Why play hot join?
Randomized teams, join times are still (negligibly) faster
Easy glory.
A 4v5/ 6v8 can actually repair itself by new people joining in.
playing new classes as well cause i’m pretty sure you don’t want your first time to go badly in tournaments. also @ ensoriki, I’m using tripwire as well lol but stupid ranger pets keep triggering it.
playing new classes as well cause i’m pretty sure you don’t want your first time to go badly in tournaments. also @ ensoriki, I’m using tripwire as well lol but stupid ranger pets keep triggering it.
Every freaking time I swear.
That and illusions.
Mad fun when it triggers though.
HJ is just generally more forgiving than tournaments in all forms.
First off, it is not a solo Q. It is a join solo button, you can still get matched up with premades. its no different than selecting the hold roster button and submitting as just yourself.
SEcondly, if youve only got a few minutes. Or like, if your bad and want bad competition. Or i suppose if u enjoy them-though i dont see how.
Hot-joins are quick, easy to join, and fun (IMO). They don’t require super serious play, whereas people seem way too serious in solo queue tourneys and it drains all the fun out.
You can play a new professions or try out new builds to see if they work. Also, you can just leave if your team is getting stomped because its a 4v5 and hot-join another match.
For me, it is all about quick and fun PvP for an hour or two after a long day of work.
hot joins are still good when you want to do those 5-10 matches to practice with a totally new class
but after that, I don’t see the real point in them.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius