Why so much Skyhammer hate?
Everyone to his taste. I don`t like it either. When I get it , bye bye , leaving and get another map.
How about providing Stability Power-Ups on the map that become available to channel-grab for the team?
That and less glass flooring.
How about providing Stability Power-Ups on the map that become available to channel-grab for the team?
This! :P That’s one of the best suggestions I’ve read for Skyhammer.
How about providing Stability Power-Ups on the map that become available to channel-grab for the team?
That and less glass flooring.
Or a 2-3 sec stability buff upon first entering the cannon room. Probably have that on a 60 sec CD too to avoid going in and out for perma stability would be a good idea too.
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows
I hate this map because I want to play a game, not an antigame. I do not want to spec on a build based on CC, or to kill players with one ability by throwing them down. There is no fun in CC, I hate CC and this is my personal opinion.
Yes, the map is fun, especialy for kids who love CC and disabling control of other characters; this is not a map for competition, with teamwork, tactics, and numbers. It forces me to play something I do not want to play. It forces me to have lots and lots of stability, and to CC others down to worms as soon as possible.
I do not want to destroy other people game with one shot just because I can. I personally want to think my build acording to my gamestyle and my fun, not for some map with glass, or because other professions have lots of CC. I like to play a game (for my fun) not an antigame (for others to get angry).
I like the new map. It’s very different from all the other maps, which is a breath of fresh air as the other maps were getting old. I have been cced off and cced other people off too, its pretty funny. But ive also had plenty of normal fights where neither were cced off.
In all honesty, I feel I have played this map enough to say it was a waste of resources.
It is incredibly frustrating to play. Unrewarding to committed and skilled players, it promotes cheese builds / teams.
There are much more pressing matters to implement in SPvP than new maps, which have to be banned from tournaments because they are based gimmicks, anyways.
It seems impossible to me that the SPvP developers we have come to know through SOTGs thought this map would fit their gametype. It is not Conquest, it’s Super Smash Bros gone wrong.
The layout of the map is its downfall, in my opinion. The cannon room is the most poorly designed feature in SPvP.
It gives vision over the entire map, unlike the trebs in Khylo. Also its entrance, a portal, is such a poor choice. You basically blindly enter a boobytrapped room with cliffs on each end. The sidepoints are impossible to defend. While B is impossible to decapture since it is directly beside the entrance of the cannon…
The entire underground network should be avoided at all costs, since there is nothing down there but glass platforms to fall through.
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute
(edited by Stof.9584)
I’m only popping into this thread to say +infinity for build templates.
3 Professions(Necromancer, Ranger, Mesmer) completely lack the ability to Launch someone and the same 3 Professions also have a small amount of abilities availible that can Push someone, combined with these 3 Professions having less or the same amount of stability availible as the remaining 5 professions, they’re simply not of much use on a map where they’ll be knocked down repeatedly with no actual way of countering it. Due to the massive amounts of Launches / Pushes certain Professions such as Engineers and Warriors also have, these 3 professions have little use on this map.
But then again, I’ll just stand by my opinion that a map where you can oneshot another player simply through crowdcontrolling them is awful.
Necros have fear which is very effective at getting people off ledges, they also have a strong knock back with flesh golem. Ranger has a powerful knock back on a low CD with LB and a 2 sec AOE fear with wolf. Mesmers have an AOE pull on low CD with focus and a knock back on GS.
Do please make sure you know all the classes you’re commenting before doing so. Thanks.
As you were clearly uncapable of comprehending what I wrote I’ll sum it up for you again, and do please make sure you read it thoroughly before you make smug remarks about not knowing the professions.
I made no remarks regarding the mesmer Focus as I was strictly talking about Pushes and Launches here, if that was unclear then I’m sorry you didn’t understand that but having re-read what I wrote, I find it terribly obvious that I were talking strictly about these 2 effects.
As for Launches, I provide you with the full list of skills containing them so you can see for yourself that just as I said here:
3 Professions(Necromancer, Ranger, Mesmer) completely lack the ability to Launch someone
was infact perfectly correct: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Launch
Should you fear to click the link, as it is not on the GW2 forums, I also present you the following list in writing.
*Stomp – Warrior
*Thump – Engineer
* Personal Battering Ram – Engineer
* Overcharged Shot – Engineer
* Booby Trap – Engineer
* Big Ol’ Bomb – Engineer
* Banish – Guardian
* Updraft – Elementalist
* Tornado – Elementalist
* Steal – Thief The stealable Launches are however restricted to PvE
Now onto the Pushes I spoke about, I said the same 3 classes have few pushes in comparison to others, again, I’ll quote myself:
the same 3 Professions also have a small amount of abilities availible that can Push someone
Now keep in mind, I said they have a small amount of pushing abilities, not that they lacked them:
Mesmers have access to 2 – One however is underwater
Necromancers have access to 2 However they’re both acquired from Elite skills
Rangers have access to 2 Which is a valid amount, one of them is however dependant on a counter
Warriors on the other hand have access to 5 _ 3 above water_
Engineers have access to 5 _ Special conditions apply to some_
Thief again, is actually missing out. Access to one push while drowning.
