicate at all, much less effectively…
…As stated earlier, if I don’t feel comfortable enough with my current toon to carry in that particular situation I’ll swap out, yes, but quickly (when has anyone ever been waiting in any form of queue thinking, “doggit anyway, if only this were longer”…?)
Enjoying the logical responses that’ve been trickling in; surely there is still hope!
Gilded Guardian – ;333
(edited by Palomid.9256)
Probably because it’s a small button, far left of the screen. People forget it’s there and others don’t pay mind to it.
It should be towards the middle, right above a person’s skill bars. Clicking the button places it to the left of the screen.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Someone always forgets to click it, so you’re stuck waiting anyway. Over time, players have grown accustom to this and slowly grew a habit of just tabbing out, using the restroom, getting a drink, etc. during that period, especially because doing it beforehand risks you being booted from the queue.
Suggestion: Change the initial state to “Ready” with a shorter duration. Anyone can click the button to say “I need more time”, which sets you to “not ready” and increases the time to the total wait time.
I try to coordinate with my team in that 1 minute, their builds, where they’re going, what they’re planning to do, etc., That is, if they’re willing and not just go all quiet, which unfortunately is the case most of the time.
You are the useless log of flesh we have to drag behind us as we move forward.
Suggestion: Change the initial state to “Ready” with a shorter duration. Anyone can click the button to say “I need more time”, which sets you to “not ready” and increases the time to the total wait time.
I wouldn’t mind this so long as I’m able to click that button every time, because I definitely would. I enjoy having my free minute to change my class, get a drink, and use the restroom. It definitely beats missing a queue-pop while doing the latter two.
Bios, smoking things, grab a dip, communicate with team, catch up with guuild chat/whisps since last match, /dance, lot’s of reasons…so many that this doesn’t need to be a thread unless referring to two full guild groups ready to get it on….
If Anet had build templates then it wouldn’t take 1 minute for people to change their build at the beginning of a match, and they could reduce the warm-up time to 10 seconds or something.
@Xil: Yes. For the love of all that is holy yes. Miss those more than anything from GW1.
Gilded Guardian – ;333
I use that time to have a smoke, the moment map selection is made, I’m out the door having it.
It’s the perfect amount of time to be honest.
If Ques were more reliable, I would have it before I qued, but Ques can range from seconds to 8 minutes.
….. And Elementalist.
They were talking about implementing GW1 copy paste templates over a year ago when they implemented the whole new interface and wardrobe system, talking about difficulties to implement it so that it works for both PvE and PvP. Never heard of it ever since. And who cares about it working for PvE besides ANet ?
ANet wants to do templates, but they don’t have a good and easy to implement idea for it. As a result, it drops in priority relative to other things.
Now I can’t say with 100% certainty that it’s by any means an easy fix
But it honestly seems to me that they could just find a way to lock in the traits used and the utility skills chosen; equipment could be more or less left to us
I mean they have the whole dealio down in GW1, attribute lines n’ skill bars; why not here as well? (May be a perfectly good reason; but hey, who but they know?)
Gilded Guardian – ;333