(edited by Jelzouki.4128)
Why separate queue's will not work
Mixed ques is really just a band-aid to a larger problem where sPvP IS DEAD.
Separate ques will work if sPvP was alive, which is OBVIOUSLY not and is a much bigger problem.
All you’re doing is really asking for more band-aids to be honest, really uninnovative suggestions. Like templates won’t bring sPvP to life, all it will do is make it a little convenient but that’s it.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
Forcing people to play something they do not want won’t make the pvp population higher.
Best would be to make separate queues and improvements in general so the population rises and endure the time period before it does.
If you force something on people, they might as well just quit.
i’ve said this before about adding new game modes, ie arenas to their own queue
some don’t want to separate queues, because it could split an already small pvp player base into two smaller groups. also, there are complaints that it would screw up balancing the current conquest setup.
1. just implement it, don’t worry about balance, let people play what they want to play.
2. if people like it, it could bring in more players – which is what everyone would like. the top players are going to play where more players are
2.1 could have more (new) top players, the top deathmatch, top conquest, etc
3. if everyone moves to it and it becomes more popular than conquest , then maybe conquest was the wrong system to be the primary focus of pvp.
4. profit
Separate queues are definitely needed, just not in the way that OP mentions.
Queue 1: Solo queue
Queue 2: Team queue
Not everyone should be allowed to post on these forums. First of all, the whole point of adding a new game mode is to attract new players that weren’t that into conquest. That being said, a LOT of players found it extremely complicated with a steep learning curve and just backed off. Putting Stronghold in a separate que will solve this. That’s the whole point, to make a game mode that is easier to get into and more fun in general. Mixing it up with a game mode that requires a LOT of knowledge and rotating skills will only turn players away. Also, the queue times are just silly baseless speculations. PvP is being less and less played (been playing pvp only for almost 3 years now) and I still have no problems with queues – average wait time is 2-5mins. Separating queues might result in longer queues by logic but it will be in shadows of the hype caused by the ENTIRE expansion filled with overhauls and balance changes and tons of new options (elite specs, new weps etc).
GW1 had different queues for each mode packed in it. RA had it’s own outpost, TA (before shut-down), HA, HB, GVG. You pick a mode by flavor and not by RNG.
That being said, a LOT of players found it extremely complicated with a steep learning curve and just backed off. Putting Stronghold in a separate que will solve this. That’s the whole point, to make a game mode that is easier to get into and more fun in general. Mixing it up with a game mode that requires a LOT of knowledge and rotating skills will only turn players away.
This is the fear. This is the problem with the same queue.
There are going to be people who want to play Stronghold but simply will not play conquest. Conquest is much harder to understand. And you almost have to be good at 1v1.
SH players are either going to AFK when they get a Conquest game. Or they’re going to log out. Or they’re going to run around not knowing what to do. And finally they’re just going to give up and quit.
And the people who do want to play conquest are going to be hurt by that as well. You think the QQ about people being not knowing how to play properly is bad now? Just wait until all those people who were queuing for SH get a Conquest match.
I am really looking forward to SH. But if I start getting Conquest matches even 1 out of 5 or 6 times, I’m not going to bother.
That being said, a LOT of players found it extremely complicated with a steep learning curve and just backed off. Putting Stronghold in a separate que will solve this. That’s the whole point, to make a game mode that is easier to get into and more fun in general. Mixing it up with a game mode that requires a LOT of knowledge and rotating skills will only turn players away.
This is the fear. This is the problem with the same queue.
There are going to be people who want to play Stronghold but simply will not play conquest. Conquest is much harder to understand. And you almost have to be good at 1v1.
SH players are either going to AFK when they get a Conquest game. Or they’re going to log out. Or they’re going to run around not knowing what to do. And finally they’re just going to give up and quit.
And the people who do want to play conquest are going to be hurt by that as well. You think the QQ about people being not knowing how to play properly is bad now? Just wait until all those people who were queuing for SH get a Conquest match.
I am really looking forward to SH. But if I start getting Conquest matches even 1 out of 5 or 6 times, I’m not going to bother.
I LOVE conquest and I’m really good in it, I understand and practice all variations of rotating and splitting, manipulating the map and stuff but I do NOT want a mixed queue. I want to log in and say – Hey, I feel like storming a castle and rushing that Lord like I did in GW1, or I want to say – I wanna do conquest now, it’s still that thing that made me rush for almost 3 years – and guess what, I wanna be able to play that! And that’s just common sense, no one can blame me for wanting to play what I feel like playing! Let’s just wrap everything up in one queue along with WvW and PvE then and I might get CoF or Legacy in the same batch…
unranked should be solo and ranked team
premades vs pugs = cheating