Why is it like that?

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


So… I’ve been PvPing for more than a few years, different games, MOBA’s, FPS, MMORPG.
I heard a lot of good about GW2 pvp and days before I bought it, I played WoW and was not really satisfied with PvP system there. It was 2-3 months before HoT if I recall correctly. I bought the game and went with warrior, as soon as I got to 80 and knew this and that, read about rotations and stuff, I got into PvP. It was a pleasant experience, but later on I changed to guardian, medibuild to be exact and I fell in love with it. Back then it was a ball. But then HoT came and stuff went… well as they went. I did this and that and it was okay, I know how to fight, however it is hard to play on a laptop, yet still I could handle this and that, overall as a pvp’er for a bunch of years I know the common tactics and rotations on both movement and dealing damage.

However recently I feel like trash, I can’t tell if I suddenly got worse, or is the match making system trying to tell me that I am garbage. From what I saw last time I was somewhere on the 60% win rate and now it fell down drastically no matter of my personal effort put in every single match.
I had a closer look at my team, they were doing their best and that’s always good, however there were any mistakes, and let me say MANY, while the enemy team exploited them which is normal to do. I found myself in many 2v1 scenarios, or getting focused into oblivion while I dropped target focus and nobody bothered to even touch the target or even if they did… ehhh… they were trying to hunt down a thief, 3 of them to be exact. And so as the team consists of the strength of each member, if there are like 2 or 3 people incapable of combat or rotation, the team is destined to lose most of the time and not even Helseth can carry situations when: people go 1v2/3 suicide on enemy capped point, or 2 players die to one opponent and keep on doing so. In the end my own performance was bad beacause there was nobody to back me up, couldn’t do any good dps to give any support back for my team as well. Even though on pic attached I was playing a fair ammount on guard, I also play warrior from time to time when I feel like it’s time to take a rest from using active skills and go with some passive play.

Now the question is, am I a scrub and should I git gud? (I think that by this point my “gitting gud” would consist of buying a better rig for smoother fps and trying to set up a better internet connection, as well as an even deeper understanding of other classes perhaps.)

Please, honest thoughts about this. Have you experienced something like that as well?


Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

Just a bad day bud, take a small break and come back to it. I think it happens to everyone at least once.

A factor to take into acct is that since ranked is in off season, the quality of players you meet in unranked are probably bipolar with dedicated pvpers and pve grinders blended in the mix. There’s a high chance that you were against players whom have high ranked mmr but low ranked Unranked ratings.

I personally don’t think guard is great at carrying bad teams due to their poor mobility but they are great at helping a team snowball by their ability to solo defend against 1-2 players at a time.

Multiple Class Disorder

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: Konakona.4130


At some point we all hit some ceiling that is a lot of work to overcome, much more than was invested before that point.

Mechanical skill consists of ability to read enemy skill animations and react accordingly, it is something that comes from lots of duels and/or lots of played matches.

Map vision and strategy comes from real (ranked) practice I’d say too, lots of nuances that cannot be grasped from written manuals – just, like, the feeling of the flow of the game or smth.

That being said I don’t think it is the time for you to blame teammates or think that you hit your absolute ceiling because sub500 games in ranked is totally not that many, or even “not many at all”.

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


I was around rank 100-150 (MMR of 1900 or so) at I think halfway last season. Then I lost like at least 20 matches in a row, but probably even more with an occasional win now and then. I was even in upper gold tier for a short period of time, to end the season in lower platinum. Ofcourse I made mistakes while playing, but not to cause such a massive loss streak and heavy drop in MMR all of a sudden. I really had no idea why this happened, and I often felt that I had some very bad teammates as well. It was quite frustrating, and it resulted in not giving a kitten anymore about rank/division/MMR.

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: usnedward.9023


I was around rank 100-150 (MMR of 1900 or so) at I think halfway last season. Then I lost like at least 20 matches in a row, but probably even more with an occasional win now and then. I was even in upper gold tier for a short period of time, to end the season in lower platinum. Ofcourse I made mistakes while playing, but not to cause such a massive loss streak and heavy drop in MMR all of a sudden. I really had no idea why this happened, and I often felt that I had some very bad teammates as well. It was quite frustrating, and it resulted in not giving a kitten anymore about rank/division/MMR.

With the exception I never hit gold and only high silver you sound like you had a season like I did. No matter what OTHERS will say I do attribute some of my losses to duo queuing. I chalk it up to experience and not to aim to high because eh em… I would really LOVE to see the statistics of the top players in ranked and just how many duos they were in because in fairness a PvP title for first place (I have said this many times) if you duo’d to get there is not true effort of your abilities as your kitten may have been saved by the one you queued with. Just to be clear, Duo is part of what ANET believes it should be… they put out a vote… and I have to live with it and that’s fine by me.

In regards to the OP I have strings of good and bad runs. It happens. I used to leave match then re-queue. Then I decided to give it a 5 or 10 minute CD on my part and then re-queue with better end results of win/loss percentage.

Granted Death – Necro
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


Oh almost all players in the top of the rankings only DuoQ’d, with a few exceptions.

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I was around rank 100-150 (MMR of 1900 or so) at I think halfway last season. Then I lost like at least 20 matches in a row, but probably even more with an occasional win now and then. I was even in upper gold tier for a short period of time, to end the season in lower platinum. Ofcourse I made mistakes while playing, but not to cause such a massive loss streak and heavy drop in MMR all of a sudden. I really had no idea why this happened, and I often felt that I had some very bad teammates as well. It was quite frustrating, and it resulted in not giving a kitten anymore about rank/division/MMR.

With the exception I never hit gold and only high silver you sound like you had a season like I did. No matter what OTHERS will say I do attribute some of my losses to duo queuing. I chalk it up to experience and not to aim to high because eh em… I would really LOVE to see the statistics of the top players in ranked and just how many duos they were in because in fairness a PvP title for first place (I have said this many times) if you duo’d to get there is not true effort of your abilities as your kitten may have been saved by the one you queued with. Just to be clear, Duo is part of what ANET believes it should be… they put out a vote… and I have to live with it and that’s fine by me.

In regards to the OP I have strings of good and bad runs. It happens. I used to leave match then re-queue. Then I decided to give it a 5 or 10 minute CD on my part and then re-queue with better end results of win/loss percentage.

I saw alot of the ESL players at the beginning of the PvP season.

Almost every single one of them were duo queing.

I took alot of pics and i had maybe 4 of top 250 players solo queing.

Wont say who they are but yes Duo is a huge advantage especially when MM isnt working and yes it had a big effect on the leader board.

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Alright. adding my own story. I am a predominately solo que player. I reached legendary multiple times during the season before settling in high plat (Think the highest I got was rank thirty-something) My average before this happened i think was mid fifties.

In one day. ONE DAY. I dropped completely out of the top 250 and near the bottom of platinum. I spent the next several days working my way back up (again as solo que). Issue is this happened just a couple days before the season ended. So my final placement ended up being 104. (really wanted to get back into the top 100 atleast).

So yah. bad days happen. My rule now is that if I lose 3 games in a row I just stop and do something else for awhile. Because odds are by that point im tilting even if I dont realize it.

Dont worry about your games being off right now. They will get better. Thats the nature of it.

(NA BTW here)

Ghost Yak

(edited by Shadelang.3012)

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


At some point we all hit some ceiling that is a lot of work to overcome, much more than was invested before that point.

Mechanical skill consists of ability to read enemy skill animations and react accordingly, it is something that comes from lots of duels and/or lots of played matches.

Map vision and strategy comes from real (ranked) practice I’d say too, lots of nuances that cannot be grasped from written manuals – just, like, the feeling of the flow of the game or smth.

That being said I don’t think it is the time for you to blame teammates or think that you hit your absolute ceiling because sub500 games in ranked is totally not that many, or even “not many at all”.

Tell that fairy tales someone else. Maybe it would apply in perfect world, but GW2 reality is something different.
The MM is bad, they gave up on quality of mates for faster queues. I spent way too much time last season in matches where my team consisted of gold players, i was plat and enemy had top 5 players. Somehow MM assumed it is fair match and i kept losing absurd amount of rating for such matches as well. Maaannnn, i am such a trash for not carrying those goldies vs misha/sind/rom and co. premades. Inb4 Helseth carried to legend – i have seen him in matches, he lost them when he had bad teammates and faced decent teams.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Why is it like that?

in PvP

Posted by: Konakona.4130


Tell that fairy tales someone else. Maybe it would apply in perfect world, but GW2 reality is something different.

If you read my post carefully and used your brain even a little you could see that OP doesn’t even have 500 ranked games, I don’t think you can blame MM or whatever on that level.