Why was solo queue removed?

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: shimmerless.4560


I started playing the game again recently and apparently the entire solo queue system has been removed. As someone who has little interest in a mixed queue (and I believe many others feel likewise) this is a bit of a bummer for me.

Has there been any stated reason for this? I don’t really understand ArenaNet’s obsession with gutting out game content, but perhaps there was at least a qualification in this case?

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Nobody knows why. Nobody ever asked for it but anet just decided to remove the player bases favourite feature.

Maybe they got told to by their #esports players who wanted more players to farm in team queue? And who didn’t like realising they weren’t gods when they solo queued and got rekt because they didn’t have the support of 4 other good players all in the right places…

That is my theory. Pretty sure I am right.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Because team Q was dying/ dead…. If it weren’t for players solo entering team Q to avoid Skyhammer, the mode would be dead with 5+ minute Queque times.

The update killed solo Q, but it also killed a lot of the appealing casual aspects of hot join, such as the ability to cycle through games until you found one you wanted to play.

So by cannibalizing two game modes, anet was able to reduce Q times.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: SunnyLane.9386


Solo q was the best thing in this game, now i need to fight vs premades even if i don’t want to. They did wrong removing it.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Sebastian.4610


yep solo queue removal was the worst thing ever. Punish 80-90% to please 10-20% of the players. smart.

Id prefer 20 minute queue times then the current system.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ummm i disagree, at the end there i was having to face ostrich eggs, zoose and other top tier solo que players and if they werent on i was waiting for 8 minutes plus. Im sorry i wont play this game again. Being a above averge player i enjoy the challenge of fighting pre-mades as a solo que player.

Also i dont know your guys skill level but as a guy who mostly solo ques or plays with 1 friend. I would have a win rate of over 55% if i played on my best character and didnt goof around with boon removing necros and mesmers. Not to mention im terrible at thief which took forever to get a win in rank que.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I have to say that while its far from perfect the large majority of the times when I queue solo I am facing all solo players or maybe a partial group of 2 on the other side. An easy way to check this is to try to invite to group the people on the other side. I’ve played with against people like Ostrich Eggs and Zoose too when they solo but they are also sometimes on your side as well.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


yep solo queue removal was the worst thing ever. Punish 80-90% to please 10-20% of the players. smart.

Id prefer 20 minute queue times then the current system.

That’s just terribly wrong. Soloq had a MUCH smaller population than teamq, which is why the queues were so long! There were posts on the forum asking for soloq to be removed.

For me, this patch has saved soloq. I now enjoy it, while I never played it before the patch. A quick reminder of what the old soloq was, for the nostalgics here:

  1. Horrible matchmaking: I played against ROM when I was just above rank 50. The games overall were less balanced than they are now, because the population was smaller (a lot of us played solo in teamq).
  2. Skyhammer: Well, you know what I mean.
  3. 4v5 all the time: The patch solved this issue.
  4. Less rewards: It caused even more players to never play soloq.
  5. Idiotic rotations: Most of the serious players had left for teamq, so you spent the whole game banging your face on your keyboard in frustration. Even hotjoin matches where better sometimes.
  6. Queue times: It was awful. In prime time it could add up to 15 minutes. During the night, it was simply ridiculous

Points 2, 3 and 4 definitely belong to the past, but 1, 5 and 6 would still be a huge problem if we were to get soloq back. Granted, there are still a lot of issues with the new system, but I absolutely do not want to get back to that time. And don’t forget that the patch also made things easier for 2-man, 3-man and 4-man teams.

You got it wrong. The patch didn’t try to save teamq. It tried to save soloq from itself.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Obsidia.5127


I had 6345 SoloQ matches and all I can say is that SoloQ even with the 4v5 and Skyhammer problems was still far better than what we have now. I am not only speaking for myself but for many of the decent sPvP players who have been around for a while.

Anyway – I don’t remember anyone really asking for the removal of SoloQ.

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


I think that s because ANET likes to troll players, like the fractal level reset….

(edited by BlueDragon.7054)

Why was solo queue removed?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


No im sorry the problem people are having now is that there not very good and getting crushed by other people. I was yolo queing at the end there cause me and a bunch of people i knew were waiting over 10 minutes a game for solo que. The only reasont hey stayed in solo que was cause they were ranked in the top 100 for solo que.

Lastly solo que had to many heros, average players who talked alot crap and couldnt win the 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 to win a match. As much as people might not like it now but this set up is legit. You play real teams in real matches, if you want a cookie cutter game where your matched up with someone at your exact skill level go play hello kitty adventures. This is pvp, seriously some of you are kwame brown and others are jordans. Some teams are the spurs and guess what there is always gonna be a pug team and there called the knicks. No matter what you do, whether its a real pick game in the streets or in a competitive video game. The odds will never ever be prefect for you to play against a team at your exact level.