Why not end the match when uneven?

Why not end the match when uneven?

in PvP

Posted by: candlecan.9827


Simple question,

If the match starts and the rosters of the teams are uneven in solo and team arena, then why cant the game just halt and send you back to the mists to re-enter queue?

I have never seen a 4v5 or a 3v4 produce any competitive game play, especially in a territory control game format. Can we stop punishing the people on incomplete teams with an auto-loss?

Just a thought

Why not end the match when uneven?

in PvP

Posted by: candlecan.9827


To be clear I am saying that after the 10 second countdown, if rosters don’t match then the game just ends. If some one quits mid-way through than tough cookies I guess.

Why not end the match when uneven?

in PvP

Posted by: dejay.2598


good idea as long as it’s for solo que only, for dodging reasons

Why not end the match when uneven?

in PvP

Posted by: candlecan.9827


good point. I would say that dodging is probably just as likely in SOLO. Dodging could be the answer to my post heading. Maybe this idea is good when the penalty for leaving is changed to something a little stronger.

Why not end the match when uneven?

in PvP

Posted by: aleks.5473


Hmm perhaps wen its 4v5 and the 2 min run out the gam shuld w8 for 10-th playar from solo q from a difrent pool to enter
if some one leavs in mid game they should add /resigen comand again and make it like you dont lose to much LB rating becouse of some one who left.
4v5 can be won if you got a tiger/bear team vs rabits and bambis tho this hapans awmoust never.
In compediteve pvp this will not work EVER

Shadowsong Bg, Zagorka bg – r61
Champ mesmer, engy, rangar, necro, guardian, warrior