Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


This is something that has never made sense to me in any game I’ve played. Loot tends to follow a very simple pattern: the harder the fight, the better the loot. I think everyone would agree that pvp is more challenging than anything pve has to offer, yet pvp is always the least rewarding way to play. What is the idea behind the toughest gameplay being less rewarding?

I’m sure someone will say you’re supposed to pvp for the fun and you shouldn’t need a reward. Well, ok, I do that. But why are pvpers expected to play for fun and nothing else when pve’ers expect, and are given, all the rewards they could ever want.

I really would like for spvp to have some better rewards. Why can’t we get gold to buy stuff in the shop? There’s at least a handful of things we could use. Why don’t we have legendaries to work towards? Why does it take weeks or even months to get access to skins that you can get in a few days of pve?

I’m just kind of fed up with essentially being punished for playing games in the most challenging way possible. GW2 was supposed to be different, but it’s just the SSDG.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Because , if we had gear, players who played longer would build up an artifical advantage.

Look at league of legends-every play starts every match equal footing. Yes it has items, but its not an mmo where they last, everyone starts on an EVEN footing. Nothing is earned over the long run , yet millions of people play league.

The same is true of tournies. People start on an even footing (minus class balance and skill). Gear should not be a variable in pvp.

(edited by daydream.2938)

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


MMO PvE is about the treadmill. PvP is about the enjoyment of facing human opponents. Sort of like Chess or pickup basketball. It’s unfortunate that you consider it punishment.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Because , if we had gear, players who played longer would build up an artifical entry.

Look at league of legends-every play starts every match equal footing. Yes it has items, but its not an mmo where they last, everyone starts on an EVEN footing.

The same is true of tournies. People start on an even footing (minus class balance and skill).

This has absolutely nothing to do with aesthetic rewards and cash shop oddities. I didn’t say implement a gear treadmill in pvp.

And to the other guy, again, why are pvpers constantly told that they should be playing for the experience when pve’ers aren’t? Are pve’ers not having fun? Do they not enjoy the games they play and need some kind of carrot to make it worthwhile? I doubt that’s the case.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


There already is appearence gear in spvp.
But, if you mean be able to levle up with experience (outside spvp land ) etc, then i agree with you. They should impliment a better rewards system.

But, most of us dont want gear variability in spvp itself.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Really? Can spvpers get legendaries and I’ve just missed that somehow?

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


It’s all about the “experience”, but that doesn’t mean that every experience should be the same. Most PvE players I know are striving for certain goals along the treadmill.. this weapon, that piece of gear, a certain level, etc. Most PvP players I play with are striving to reach goals as well, but it’s more about winning against other quality opponents and becoming better at PvP.

Both methods can be enjoyable, which is why people do them. Heck I do both as well and enjoy them even more for the diversity. The flavor change when I get tired of one and go back to the other is better for me in this game than any other I’ve played. YMMV.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Really? Can spvpers get legendaries and I’ve just missed that somehow?

Hmm i suppose this is something that could be purchased with QP. That would be a great way to compensate the people who farmed QP when they introduce a ladder.
IF they phase out Qp they can think of some other way to earn it.

I guess i dont really care about legendary appearance items, but its a fair point.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Royce.6835


Because , if we had gear, players who played longer would build up an artifical advantage.

Look at league of legends-every play starts every match equal footing. Yes it has items, but its not an mmo where they last, everyone starts on an EVEN footing. Nothing is earned over the long run , yet millions of people play league.

The same is true of tournies. People start on an even footing (minus class balance and skill). Gear should not be a variable in pvp.

Yes, you are correct. League of legends found the one thing that “works” in pvp that everyone loves and keeps flocking to. However I dont think OP is asking for “gear”… he’s asking for a reward in general. Could be anything.

But what I think REALLY needs to be done is make the whole pvp scene more competitive. Let’s look at league of legends again. the difference between LoL and Gw2 is the fact that LoL is way more competitive. It has elo, leaderboards, and million dollar championships. If someone is good in LoL, EVERYONE knows it and everyone has a way to “show off” how good they are with their elo ranking or whatever it is they have.

In gw2, there is no reliable way to show off how good you are. The tournaments are there, but at the same time it feels like they’re not. Everything feels like its not really there, like as if you’re doing everything for nothing. To make gw2 pvp as desirable as LoL pvp they would have to revamp the whole tournament and ranking system. (which i think is very necessary to move on to bigger and better things)

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


I guess it’s because of the following:

A scripted Player vs. Enemy fight needs to be rewarding because it sort of equals the “story” of an ordinary game, while PvP sort of equals the multiplayer bit of an ordinary game. I’m also not entirely sure what you expect to rewarded with.

You have cosmetics. Check.
You have consumables for PvP. Check.
You want… Gold? Questionable.

Things that would be nice though, was a glory reward from the PvP daily. That absolutely blows my mind, that PvE daily awards stuff you can use for PvE, while the PvP daily doesn’t award you anything ’cept another dusty ticket and a silly booster that you get from every single chest anyway.

400+ glory per daily pvp complete. Plx.

(edited by Rika.7249)

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Royce.6835


I guess it’s because of the following:

A scripted Player vs. Enemy fight needs to be rewarding because it sort of equals the “story” of an ordinary game, while PvP sort of equals the multiplayer bit of an ordinary game. I’m also not entirely sure what you expect to rewarded with.

You have cosmetics. Check.
You have consumables for PvP. Check.
You want… Gold? Questionable.

