Why no CROWN to 2nd team? (NA drama)
They didn’t win, why would they get the crown and other rewards?
Because we don’t know that they would have won. There where other strong teams that the abj team knocked out early that might have won against them.
They didn’t win, why would they get the crown and other rewards?
Because second team lost to cheaters. Second place olimpians also get golden medal and 1st place status when former champion gets disqualified.
They should get perm dishonored as well is all that they deserve
Nah, they didn’t win. I’m generally not on Abj’s side, but the other guys didn’t win.
Olympics are a bad comparison because at the end of the day, in a game of skill, Abj won.
The July monthly tournament first place winnings are null and void. They should not be passed on to the losers, and they do not belong to the winners.
Olympics are a bad comparison because at the end of the day, in a game of skill, Abj won.
Bad response. The right answer should be: because sports and olympics is real life and it matters, while this thing was just a kitten game and nobody cares.
Next time train for the olympics, guys, instead of losing time facing a display full of colorful pixels.
I think the comparison should be to a situation where Abjured played on their mains. Abjured deserved the 1st place rewards, but they got them removed for the account sharing and RMT.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
They should get perm dishonored as well is all that they deserve
Why do you say this?
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
They should get perm dishonored as well is all that they deserve
Why do you say this?
It’s simple.
What self respecting adult would act the way they did all the while doing the EXACT same things.
I didn’t know they paid others to use their accounts. I never heard of such a claim.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
By not crowning the 2nd place team as the victors, Anet can disregard this fiasco of a tournament so that the first tournament champions will come from the second tournament instead. Just sweep the mess under the rug and move on.
I didn’t know they paid others to use their accounts. I never heard of such a claim.
You never heard of such a claim because it’s completely false, we didn’t pay anyone to play our accounts.
Vallun streamed all our matches with coms if anyone wants to look.
We all played our mains, coms are there for all the matches
I think he’s talking about Kraalle playing on Helio’s account and Karina playing on Throwny’s account. That, however, was Jeff’s team, which got 3rd/4th, not the second place team. Still an issue, but at least they didn’t take money for it, I guess…
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Nobody on NA should get a crown, the region is a joke. Maybe after the next expansion things will get better but right now they don’t deserve any rewards.
I think he’s talking about Kraalle playing on Helio’s account and Karina playing on Throwny’s account. That, however, was Jeff’s team, which got 3rd/4th, not the second place team. Still an issue, but at least they didn’t take money for it, I guess…
So if it’s common to share accounts among you guys, why were Abj banned and shamed for their actions? Everyone seems pretty upset that they shared accounts but don’t really seem to bat an eye at others doing it?
….. And Elementalist.
I didn’t know they paid others to use their accounts. I never heard of such a claim.
You never heard of such a claim because it’s completely false, we didn’t pay anyone to play our accounts.
Vallun streamed all our matches with coms if anyone wants to look.
We all played our mains, coms are there for all the matches
I didn’t think so.
I guess that guy just thinks all good players are cheaters.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
Abjured was likely given such a harsh punishment because of all the stuff they’ve been pulling since the start of season 5. They’ve been abusing the system literally every season, and got dishonored multiple times. Despite this, they went even bigger and more public by boosting PvE accounts in the first AT monthly. To be honest, I am surprised that Kraalle/Helio and Karina/Throwny faced no punishment. I assumed the extended time between the tournament and the punishment meant they were looking into everything, but I guess not. Regardless, I do think taking money for it is a more serious offense, and Abjured has admitted to that.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Abjured was likely given such a harsh punishment because of all the stuff they’ve been pulling since the start of season 5. They’ve been abusing the system literally every season, and got dishonored multiple times. Despite this, they went even bigger and more public by boosting PvE accounts in the first AT monthly. To be honest, I am surprised that Kraalle/Helio and Karina/Throwny faced no punishment. I assumed the extended time between the tournament and the punishment meant they were looking into everything, but I guess not. Regardless, I do think taking money for it is a more serious offense, and Abjured has admitted to that.
And you want mme to believe the other people have not?
Funny how your tune changes after I pull a screen shot off your discord that shows the people who started this whole mess do the EXACT same thing. They just aren’t good enough to win
Since you’re on the UGO committee you gonna step up and do the right thing here??
You literally linked me to a screenshot of me chastising Marvin for account sharing…?
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
You literally linked me to a screenshot of me chastising Marvin for account sharing…?
I’m sorry were you the one who made the thread on this forum starting the drama?
Who else is in that shot just admitting stuff?
Look again
You said “funny how you change your tune” at me. I think I’ve been fairly consistent in condemning boosters since the start.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Every other player who took money to win a tournament on other players accounts. I agree with the Dishonor for the normal account sharing, but as I’ve said multiple times, taking money for it is even worse, and doing it in a tournament is worse still. I don’t understand what’s so hard to understand about that.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Azukas, I don’t know what your problem/beef is with Olrun, but it’s pretty clear that you really, really hate Olrun for some reason, and seem to go on every thread to try and accuse Olrun of being the true culprit. Maybe you have insider info that we don’t have, but it’s getting to the point where it’s just kind of…ridiculous? I’m sure if it wasn’t Olrun you wouldn’t be making all these comments.
What I’m suggesting instead is that you bring it up with Olrun in game or through whisper.
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.
Every other player who took money to win a tournament on other players accounts. I agree with the Dishonor for the normal account sharing, but as I’ve said multiple times, taking money for it is even worse, and doing it in a tournament is worse still. I don’t understand what’s so hard to understand about that.
So taking money to boost people is ok by match manipulation is ok though in your eyes. Remember the only thing that happened during the AT drama is players who aren’t good enough to win got their competition banned; meanwhile, you’re ok with thousands of players having their games ruined.
@Aeroxe: I don’t hate Olrun at all. I’m sure he’s pretty cool to talk too. Just reading all the kitten Jeffries started that he supported is a bit messed up considering you can just scroll up in his discord and read how NOT to get caught. You find that a bit funny too, b/c the rest of the world is stuck with mediocre NA teams now.
I don’t support execution for somebody who steals an apple, but that doesn’t mean I think people should steal apples. In my opinion, taking money to win a tournament on another player’s account is worse than taking money to boost another player’s account, which is then worse than just playing on a friend’s account. The screenshots you posted were from a conversation where Marvin was complaining about the Dishonor he got for using a friend’s account as an alt. I told him he shouldn’t be queuing on another person’s account in ranked, and that the Dishonor was justified. Nowhere have I ever said I thought those behaviors were okay.
You’re really just arguing with a strawman. Jeff would willingly admit that he lost fairly to Abjured. It was a close game, but they lost fair and square. However, people were upset about it before the tournament even started, since the community knew it was going to happen. Whether they won or lost, people were going to be upset at Abjured for doing it, since it’s a kittenty thing to do. It just blew up more than it would have since they did win. All that meant was that ArenaNet couldn’t sweep it under the rug.
Also, your comments about my Discord are highly misleading. The conversation was centered around Marvin’s Dishonor, and people were complaining that ArenaNet wasn’t looking into it well enough. Marvin himself said that he can understand that ArenaNet gave him Dishonor for account sharing, but he’s upset because people like Helio and Kratos, who do it blatantly and for money, go unpunished because it isn’t properly investigated.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief