really bad engineer
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
Ok, at time of posting i’m top 10 or maybe at least front page (decay is very strong) on solo queue leaderboard. This isn’t because I’m good at the game (I’m trash) but because, as far as I can tell, nobody is kittening playing. Every game I’m getting people who have no idea what they’re doing, and it’s a free win to whoever can herd sheep harder.
There are a few outstanding issues that I guess anet thought weren’t major but evidently were. I’m wondering if we could have fixes or comments for fixes on the major issue before solo queue dies completely and becomes a perpetual merry go round of players who probably have some kind of bot set up to queue solo queue and then disconnect (for sick 4v5 action) matched against players who accidentally queued for solo queue instead of lfg’ing CoF. IE: kittenen dead.
maps: skyhammer and spirit watch. Nobody except grouch actually likes them, you can prove this lil hypothesis by hitting the game, waiting for the oh-so-dreaded skyhammer pop that kicks the courage out of lions and then asking “hey is everyone keen for a match of the sickest map going?” only to find “no” being a near unanimous reply. Seriously, I know people who have quit the game cos of skyhammer in solo queue. A simple fix (besides making the map go the way of the capricorn) is to add a Veto system similar to starcraft 2’s ladder: you get to choose two maps (basically kitten tal’darim altar) which you don’t have to play at all before queuing. This way grouch still gets to play games of Skyhammer against himself so everyone is happy.
matchmaking: if I am in the top 25 (deserved or not) why are there people who plainly have no idea what they’re doing being matched up with and against me? I am not talking ranks, I am talking people who just aren’t very good, although there is a correlation with rank. I wouldn’t mind waiting longer for better matches – I really really like tense close matches, even if I lose them. I don’t like herding sheep into pens/points. this game only works when everyone knows where they need to be, otherwise the team with the most experience wins on map control. which is dumb. something should be done, is it the starting MMR being too high? lack of players? Both of those can be fixed, by lowering the starting MMR and removing skyhammer respectively.
third: redundancy/rewards, a lot of people I know solo queue into team queue for two main reasons: first being that they love skyhammer so much and such a pristine experience should be preserved, and the second being that in terms of real game rewards there’s no point. Solo queue obviously shouldn’t have the same glory gain as team queue, but I’m sure it can be a little higher than the pittance we have now. Some people (I honestly don’t care about my team queue rank) want to protect their team queue rank, as well as get fair (lmao) matches, so solo queue has it’s place and we shouldn’t be outright punishing people for playing solo queue instead of soloing team queue.
tl;dr: fix solo queue
please fix solo queue
i’m a nice guy
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
matchmaking is fine
only soloQ problem: skyhammer + spiritwatch sux
(edited by Romek.4201)
Don’t forget kittened AI builds, because the emphasis on build diversity by Anet actually means “We want to let casuals have fun at the game, so we create simple builds which will just make it so easy to play”.
because since there are no rewards for ladder there’s no point for tryhard or rolling boring and skilless fotm for being “top”, you get a more enjoyable game just going solo pug in tqueue, no cheesehammer and lamewatch, less fotm riders and you can play whatever you want because you won’t end up vs 4 wars or 4 necros all the time, and ofc better rewards when you win. Seems good enough to me to not touching soloq button for the rest of my life..
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Ok, at time of posting i’m top 10 or maybe at least front page (decay is very strong) on solo queue leaderboard. This isn’t because I’m good at the game (I’m trash) but because, as far as I can tell, nobody is kittening playing. Every game I’m getting people who have no idea what they’re doing, and it’s a free win to whoever can herd sheep harder.
There are a few outstanding issues that I guess anet thought weren’t major but evidently were. I’m wondering if we could have fixes or comments for fixes on the major issue before solo queue dies completely and becomes a perpetual merry go round of players who probably have some kind of bot set up to queue solo queue and then disconnect (for sick 4v5 action) matched against players who accidentally queued for solo queue instead of lfg’ing CoF. IE: kittenen dead.
maps: skyhammer and spirit watch. Nobody except grouch actually likes them, you can prove this lil hypothesis by hitting the game, waiting for the oh-so-dreaded skyhammer pop that kicks the courage out of lions and then asking “hey is everyone keen for a match of the sickest map going?” only to find “no” being a near unanimous reply. Seriously, I know people who have quit the game cos of skyhammer in solo queue. A simple fix (besides making the map go the way of the capricorn) is to add a Veto system similar to starcraft 2’s ladder: you get to choose two maps (basically kitten tal’darim altar) which you don’t have to play at all before queuing. This way grouch still gets to play games of Skyhammer against himself so everyone is happy.
matchmaking: if I am in the top 25 (deserved or not) why are there people who plainly have no idea what they’re doing being matched up with and against me? I am not talking ranks, I am talking people who just aren’t very good, although there is a correlation with rank. I wouldn’t mind waiting longer for better matches – I really really like tense close matches, even if I lose them. I don’t like herding sheep into pens/points. this game only works when everyone knows where they need to be, otherwise the team with the most experience wins on map control. which is dumb. something should be done, is it the starting MMR being too high? lack of players? Both of those can be fixed, by lowering the starting MMR and removing skyhammer respectively.
third: redundancy/rewards, a lot of people I know solo queue into team queue for two main reasons: first being that they love skyhammer so much and such a pristine experience should be preserved, and the second being that in terms of real game rewards there’s no point. Solo queue obviously shouldn’t have the same glory gain as team queue, but I’m sure it can be a little higher than the pittance we have now. Some people (I honestly don’t care about my team queue rank) want to protect their team queue rank, as well as get fair (lmao) matches, so solo queue has it’s place and we shouldn’t be outright punishing people for playing solo queue instead of soloing team queue.
tl;dr: fix solo queue
please fix solo queue
i’m a nice guy
if i can say mine, it’s just that people really have poor understanding of conquest mode.
Aside spirit watch and skyhammer ( which even in EU we all HATE, mind, not dislike, HATE), people even at the top very easily have no idea what to do and play simply counting on their superior skill.
solo q in this game is a terrible experience, unless you’re superskilled ( and it measn both personal skill and map awereness) but it’s mostly due to very few people playing.
And on top of this, team q rewards are better, even if you join solo ( no skyhammer above all).
And on top of this, team q rewards are better, even if you join solo ( no skyhammer above all) OR Spirit Watch.
Agree and fixed it for you :P
Just wanna say I completely agree with OP. Few fixes I had in mind are quite easy to implement:
- Comms – Having key binded to IN-GAME voice communication system will dramatically change how SoloQ/Pug matches work… Press a button,say whats happening, give directions etc. Its conquest and requires team play,communication is the key to that.
- Make the ranking/matching system to actually show your performance/skill level rather than wins/lose ratio. Its really nothing but avarage result of bunch of numbers collected while a player is playing the game.
Obviously long term fixes will make it even greater:
- Make us choose maps to play on AND characters – Each player flags min number of characters (via his account UI) he can play and will be either forced or made to choose class to play along the current game. This will avoid any kinda of … too many of certain class/role (no one wants too many bunkers or same classes in his team)
- New game types – conquest is very team-play based game type. We need sth less group focused.
- Better UI – Target UI like 1,2,3, do-not-hit, skull, arrow or w/e really… just sth to flag the enemy players so everyone can know what’s the goal. Its quite common in SoloQ to have 4v4/5v5 fights and everyone is hitting w/e he finds on his way…
I don’t play soloQ because it’s much easier to control the quality/type of matches I get by playing hot join.
Stopped soloq because of skyhammer and spirit watch, so now i just soloqueue in team queue or I just don’t play at all.
Skyhammer is just an abomination of a map. The cannon would be okay, it’s all the glass plates and cliffs making it a trollfest for classes with lots of knockbacks (so, hammer warriors) and stability and a nightmare for everyone else.
Spirit Watch actually would be a great map if people in soloq would finally realize that you can’t win it if you zerg around at the orb while the enemy team holds all 3 points.
if i can say mine, it’s just that people really have poor understanding of conquest mode.
I agree with the above theory. You can see this after one team wins mid fight when for some reason most people switch their brain to hotjoin mode and run to the nearest contested node leaving at best a bunker alone against almost entire enemy team that just respawned or at worst getting wiped on far node and being 3capped (opposing team employing the same brain dead “strategy”).
What’s worrisome is that this sort of behavior is consistent across all levels of play…
if i can say mine, it’s just that people really have poor understanding of conquest mode.
I agree with the above theory. You can see this after one team wins mid fight when for some reason most people switch their brain to hotjoin mode and run to the nearest contested node leaving at best a bunker alone against almost entire enemy team that just respawned or at worst getting wiped on far node and being 3capped (opposing team employing the same brain dead “strategy”).
What’s worrisome is that this sort of behavior is consistent across all levels of play…
Conquest needs coordination to be played succesfully. In LoL you can effectively write an play ( in solo q) , gw2 is too fast paced so you NEED voice-chat in order to play in the proper way.
Solo q basically makes no sense in this game, reason why you’ll find team q pros being able to dominate in solo q while the opposite is kinda rare.
Skyhammer is just an abomination of a map. The cannon would be okay, it’s all the glass plates and cliffs making it a trollfest for classes with lots of knockbacks (so, hammer warriors) and stability and a nightmare for everyone else.
Spirit Watch actually would be a great map if people in soloq would finally realize that you can’t win it if you zerg around at the orb while the enemy team holds all 3 points.
FYI, warrior hammer has only one very short-distance knockback :p They lack boon removal, pulls, and stealth, so they’re actually not very strong in high-tier skyhammer matches. Mes/engi/necro/thief are kings, probably in that order.
The problem with spirit watch is the huge differences in mobility between professions. I do fine running the orb with 1-2 leaps and 25% movement speed increase on my engineer, but I could be roughly twice as fast with a warrior and nearly that with a ranger. Still, I find it a fun solo queue map. It’s somewhat imbalanced but not rage-inducing like skyhammer can be when you get people who really understand the skyhammer game.
I can tell you exactly why I stopped playing soloQ.
The thing is, teamQ really doesn’t have any down-sides for me compared to soloQ. My win ratio is roughly the same, the players are better, the reward are better and I don’t have to deal with the frustrations of Skyhammer and 4 vs 5.
So really teamQ is a win in all areas. Why would I not play it.
What puzzles me though is that a game-mode called teamQ even allows for players to queue as individuals. It seems to defeat the entire purpose of that game-mode.
Skyhammer is just an abomination of a map. The cannon would be okay, it’s all the glass plates and cliffs making it a trollfest for classes with lots of knockbacks (so, hammer warriors) and stability and a nightmare for everyone else.
Spirit Watch actually would be a great map if people in soloq would finally realize that you can’t win it if you zerg around at the orb while the enemy team holds all 3 points.
FYI, warrior hammer has only one very short-distance knockback :p They lack boon removal, pulls, and stealth, so they’re actually not very strong in high-tier skyhammer matches. Mes/engi/necro/thief are kings, probably in that order.
The problem with spirit watch is the huge differences in mobility between professions. I do fine running the orb with 1-2 leaps and 25% movement speed increase on my engineer, but I could be roughly twice as fast with a warrior and nearly that with a ranger. Still, I find it a fun solo queue map. It’s somewhat imbalanced but not rage-inducing like skyhammer can be when you get people who really understand the skyhammer game.
Use rocket boots and slick shoes (although that limits you to one kit) and it’s like an instant orb cap every time super speed is off cooldown.
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
Use rocket boots and slick shoes (although that limits you to one kit) and it’s like an instant orb cap every time super speed is off cooldown.
Oh I know, I meant twice as fast as I can with a normal build. My bad, that wasn’t very clear.
I was just trying to explain why spirit watch is considered imbalanced for team queues but still works in solos. But yes, a dedicated orb-running engineer is very fast.
matchmaking is fine
only soloQ problem: skyhammer + spiritwatch sux
Matchmaking is fine? Let’s count to 5. 1-2-3-4. Keep going. Oh wait. 4v5 is not a good matchmaking system.
What is sad is that the two newest maps that ANET has built are 2 of the 3 worst. There are only 4 good maps right now…. forest, temple, foefire and kyhlo. The rest are just terrible.
What is sad is that the two newest maps that ANET has built are 2 of the 3 worst. There are only 4 good maps right now…. forest, temple, foefire and kyhlo. The rest are just terrible.
And they took half a year, or more, perfecting it too….
Makes you really wonder if their play testers/designers really know what they’re doing.
(edited by garethh.3518)
Ever since I got out of elo hell (I lost 9 matches in a row from afk/dc’s 2nd day solo q came out) solo q has been great, my queues are never longer than 3 min and the matches are always fun. I’ve only done 27 matches since the reset but im 22-5 atm so there arnt really any noobs anymore.
Ever since I got out of elo hell (I lost 9 matches in a row from afk/dc’s 2nd day solo q came out) solo q has been great, my queues are never longer than 3 min and the matches are always fun. I’ve only done 27 matches since the reset but im 22-5 atm so there arnt really any noobs anymore.
i was on dry streak today :<
my team either decided to get spawn camped for w/e reason or keep running mid and die one by one…. oh and then i had skyhammer where every single person completely lagged out, nobody could even play properly but pets lol
i don’t mind soloq so much, it is indeed frustrating when you get bad teams or when you yourself mess up due to lack of communication etc.
i do hate skyhammer, i play thief so i can pull ppl and steal-> fear off edges but franky i don’t enjoy those games, spending 90% of the time trying to make someone fall down is hardly fun :/
skyhammer should be activity event like crab toss but not pvp map
as far as class balance goes, it is hardly any better in team pvp, cheese everywhere heh… gw2 balance isn’t even that bad actually but some things really need to go
I’m not setting foot in solo queue until there is skyhammer and rewards are so uneven. There’s no point. It’s a much better experience loosing to a full premade group on khylo than winning on skyhammer.
skyhammer best map it’s like playing call of duty!
skyhammer best map it’s like playing call of duty!
I enjoy solo q, but I agree with you 100%. Yesterday was quite frustrating. Played six games. Four Skyhammer and two Spirit Watch. I really wish these map would be removed.
Matchmaking isn’t too bad if you play at prime time. I get a lot of decent games then, however if it’s not prime time. You hardly ever get players with similar mmr.
Lastly the rewards is an issue. People would rather face premades in team area because it rewards better, and no terrible maps.
Solo q is getting better, but it still has a long ways to go.
Hate Skyhammer, but I actually like Spirit Watch. Requires coordination (although it’s difficult to get enough of it in Solo q) and the mechanic can actually be used for comebacks that don’t feel as binary as the Lord on Foefire. A shame about the profession imbalance though.
Still, I just noticed I hadn’t queued much over the last couple days and I realized it was probably because the last time I did I got 3 Skyhammer pops in a row.
I actually like skyhammer due to possibility of environment kills, but spirit watch – no, no and no.
Also points from 30% win ratio in solo teamQ > 50% in soloQ > ~100% in hotjoin. Dunno who made this, but I hope that he’s not working on that post anymore.
I’ll take spirit watch over skyhammer any day of the week. If all of the glass platforms were removed from hammer, point A and C. And railing was added all around the hammer, then the map would be decent.
As it stands the map gives many classes a unfair advantage. Dealing with engineer at the hammer is a nightmare. Holding point A and C against stealth thieves with scorpion wire is a nightmare.
There is just too much focus on knocking your enemy off the cliff for a instant kill.
I’ll take spirit watch over skyhammer any day of the week. If all of the glass platforms were removed from hammer, point A and C. And railing was added all around the hammer, then the map would be decent.
As it stands the map gives many classes a unfair advantage. Dealing with engineer at the hammer is a nightmare. Holding point A and C against stealth thieves with scorpion wire is a nightmare.
There is just too much focus on knocking your enemy off the cliff for a instant kill.
ya there is literally no counterplay against thieves on a/c besides rng dodge and poppiing stability as you get pulled towards (which is actually a huge rush and really fun) your death.
Problem with Spirit Watch is certain skills being used with the orb that make it completely imbalanced.
The orb should have it’s own set of skills. Similar to the orb of power, when it was in WvW.
Power Bolt: Release a burst of energy to damage your target.
Orb Strike: Hit your enemy with the Orb, stunning them.
Throw Orb: Throw the Orb towards your target, blinding targets that it passes through. It bursts, dazing enemies, and returns to you.
Radiant Armor: Grant Retaliation to nearby allies.
I don’t know why nobody mentioned Hammer guardians in Skyhammer. I absolutely despise this map, but I’ve been giggling myself out playing this class now. Pretty ridiculous how often I can just knock someone out instantly. Anyway, definitely kittened play, but I figured if I could at least get some sort of enjoyment from it…
I have no issues with Spirit Watch however… yeah, people are stupid if they’re all going for the orb but other than that… nothing new losing a map due to idiotic players.
Also, I’ve been getting much less 4v5 since the fix to deserter debuff (or whatever it’s called).
Only real issue with SoloQ is how powerless it feels. I swear, even if one tries their best, it’s almost impossible to carry a whole team of idiots. If just 1 or 2 players know what they’re doing, they have literally no chance of winning. Mostly frustrating due to that… Seems somehow the matchmaking is weird, not polished enough.
Suggestion on matchmaking:
- Needs to spread out classes more evenly across both teams.
- Also need to spread out good vs bad players more. A player’s rating needs to be affected at how well they perform in a game. I firmly believe getting more rank points should give you more rating at the end of the game (if that’s not already the case).
- Ideally, every player playing SoloQ should have around 48-52% win ratio, because teams should be as equal as possible. Now, it seems that the only way to move up the ranking ladder is to get a few lucky wins in a row…
I also think AI builds (and engi knockbacks) need some sort of nerf. Really frustrating to play vs spirit ranger/mm necro/mesmer, like 20 targets at a given point when 2-3 such classes are there…
Anyway, quite tired, may be a long post but hopefully it’ll be of some help.
I find the classes so unbalanced that playing anything along the lines of elementalists makes me only want to pick my liver apart with eyebrow pincers while holding a hot coal.
In fact, my level of enjoyment is directly proportional to how much time I spend outside PvP.
I will tell you why I hate soloqueue and basically any queue;
Random hambow/zoo pet/condi or mm necro/S-D thief or D-D thief/condi-bunker engi comes, with basically no idea of what they are doing, they press 2 buttons, the yawn and they walk away to the next post over my dead body.
The game balance is so cheesy not even McDonald wants to get their hands on it.
To top it off, what really kittenes me off, what truly makes me lose faith in the sPvP community; those players actually believe they won because they were skilled. SO basically you have 5v5 teams where 8 or 9 of those people play a cheese build, and more often than not, as if my luck wasnt bad enough; my team is the one that gets the elementalist……….
Once I figured out you could SoloQ in TeamQ that was it. I’m literally never playing SoloQ again. No skyham/spirit watch, chance of getting organized pugs, better rewards? Why on earth would I do SoloQ.
Conquest needs coordination to be played succesfully. In LoL you can effectively write an play ( in solo q) , gw2 is too fast paced so you NEED voice-chat in order to play in the proper way.
Solo q basically makes no sense in this game, reason why you’ll find team q pros being able to dominate in solo q while the opposite is kinda rare.
I would have somewhat agreed with this statement as well, that is until ANet introduced map icons for both friendlies and engaged enemies. Now it takes literary 1 second to look at the map and figure out at least 70% of what’s going on. But people are still trying to play the hero part for some reason..
Once I figured out you could SoloQ in TeamQ that was it. I’m literally never playing SoloQ again. No skyham/spirit watch, chance of getting organized pugs, better rewards? Why on earth would I do SoloQ.
bragging rights
SoloQ was fun for 2-3 weeks after gold prizes where introduced and you could spend glory on stuff that is usefull, Bags/Levels..
But since almost everyone spend their glory and the reward for being stuck in a game for 10 minutes with a bunch of foptarts running around like and undead headless Chiken. Just isnt worth it ^^.
heck now that i spend all my glory. I’m back to farming bossed/frostgorge/wvw since time/profit ratio and enjoyment is higher then soloQ.
All i do in solo is stand on mid to troll or be amazed at people leaving mid to go cap/fight far and die.
So yeah, new gamemode needed with.. and i shall say it again.. ZKEYS ^^
i played 17 games of solo arena since the reset, so far i only witnessed 2 4 v 5 situation.
1st time, the other team got a player who disconnected or rage quit after 3 minutes into the game, never came back.
2nd time, on our team, a player disconnected when the match started, came back later but the match was ending.
Stopped soloq because of skyhammer and spirit watch, so now i just soloqueue in team queue or I just don’t play at all.
Well said man…well said..
Conquest needs coordination to be played succesfully. In LoL you can effectively write an play ( in solo q) , gw2 is too fast paced so you NEED voice-chat in order to play in the proper way.
Solo q basically makes no sense in this game, reason why you’ll find team q pros being able to dominate in solo q while the opposite is kinda rare.
I would have somewhat agreed with this statement as well, that is until ANet introduced map icons for both friendlies and engaged enemies. Now it takes literary 1 second to look at the map and figure out at least 70% of what’s going on. But people are still trying to play the hero part for some reason..
It doesn’t really matter.
Player icons won’t teach you positioning and map awareness, won’t teach you to not stay braindead afk in mid as a bunker guard while your team is demolished on sidenodes, won’t teach you to decap far/close as a teef while your team is keeping mid in teamfight, won’t teach necros to stay on edges where teefs can’t reach them with dem teleports etc etc.
Conquest mode is too hard, even in top 100 solo q, i can assure you.
Conquest needs coordination to be played succesfully. In LoL you can effectively write an play ( in solo q) , gw2 is too fast paced so you NEED voice-chat in order to play in the proper way.
