Why is everything kept so secretly?

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Ristillath.6745


I would like to know why anet keeps almost everything so secretly and when they announce sth why do they just give us a small teaser and then don’t talk about it for a while until it’s almost about to release.

I would really like to know in which direction the pvp in this game is heading and if I’m just wasting time waiting for some good content to come up.

I mean we know that they are developing stronghold and that they are working on the leaderboards besides the trait revamp but I count that one as an update that comes in general and I don’t think you can count this one as a specific pvp update.

But the leaderboards got messed up twice now and we still don’t know what they are planning to do with it other than that they are trying to fix it.
I think almost 2 years ago they mentioned that they want to introduce leagues for pvp and since then we never heard anything again about it besides Colin mentioning it once.

Also we don’t know if they are working on fixing all the bugs that are in the game since release (mid air immob, obstructed/out of rang bug etc.).

I think it’s common for a game to have bugs, but I don’t think (maybe I am wrong) it’s common that game breaking bugs exist more than 3 years.
Another thing is that if I play league for example and sth is really really broken whatever it is it will get fixed pretty soon (sometimes it takes a bit longer but it will get fixed for sure).

With gw2 I don’t really know that, broken stuff for example balance wise stays in game for a long time.

Don’t get me wrong I really like to play this game otherwise I won’t do it, right?
But I have the feeling that the state of the pvp is a bit stale atm what kinda frustrates me.

Thanks for reading .

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Because it’s not done yet. =P

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Alexander.9810


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(edited by Alexander.9810)

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


They used to tell us more things and then the community would consistently lose their kitten when things were off schedule or changed in any way from when they told us about it months and months ago.

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


They used to tell us more things and then the community would consistently lose their kitten when things were off schedule or changed in any way from when they told us about it months and months ago.

Did Arena net update the community of changes and give reasons why? Is that responsibility of a company to give their customers update of changes and to why?

—Fixing and resetting customer expectations—

“From time to time you are going to fail to meet customers’ expectations. It’s the nature of the beast. There are a number of reasons why this might happen from poor customer service, under-trained staff, expectations set incorrectly, or even growing pains where expectations have changed”.

“The key is how,you go about acknowledging you have stuffed up and how you put systems in place to fix and reset customer expectations. What I like to recommend is immediately when you have find out that you’ve failed to meet expectations is to contact your customer. Get the complete picture of what’s going on and try to tee up a meeting. This shows that you really care about their business”.

“At the meeting your aim will be to fix any discrepancies that have caused the problem in the first place. Some will be fixable like training employees, but you may also need to reset customer expectations. Here you’ll have to explain to your customer that things have changed”.

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Did Arena net update the community of changes and give reasons why? Is that responsibility of a company to give their customers update of changes and to why?

Pretty sure I’m not following what you’re asking. They used to give us info about what they had planned, but because their corporate culture seems to be hyper-focused on getting things right through experimentation, it stopped working. They would tell us “this is coming” then find out later they didn’t want it to come after all, and people would flip out.

If they’re going to continue to be this hippie “try everything” company, then this is the best solution; not telling us so we don’t get our hopes up. As much as it sucks for us. I personally would prefer to hear about all their ideas, even if they never come to be, just out of curiosity and to be “involved”, but the community has proven to not be capable of handling that.

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


They keep things a secret because of the way players have reacted in the past.

In a way, you guys created your own headaches and frustrations with ANET.

They gave out some things they would like to do in the future or HOPE to have completed soon. When those things were not completed, players would freak out and rage non-stop about ANET not keeping their promises or doing what they said they would.

-Precursor Crafting
-Lore for Series 1 Legendaries & Precursors
-Improving the commander functionality
-SAB Content

So for ANET it’s easier for them to say nothing or give very little details as possible in case something does not work out.

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Former PvP Forum Specialist
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Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: sorrychief.2563



champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


They keep things a secret because of the way players have reacted in the past.

In a way, you guys created your own headaches and frustrations with ANET.

They gave out some things they would like to do in the future or HOPE to have completed soon. When those things were not completed, players would freak out and rage non-stop about ANET not keeping their promises or doing what they said they would.

-Precursor Crafting
-Lore for Series 1 Legendaries & Precursors
-Improving the commander functionality
-SAB Content

So for ANET it’s easier for them to say nothing or give very little details as possible in case something does not work out.

NCSOFT pulls funds for another game
Some natural disaster in the Washington State Area
Someone Dumps Coffee on the servers

Well, I don’t know anything about marketing, but from just using my brain, I would say announcing something and introducing it two years later could be a bad move.

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Wilco.1458


The problem I have is this:

If you look at the previous updates they were very blunt about what was coming up. Same with HoT for now. They have told us a lot about what we should expect (including all the traits, coming up specializations, etc). What this means is what they aren’t telling us they don’t know / don’t have prepared.

They won’t respond on the direction of PvP because, at least I think, nobody really knows. In the past they would say things they didn’t know and they didn’t come true. Now they don’t say anything so there’s no expectation.

Wilco Tango Foxtrot #lifting #hardwork

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


The problem I have is this:

If you look at the previous updates they were very blunt about what was coming up. Same with HoT for now. They have told us a lot about what we should expect (including all the traits, coming up specializations, etc). What this means is what they aren’t telling us they don’t know / don’t have prepared.

They won’t respond on the direction of PvP because, at least I think, nobody really knows. In the past they would say things they didn’t know and they didn’t come true. Now they don’t say anything so there’s no expectation.

That’s why it’s scary to know they’re planning on releasing the xpack this summer. If it’s true and they have only completed a tiny bit, I don’t see how this is possible. Especially when the specializations are far from being done and they should come out before HoT.

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Pretty sure I’m not following what you’re asking. They used to give us info about what they had planned, but because their corporate culture seems to be hyper-focused on getting things right through experimentation, it stopped working. They would tell us “this is coming” then find out later they didn’t want it to come after all, and people would flip out.

That was a problem with their internal processes, instead of fixing the problem they deal with the symptom. Having said that being completely silent would be better than what they are doing at the moment which is giving us a small amount of information enough to raise questions but then going silent on those questions leaving the community to run rife with speculation and glass half empty type theories.

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Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


That’s why it’s scary to know they’re planning on releasing the xpack this summer. If it’s true and they have only completed a tiny bit, I don’t see how this is possible.

What are you talking about?

specializations are far from being done and they should come out before HoT.

No, elite specializations will come out with HoT.

The new trait revamp and specialization system that will ultimately facilitate those elite specs will come out before HoT.

Why is everything kept so secretly?

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


That’s why it’s scary to know they’re planning on releasing the xpack this summer. If it’s true and they have only completed a tiny bit, I don’t see how this is possible.

What are you talking about?

specializations are far from being done and they should come out before HoT.

No, elite specializations will come out with HoT.

The new trait revamp and specialization system that will ultimately facilitate those elite specs will come out before HoT.

Never once I said a word about elite specs. I mean the core specs, which are far from being done.

And what am I talking about? Recently there was a video, when they admited they’re planning to release it this summer. Sadly, I don’t have a link. When they showed the traits, they said that things are not final yet. They’re not final now either, they haven’t introduced elite specs because most likely they’re not done yet. They did admit they had very little for engi for example.