Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
(edited by Stealth.9324)
The game is done for me despite the fact that GW2 has the most amazing PvP mechanic ever out there. However, under the hands of Anet, Gw2 now to me is a complete mess. It turns me down a lot due to various issues:
-Slow PvP update: Check
-Only one game mode: Check
-No reward for playing: Check
-Punish for playing: Check (I am looking at leaderboard)
-Broken matching system: Check
-Too light of a punish to leavers/Afk : Check
-No stop system to prevent the game start when the teams has uneven number: Check
-No split Balancing : Check
-Horrible class balances: Check
-Too many cheesy build: Check
-AIs have a very important role: Check.
- Some maps are broken: Check
-An abandon part of the game: Check
-PvP population keep reducing: Check.
-No build templates: Check
-Empty and broken promise :Check
-Feel like being cheated into buying the game in the first place: Check.
-Empty and broken promises:Check
-Being cheated into buying the game:Check.
-Spamming festival: Check
-No build varieties: Check.
Anything else did I miss? I want to ask people out there who still keep playing PvP what is the reasons that still keep going on in the game that has no future?
(edited by Stealth.9324)
Hope, and the fact that besides all the bad stuff the fighting is still pretty fun at it’s core.
Depressing though, turning off world finals LoL stream to come back here though lol.
I like playing it because it’s like an MMO version of TF2.
Pick what class you feel like playing at the time time, jump into a few games and have fun killing people (would prefer it to be king of the hill instead of 3-node capture though). Good fun for an hour here or there.
sniff sniff hyperbole inc
PvP population is growing at an alarming rate as stated by the devs. I mean after pax it had to have double from the huge amount of success the ranger zoo brought.
I play games because I enjoy them. If I don’t find it enjoyable, I don’t play. Why would I do something that I dislike with my spare time?
send me your gold pls. just send the mail to my forum name.
this thread is so true
send me your gold pls. just send the mail to my forum name.
pvpers don’t need gold! GTFO outa here pver =D
Remove Stealth(.9324) from the game, no counterplay.
This is constructive. 21 complaints and no ideas. Ok, you doubled and tripled up on some of your whining, so less than 21, but still a pretty good ratio!
I can’t enjoy hotjoin anymore because of how many low-rank people there are. I’m rank 27, and I don’t like killing people with rank 20 or lower… it makes me feel like a bully
Because it’s still better than any other game.
I just play it for the achievement points, NO OTHER REASON AT ALL.
If there were no achievement points, I would NEVER play PvP.
I just play it for the achievement points, NO OTHER REASON AT ALL.
If there were no achievement points, I would NEVER play PvP.
Well obviously for this and the glory. I can’t get enough glory. Just hoarding all my rare glory. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with achievement points when I can just look at all my beautiful glory.
I like to click confirmation windows when I’m opening boxes and salvaging gear for dust.
send me your gold pls. just send the mail to my forum name.
haha like there’s a way to earn gold in pvp
I play PvP because it is awesome
Because it’s fun for a few hours until you get fed up with the same old bullkitten that’s been around forever with no sense of balance from ANet. kitten like permastun warrior or Thief just being able to stealth, heal, come back fresh for another engagement. Stealth in general is just kittened but hey,
“We’re working on it, can’t give you exact details but we agree with you guys and are gonna release a blah blah blah”.
Because Im stuck with GW since 2007. And i hope keeps me sticking around.
I know many things suck at the moment.
Hopefully it will change.
Thats, why things don´t work the way we want them to be:
Even though I sense this thread was made out of pure negativity, it is actually pretty interesting to hear why people keep around.
Personally, I’ve been playing this game since headstart and beta-weekends without ever really being satisfied with the pvp. A month ago I chose to shelf the game, and probably won’t return unless something more than balancing/tweaking happens.
I left because I personally didn’t feel challenged. I felt I had reached a pretty high level, but still I felt useless.
I lost duels to people auto-attacking, and it frustrated me because there was nothing I could do. The skill-cap is simply not high enough for me to easily beat someone auto-attacking, in the current state of the game I would never be able to reach that state, because it’s not there.
Still checking the forums and hoping that some day skills will be introduced in GW2, if that happens, then yes I will probably return
Well I play pvp for few reasons:
- Hoarding precious glory
- Getting the same items over and over again and then crafting them to materials that are already overcapped in bank
- And of course achievements – the only true way you can compare your pvp skills with others
But in all seriousness I play gw2 pvp because I like the mechanics of pvp and that they added solo queue that works well 10%-15% of the time.
I play to pick on hotjoin heroes—that’s about it.
Because I enjoy playing it.
Weird, I know.
The game is done for me despite the fact that GW2 has the most amazing PvP mechanic ever out there. However, under the hands of Anet, Gw2 now to me is a complete mess. It turns me down a lot due to various issues:
-Slow PvP update: Check
-Only one game mode: Check
-No reward for playing: Check
-Punish for playing: Check (I am looking at leaderboard)
-Broken matching system: Check
-Too light of a punish to leavers/Afk : Check
-No stop system to prevent the game start when the teams has uneven number: Check
-No split Balancing : Check
-Horrible class balances: Check
-Too many cheesy build: Check
-AIs have a very important role: Check.
- Some maps are broken: Check
-An abandon part of the game: Check
-PvP population keep reducing: Check.
-No build templates: Check
-Empty and broken promise :Check
-Feel like being cheated into buying the game in the first place: Check.
-Empty and broken promises:Check
-Being cheated into buying the game:Check.
-Spamming festival: Check
-No build varieties: Check.Anything else did I miss? I want to ask people out there who still keep playing PvP what is the reasons that still keep going on in the game that has no future?
its sad but also true.
i dont play much anymore , and if i do its gone be hotjoin seeing solo queue matchmaking still not working toward balanced games. ( more meant to create unbalanced games )
and in hotjoin you can simply leave a game that has to much of the current “OP” characters in it
( think atm its warriors that use healing signet )
Build Wars 2 =)
Because despite all that it is still better than spvp in other mmos.
It is far more balanced than spvp in other mmos, the combat is more exciting/skilful, you don’t have to grind pve or gear to play.
The three “systems” they have now of hotjoin/solo/and team allow me to enjoy spvp when I’m just mucking around/testing builds, want more competition but don’t have a team or don’t want to voice, or when I want to really compete (team).
Yes, many of the things you wrote suck-lack of game modes, 4vs5’s, poor/unimaginative rewards, etc; but the alternatives (at least in the same genre) are much, much worse.
because I like fighting other players. I also like the gw2 combat system. Otherwise.. meh
I play it because it’s fun. I like to try new builds every now and then, but with this terrible meta, I can’t step outside of my base without being covered in conditions or perma stunned to dead. With such good games coming out these months to come, I might take a break for good until the PVP is ‘fixed’ in my view…
The game is done for me despite the fact that GW2 has the most amazing PvP mechanic ever out there. However, under the hands of Anet, Gw2 now to me is a complete mess. It turns me down a lot due to various issues:
-Slow PvP update: Check
-Only one game mode: Check
-No reward for playing: Check
-Punish for playing: Check (I am looking at leaderboard)
-Broken matching system: Check
-Too light of a punish to leavers/Afk : Check
-No stop system to prevent the game start when the teams has uneven number: Check
-No split Balancing : Check
-Horrible class balances: Check
-Too many cheesy build: Check
-AIs have a very important role: Check.
- Some maps are broken: Check
-An abandon part of the game: Check
-PvP population keep reducing: Check.
-No build templates: Check
-Empty and broken promise :Check
-Feel like being cheated into buying the game in the first place: Check.
-Empty and broken promises:Check
-Being cheated into buying the game:Check.
-Spamming festival: Check
-No build varieties: Check.Anything else did I miss? I want to ask people out there who still keep playing PvP what is the reasons that still keep going on in the game that has no future?
omfg i love u. yes. check.
I play it because it’s fun. I like to try new builds every now and then, but with this terrible meta, I can’t step outside of my base without being covered in conditions or perma stunned to dead. With such good games coming out these months to come, I might take a break for good until the PVP is ‘fixed’ in my view…
YA? but who r u?
I play it because it’s fun. I like to try new builds every now and then, but with this terrible meta, I can’t step outside of my base without being covered in conditions or perma stunned to dead. With such good games coming out these months to come, I might take a break for good until the PVP is ‘fixed’ in my view…
YA? but who r u?
Reading comprehension problemos? I’m not saying the game should catter my ways. All I’ve said is: if the game development heads into something I find enjoyable (empashis on I), then I might give it another shot.
I play it because it’s fun. I like to try new builds every now and then, but with this terrible meta, I can’t step outside of my base without being covered in conditions or perma stunned to dead. With such good games coming out these months to come, I might take a break for good until the PVP is ‘fixed’ in my view…
YA? but who r u?
Reading comprehension problemos? I’m not saying the game should catter my ways. All I’ve said is: if the game development heads into something I find enjoyable (empashis on I), then I might give it another shot.
I play it because it’s fun. I like to try new builds every now and then, but with this terrible meta, I can’t step outside of my base without being covered in conditions or perma stunned to dead. With such good games coming out these months to come, I might take a break for good until the PVP is ‘fixed’ in my view…
YA? but who r u?
Reading comprehension problemos? I’m not saying the game should catter my ways. All I’ve said is: if the game development heads into something I find enjoyable (empashis on I), then I might give it another shot.
I’m Batman!
I like playing it because it’s like an MMO version of TF2.
Pick what class you feel like playing at the time time, jump into a few games and have fun killing people (would prefer it to be king of the hill instead of 3-node capture though). Good fun for an hour here or there.
aye this is how i play as well.
a king of the hill mode would be nice.
Stealth come sit on the PVE is for you bench with me and get rewarded , i quit spvp 3 months ago , and im actually enjoying being rewarded in the game with PVE :P
Thanks for the feedback, as far as I follow up until now, it is safe for me in a nutshell, to say people still going on with PvP because :
1/ Unique game combat of its kind.
2/ MMO version of its brother TF2.
3/ Fighting people at casual level.
4/ No other MMOs that can compared with its level.
I guess being the first and only one has its merit. There are absolute no other reason that i could see to produce a healthy and competitive scene despite how hard the community has tried to promote the game. If you people have choice, where a game with Combat Mechanic like Gw2 will be produced, would you guy switch over? I heard that Blade and Soul 2 is on its way of delivering.
@Decrypter: I have played PvE for a while and get so bored of it. I came to Gw2 mainly to look for the thrill of a different level of PVP that Gw2 has offered. I don’t deny the fact that Gw2 is excellent, though everything just keep going downhill really switch me off. Right now, I am just playing GvG with my Guild whenever I am called. But honestly, all those Bloodlust stuff in WvW is killing GvG action as well…
SO SAD!!!!!
To Devs if you happen to read this, please see this as a kind of survey and I hope it helps to you guys to realise everything wrong you guy did so far and fix it before it is too late.
(edited by Stealth.9324)
atm i play only for Daily and Archievements
the day when i stopped watching leaderboards and all this whiny streams i startet to have fun in spvp again – kitten all this e-sport
farming champion titles atm and rage bout skyhammer^^
There are a few thousand people playing it. That’s pretty much nothing. There are no good new non-Asian MMOs out there, so we’re stuck with this for the time being. At least it’s sub-free.
Misguided hope.
sniff sniff hyperbole inc
PvP population is growing at an alarming rate as stated by the devs. I mean after pax it had to have double from the huge amount of success the ranger zoo brought.
Hahaha … I about laughed some time ago when Arenanet made the crazy claim that the PvP population is growing, or is “larger than before” something in that context, I believe I read.
Before … before what, exactly? … Bigger than before the point that they hit an all time low?? And it’s likely still teetering around and is barely teetering in and out of a state of decline due to PVE’ERS playing to get rewards? The mists are a friggin’ ghost town compared to launch, and they remain the same, I fail to see how this is “bigger than before” unless they purely meant their all time low, in which, maybe they are not lying about it.
Realistically I see this as them pulling whatever they can out of their kitten holes to give what remaining PvP’ers there still are some kinda false sense of security and hope required to keep them around playing this “PvP oriented” PvE game? XD
Really … the fact they did not, do not, and are not delivering upon, let alone standing behind all those worthless promises they’ve made are why I seriously dislike Arenanet in the first place. That comes above anything else in the matter. I wouldn’t have bought this game, let alone considered it, if they didn’t spew out all that trash about how they wanted to focus so much on PvP.
Yet it’s turned out to be very much the opposite. Thus the well earned hate. And everyone else who dislikes them for the same reasons kitten well deserves to. It’s like they made promises to turn a profit, once they got it, those promises became a thing of the past. Overwritten by the history of living story / PvE updates, mini-games, PvE prizes and whatnot else that had absolutely nothing to do with PvP in their “PvP oriented trash … erh, I mean, game*”.
Edit: I just had to throw this in there. Ahem … 5,000 viewers at PAX!! … ESPORTS, WOO!!!!
(edited by Jesiah.2457)
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