Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Med, if you have 3 phantasams up they will kill someone in the downed state in much less than 15 seconds. Throw in some great sword auto attacks from maxed range and gg.

Mesmer is probably the best class at dealing with a 1v2 due to phantasams being able to deal significant damage to the downed player while you focus on the player still alive.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: tarcheg.4872


There are no phantasm after shattering though.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Aspen Tie.5084

Aspen Tie.5084

Just need to keep your illusions up and wait till you get some more health to stomp. I suppose though, by that point he should be dead already without the “F”

Back Door Beauty [MUF]

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Mesmer does not “teleport all around and decoy” They have 1 tele/decoy and it’s plain as day which the real mesmer is.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Irascible.8210


Or just don’t let it get behind you kitten

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.6841


The L2P crowd is becoming a joke.

It is just theorycrafting in made up land where this guy can spend 20 some second setting up a stupid stomp just to survive while no one on this other guys team comes to res him and then 2v1 this chump that is putzing around to get his stomp.

I’m willing to bet that as soon as you put a reasonable salary against your time, almost no one on this forum is going to be generating income off this game. That means people are playing for fun.

I’m sure there are ridiculous ways to counter every ridiculous thing in this game (such as the L2P crowd’s insistence that nothing in this game is broken because you can dodge it!). That doesn’t make something a good mechanic.

The heart of the problem is that there is always a group of players that just find “winning” fun. It doesn’t matter how or why, they just find it fun. The majority of the population isn’t like that and expect more out of a game than simply giving them the “opportunity” to win (by doing ridiculous stuff like playing 20 seconds of wack-a-mole that is stomping thieves or mesmers)

The thief and mesmer downed states are what I would come up with if you asked me to think of a way to grief players in an MMO. (Have them kill someone and then have to run around playing wack-a-mole). That would probably come down second to, have them kill someone, then make them play wack-a-mole while their monitor goes blank (blind IRL!).

Maybe they should make that the new ele downed mode and when everyone complains, we can theory craft more ridiculous ways that you could still win to justify it, (such as the suggestion in this thread, just cast more illusions and predict dodges)

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


I think it’s funny that he totally neglected the fact to show that what really killed him was the unload form the thief that just ran over his corpse.

23 hits from unload.

In other words….mesmer wisely used his abilities to prolong his life for his teammates to show up.

Teammates showed up and kindly finished off his buddies.

Yup, sounds like its working as intended.

I’d say the real point is IRogue doing 6k damage, personally, since this is a downed state discussion, and that seems significantly above any damage anyone else’s downed state can do.

Yes, downed state is imbalanced, and probably a lot more frustration for many of us than it’s worth. Also, real Mesmer spawns second, and has an arrow over their head. Never miss a Mesmer stomp again! That ability is 100% fine. I think Guardians take longer to stomp than Mesmers…

(edited by Animosity.5231)

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


Agree it seems like a mistake that some classes can still dish out 4-digit damage via a minion while they’re already in downed state.

And agreed that ele is too easy to finish. :-p

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: tarcheg.4872


They should tone down every down state to ele niveau so fighting when alive decides who wins and not whoever goes first into a too strong down state.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


So last night I was doing random sPvP on my Mesmer and ran into another Mesmer at some point. It was a pretty clean 1v1 and I was lucky enough to put him in downed state with ~7k HPs left.

I ran up to him to finish him, though obviously he ported away the first time. At this point I was still doing fine, except for the fact that I was slowed and he had ported to a location that would take me a couple of seconds to reach.

I got there with reasonably high health, when suddenly I died to his Illusionary Rogue just before the stomping animation was about to go through.

Thinking about this part, I am sure there are those who will say “fair game, downed state is supposed to work like that” and those who think “losing 7k+ HPs while the other guy is downed is over the top” and I am fine with accepting both as valid opinions.

At this point, however, people probably don’t realize it, I had already lost this battle, simply because I downed the guy first. His Illusionary Rogue was out (downed state #3), while mine obviously wasn’t as I had just entered downed state. This is the part that I doubt anybody could be claiming to be intended.

How can I lose a fight, because I down somebody first. Why would he ever have an advantage over me, because of that. That’s simply irrational:


Well, you didn’t have to stomp him. Stomping carries with it the risk of taking more damage. You could have just attacked him and killed the rogue when he spawned.( you knew it was coming) also, since you did down him first, if you would have done damage you would have an advantage. You weren’t dead when the rogue hit you, you were just down. You could have teleported away from the rogue and killed him, granting you the revive.
Sure, downed state has some problems( eles being the most prominent) but this was entirely your fault and had nothing to do with improper balance.

^simply this.

He could have teleported away just like the guy he downed did and the smokebomb would not have prevented him from doing so as he clearly received 23 hits after the smoke bomb.

Downed states need tweaking but it is not as bad as the OP is making it out to be.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


They should tone down every down state to ele niveau so fighting when alive decides who wins and not whoever goes first into a too strong down state.

Bu then everyone would be whining at how useless their downstate is :*)

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: tarcheg.4872


Reading a thread does not belong to one of your strongest traits I guess?!
The 23 hits were from illusionary unload which were taken during the fight. And the rogue + downed mesmer aa killed the OP in the next 5s – do you really think you, you can kill a rogue (who goes invis after attacking) with your downed auto attack in that time??
edit: down state is not supposed to be as strong as it is atm and needs to be nerfed across the board.

(edited by tarcheg.4872)

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


How can everyone be having all these problems with downed state and dieing to downed people? I don’t ever have these problems.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


Reading a thread does not belong to one of your strongest traits I guess?!
The 23 hits were from illusionary unload which were taken during the fight. And the rogue + downed mesmer aa killed the OP in the next 5s – do you really think you, you can kill a rogue (who goes invis after attacking) with your downed auto attack in that time??
edit: down state is not supposed to be as strong as it is atm and needs to be nerfed across the board.

Maybe it is your reading skills that are lacking.

Especially for you, again :

As i pointed out you could have teleported right at the very moment you went down just like everybody else ,this is not hard to do. It takes seconds before you re-appear and then seconds to get to you and you can cast your own.

maybe he would have still died but the fact remains that he did nothing like this even though the option was available to him. It would hav bought him crucial time in which another team mate would have finished off his opponent or started healing him.

The only difference being here that he himself did not have any illusions up this time, though luck! because if he had and utilized said skills he prob would have won it,maybe not who knows.

It is a situational example ,nothing systematic and someone is crying “unfair” nothing more . I sometimes get lucky like that in a downed state on any of my toons but that is it, lucky.

Now tell me again how we die more after downing someone then we do after being downed ourselves.

(edited by Smackjack.5071)

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


How can everyone be having all these problems with downed state and dieing to downed people? I don’t ever have these problems.

i have no clue tbh.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Lets look at downed state button 1 damage:

Warrior : Damage 122 throw a rock at your target.

Thief: Damage 134 : hits 3 target apply a cripple to all 3.

Ranger: Damage 92 with a 213 bleed

Necro: Damage 69 with a 92 heal component.

Mesmer: Damage 202 with a 5 second confusion (damage 65 on skill use)

Guardian: Damage 73

Engineer : 128 with a 233 bleed +chill+weakness

Elementalist :damage 195 +vulnerability.

I can see the recast time on throw rock is 1/4 of a second…but really?? Compared to everything else? Just wow…

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Droppingloads.3679


Hey can you also show the screenshot of the chat log where you call out for help or if you were at a capture point calling out inc for backup. Of course if your fighting on the roads then your already playing wrong and if you not calling out incs then your playing wrong. This is team pvp and no matter how OP any player of class is the point is to win the match as a team not be a hero alone. If you die and he captures the point and you never call out to your team to get help and not let it be capped, well then you have a lot of learning to do so you can properly do what the point of the match is and help your team win.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


Lets look at downed state button 1 damage:

Warrior : Damage 122 throw a rock at your target.

Thief: Damage 134 : hits 3 target apply a cripple to all 3.

Ranger: Damage 92 with a 213 bleed

Necro: Damage 69 with a 92 heal component.

Mesmer: Damage 202 with a 5 second confusion (damage 65 on skill use)

Guardian: Damage 73

Engineer : 128 with a 233 bleed +chill+weakness

Elementalist :damage 195 +vulnerability.

I can see the recast time on throw rock is 1/4 of a second…but really?? Compared to everything else? Just wow…

Wow. The guardians #1 skill is absolutely abysmal.

Engineer’s #2 skill is undoubtedly the worst of the lot..pull the person trying to kill me… CLOSER.

This MIGHT have some applications in a team fight where you still have allies nearby and you’re trying to peel off a friendly or something, but in a 1v1 fight or any pve this is just mind bogglingly bad.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Division.9618


I don’t know why people are making fun of the engie downed state. It’s actually pretty decent. Yeah it pulls enemies to you but it also interrupts and works well with the 3rd skill which blows enemies away like the guardian downed #2.

But still the downed state is amazingly unbalanced. The difference between the downed state of mesmers and ele is massive. When i down an ele i never have any problem, but when i down a mesmer i KNOW they’re going to teleport away. At least when the thief teleports they appear instantly. When the mesmer teleports there’s usually a 1-2 second wait until they actually show up. They still have their phantasms running around too which is horrible balance.

In fact the whole downed state is annoying. If i just barely beat an enemy i want them to die, or at the very least be helpless. If i’m fighting someone 1v1 and we have a close match, the fight will devolve into two wounded people throwing trash at each other, which is not as hilarious or as fun as it sounds.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


The 3rd skill takes a long time to be ready. The engi #2 interrupts only one person AND pulls them closer to you in the process. The guardian #2 interrupts everyone AND pushes them farther away.

The engi #3 skill should be their #2 skill, basically.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: Division.9618


Yeah i know it’s pretty bad, but it’s not the worst like some people are making it out to be.
Personally from best to worst i think it’s
mesmer > thief > guardian > warrior > engineer > necromancer > ranger > ele

I’m going by how well they can hold people off who are trying to finish them.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: tarcheg.4872


Ranger is actually pretty good since he has an AoE daze on his 2nd which interrupts everyone at least the first time.

Why you have to adjust down state (screen inside)

in PvP

Posted by: BadSantaBoy.9105


In case arena sees this thread: I hate DS more than anyone. Some situations it IS an advantage to die first. It has no place is pvp. And this is just my opinion. Thought I would share.