Why these leaderboards need to be reset.
Leaderboards will have to be reset when Guild Wars 2 Beta is over.
eta 2015
When will Beta start? And Alpha? I hope the Pre-Alpha ends soon.
Yes I agree they should reset the leaderboard.
With these current leaderboards, players (leechers?) who are pampered and carried by their premade are celebrated graciously, but the solo queuers who actually do have to deal with a lot of hardship receive no recognition.
It goes without saying that solo queue is PvP on Hard Mode. Dealing with AFKers, leavers, single digit ranked players, post-patch warriors (lul) on a regular basis is not fun. Carrying your team through that feels awful. But those kind of victories mean a lot. Despite that, solo queuers are not recognized at all by the current leaderboards.
The idea is great, but the implementation is not. When solo queue is eventually separated from team queue, which any sane human being at ArenaNet would do (…right?), leaderboards really need to be reset. Right now the data is very contaminated; player skill is not represented accurately by the current ratings.
I assume the leaderboard will not be reset. My reasoning is quite simple, I believe that there will be a soloq only tournament selection which will eventually separate soloq and teamq. This means all the soloq people on the ladder will not care about teamq rank and vice versa. So basically there is no reason to reset the data as it will become irrelevant to the soloq people once that style is released. I know this is not an ideal situation for many players, but what you are proposing does not help either.
Resetting the ladder will just make the same people go up to the top, there is no reason to do it now because people will continue to make parties and you will still have no team-mates. This will also make ratings a lot more volatile which is bad for all players.
(edited by Taym.8326)
No point in resetting unless they plan on fixing premades vs pugs and afkers/leavers
I agree, come on Anet separate solo queue and premade. Having these 2 is destroying the sPvP side of the game. It’s not fair at all. And make a separate Solo queue and premade LB.
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
They need to put invisible ranking and/or decrease points if people don’t do tournaments for a week or more. It’s embarassing to see people in top 50/100 with only 1 or 2 matches played in a week.
Solo-q and premade-q is something that should have been in place from day one in pvp. The fact this was overlooked shows alot of incompetence and laziness on anet’s part.
And the fact that, despite people complaining about this for months and yet nothings been done kind of proves how high pvp/e-sport is as a priority. The end result either way will be ‘too little too late’ for the pvp community I feel.
But yes I agree, a reset is definitely needed and two seperate leaderboards (one for premades and solo-q) need to be implemented with ‘different’ rating systems.
I agree on the leaderboards and I’m in huge same situation
But if they split solo q and premade, where would groups of 2 or 3 fit in? And if you have a group of 4, how would you ever get that 5th person?
I think they just need to refine the matchmaking system, penalize afk and leavers and put a minimum rank of 10 to enter the match.. I mean I get teamed up with ppl who don’t even know the map or how to play.. They should not be in a tournament
There are some major issues that need to be resolved, before you remove solo queue from team queue.
Mainly, the 10 teams that will actually play in team queue will get bored of playing eachother and it will die.
There is something fundamentally wrong with tpvp right now and I’m not sure what the cause is, but why does everyone want solo queue and have no interest in making a actual team?
It should be more desirable to create a team then solo queue, everyone complains non stop about how good teams have it. Except no one wants to be bothered making/joining a team so they don’t have to deal with it.
Reason there is a solo queue is so that everyone gets to play in pvp without having to find a group.
Original post reasoning is exactly why there’s a solo queue in GW2 in the first place. I also don’t understand how resetting the leaderboard will make GW2 pvp any better? Plus, isn’t there a custom arena where you can lock yourself in your own match?
(edited by SweetPotato.7456)
It should be more desirable to create a team then solo queue, everyone complains non stop about how good teams have it. Except no one wants to be bothered making/joining a team so they don’t have to deal with it.
This is a valid point. The reason is because there is no incentive to create a team. No major tournaments to try hard for. No interesting rewards for doing well as a team. No recognition for all the time, energy and effort it takes to create (and more importantly, maintain) a team. If there was incentive, more teams would be formed.
However, solo queue should still be separated from team queue in order for ratings to be clean and accurate, and provide more useful information pertaining to player skill. Better, more balanced matchmaking would arise from this, too.
There also needs to be rating brackets introduced, so rank 60s aren’t getting paired with rank 2’s by the system.
They definitely need to think about bracketing by glory rank unless you are in a group. Rank does not mean skill but it does mean experience. A lot of stuff does not become second nature until you have repeated it over and over again. I know personally that I am just worlds more comfortable with the pace of tpvp combat and the quick decision making process needed at times at rank 40 then I was at rank five. They should look at keeping people rank 1-20 or so in there own bracket unless they are part of a group that queues. Not sure what that would do to queue times though unfortunately. But would only need 2 brackets. 1-20 and everyone else and if you in group you can play anyone. That would suffice imo without effect queue times too much.
(edited by Kwll.1468)
Have close to 100 games with a 50% record playing mainly soloq… yay for being 41% while my friends who have losing records and only 15 total games are in the top 1000.
We just need a leaderboard of teams instead of individual players.
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Leaderboards will have to be reset when Guild Wars 2 Beta is over.
When it’s ready….pretty much around 2018 or something…