Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: XeKc.9310


That’s so redicilous, you are entering “SOLO ARENA” to take part in random TEAM fights in the same huge public areas. Everyone knows that your personal “solo” role is 20% in such games. Solo arena means a duel, or any other game where you don’t depend on random teammates.
I appreciate the Anet’ job done, but really – that’s a “Solo Queue”, “Random team arena”, anything. But not “Solo arena”> That’s simply not true.


Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


Good point. There should be something like Solo Queue. The game still involves a team, it is not a solo match.

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I’ve always wondered why they go out of their way to make a different name. Let’s not call is Co-op let’s call it 2-Team Matches. Let’s not call it solo-q, let’s call it solo arena.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


solo queue or solo arena……. who cares ?

be GLAD that the split between premades and solo players is finally here

if you want to 1 vs 1 you can do it in hotjoin servers.
seen already a few servers that only do 1 vs 1 play.

now say ty to the devs , instead of wining about how they named it

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Ty for what exactly? Solo q for Tournament is still there, they added a solo q to the left, so all the solo qqers can gather up and flame eachother.
The amount of synonyms Anet throws at us is impressive, everything else is just the same kitten under a different name.

Pun intended.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


Ty for what exactly? Solo q for Tournament is still there, they added a solo q to the left, so all the solo qqers can gather up and flame eachother.
The amount of synonyms Anet throws at us is impressive, everything else is just the same kitten under a different name.

Pun intended.

So whats your problem really ?
you want premades groups to face solo player groups for ever? Or are you against random players facing premade groups of friends ?

the solo community wanted a split , we got it. ( sure it took a while )
but i’m glad its here. its a BIG step to a fair match.

If solo players que up for team arena thats there problem they know they gone face premade groups of friends/ guildies .

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


My problem is, target focus is not the players that give a kitten about competitive scene in GW2, but the casual whiners who come and never come back again.
Problem is, the community is waiting for proper balance and fairness in PvP, not some more unnecessary bollocks.

E: More on that, I’d love to see unrated TA to guide or teach your buds, on how does tourney look without meeting solid premades on the way.
I’d love to see the work towards making it a skill based game, instead of sheer luck being main factor. This… is my problem.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

(edited by sid.9870)

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


My problem is, target focus is not the players that give a kitten about competitive scene in GW2, but the casual whiners who come and never come back again.
Problem is, the community is waiting for proper balance and fairness in PvP, not some more unnecessary bollocks.

E: More on that, I’d love to see unrated TA to guide or teach your buds, on how does tourney look without meeting solid premades on the way.
I’d love to see the work towards making it a skill based game, instead of sheer luck being main factor. This… is my problem.

so you want the game to scare away all new casual players that want to see how the game works ?
you do know how that story ends, dont you ?

( a new player isn’t a competitive player yet , they need experience first. give them a few bad first experiences and they probebly wont stick around to become competitive. would you ? )

and thats why the split between premades and solo players was made.

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Thats why Hotjoin was implemented. Solo Arena is nothing more than 5v5 hotjoin, people are mostly dumb, clueless and stubborn. Nobody gives a rats kitten about any form of coordination, tactics or whatnot, and usually these 2 kittens cost you the match.

How is it a good experience for anyone? How do you learn from that? Do tell.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


New players should play in Hotjoin or in a team for guiding. SoloQ while is new and being a nuisance for your team as well as being crush by the opposed team and has no idea what to do. How is that not a bad experience for them? And also for people in your team as well.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


The very design of SA is flawed. Format is too difficult for a random group – it turns out to be mindless zergfest, or 5 people roaming around the map without a slightest idea where to go and what to do.
Capping points, defending them, roaming, side objectives, coordination, teaming up with allies (as in not going all alone into a 1v3)… none of this is present.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


Thats why Hotjoin was implemented. Solo Arena is nothing more than 5v5 hotjoin, people are mostly dumb, clueless and stubborn. Nobody gives a rats kitten about any form of coordination, tactics or whatnot, and usually these 2 kittens cost you the match.

How is it a good experience for anyone? How do you learn from that? Do tell.

Its fair , both teams can have newly’s or people that aren’t the brightest .
Up to the experienced players to guide them alittle . Eventualy people learn from there mistakes.
But if the experienced players start kitten ing on the new players , NOW that is what creates a bad experience. Its a game you will respawn when dead ( atm abit late on LoF but you still respawn )
A new player probably understands that he/she isn’t gone be a god wright away , else he’s/she’s playing the wrong kind of game for he/she.

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: XeKc.9310


Thats why Hotjoin was implemented. Solo Arena is nothing more than 5v5 hotjoin, people are mostly dumb, clueless and stubborn. Nobody gives a rats kitten about any form of coordination, tactics or whatnot, and usually these 2 kittens cost you the match.

How is it a good experience for anyone? How do you learn from that? Do tell.

Its fair , both teams can have newly’s or people that aren’t the brightest .
Up to the experienced players to guide them alittle . Eventualy people learn from there mistakes.
But if the experienced players start kitten ing on the new players , NOW that is what creates a bad experience. Its a game you will respawn when dead ( atm abit late on LoF but you still respawn )
A new player probably understands that he/she isn’t gone be a god wright away , else he’s/she’s playing the wrong kind of game for he/she.

maybe it’s fair, maybe not
but this game type obviously still isn’t a “solo arena”

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


We all had no idea at first, people will learn over time. Who care’s its solo que your meant to CARRY your team if your good player. Here you can test builds and warm-up.

But QQ some more please. No one really care’s.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


It’s Solo JOIN Arena.

The “join” was omitted — probably to save space — and it’s obviated, but that’s really what it is.

GW2 isn’t really designed for 1vs1 duels. There will always be builds having a harder time against certain other builds.

If someone found a build that is able to beat anyone else 1vs1, they would have found a build that is to be HEAVILY nerfed.

No exceptions!

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


It’s called solo arena because your whole team rage quits on you

Hue hue hue

Why is it even called "Solo Arena"?

in PvP

Posted by: LadyScarlet.4058


Yes its a misleading name. The name is supposed to reflect the fact you queue solo…but calling it solo arena..you could be forgiven for expecting a 1v1.