Why no new Ranger F ability?

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


OK A-net, why didn’t you guys implement another F ability for the Ranger pet? I mean, Engi and Thief got one to enable more control over their class mechanics.
It would go a long way in improving Ranger pet responsiveness if you could control directly when your dog leaps, moa heals or bird casts the swiftness.

Come one, you can do it!!!! There is absolutely no reason not to anymore!!!

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryld.1340


Why no new F ability for Ele’s?

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: abc.5790


When I’m downed, it’s drives me crazy when my pets just sit there and space out OR jump into team fights.

Rez me idiot.

Thinking of taking them back to the pound.

Why no F ability for necros?

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Akikaze.1307


When I’m downed, it’s drives me crazy when my pets just sit there and space out OR jump into team fights.

Rez me idiot.

Thinking of taking them back to the pound.

Why no F ability for necros?

There isn’t anything to add for Necro to be a feasible profession ability. Death Shroud in itself is the extension of Necro’s Function abilities. Simply on/off is satisfactory.

As for Ranger. It’s a good habit to use F3 to call your pet towards you if you want them ressing you. It might also help binding the aggro/passive command to avoid them running into unnecessary places.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


Why no new F ability for Ele’s?

Because that would involve adding five entirely new abilities to the profession? Don’t be a silly Billy.

A new F key for ranger would just give them the ability to control when their pet uses another skill rather than leaving it up to the AI. In other words it’d decrease the dreaded passive play people hate so much and promote skillful timing of the pet’s skills for the right moment.

It’s be a huge buff to a profession mechanic that could really use it. Give the players more control so we have to rely less on the AI.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: abc.5790


When I’m downed, it’s drives me crazy when my pets just sit there and space out OR jump into team fights.

Rez me idiot.

Thinking of taking them back to the pound.

Why no F ability for necros?

There isn’t anything to add for Necro to be a feasible profession ability. Death Shroud in itself is the extension of Necro’s Function abilities. Simply on/off is satisfactory.

As for Ranger. It’s a good habit to use F3 to call your pet towards you if you want them ressing you. It might also help binding the aggro/passive command to avoid them running into unnecessary places.

Yeah I try using F3 but the it’s on a long cool down. Meanwhile, my pet just spaces out. Sometimes, it would clean itself while I breath my last breath. Is there a way to activate F3 immediately on down?

I main an engie so I already have an F5. But it would be cool for a necro to have like an F2 where it could stealth and an F3 for stability. I’ll play necro all the time when that happens.

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


I think the ability to lay one of the other atk’s on F5 would be absolutely amazing.

Or even the ability to ground-target movement of the pet to a certain point would be pretty useful (obviously with a limited cast and leash-range of like 1200).

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I think the ability to lay one of the other atk’s on F5 would be absolutely amazing.

Or even the ability to ground-target movement of the pet to a certain point would be pretty useful (obviously with a limited cast and leash-range of like 1200).


Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


I think the ability to lay one of the other atk’s on F5 would be absolutely amazing.

Or even the ability to ground-target movement of the pet to a certain point would be pretty useful (obviously with a limited cast and leash-range of like 1200).


Guard is very different than a simple command to walk towards an area…. Do I really have to explain this to you?

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


No, but adding such a function to the F skills would bring major overlap with Guard, and that skill would require a rework. I suppose I could have said that from beginning, now that I think about it, as the whole intent is not that obvious from just linking the skill.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


OK A-net, why didn’t you guys implement another F ability for the Ranger pet? I mean, Engi and Thief got one to enable more control over their class mechanics.
It would go a long way in improving Ranger pet responsiveness if you could control directly when your dog leaps, moa heals or bird casts the swiftness.

Come one, you can do it!!!! There is absolutely no reason not to anymore!!!

Thief did not get a new F ability. They got a QoL change so you can see the CD of steal while holding onto a stolen item, and so you can use steal without having to use your original stolen item just to open the skill back up again.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.9612


OK A-net, why didn’t you guys implement another F ability for the Ranger pet? I mean, Engi and Thief got one to enable more control over their class mechanics.
It would go a long way in improving Ranger pet responsiveness if you could control directly when your dog leaps, moa heals or bird casts the swiftness.

Come one, you can do it!!!! There is absolutely no reason not to anymore!!!

Thief did not get a new F ability. They got a QoL change so you can see the CD of steal while holding onto a stolen item, and so you can use steal without having to use your original stolen item just to open the skill back up again.

And yet that QoL change takes up the f2 slot so……

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


OK A-net, why didn’t you guys implement another F ability for the Ranger pet? I mean, Engi and Thief got one to enable more control over their class mechanics.
It would go a long way in improving Ranger pet responsiveness if you could control directly when your dog leaps, moa heals or bird casts the swiftness.

Come one, you can do it!!!! There is absolutely no reason not to anymore!!!

Thief did not get a new F ability. They got a QoL change so you can see the CD of steal while holding onto a stolen item, and so you can use steal without having to use your original stolen item just to open the skill back up again.

And yet that QoL change takes up the f2 slot so……

Oh, so you’re going with pointless semantic arguments over practical ones? Sorry, I didn’t realize, I’ll leave you to your waste of time.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.9612


OK A-net, why didn’t you guys implement another F ability for the Ranger pet? I mean, Engi and Thief got one to enable more control over their class mechanics.
It would go a long way in improving Ranger pet responsiveness if you could control directly when your dog leaps, moa heals or bird casts the swiftness.

Come one, you can do it!!!! There is absolutely no reason not to anymore!!!

Thief did not get a new F ability. They got a QoL change so you can see the CD of steal while holding onto a stolen item, and so you can use steal without having to use your original stolen item just to open the skill back up again.

And yet that QoL change takes up the f2 slot so……

Oh, so you’re going with pointless semantic arguments over practical ones? Sorry, I didn’t realize, I’ll leave you to your waste of time.

Isn’t that what you just did?
The op isn’t asking for new abilities for rangers, he is asking for another f slot to better control the pets. So basically a QoL change that promotes active play over passive. Why would anyone argue against this?

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Official response of Anet was that it will make Ranger too hard to play!

And many oppose this statement bringing the Elementalist as example and Anet said that many players stay just in one attument in dungeons!!!

Also it will require to rebalance every skill because they have been balanced (!) with the thought that are pretty much random!!!!!!!

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Rangers: Give us new pets!
Others: Sure, but can we have something too?
Rangers: No! Stop being selfish!

Rangers: 2 professions got a new F ability, we want something too!

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Eh… I’d rather see Rangers obtain new pets then new F abilities.

Moss Spider (GW1 providing they aren’t extinct lore wise)
Racing Beetle
Rainbow Phoenix

The way the Pet Management window is set up, there is room to add 2 more pets to have the window balanced out with 6 pets on each row. The last row, currently only has 4.

Personally I say:
Moss Spider
Rainbow Phoenix

>.< … but I’m still stuck on some GW1 pets I’m sure there are animals not from GW1 people would rather have in GW2

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.9612


Eh… I’d rather see Rangers obtain new pets then new F abilities.

Moss Spider (GW1 providing they aren’t extinct lore wise)
Racing Beetle
Rainbow Phoenix

The way the Pet Management window is set up, there is room to add 2 more pets to have the window balanced out with 6 pets on each row. The last row, currently only has 4.

Personally I say:
Moss Spider
Rainbow Phoenix

>.< … but I’m still stuck on some GW1 pets I’m sure there are animals not from GW1 people would rather have in GW2

I think most rangers would rather have better control of their pets rather than new broken pets. Being able to assign one of the other pet skills to a new f button wouldn’t fix the crappy AI or pathing problems but it would still be a huge improvement on the class mechanic.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.9612


Rangers: Give us new pets!
Others: Sure, but can we have something too?
Rangers: No! Stop being selfish!

Rangers: 2 professions got a new F ability, we want something too!

You act like rangers are asking for something new… the op is just asking for better control over skills rangers already have.

Imagine if Mesmer shatters only had an f1 button instead of 1-4 and the shatter effect you got was entirely rng. Should Mesmers class mechanic be changed to this so mesmers aren’t too confusing for new players?

