Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


WTH is this. Some animu tekken?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


WTH is this. Some animu tekken?

Lol, Its called Dragon nest, it uses a skillbar like Gw2, but as you can see the combat is way different.

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


I played that game for a while. The combat system was really fun and engaging, and the classes play a bit differently from each other. They have lots of unique skills that require skill shots because it uses an FPS type of system where your skills are cast on a fixed range and will hit where your cross-hair is targeted. You can lock an enemy by means of comboing unless the target uses evades and such. It’s really all about player skill.

The best class that truly requires player skill IMO was the Majesty. It’s some sort of Dark Mage/Time Mage that requires accuracy and timing to pull off a long combo-chain and it’s a very agile character. Totally fun! But that was in the early stage of the game.

However, like almost all Korean MMOs, there’s the power creep being slowly introduced wherein characters can have ZOMGWTFBBQ one hit shot skills, new classes that rely way too much on AI to win (that class in that game is called Engineer if you wanna try it out), and class imbalances. Ice Witch can perma-chill you until you die a horrible horrible death since chill there functions in a way that it the higher the chills stacks, the slower your character moves until you’re totally frozen in place. It’s awesome on the Ice Witch’s end but really really annoying on the receiving end. However on that second vid, the Ice Witch was a total noob and was owned by that Barbarian.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


I played Dragonest Pvp, it had some ridiculous imbalances especially between certain classes,. if you wanna say gw2 pvp is bad out of spite, then just say up but please dont say Dragonests pvp is any better, do you need a link to their pvp forums? Im sure they will give you a good laugh

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


I played that game for a while. The combat system was really fun and engaging, and the classes play a bit differently from each other. They have lots of unique skills that require skill shots because it uses an FPS type of system where your skills are cast on a fixed range and will hit where your cross-hair is targeted. You can lock an enemy by means of comboing unless the target uses evades and such. It’s really all about player skill.

The best class that truly requires player skill IMO was the Majesty. It’s some sort of Dark Mage/Time Mage that requires accuracy and timing to pull off a long combo-chain and it’s a very agile character. Totally fun! But that was in the early stage of the game.

However, like almost all Korean MMOs, there’s the power creep being slowly introduced wherein characters can have ZOMGWTFBBQ one hit shot skills, new classes that rely way too much on AI to win (that class in that game is called Engineer if you wanna try it out), and class imbalances. Ice Witch can perma-chill you until you die a horrible horrible death since chill there functions in a way that it the higher the chills stacks, the slower your character moves until you’re totally frozen in place. It’s awesome on the Ice Witch’s end but really really annoying on the receiving end. However on that second vid, the Ice Witch was a total noob and was owned by that Barbarian.

First Engineer summons are blacklisted in equalized pvp and even if they werent there health has already been nerfed to such a huge degree that one skill like circle swing would kill all of them except maybe Alfredo. Next the power creep is true but idk what you mean by a one shot skill, I’m not aware of any skills that can one shot a player in equalized pvp or any skills that can one shot a raid boss like sea dragon, green dragon etc in pve. Also if your getting perma chilled by ice witch then your either afk or the ice witch is just more skilled because all her chill atks are dodgeable.

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


First Engineer summons are blacklisted in equalized pvp and even if they werent there health has already been nerfed to such a huge degree that one skill like circle swing would kill all of them except maybe Alfredo. Next the power creep is true but idk what you mean by a one shot skill, I’m not aware of any skills that can one shot a player in equalized pvp or any skills that can one shot a raid boss like sea dragon, green dragon etc in pve. Also if your getting perma chilled by ice witch then your either afk or the ice witch is just more skilled because all her chill atks are dodgeable.

Banning or blacklisting certain skills like Engie and Priest summons, Archer Tracking Arrows, SM Parrying Stance, Ele Ice Shield (the list goes on) in a PVP setup only means that the class balancing in the game is horrendous. So far, I haven’t heard of skills and class banning in GW2 pvp so that must mean GW2 PVP is on a far better spot than DN. Don’t get me wrong, Dragon Nest is a fun game but it also has its issues.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


I played Dragonest Pvp, it had some ridiculous imbalances especially between certain classes,. if you wanna say gw2 pvp is bad out of spite, then just say up but please dont say Dragonests pvp is any better, do you need a link to their pvp forums? Im sure they will give you a good laugh

I think I need to link you to Gw2 forums where people are complaining about being auto atked to death by spirit ranger, 90 percent of players are using bunker condition builds/ fotm builds and begging anet for nerfs. I agree that there are imbalances in Dn but you still need to be able to hold a combo In Dn to kill anyone pro pvp players in equalized pvp.

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: stylehero.4521


Wtf did I just watch? Now I understand why people have epilepsy watching TV in Asia.

Jesus Christ, I almost had one.

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

Lets fighting love !! …. Lets fighting love !!