Nah, just needs more visible ranking and a ladder. The real thing that fuels PvP isn’t in-game rewards. It’s ranking. When people see that there are 300 other people higher rank than him, suddenly they want to play more. When people can see other peoples stats, this also encourages people to be better players. This is proven in League of Legends and other mobas. Just hope that gw2 takes the right direction

The way gw2 pvp feels right now is “lets all just fight each other for fun” you join a match, you play for fun. You don’t lose ranking for being a bad player. In fact, you don’t lose anything ever for being bad. And people can’t search you and see that you’re bad so there is no incentive to be good (except for the handful of people that set out to dominate right from the start without any incentive).

(edited by Royce.6835)

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


I guess it’s because of the following:

A scripted Player vs. Enemy fight needs to be rewarding because it sort of equals the “story” of an ordinary game, while PvP sort of equals the multiplayer bit of an ordinary game. I’m also not entirely sure what you expect to rewarded with.

You have cosmetics. Check.
You have consumables for PvP. Check.
You want… Gold? Questionable.

Nah, just needs more visible ranking and a ladder. The real thing that fuels PvP isn’t in-game rewards. It’s ranking. When people see that there are 300 other people higher rank than him, suddenly they want to play more. When people can see other peoples stats, this also encourages people to be better players. This is proven in League of Legends and other mobas. Just hope that gw2 takes the right direction

The way gw2 pvp feels right now is “lets all just fight each other for fun” you join a match, you play for fun. You don’t lose ranking for being a bad player. In fact, you don’t lose anything ever for being bad. And people can’t search you and see that you’re bad so there is no incentive to be good (except for the handful of people that set out to dominate right from the start without any incentive).

Well I’ll be honest, I’ve never heard of any famous LoL players, all I hear is that it’s a circlejerk polish/czech community who enjoy purposely destroying matchmaking by making new accounts to stomp new players.

Regardless, a pvp daily buff, yes please.
Some way of recognizing great players, yes please.
Some sort of artificial progression would also be nice, a bit more than a new finisher every 10th glory farm rank.

Inspecting others players for their pvp-stats should also be available imo, but I understand why some would rather not want that.

I’d like to see some sort of progression, but it’s hard to think of specific stuff.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


You want… Gold? Questionable.

why? all ingame gosts gold. except gear all can be used in spvp. the only thing we get is pvp-gear cosmetics.. sometimes a color. no way to get a certain color u want.. only random via chests or mystic forge.
we cant trade gold for gems to get expansion or fashion things, that we now can use in pvp. all we get is glory, that has no real purpose.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: tic.7425


Just to back up the OPs point a lil..

Why are we awarded 25 points for the Pve daily, and 4 achievment points for the PvP daily?

I don’t want a gear treadmill any more than anyone else, but this sorta shows how the OP really isn’t that far off base.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Pope.1469


Because , if we had gear, players who played longer would build up an artifical advantage.

Look at league of legends-every play starts every match equal footing. Yes it has items, but its not an mmo where they last, everyone starts on an EVEN footing. Nothing is earned over the long run , yet millions of people play league.

The same is true of tournies. People start on an even footing (minus class balance and skill). Gear should not be a variable in pvp.

Yes, you are correct. League of legends found the one thing that “works” in pvp that everyone loves and keeps flocking to. However I dont think OP is asking for “gear”… he’s asking for a reward in general. Could be anything.

But what I think REALLY needs to be done is make the whole pvp scene more competitive. Let’s look at league of legends again. the difference between LoL and Gw2 is the fact that LoL is way more competitive. It has elo, leaderboards, and million dollar championships. If someone is good in LoL, EVERYONE knows it and everyone has a way to “show off” how good they are with their elo ranking or whatever it is they have.

In gw2, there is no reliable way to show off how good you are. The tournaments are there, but at the same time it feels like they’re not. Everything feels like its not really there, like as if you’re doing everything for nothing. To make gw2 pvp as desirable as LoL pvp they would have to revamp the whole tournament and ranking system. (which i think is very necessary to move on to bigger and better things)

Yep. They also need to:

  • Make tooltips consistent, correct and well-defined.
  • Give players thorough information on every aspect of combat.
  • Patch more frequently with more content than once every month.
  • List any and all changes in the patch notes.
  • Iron out all movement, terrain, skill queue hiccups/bugs.
  • Build up that infrastructure that they’ve been teasing us with since the creation of the Elder Dragons.

Those are the basics. What’s expected from a game trying to achieve e-sport status. I wouldn’t be so hard on ArenaNet if they hadn’t declared GW2 as a future e-sport from release, but since they did, they better suck it up and fulfill that promise.

Other than that, I would personally prefer more game modes, removing the ticket system (what kind of e-sport game charges players to compete?) and more swag that carries over to PvE.

Oh, two more things.

  • Make the scoreboard update in real-time.
  • Make the scoreboard keybind double as the sPvP keybind (How did they forget this?), separating it from WvW.

(edited by Pope.1469)

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


MMO PvE is about the treadmill. PvP is about the enjoyment of facing human opponents. Sort of like Chess or pickup basketball. It’s unfortunate that you consider it punishment.

every skill based sport offers rewards and the reward if chess is rank. why do you cherry pick pugging?

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


The real problem here is, even if they give us ranking and match-making, the playerbase is already too small. Giving gold, karma and/or experience for WvW and PvE is a good idea to get pve players to spvp, maybe some of them enjoy it and we have more players.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Anyone else want to see glory being able to be funneled into gold and vice versa? Or at least -some- bleed over from sPvP to PvE? I’d like it if you could by an sPvP specific skin (to show how awesome you are) with glory that can be worn in both PvE and sPvP, and then make legendary weapons bleed over from PvE so PvE players can be flashy in PvP too.

shrugs I’m personally fine with the /rank emote but I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority seeing as how rewards don’t really influence my gameplay, period.

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As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna