Why ranked is no fun at all

Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


So solo queue is obviously bad. You queue up by yourself and vs a full premade.

But that is only the half of it.

Actually forming a premade is just as stupid. You form a team of 4 or 5 players vs a bunch of solo queue’rs and you’re just dominating. At least that’s the way I see it lol.

Where’s the fun in any of it? For either side? Where’s the challenge?

Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435

Well the idea in premades is to hopefully fight a group that can stand a chance. Communicating with allies is fun. But yea, premade and solo queue should be separated.


Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: dday.9532


Get higher mmr and you won’t vs soloqers when you queue with a premade

Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Played against radioactive 7 times in a row today. Am I espurts yet?

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: Susulemon.3204


in DoTa only premades get matches up with premades, see why?

Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Get higher mmr and you won’t vs soloqers when you queue with a premade

You don’t know how the matmatching works. A higher MMR does not prevent you from facing solo q.

Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


There are simply not that many solo Q’ers after the last patch.

I used to play for hours before the patch, now I’m mostly meh about it. I have to pass so many condi-heavy builds so I just pick a target that can give me an interesting fight and completely ignore the score … if I play at all.

PvP has simply lost its charm for me. Passive damage is way too much and I don’t mean fire/air procs.

As such I avoid it. I assume many other people agree with me.

I can’t even bring myself to watch the ESL finals anymore. Games are so boring to watch AoE, AoE, AoE … shoutcasters exaggerating whatever happens on the map (that’s their job after all, so no issues there), condi spam.

I am not LoL player, i have never touched LoL, but I watch that on Twitch. Fights are interesting …. There are no 8k burn ticks.