Why look at Win/Loss ?

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Why are so many of you insisting that win/loss matters, when the matches we all get are regularly lopsided, and when teams have a clear advantage over solo’ers?

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


win/loss is a decent measure of how well matchmaking is making matches

its not a good measure of player skill

…in a good matchmaking system, that is.

and yet people insist that people with 75+% win ratios should be at the top of the leaderboard.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I’m a soloer and I haven’t been able to play a ton of games due to holidays but so far I’m 16-1…… I have run into premades as well.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: REGGADO.1237


One win-one lose, shouldn’t that mean matching works very well?

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


I’m a soloer and I haven’t been able to play a ton of games due to holidays but so far I’m 16-1…… I have run into premades as well.


I’d be interested in your logic about win/loss as a valid skill indicator in the current matching situation.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


One win-one lose, shouldn’t that mean matching works very well?

no, sample size too small

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: echosound.5490


lopsided is a really good way to put it. I’ve been in a total of 19 matches this past month and only 1 win has come of it. That’s a HUGE loss ratio and I feel they really need to fix how ranks are pitted against each other. I’m still relatively new to the pvp part of gw2 and I feel like I’m being outranked by a good 5 ranks difference between myself and other players. It’s demoralizing and feels broken.

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Angelweave.1856


I believe win/loss percentage should reflect a standard bell curve and the outliers should then going into a separate tier.

This makes for more even matched games, which to most people are more entertaining/fun.

Just like sports teams, you have different grades. No one wants to watch an A grade team demolish a C grade team, which is why you don’t see it on primetime TV. It’s not entertaining.

The current system of players having massive win/loss streaks means it’s not entertaining/fun for either the winners or losers.

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The more you win the more likely you are to pay better players. If you party with 4 other people who are also good i dont think you should be penalized. If you like solo queing complain about not beable to fight on a equal ground but complaining about about win/loss ratio not making sense is stupid. I dont know who these people are but brianpeppers. has literally twice as many wins as does points and around 75%. I also saw some with over 50 wins and 4 losses. It nots fair to them from a leader board aspect to be ranked in the 750+ and its not fair for them for the community not to recognize the fact they are not losing.

I mostly solo que and my win rate is 50%, ive played against alot people who post on here complaining about stuff and im sorry there alot of ya are at average. I see why alot of you are having problems because your mmr is in a funky spot where you might play crappy players and dominate and then play against a great team 3-4 times because you should of been playing the crappy players. Its not the games fault either, there just isnt enough people at your level.

For instance, ill call him out. I played uberkong. and i was just messing with a thief build i only play in unranked. i went 5-6-0-0-3 with rune of the fighter. I engaged with his 1 vs 1 guardian. I went 1-2 vs him in solo fights. I personally dont think all of you can complain about the leader board when your average ang losing to average players.( I might be a below average thief)

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Runewolf.8456


agreed, as a solo player, I can whoop kitten but still get wrecked cause team doesn’t know how to counter zerging…

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


see and i agree there should be come sourd of ranked sytem not like the one we have. We have to many people split into ranked and unranked making it diffcult for people to have quality teams for competitive matches.

There is also no fix for bad players, they couldnt handle a opposing team zerging and you dont know if they ever will. When they had solo ques i constantly had the thief or mesmer run to far and fight the turrent engineer and lose as appose to fighting 5 vs 4 on the other 2 spots and then dps the engineer when he made a move off point.

Also i dont think the team you faced should be punished for being a pre-made or on team speak. You got handled because they were better. This is 5 vs 5 everyone if you win a 1 vs 1 for a point, not a big deal. Can you win the 2vs 2 and then move quickly to support another player attempting to take a spot and run back to the original spot?

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I’d like to see teams go away completely. They ruin the fun.

To my mind, the bad player is the one that whisper’d me the other night, post match to tell me “you’re sh%$” and “Never queue for ranked again”. He thought that I had failed in my unspecified but blindingly obvious “proper role.” He made it very clear that he felt I was personally responsible for “his” loss.

He went on to say that he was one of the top 5 in North America at the moment. Presumably he has a good win/loss record.

Face it folks. The game exists to make a profit. Numbers of players make profits.

It’s easy to mouth Ayn Rand style sentiments about social darwinism when you win often. But it’s those “bad” players like me who spend money at the Gem Store.

By nature a game set up to be a viable business is going to cater to people who want to play casually.

If you want a higher level of play, teach..like I do in dungeons. I make a point of taking whoever wants to go and I teach the tricks I’ve managed to gather. Don’t kitten here.

Mesmerising Girl

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I’m a soloer and I haven’t been able to play a ton of games due to holidays but so far I’m 16-1…… I have run into premades as well.


I’d be interested in your logic about win/loss as a valid skill indicator in the current matching situation.

Huh…. it’s not…. win loss doesn’t really effect matchmaking rather how you won or loss does because it effects your MMR. Matchmaking is all about mmr not w/l ratio.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: echosound.5490


agreed, as a solo player, I can whoop kitten but still get wrecked cause team doesn’t know how to counter zerging…

This is it exactly. I go in unranked because I know my skills as a player are about average when it comes to pvp and I’d be completely ruined otherwise. But as a solo player, I go in hoping that the team I’m paired with and I will be at least somewhat aware of each other enough to help each other out. More often than not I come to the aid of someone only to get wrecked myself because they bail on me, leaving me to take the brunt of the attacks and usually it’s because there were 3 v 1 on the person I was trying to come help. It’s why I feel discouraged to actually be a team player and just wait it out until the next match while doing my best to stay alive.

It doesn’t help that I go in as a soloist and feel like I’m paired in a team of newbies pitted against way more experienced players, though. There needs to be some kind of account for win/loss with a pre-programmed ratio to balance matches out a bit more. If there is actually something like that, it really doesn’t feel like it works.

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Wintersnight.3061


Why are so many of you insisting that win/loss matters, when the matches we all get are regularly lopsided, and when teams have a clear advantage over solo’ers?

I look at this. Total Points / (wins + losses) = Points per Game Played. the closer to 1.00 the better.

Cindy Lou Who, Retired Ranger
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Wintersnight.3061


agreed, as a solo player, I can whoop kitten but still get wrecked cause team doesn’t know how to counter zerging…

then you should learn how to communicate with cats better.

Try to tell people where they should be – where you are going – target people.

Cindy Lou Who, Retired Ranger
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


agreed, as a solo player, I can whoop kitten but still get wrecked cause team doesn’t know how to counter zerging…

then you should learn how to communicate with cats better.

Try to tell people where they should be – where you are going – target people.

Also don’t forget to deliver coffee to your team mates, ofc while doing your job during match. Imho we need /team voice chat in game or voice commands (like in Smite) to make communicating with team much easier, since there is no time for writing stuff during match.

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Win / Loss is more important, emotionally, than MMR. I think that it should be heavily weighted in matchmaking.

It’s pointless to comfort myself that I probably didn’t lose MMR when my team gets steamrollered by a group wearing “Legendary Champion” tags and as often as not the same guild.

I’m in the mid 60’s at the moment in PvP and struggling to get better. Sure, I could play 20 overmatched rounds and lose all of them without much MMR loss. It’s only the minority of players who will continue if they lose consistently though.

Do you want to be the elite in a ghost town, or do you want a healthy PvP population?

Mesmerising Girl

(edited by Ithilwen.1529)

Why look at Win/Loss ?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731



Only MMR is weighted in matchmaking.

Win/Loss is a “side statistic” that ArenaNet provides, but it has no meaning unless you it was for reasonably hard matches against opponents of approximately you skill level.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”