Solo q basically makes no sense in this game, reason why you’ll find team q pros being able to dominate in solo q while the opposite is kinda rare.
I would have somewhat agreed with this statement as well, that is until ANet introduced map icons for both friendlies and engaged enemies. Now it takes literary 1 second to look at the map and figure out at least 70% of what’s going on. But people are still trying to play the hero part for some reason..
It doesn’t really matter.
Player icons won’t teach you positioning and map awareness, won’t teach you to not stay braindead afk in mid as a bunker guard while your team is demolished on sidenodes, won’t teach you to decap far/close as a teef while your team is keeping mid in teamfight, won’t teach necros to stay on edges where teefs can’t reach them with dem teleports etc etc.
Conquest mode is too hard, even in top 100 solo q, i can assure you.
And for sure won’t teach you not to keep going far if you already lost 1v1 with their side defender like 5 times before just because “I’m da best and i’ll kill ya next time!!1!1 Noob insert class here1!!1!”…or when to rez and when not (glass cannons trying to res other glass cannons sitting into aoes with obvious results, guardians being ganked while ressing thieves and so on…) let alone trying to set up basic tactics like “I go mid alone with guardian to hold it alap, 1 close and rest cross far then defend far and i’ll go close at respawn” ending up with 2 ppl capping close, another one at boss and one obviously dead at far while still 1v3 at mid with guardian. And that’s when you realize that, as i said, there’s no point on tryhard…all is vain, go for fun and kitten the rest…1-4 or just go wherever the kitten you want, i don’t care anymore…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Conquest mode is too hard, even in top 100 solo q, i can assure you.
what kind of game mode would be easier then? O_O
what about a moba type game mode?
main objective: break into their well guarded (npc soldiers, heavy units, etc) keep to destroy some guild lord with massive toughness and vitality?
Conquest needs coordination to be played succesfully. In LoL you can effectively write an play ( in solo q) , gw2 is too fast paced so you NEED voice-chat in order to play in the proper way.
Solo q basically makes no sense in this game, reason why you’ll find team q pros being able to dominate in solo q while the opposite is kinda rare.
I would have somewhat agreed with this statement as well, that is until ANet introduced map icons for both friendlies and engaged enemies. Now it takes literary 1 second to look at the map and figure out at least 70% of what’s going on. But people are still trying to play the hero part for some reason..
It doesn’t really matter.
Player icons won’t teach you positioning and map awareness, won’t teach you to not stay braindead afk in mid as a bunker guard while your team is demolished on sidenodes, won’t teach you to decap far/close as a teef while your team is keeping mid in teamfight, won’t teach necros to stay on edges where teefs can’t reach them with dem teleports etc etc.
Conquest mode is too hard, even in top 100 solo q, i can assure you.
And for sure won’t teach you not to keep going far if you already lost 1v1 with their side defender like 5 times before just because “I’m da best and i’ll kill ya next time!!1!1 Noob insert class here1!!1!”…or when to rez and when not (glass cannons trying to res other glass cannons sitting into aoes with obvious results, guardians being ganked while ressing thieves and so on…) let alone trying to set up basic tactics like “I go mid alone with guardian to hold it alap, 1 close and rest cross far then defend far and i’ll go close at respawn” ending up with 2 ppl capping close, another one at boss and one obviously dead at far while still 1v3 at mid with guardian. And that’s when you realize that, as i said, there’s no point on tryhard…all is vain, go for fun and kitten the rest…1-4 or just go wherever the kitten you want, i don’t care anymore…
Yesterday I wrote “1 home 4 mid” before foefire in soloq began. I was the only one on mid, 4 people were standing at home until it was captured. Of course by then all was vain.
Oh, also. If you play in offpeak hours, you can wait 10 min and lost match. So much fun with 150 rank points for 20 min.
Conquest mode is too hard, even in top 100 solo q, i can assure you.
It’s easier than what goes on in a MOBA.
The issue is that a game has to play well, it has to be taken seriously for people to play it seriously.
Few are going to care about sitting at a back point or switching toons ‘to help the team’ in an utterly uncompetitive game…
If GW2 was taken seriously, the map, combat, specing, exc. were worthy of competition, conquest (in terms of ‘how hard it is to play’) would be fine. Conquest is a kittenty map type for a dozen other reasons, but by no means is it unworkably complicated.
(edited by garethh.3518)
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