Guardians have 3 1 during downed
Elementalists have 1.
Again I’ll provide you with a full list here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Push
I am well aware of the fearing capabilities of the necromancer and the plethora of pet-skills, well in this case its basically 3.
Tail lash, Terrifying Howl and Brutal Charge.
But again, I were talking about the 2 types of Knockbacks(Push, Launch), not the other effects.
All that aside tho, the cannon is nothing else than a simplified trebuchet from the battle of kyhlo and calling fall damage for something fresh is nothing short of insulting.
3 Professions(Necromancer, Ranger, Mesmer) completely lack the ability to Launch someone and the same 3 Professions also have a small amount of abilities availible that can Push someone, combined with these 3 Professions having less or the same amount of stability availible as the remaining 5 professions, they’re simply not of much use on a map where they’ll be knocked down repeatedly with no actual way of countering it. Due to the massive amounts of Launches / Pushes certain Professions such as Engineers and Warriors also have, these 3 professions have little use on this map.
But then again, I’ll just stand by my opinion that a map where you can oneshot another player simply through crowdcontrolling them is awful.
Necros have fear which is very effective at getting people off ledges, they also have a strong knock back with flesh golem. Ranger has a powerful knock back on a low CD with LB and a 2 sec AOE fear with wolf. Mesmers have an AOE pull on low CD with focus and a knock back on GS.
Do please make sure you know all the classes you’re commenting before doing so. Thanks.
As you were clearly uncapable of comprehending what I wrote I’ll sum it up for you again, and do please make sure you read it thoroughly before you make smug remarks about not knowing the professions.
Thanks.I made no remarks regarding the mesmer Focus as I was strictly talking about Pushes and Launches here, if that was unclear then I’m sorry you didn’t understand that but having re-read what I wrote, I find it terribly obvious that I were talking strictly about these 2 effects.
As for Launches, I provide you with the full list of skills containing them so you can see for yourself that just as I said here:
3 Professions(Necromancer, Ranger, Mesmer) completely lack the ability to Launch someone
was infact perfectly correct: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Launch
Should you fear to click the link, as it is not on the GW2 forums, I also present you the following list in writing.Launches
*Stomp – Warrior
*Thump – Engineer
* Personal Battering Ram – Engineer
* Overcharged Shot – Engineer
* Booby Trap – Engineer
* Big Ol’ Bomb – Engineer
* Banish – Guardian
* Updraft – Elementalist
* Tornado – Elementalist
* Steal – Thief The stealable Launches are however restricted to PvENow onto the Pushes I spoke about, I said the same 3 classes have few pushes in comparison to others, again, I’ll quote myself:
the same 3 Professions also have a small amount of abilities availible that can Push someone
Now keep in mind, I said they have a small amount of pushing abilities, not that they lacked them:
Mesmers have access to 2 – One however is underwater
Necromancers have access to 2 However they’re both acquired from Elite skills
Rangers have access to 2 Which is a valid amount, one of them is however dependant on a counterWarriors on the other hand have access to 5 _ 3 above water_
Engineers have access to 5 _ Special conditions apply to some_
Thief again, is actually missing out. Access to one push while drowning.
Guardians have 3 1 during downed
Elementalists have 1.Again I’ll provide you with a full list here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Push
I am well aware of the fearing capabilities of the necromancer and the plethora of pet-skills, well in this case its basically 3.
Tail lash, Terrifying Howl and Brutal Charge.But again, I were talking about the 2 types of Knockbacks(Push, Launch), not the other effects.
All that aside tho, the cannon is nothing else than a simplified trebuchet from the battle of kyhlo and calling fall damage for something fresh is nothing short of insulting.
Obviously you haven’t played the map very much because pull skills are just as important and push and launch skills on Skyhammer.
You’re not allowed to limit this discussion to push and launch skills when pull skills (scorpion wire, temporal curtain-into the void, etc.) are being used effectively on this map to kill other players.
I had come to hate Skyhammer when I first played it, but when I started playing it more it became a really fun map to play on. I’m really going to miss it if it never goes back into tPvP. Even though I have like no stability skills or really any good knockbacks it was still quite enjoyable deaths and fights!
On top of having too much LOS, one-shot CC mechanics, and an overpowered cannon, the map makes mesmers and minion necromancers completely useless because their pets are immediately one-shot by cannon fire and do terrible in Z-axis situations.
On top of having too much LOS, one-shot CC mechanics, and an overpowered cannon, the map makes mesmers and minion necromancers completely useless because their pets are immediately one-shot by cannon fire and do terrible in Z-axis situations.
Same goes for turrets which should be ideal for this map.
We might aswell create some random mini game BG. Where you have to jump over sandcastles that collapse and jump through hulahoops while people from the opposing team can throw beachballs at you that will knock you down and insta kill you.
While this could be fun as minigame i dont see this as a normal battleground. Same applies to this skyhammer map. The canon and random holes play a huge role (and imo too big of a role) in your succes while playing this map, while the actual pvp is somewhat shoved to the background.
My oppinion is that these unique map features should be complimentary to the standard pvp meta instead of (partially) replacing it.
Whenever i talk to my wow friends i used to brag about how there wasnt a single map i really disliked in GW2. How there wasnt a single map i wanted to leave before the gate opens.
Sadly enough this isnt the case anymore.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Ok, that’s fair! Do you have any suggestions then, to maybe change the map a little to make up for classes that might not be as good at CC?
Someone mentioned making it harder, but not impossible, to knock people off the edge. Would something like that make you feel better about sticking to your class?
This is great feedback, btw. We really appreciate the constructive nature of these threads.
Every class has something. The hardest to play are thieves because they only have pulls and no true stability. However, they have blinds and a skilled thief can do very well at cannon. Everyone else has CC and stability (except engis but they get pulls too). Great map.
Sadly it seems people can’t learn to play. Too many 1 v 1 s and 1 v 2s on maps like Spirit Watch and Skyhammer I guess. RIP the best of the maps. These secondary mechanics really change the games up. No longer can players just focus on holding points and killing players but have to actually fight off point over a cannon or an orb. These are the things that make the game interesting. Hopefully more valuable secondary mechanics can enter the game unlike kyhlo, forest, and foefire.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Ok, that’s fair! Do you have any suggestions then, to maybe change the map a little to make up for classes that might not be as good at CC?
Someone mentioned making it harder, but not impossible, to knock people off the edge. Would something like that make you feel better about sticking to your class?
This is great feedback, btw. We really appreciate the constructive nature of these threads.
Every class has something. The hardest to play are thieves because they only have pulls and no true stability. However, they have blinds and a skilled thief can do very well at cannon. Everyone else has CC and stability (except engis but they get pulls too). Great map.
Sadly it seems people can’t learn to play. Too many 1 v 1 s and 1 v 2s on maps like Spirit Watch and Skyhammer I guess. RIP the best of the maps. These secondary mechanics really change the games up. No longer can players just focus on holding points and killing players but have to actually fight off point over a cannon or an orb. These are the things that make the game interesting. Hopefully more valuable secondary mechanics can enter the game unlike kyhlo, forest, and foefire.
thieves can do well on the map if they bring good enough stealth maintenance (read: dagger offhand), so even though we have no stability whatsoever (unless we rip them from those silly stability spamming guards) and only one big CC (that doesn’t work half the time… seriously ANet, half the time scorpion wire misses for no reason, and when it lands, it has a good chance of failing to pull), we can still do very well on the map. scorpion wire being on such a low CD and so easy to put on any build also helps.
however, it means thieves are the ones taking the biggest risks to get those one-shots, as they need to get close to the edge of the map to get on a glass panel. i don’t really see a big reward requiring a big risk as a problem per se, but it does mean you need to be more careful than most when playing.
We might aswell create some random mini game BG. Where you have to jump over sandcastles that collapse and jump through hulahoops while people from the opposing team can throw beachballs at you that will knock you down and insta kill you.
While this could be fun as minigame i dont see this as a normal battleground. Same applies to this skyhammer map. The canon and random holes play a huge role (and imo too big of a role) in your succes while playing this map, while the actual pvp is somewhat shoved to the background.
My oppinion is that these unique map features should be complimentary to the standard pvp meta instead of (partially) replacing it.
Whenever i talk to my wow friends i used to brag about how there wasnt a single map i really disliked in GW2. How there wasnt a single map i wanted to leave before the gate opens.
Sadly enough this isnt the case anymore.
I totally agree with you. I played WoW and used to think there is no bad map in GW2. If Anet continues promoting CC and one-shot kills, then it will destroy my fun too.
Its best map ever. The most fun, the most dynamic. And cc rarely instagib me, since you know you can mitigrate it with stability, dodges, counter cc …. more often i dodge roll or jump myself into abyss rather than someone cc me into it. Only bad thing i have to say about it is that premades are more stronger vs randoms than any other map. So yeah after they separate those its win/win. Oh yeah and they could make canon dodgable.
And yeah all ppl here that whine thinks they are so pro 1v1, knowing their class blabla. But the true skill beside that is knowing your environment and using it to your advantage (and ofc adapting your build). I also play many classes and cant say any of those doesnt have a role in this map. So yeah, just l2p and cry less.
Please dont remove the best pvp map ever created!
(edited by Emapudapus.1307)
Obviously you haven’t played the map very much because pull skills are just as important and push and launch skills on Skyhammer.
You’re not allowed to limit this discussion to push and launch skills when pull skills (scorpion wire, temporal curtain-into the void, etc.) are being used effectively on this map to kill other players.
If by very much you mean have I spam-queued for it? No, I find it highly unpleasant, I do make sure I play a couple of matches each day tho.
Yes, pulls are also useful, but theres simply not enough of them to actually validify adding them into the equation, should we however do that then it really wouldn’t change anything of what I said before..
However “not allowed” ? Don’t be stupid, I’m fully entitled to focus on the portion of this discussion where I believe the major issue is located.
i just hate this map
seriously with this map they even can put in this dragonball thingie and call it pvp and e-spooooooooooooorts and would be same
anoying i avoid tournament till other map and i even leave hotjoin rotation when this map pops – even capricorn is more fun
You forget the very lower dps of hammer and mace, against 4, 5 or 6 summons hiting, cc, dealing condition, and protecting the foe. All then ready to face the first one that enter in roon.
Hammer warrior can pump a lot of DPS if well used, just its a steady output without the peaks that the greatsword have. In this map I am using my hammer war, and having a lot of fun!
Its best map ever. The most fun, the most dynamic. And cc rarely instagib me, since you know you can mitigrate it with stability, dodges, counter cc …. more often i dodge roll or jump myself into abyss rather than someone cc me into it. Only bad thing i have to say about it is that premades are more stronger vs randoms than any other map. So yeah after they separate those its win/win. Oh yeah and they could make canon dodgable.
And yeah all ppl here that whine thinks they are so pro 1v1, knowing their class blabla. But the true skill beside that is knowing your environment and using it to your advantage (and ofc adapting your build). I also play many classes and cant say any of those doesnt have a role in this map. So yeah, just l2p and cry less.
Please dont remove the best pvp map ever created!
Please almighty pro tell us poor nabs how the kitten dodge an invisible engy/thief with pull/knockback, pls tell us what profession outside guardian and maybe warrior can go through the 8 knockbacks that engy have on their lame CC build..on the smallest area possible.
We don’t need a freaking degree and neither we need the likes of you to tell us how to position ourselves on the map, it’s no rocket science! But professions like engy and necro got kitten load of CC with which they can control a medium/large area at will..so cut the crap boss!
Well, at least the people who considered the map fun can still keep playing it in custom arenas and hotjoins. So you can still keep having fun knocking people down and so on.
Take out the breakable platforms and make the canon do CC instead of pure damage.
for this map I would need following things:
Funtion: double jump and wall jump
Weapon: Instagib Railgun
then i would proboly enjoy it on tpvp.
A poll of 20 people that say they don’t like it many more on here say they do.
Also as for templates, that would go good in pvp in general, of course everyone is going to say they need templates, regardless if its just for skyhammer.
Not sure if it was said here, but you should hide the enemies profession at the start of the game because some people do spec to take advantage of there opponents. You don’t see this too often until you get into 400 on leaderboards.
Keep discussing, but I’m curious: Would having templates alleviate the issue of not wanting to respec for certain maps?
We do see teams shift their comps around for certain maps (and it seems to be very effective), would this not be along the same lines?
Keep the feedback coming, this is great!
Yes, templates are a must for this map. Templates would be huge in general for all maps.
because we’re all tired of cap and hold
In my opinion, the map needs to be rebalanced quite a bit.
1) The cannon needs to be nerfed in some manner. Either lower the damage, the radius, increase the cooldown/cast time, or/and make it dodgeable.
2) The asura gate needs to have a 1-3s cast time where, if you get hit while casting, it stops. This would make it umpteen times harder to use it to run away when you’re close to death.
3) Something needs to be done about how easy it is to knock people off. A little bit more safety gates could go a long way. This would also make the map more newbie friendly.
4) This one I don’t mind that much, but maybe slightly less glass panels in some areas. This would also make the map more newbie friendly.
5) Perhaps some sort of anti-bunker condition (e.g. immune to stability) should be put on the user of the cannon and left on them for a brief period after they get off the cannon.