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: snow.8097


first off, anet should rather overhaul less used pets rather than implementing new ones
but i think everyone agrees when i say, the only pet that needs to come back is the…

However, i dont even think anet would allow us to control a second attack of our pets. when this happens the next will cry we want the third one too.
I just want a small window that shows us the attack chain of our pet. Anet made small icons for each pet attack in our pet menu
completely useless by now.
But with a small window they can use it, so we can see which skill is next.
We can time our attacks with them like it should be as partners. That provides better interacting and the RNG feeling is weaker as it used to be.
Thats my biggest wish in concern of our pets.
Another one is a 3rd main hand like mace, but thats another topic

Safi/Clio Del Ray |Ranger, Elonas Reach,
the skrittfinisher was my idea!

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.9612


However, i dont even think anet would allow us to control a second attack of our pets. when this happens the next will cry we want the third one too.

A lot of people have been asking for that since release anyway. There is no good reason rangers shouldn’t have control over their class mechanic.

F1 could be a toggle for attack/return, f2-4 pet skills, f5 pet swap.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: abc.5790


Eh… I’d rather see Rangers obtain new pets then new F abilities.

Moss Spider (GW1 providing they aren’t extinct lore wise)
Racing Beetle
Rainbow Phoenix

The way the Pet Management window is set up, there is room to add 2 more pets to have the window balanced out with 6 pets on each row. The last row, currently only has 4.

Personally I say:
Moss Spider
Rainbow Phoenix

>.< … but I’m still stuck on some GW1 pets I’m sure there are animals not from GW1 people would rather have in GW2


more pets please. my pets seem like they all had a lobotomy. maybe the F skill could boost their intelligence.

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


thieves didn’t get new F ability…… they just can see their steal CD now and don’t have to drop w/e stolen spell to be able to use steal again

new F ability would something like: steal tools: steal random utility spell from enemy

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


I think I might have misspoken here. I am not asking for a new ability, I am asking for the option to use already existing abilities that are controlled by the A.I. at the moment. At least the most important ones like the dog leap, moa heal, bird swiftness, etc..

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Rangers: Give us new pets!
Others: Sure, but can we have something too?
Rangers: No! Stop being selfish!

Rangers: 2 professions got a new F ability, we want something too!

You act like rangers are asking for something new… the op is just asking for better control over skills rangers already have.

Imagine if Mesmer shatters only had an f1 button instead of 1-4 and the shatter effect you got was entirely rng. Should Mesmers class mechanic be changed to this so mesmers aren’t too confusing for new players?

What’s even richer is that this is the PvP forum, not the ranger forum. Because they are so important.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Ranger should get ability to control all pet skills, not just one >_>’

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


So let me get this straight. There are people in this thread arguing in FAVOR of AI based RNG being a staple of the ranger profession? You want MORE AI in the game and LESS player control?

Alright then.

Why no new Ranger F ability?

in PvP

Posted by: Wildfang.3271


Rangers: Give us new pets!
Others: Sure, but can we have something too?
Rangers: No! Stop being selfish!

Rangers: 2 professions got a new F ability, we want something too!

You act like rangers are asking for something new… the op is just asking for better control over skills rangers already have.

Imagine if Mesmer shatters only had an f1 button instead of 1-4 and the shatter effect you got was entirely rng. Should Mesmers class mechanic be changed to this so mesmers aren’t too confusing for new players?

What’s even richer is that this is the PvP forum, not the ranger forum. Because they are so important.

If this is off topic, I’m sure that the mods will move it to the correct forums and they don’t need an important mesmer telling them what can or cannot be posted on the pvp forums.

Back on topic, as a ranger player I would like having more control over the pest since the pets tend to just use their skills off the bat which leads to them missing when the opponent is kiting heavily though while you can still cancel the skill with f3, you wouldn’t be able to tell when they will use it again. Hence why a new f-skill will be better. However as it is at the moment, I doubt that it would get changed as it would take some work to get that programmed in and I think that the devs are kinda swamped with work on HoT and the revenant profession in general.