Why play pvp?

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Uriel.6310


You either are matched with stacking burn guardians or eles with celestial stats. Its every match. Heres to another 3 years of unbalance.

GW2 was never made to be more innovative than other MMOs, it was made to be different than GW1.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

It’s a lot more fun playing against Guardians when you get to send all 14+ stacks of burning back at them.

Alright meow, where were we?

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: rchu.8945


no legendary armor in sPvP, why play?

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Dunno what you’re on about OP.

Eles are underpowered.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Uriel.6310


Dunno what you’re on about OP.

Eles are underpowered.

/laugh out loud.

GW2 was never made to be more innovative than other MMOs, it was made to be different than GW1.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: GrandHaven.1052


no legendary armor in sPvP, why play?

kitten it! I would have been fine not considering this! YOU JUST MADE ME WANT IT!

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


arent that adding it after expac?

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: bbennett.7463



Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It’s always the same, people fail to adapt their playstyle and start blaming the flavor of the month class. Guardian can do more damage and is less squishy on a Marauder amulet than an ele on celestial. Mesmers are doing 16k spikes from stealth and people still complain about an ele bunkering down. It’s not like the ele has a choice.

For every build there is a counter, and an ele is anything but difficult to kill if you bothered to learn the class weakness.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

It’s always the same, people fail to adapt their playstyle and start blaming the flavor of the month class. Guardian can do more damage and is less squishy on a Marauder amulet than an ele on celestial. Mesmers are doing 16k spikes from stealth and people still complain about an ele bunkering down. It’s not like the ele has a choice.

For every build there is a counter, and an ele is anything but difficult to kill if you bothered to learn the class weakness.

And what is this counter? Thief + Mes Moa combo from stealth?

Alright meow, where were we?

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


It’s always the same, people fail to adapt their playstyle and start blaming the flavor of the month class. Guardian can do more damage and is less squishy on a Marauder amulet than an ele on celestial. Mesmers are doing 16k spikes from stealth and people still complain about an ele bunkering down. It’s not like the ele has a choice.

For every build there is a counter, and an ele is anything but difficult to kill if you bothered to learn the class weakness.

Ah yes counters mmm if only boon hate was more common.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Uriel.6310


It’s always the same, people fail to adapt their playstyle and start blaming the flavor of the month class. Guardian can do more damage and is less squishy on a Marauder amulet than an ele on celestial. Mesmers are doing 16k spikes from stealth and people still complain about an ele bunkering down. It’s not like the ele has a choice.

For every build there is a counter, and an ele is anything but difficult to kill if you bothered to learn the class weakness.

And what is this counter? Thief + Mes Moa combo from stealth?

I have been playing this game since launch, I know how to adapt just well, but in all my 3 years of playing, never have I seen so much cheesy builds such as cele ele or those taking advantage of fire stacking builds.

It’s so easy to slip into a thread and say, L2P noob, or Learn to condi cleanse, yet I challenge anyone with that mind set to do that with 2+ eles on a team or 2+ fire condi guardians focusing you in a team fight. Sure.. go ahead and use your 1 or 2 condi cleanses which are probably on long cool downs (especially if you play necro -_-) but do prepare to burn like a piece of bacon right after.

GW2 was never made to be more innovative than other MMOs, it was made to be different than GW1.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348


It’s so easy to counter burn guards. Please L2P, it really is a L2P issue when people complain about burn guards or engies.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i play sPvP because i enjoy wiping my boots in the face of my opponents.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

i play sPvP because i enjoy wiping my boots in the face of my opponents.

I like to say nice things to people I kill.

Alright meow, where were we?

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Cloudus.8042


PvP is an unbalanced mess where teams group together & zerg for single points.

The real question is; Is it your team doing the zerging or theirs?

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Khalisto.5780


you have the option to play the auto attack spam content in pve, or play the number game in wvw, that’s why you pvp

Love roaming builds and non meta silly builds.
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


It’s so easy to counter burn guards. Please L2P, it really is a L2P issue when people complain about burn guards or engies.

d/d ele op, Inc guard nerf on next balance patch!.. and tooltips fixes. :P

@OP u play pvp if u like it….. or if want to test and learn few builds to counter it.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


14 burning stacks are lame, buff burning at least to 25 minimum. We want faster deaths.

And buff cele ele and mesmers.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348


It’s so easy to counter burn guards. Please L2P, it really is a L2P issue when people complain about burn guards or engies.

d/d ele op, Inc guard nerf on next balance patch!.. and tooltips fixes. :P

@OP u play pvp if u like it….. or if want to test and learn few builds to counter it.

I actually like burn guards. They balance the game in a way and keep me on my toes when I dont trait/equip cleanses. Hope they dont get nerfed due to people complaining about them. Warriors, necros, earth dd eles and other condi builds counter burn guards.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

You either are matched with stacking burn guardians or eles with celestial stats. Its every match. Heres to another 3 years of unbalance.

playing when these classes are overpowered prepares you for a sea of stomps when the balance shifts to favor your class.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


PvP is an unbalanced mess where teams group together & zerg for single points.

The real question is; Is it your team doing the zerging or theirs?

If a team is Zerging then rotate around them… don’t meet them head on. If it’s a Zerg and you die, regroup back (that doesn’t mean go out one at a time) to that area as the Zerg will likely be else where.

It’s no wonder people think this game is unbalanced… people don’t understand the very class that they play and they have 0 map awareness.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Uriel.6310


It’s so easy to counter burn guards. Please L2P, it really is a L2P issue when people complain about burn guards or engies.

d/d ele op, Inc guard nerf on next balance patch!.. and tooltips fixes. :P

@OP u play pvp if u like it….. or if want to test and learn few builds to counter it.

I actually like burn guards. They balance the game in a way and keep me on my toes when I dont trait/equip cleanses. Hope they dont get nerfed due to people complaining about them. Warriors, necros, earth dd eles and other condi builds counter burn guards.

Here is whats wrong with your little philosophy, apparently your a pvp god suggesting to me to L2P, but I will take the benefit of the doubt and say your just a daily forum troll.. but riddle me this, when you have 3 or more eles OR burn guards on the opposite team please share with me how you continue to keep cleanse of these conditions after using 1 or 2 of your ONLY condi cleanses? Not to mention on other possible condi classes that are probably in the same game.

I’ll answer that for you, you dont… you burn and die.

In a 1v1 situation, sure… I know exactly how to time my condi clears and reverse them back. And if they only have one or 2 people on the other team its not as bad.

Maybe your a warrior, they dont even know what condis are.. or maybe your a bunker guard, who kills those these days? But for those who dont have a abundance of condi cleanse or Boon love, burn damage is broken.

GW2 was never made to be more innovative than other MMOs, it was made to be different than GW1.

(edited by Uriel.6310)

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Uriel.6310


PvP is an unbalanced mess where teams group together & zerg for single points.

The real question is; Is it your team doing the zerging or theirs?

If a team is Zerging then rotate around them… don’t meet them head on. If it’s a Zerg and you die, regroup back (that doesn’t mean go out one at a time) to that area as the Zerg will likely be else where.

It’s no wonder people think this game is unbalanced… people don’t understand the very class that they play and they have 0 map awareness.

Its true, some classes in this game are unbalanced, thats not a false fact.. take a look at cele ele and those taking advantage of broken runes to the point ESL has to put a restriction on classes.

Also, what makes PVP unenjoyable to many right now is the fact that you can have a whole premade go up against your team of randoms. You can do exactly what you just said and still get stomped because the opposite team can communicate or respond quicker to that strategy when facing pugs. Even if its just a premade of 3 people, the other team is in a huge disadvantage because once again, communication and timing. Not sure if that can be helped though, I just accept it and move on.

GW2 was never made to be more innovative than other MMOs, it was made to be different than GW1.

(edited by Uriel.6310)

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


It’s so easy to counter burn guards. Please L2P, it really is a L2P issue when people complain about burn guards or engies.

d/d ele op, Inc guard nerf on next balance patch!.. and tooltips fixes. :P

@OP u play pvp if u like it….. or if want to test and learn few builds to counter it.

I actually like burn guards. They balance the game in a way and keep me on my toes when I dont trait/equip cleanses. Hope they dont get nerfed due to people complaining about them. Warriors, necros, earth dd eles and other condi builds counter burn guards.

Here is whats wrong with your little philosophy, apparently your a pvp god suggesting to me to L2P, but I will take the benefit of the doubt and say your just a daily forum troll.. but riddle me this, when you have 3 or more eles OR burn guards on the opposite team please share with me how you continue to keep cleanse of these conditions after using 1 or 2 of your ONLY condi cleanses? Not to mention on other possible condi classes that are probably in the same game.

I’ll answer that for you, you dont… you burn and die.

In a 1v1 situation, sure… I know exactly how to time my condi clears and reverse them back. And if they only have one or 2 people on the other team its not as bad.

If it’s a full condi guard team, you should know not to stack up. Permeating Wrath is the reason guards excel in groups. If they’re not using permeating wrath, you only have to worry about cleansing Purging Flames (easy animation) and Judges Intervention. Don’t get caught in WW while you’re in PF. Oh, and jump/dodge when you see Zealots Fire.

The only class that have issues with condi in general are Engi’s, Thieves (shouldn’t be in a team fight anyways) and maayybee Mesmers if we get the drop on them. Even then.. it’s a guard team for crying out loud… out rotate the kitten out of them. You’ll also be able to kite and outsustain them.

I see SO many people QQ about 15 burn stacks when they were the ones who ate my WW in PF!! They have no idea how the class is played… It really is a l2p issue for a lot of people.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


It’s so easy to counter burn guards. Please L2P, it really is a L2P issue when people complain about burn guards or engies.

d/d ele op, Inc guard nerf on next balance patch!.. and tooltips fixes. :P

@OP u play pvp if u like it….. or if want to test and learn few builds to counter it.

I actually like burn guards. They balance the game in a way and keep me on my toes when I dont trait/equip cleanses. Hope they dont get nerfed due to people complaining about them. Warriors, necros, earth dd eles and other condi builds counter burn guards.

Here is whats wrong with your little philosophy, apparently your a pvp god suggesting to me to L2P, but I will take the benefit of the doubt and say your just a daily forum troll.. but riddle me this, when you have 3 or more eles OR burn guards on the opposite team please share with me how you continue to keep cleanse of these conditions after using 1 or 2 of your ONLY condi cleanses? Not to mention on other possible condi classes that are probably in the same game.

I’ll answer that for you, you dont… you burn and die.

In a 1v1 situation, sure… I know exactly how to time my condi clears and reverse them back. And if they only have one or 2 people on the other team its not as bad.

If it’s a full condi guard team, you should know not to stack up. Permeating Wrath is the reason guards excel in groups. If they’re not using permeating wrath, you only have to worry about cleansing Purging Flames (easy animation) and Judges Intervention. Don’t get caught in WW while you’re in PF. Oh, and jump/dodge when you see Zealots Fire.

The only class that have issues with condi in general are Engi’s, Thieves (shouldn’t be in a team fight anyways) and maayybee Mesmers if we get the drop on them. Even then.. it’s a guard team for crying out loud… out rotate the kitten out of them. You’ll also be able to kite and outsustain them.

I see SO many people QQ about 15 burn stacks when they were the ones who ate my WW in PF!! They have no idea how the class is played… It really is a l2p issue for a lot of people.

L2P issue true, but it doesn’t change the fact that both ele and guardian take no skill no matter how you build em in a way that is “viable.”

It’s like saying PU mesmer is fun to go against, which it isn’t.

Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Uriel.6310


It’s so easy to counter burn guards. Please L2P, it really is a L2P issue when people complain about burn guards or engies.

d/d ele op, Inc guard nerf on next balance patch!.. and tooltips fixes. :P

@OP u play pvp if u like it….. or if want to test and learn few builds to counter it.

I actually like burn guards. They balance the game in a way and keep me on my toes when I dont trait/equip cleanses. Hope they dont get nerfed due to people complaining about them. Warriors, necros, earth dd eles and other condi builds counter burn guards.

Here is whats wrong with your little philosophy, apparently your a pvp god suggesting to me to L2P, but I will take the benefit of the doubt and say your just a daily forum troll.. but riddle me this, when you have 3 or more eles OR burn guards on the opposite team please share with me how you continue to keep cleanse of these conditions after using 1 or 2 of your ONLY condi cleanses? Not to mention on other possible condi classes that are probably in the same game.

I’ll answer that for you, you dont… you burn and die.

In a 1v1 situation, sure… I know exactly how to time my condi clears and reverse them back. And if they only have one or 2 people on the other team its not as bad.

If it’s a full condi guard team, you should know not to stack up. Permeating Wrath is the reason guards excel in groups. If they’re not using permeating wrath, you only have to worry about cleansing Purging Flames (easy animation) and Judges Intervention. Don’t get caught in WW while you’re in PF. Oh, and jump/dodge when you see Zealots Fire.

The only class that have issues with condi in general are Engi’s, Thieves (shouldn’t be in a team fight anyways) and maayybee Mesmers if we get the drop on them. Even then.. it’s a guard team for crying out loud… out rotate the kitten out of them. You’ll also be able to kite and outsustain them.

I see SO many people QQ about 15 burn stacks when they were the ones who ate my WW in PF!! They have no idea how the class is played… It really is a l2p issue for a lot of people.

True enough, some do not know how to play against it. I hopped on my guard and faced this engi in a 1v1 situation on point to which that went into tornado trying to keep me off but little did he know he was sitting in my purging flames as he moved back and forth, and I was cheesing all over as he died from my burning stacks.

I didnt even have to engage on him, I just watch him move around in it and he died lol.

Some of it is L2P issues, but what im getting at is that having more than two people who apply it is not fun and it begins to show how broken the damage it puts out is. Im not even targeting just guardians, im also considering Eles or engis who have access to it also. When you have a team focus firing you, all you can do is take it as your being immobilized, burned and stunned. At the end of the day burning is going to get toned down.

GW2 was never made to be more innovative than other MMOs, it was made to be different than GW1.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Burn guardian is so over-hyped.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348


Burn guards are easy to crush and I’d hate to see the build get nerfed bcoz ppl complain instead of learning how to counter them.

Burn guards are not eles. They don’t stack as well.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Do what I do: When a class is overpowered, spam ranked with it and get your almost literal freelo title. I got Champion Illusionist on Mesmer respec and Champion Phantom on Dhuumfire, also have Champion Shadow because Thief is just so fun. Going to get Paragon and Magus just running burn builds, probably Genius too….

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I think burn guards are balanced. Eles are not. Maybe staff ele in PvP is somewhat ok, but DD is a joke.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Uriel.6310


I do not have an issue with the guardian class, fine, allow them to have a condi build built around fire… but considering how much burn damage does compared to other conditions.. broken.

GW2 was never made to be more innovative than other MMOs, it was made to be different than GW1.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I do not have an issue with the guardian class, fine, allow them to have a condi build built around fire… but considering how much burn damage does compared to other conditions.. broken.

Even on gw1 fire had more degen than other condis, that is fine if i recal other condis were hald fire degen, was 8 ticks degen, that would make any player that had condis on him go from “i think ill be ok, but i will be need help” to “panic”, if stacked with other condis ofc.

if i recall the only skill with more degen than fire was life transfer with a -12 aoe degen.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


It’s always the same, people fail to adapt their playstyle and start blaming the flavor of the month class. Guardian can do more damage and is less squishy on a Marauder amulet than an ele on celestial. Mesmers are doing 16k spikes from stealth and people still complain about an ele bunkering down. It’s not like the ele has a choice.

For every build there is a counter, and an ele is anything but difficult to kill if you bothered to learn the class weakness.

yeah true…celestial d/d dies pretty fast 1v3

learn to 3v1 eles you noobs

those ppl on forum are just embarrassing….

Ark 2nd Account

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


You either are matched with stacking burn guardians or eles with celestial stats. Its every match. Heres to another 3 years of unbalance.

playing when these classes are overpowered prepares you for a sea of stomps when the balance shifts to favor your class.

is gonna be fun indeed…but this is taking way too much…

Ark 2nd Account

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


You either are matched with stacking burn guardians or eles with celestial stats. Its every match. Heres to another 3 years of unbalance.

playing when these classes are overpowered prepares you for a sea of stomps when the balance shifts to favor your class.

is gonna be fun indeed…but this is taking way too much…

The changes might not be that different from what we have now.

Expect 4-6 months after HoT, meanwhile in that time, WVW tourney season, pvp tourney, then they will shift meta(as in most efficient class) to another class.
Ah, and they will nerf guardian shield, since not all guardians using meditations gs build.

lets just wait who will be the lucky ones.


1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


The changes might not be that different from what we have now.

Expect 4-6 months after HoT, meanwhile in that time, WVW tourney season, pvp tourney, then they will shift meta(as in most efficient class) to another class.
Ah, and they will nerf guardian shield, since not all guardians using meditations gs build.

lets just wait who will be the lucky ones.


Ele buff is a must.
It’s embarrassing how underpowered Elementalist class is.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


You either are matched with stacking burn guardians or eles with celestial stats. Its every match. Heres to another 3 years of unbalance.

And you all thought Turret Engi was bad for the mode
I PvP for fast dailies only. Otherwise, not much use or reason to play.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Good Tofu.9376

Good Tofu.9376

I’d rather think of GW2 PvP as a casual, “once-in-a-while-for-fun” type of thing.

For real 5 man PvP, Dota 2 blows GW2 away in every aspect.

GW2, or any MMO for the matter, will never be on a pure e-sport game’s level of competitive balance.

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Constantin.5608


It’s a lot more fun playing against Guardians when you get to send all 14+ stacks of burning back at them.

Yusss !!! >:D I love doing that !

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Right now pvp is where the build with the most invulnerabilities or any sort of cooldown grinding strategy like stealth wins.

When cheap = reliable

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


1. ele fire trait line needs some massive nerfing
2. burning base numbers need to be adjusted#
3. i think it is funny how people cry that there is no reason to pvp…. back in my days (lol) pvpers wouldn’t get crap besides some dyes… rewards tracks, gold, tomes didn’t exist…. back then people who did pvp did it for fun/challenge

also, leagues bring new rewards too…. if normal pvp is not rewarding enough for you, do tourneys…. builds are too broken and Anet as usuall ignores issues? play those builds duhh (if you want to win that is)

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

1. ele fire trait line needs some massive nerfing
2. burning base numbers need to be adjusted#
3. i think it is funny how people cry that there is no reason to pvp…. back in my days (lol) pvpers wouldn’t get crap besides some dyes… rewards tracks, gold, tomes didn’t exist…. back then people who did pvp did it for fun/challenge

also, leagues bring new rewards too…. if normal pvp is not rewarding enough for you, do tourneys…. builds are too broken and Anet as usuall ignores issues? play those builds duhh (if you want to win that is)

Talking like that I suggest your Daredevil use a cane as a staff skin :P

Alright meow, where were we?

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


1. ele fire trait line needs some massive nerfing
2. burning base numbers need to be adjusted#
3. i think it is funny how people cry that there is no reason to pvp…. back in my days (lol) pvpers wouldn’t get crap besides some dyes… rewards tracks, gold, tomes didn’t exist…. back then people who did pvp did it for fun/challenge

also, leagues bring new rewards too…. if normal pvp is not rewarding enough for you, do tourneys…. builds are too broken and Anet as usuall ignores issues? play those builds duhh (if you want to win that is)

Talking like that I suggest your Daredevil use a cane as a staff skin :P

i highly doubt i would play staff or dd build for that matter…. but yeah i would totally make old guy with cane if i could xD

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

1. ele fire trait line needs some massive nerfing
2. burning base numbers need to be adjusted#
3. i think it is funny how people cry that there is no reason to pvp…. back in my days (lol) pvpers wouldn’t get crap besides some dyes… rewards tracks, gold, tomes didn’t exist…. back then people who did pvp did it for fun/challenge

also, leagues bring new rewards too…. if normal pvp is not rewarding enough for you, do tourneys…. builds are too broken and Anet as usuall ignores issues? play those builds duhh (if you want to win that is)

Talking like that I suggest your Daredevil use a cane as a staff skin :P

i highly doubt i would play staff or dd build for that matter…. but yeah i would totally make old guy with cane if i could xD

I would probably giggle every time you get crippled.

Alright meow, where were we?

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Don’t worry it’ll only take them 6months minimum as usual to balance it.